VMSAv6 8.3 KB
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; Copyright 2009 Castle Technology Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; > hdr:VMSAv6

; ********************
; *** Changes List ***
; ********************

; 18-Feb-09 JL  Created, using ARM600 as basis.

; Access privilege bits
; These comprise the AP and APX bits, which are luckily always in the same location relative to each other

AP_ROM  *       2_100010        ; user read-only,  svc read-only
AP_None *       2_000001        ; user no access,  svc read/write
AP_Read *       2_000010        ; user read-only,  svc read/write
AP_Full *       2_000011        ; user read/write, svc read/write

L1_APShift *     10        ; value to shift AP_ values by for L1 entry
L2_APShift *     4         ; value to shift AP_ values by for L2 entry

L1_APMult  * 1 :SHL: L1_APShift  ; value to multiply AP_ values by for L1 entry
L2_APMult  * 1 :SHL: L2_APShift  ; value to multiply AP_ values by for L2 entry
L2X_APMult * L2_APMult

L1_AP     *     2_100011 * L1_APMult ; masks for AP fields
L2_AP     *     2_100011 * L2_APMult

L1_DomainShift *   5            ; lowest bit position in L1 entry for domain number

L1_Fault *      4_0             ; translation fault specifier in L1 entry
L1_Page *       4_1             ; coarse page specifier in L1 entry
L1_Section *    4_2             ; section specifier in L1 entry
; supersections not supported ATM

L2_Fault *      4_0             ; translation fault specifier in L2 entry
L2_LargePage *  4_1             ; large page specifier in L2 entry
L2_SmallPage *  4_2             ; (extended) small page specifier in L2 entry
L2_ExtPage   *  L2_SmallPage

L1_TEXShift *   12
L1_TEX  *       2_111 :SHL: 12  ; Type Extension bits
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
L1_C    *       1 :SHL: 3       ; cacheable
L1_B    *       1 :SHL: 2       ; bufferable
L1_nG   *       1 :SHL: 17      ; 1=entry associated with ASID, 0=global
L1_XN   *       1 :SHL: 4       ; eXecute Never
L1_X    *       1 :SHL: 12      ; XScale - modifies meaning of C and B bits (is TEX bit 0)

L2L_TEXShift *  12              ; For large pages
L2_TEXShift *   6               ; For extended small pages
64 65
L2L_TEX *       2_111 :SHL: 12  ; Type Extension bits (large pages)
L2_TEX  *       2_111 :SHL: 6   ; Type Extension bits (tiny and extended pages)
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
L2_C    *       1 :SHL: 3       ; cacheable  bit in level 2 entry
L2_B    *       1 :SHL: 2       ; bufferable --------""----------
L2_nG   *       1 :SHL: 11      ; 1=entry associated with ASID, 0=global
L2L_XN  *       1 :SHL: 15      ; eXecute Never for large pages
L2_XN   *       1               ; eXecute Never for extended small pages
L2L_X   *       1 :SHL: 12      ; XScale - modifies meaning of C and B bits (large pages) (is TEX bit 0)
L2_X    *       1 :SHL: 6       ; XScale - modifies meaning of C and B bits (tiny and extended pages) (is TEX bit 0)

; CP15 control register bits
; Retaining MMUC_* naming for compatability with existing code

77 78 79 80
; Validity: 5 = ARMv5 or older, 6=ARMv6, K=ARMv6K, 7=ARMv7, !=Warning, bit reused
MMUC_M  *  1 :SHL: 0  ; 567 MMU enable
MMUC_A  *  1 :SHL: 1  ; 567 Alignment fault enable
MMUC_C  *  1 :SHL: 2  ; 567 Cache enable (or Data cache enable)
81 82 83 84 85 86 87
MMUC_W  *  1 :SHL: 3  ; 56  Write buffer enable
MMUC_P  *  1 :SHL: 4  ; 5   32-bit program space enable
MMUC_D  *  1 :SHL: 5  ; 5   32-bit data space enable
MMUC_L  *  1 :SHL: 6  ; 5   Late abort mode enable
MMUC_B  *  1 :SHL: 7  ; 56  Big-endian mode enable
MMUC_S  *  1 :SHL: 8  ; 5   S-mode enable
MMUC_R  *  1 :SHL: 9  ; 5   R-mode enable (ARM7 or later)
88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
MMUC_F  *  1 :SHL: 10 ; 5!! Coprocessor frequency bit (ARM700 only)
MMUC_SW *  1 :SHL: 10 ; !!7 SWP/SWPB enable (ARMv7MP)
MMUC_Z  *  1 :SHL: 11 ; 567 Branch predictor enable
MMUC_I  *  1 :SHL: 12 ; 567 Instruction cache enable
MMUC_V  *  1 :SHL: 13 ; 567 High exception vectors
MMUC_RR *  1 :SHL: 14 ; 567 Round-robin/alternate cache replacement strategy
MMUC_L4 *  1 :SHL: 15 ; 56  Disable ARMv5 "load Thumb state with PC" behaviour
MMUC_HA *  1 :SHL: 17 ;  K7 Hardware access flag enable
MMUC_FI *  1 :SHL: 21 ;  67 Fast interrupt configuration enable
97 98 99
MMUC_U  *  1 :SHL: 22 ;  6  Unaligned data access operation
MMUC_XP *  1 :SHL: 23 ;  6  Extended page table config
MMUC_VE *  1 :SHL: 24 ;  6  Vectored interrupts
MMUC_EE *  1 :SHL: 25 ;  67 Exception Endian bit
MMUC_L2 *  1 :SHL: 26 ;  6  L2 unified cache enable
102 103 104
MMUC_NMFI * 1:SHL: 27 ;  67 Non-maskable FIQ (read-only)
MMUC_TRE * 1 :SHL: 28 ;  K7 TEX remap enable
MMUC_AFE * 1 :SHL: 29 ;  K7 Access Flag Enable (AP[0] remap)
MMUC_nF *  1 :SHL: 30 ; 5!! not FastBus (ie separate CPUCLK from MEMCLK)
MMUC_TE *  1 :SHL: 30 ; !67 Exceptions handled in Thumb mode
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229
MMUC_iA *  1 :SHL: 31 ; 5   Asynchronous

; ARM600 MMU coprocessor number

Arm600Cop CP      15

; ARM600 coprocessor registers

CR_Dummy        CN      0
CR_ID           CN      0       ; read-only
CR_Control      CN      1       ; read/write
CR_TTabBase     CN      2       ; read/write
CR_Domains      CN      3       ; read/write
CR_FaultStatus  CN      5       ; read
CR_FaultAddress CN      6       ; read

; Cache type register fields
; NOTE - need to be kept in sync with hdr.MEMM.ARM600!

CT_ctype_pos    *       25
CT_ctype_mask   *       &F:SHL:CT_ctype_pos
CT_S_pos        *       24
CT_S            *       1:SHL:CT_S_pos
CT_Dsize_pos    *       12
CT_Dsize_mask   *       &FFF:SHL:CT_Dsize_pos
CT_Isize_pos    *       0
CT_Isize_mask   *       