- 27 Jan, 2000 1 commit
Stewart Brodie authored
Detail: If E2ROMSupport is {FALSE} then the kernel fails to build due to the use a symbols that are only defined if E2ROMSupport is {TRUE}. This is now fixed by stopping the symbols being used where they should not be (NVRAM and RTC related symbols). Admin: Built. Version 5.14. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_14'
- 26 Jan, 2000 4 commits
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 5.13. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_13'
Kevin Bracey authored
POST now uses option from Hdr:Machine.<Machine> to determine whether or not to flash the front panel LEDs (Lazarus doesn't want this function). Version 5.12. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_12'
Ben Avison authored
Changed default PaletteV handler so that read palette reason code returns all four supremacy bits in the palette entries (previously it cleared all except bit 7). This brings it into line with the bulk read reason code. Version 5.11. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_11'
Kevin Bracey authored
Kernel now always assumes that 4K and 8K ATMEL EEPROM devices have their top quarter write protected, even if IOMD_C_EEPROMProtect isn't set. Version 5.10. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_10'
- 20 Jan, 2000 1 commit
Paul Skirrow authored
MACFROMNVRAM is set. This is set in HdrSrc for Customer F machines. Detail: If MACFROMNVRAM is TRUE then OS_ReadSysInfo 4 will read the Ethernet MAC Address from bytes 0-13 of the NVRAM area, instead of trying to read it from anywhere else. (14 bytes are ysed to store 2 copies and 2 checksums). This is intended for use with a 24LC128 device (which has no OTP area and no clock). Note that these are physical addresses within the device. Logical addresses &F0-&FF map to physical addresses &00-&0F. A SetMac utility is provided in Customer F 5 !Boot.Utils to enable the MAC address to be programmed for prototypes and development machines. Since it is dangerous to rely on the NVRAM to hold our MAC address when it is not protected in any way, we store two copies of it, each with their own checksum. At present only the first copy is used, but the plan is to check both copies and both checksums. Admin: This version of the Kernel needs Programmer/HdrSrc v0.68 or later. If MACFROMNVRAM is enabled, ensure that the MACADDRESS tag in the NVRAM file is set to point at &F0 and that MACADDRESSCHECKSUM is set to point at &F6. Both should have options L and P to ensure they are protected from NVRAM resets and other writes. Version 5.09. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_09'
- 01 Dec, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
*Set Sys$Year would scramble the time. It would also fail to internationalise the error generated by *Set Year 20000. Tested on a 32-bit system - changes grafted back on to 26-bit Kernel. Version 5.08. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_08'
- 09 Nov, 1999 1 commit
Stewart Brodie authored
- 02 Nov, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
OS_ReadSysInfo 2 now reports whether the IIC bus is fast (in bit 24 of R2), and whether I/O clocks should be stopped when idling the processor (bit 25). OS_Byte 19 is a bit more careful in its use of Portable_Idle - an edge case where the vsync interrupt was already pending now returns immediately. Version 5.07. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_07'
- 01 Nov, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 5.06. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_06'
- 29 Oct, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Power down A to D convertors on reset. Version 5.05. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_05'
- 26 Oct, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 5.04. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_04'
- 25 Oct, 1999 3 commits
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 5.03. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_03'
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 5.02. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_02'
Kevin Bracey authored
If reassigned, ReadSysInfo3 returns &00x22200 in R0, to indicate that the serial and parallel ports aren't compatible, and IDE and floppy are unavailable. Version 5.01. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_01'
- 19 Oct, 1999 2 commits
Kevin Bracey authored
This has been fixed. In addition, SMC669 and UMC669 chips are reported as a different chip configuration by OS_ReadSysInfo 3 (values 4 and 5 respectively). A few assertions added to catch the remaining cases where the RCMM stuff won't work - those cases will involve a bit more reordering of hardware initialisation. Version 5.00. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_00'
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 4.99. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_99'
- 18 Oct, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Right arrow on a remote also acts as Delete. Version 4.98. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_98'
- 14 Oct, 1999 2 commits
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 4.97. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_97'
Kevin Bracey authored
When screen is blanked, DACs are turned off (60mA saving). If DPMS state 3 comes on, sync lines are set low. Version 4.96. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_96'
- 13 Oct, 1999 2 commits
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 4.95. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_95'
Kevin Bracey authored
Now calls XPortable_Idle, not Portable_Idle in key-wait code. Calls Portable_Idle in OS_Byte 19. Version 4.94. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_94'
- 07 Oct, 1999 2 commits
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 4.93. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_93'
Kevin Bracey authored
Kernel now uses PortManager to set TV_Mode GPIO line, and updates it on every mode change, rather than doing it once based on the monitor lead ID. Requires PortManager, and required if PortManager is present. Version 4.92. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_92'
- 06 Oct, 1999 1 commit
Stewart Brodie authored
Detail: Only the comments have changed - no actual new definitions or changed definitions. Admin: No actual code change, so no new tag. File e-mailed to Pineapple. Version 4.91. Not tagged
- 01 Oct, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 4.91. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_91'
- 29 Sep, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
* Wasn't allowing writes to most of EEPROM. * Old prototype OS_SetTime SWI code removed. * MPEGPoduleNTSCNotPALMask option support removed to simplify things a bit. * Now can cope with a system with a PAL/NTSC link, but no monitor detect line. * Default PAL & NTSC modes now always 12 & 46 respectively. * Kernel now knows about monitor type 8 (NTSC) - modes 44-46 (640x200) are available. * STB/NC CMOS test removed from POST pending further investigation. Version 4.90. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_90'
- 23 Sep, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Added support for ATMEL 4K and 8K EEPROM parts, including write protection of top quarter. Untested. Added support for ARM7500FE IO clock divide by 2. Version 4.89. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_89'
- 20 Sep, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Kernel now sets "interlaced" mode flag itself from mode control parameters; this simplifies the Interlace module's job significantly. Hard font synchronised with International module. Version 4.88. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_88'
- 17 Sep, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 4.87. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_87'
- 16 Sep, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Doesn't force CMOS setting of sync and monitortype on NCs/STBs. Accepts HClockSelect parameter (number 9) in VIDC lists. Uses this to determine whether to use HCLK or not, rather than abusing Service_MonitorLeadTranslation. If DontUseVCO flag is set, then VCLK will not be used - only RCLK (or HCLK if requested). Version 4.86. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_86'
- 24 Aug, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 4.85. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_85'
- 19 Aug, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 4.84. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_84'
- 17 Aug, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 4.83. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_83'
- 10 Aug, 1999 1 commit
Stewart Brodie authored
Detail: Hdr:RISCOS contains some of the most useful constant declarations, including the vector numbers and event numbers. The new improved Hdr2H script is now capable of converting this header file into C too. It exports it as <CExport$Dir>.Global.h.RISCOS. It cannot interfere in existing code as it requires explicit inclusion as #include "Global/RISCOS.h". No actual kernel code changes. Admin: File examined manually and checked for correctness against Hdr:RISCOS. Requires library 0.28 or later (RiscOS/Library Tag: Library-0_28) Version 4.82. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_82'
- 03 Aug, 1999 2 commits
Kevin Bracey authored
Kevin Bracey authored
* Integrated Ursula fast service call dispatch code. * Added Interruptible32bitModes from Ursula. * Stopped allowing ROM modules (other than the Kernel/UtilityModule) to write to the hardware vectors in 26-bit mode. Version 4.81. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_81'
- 04 Jun, 1999 1 commit
Simon Middleton authored
Version 4.80. Not tagged
- 12 May, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Fixed typo in OS_Module 21 code. You wouldn't think you could screw up a mere 12 lines of ARM code would you? Version 4.80. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_80'
- 07 May, 1999 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 4.79. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_79'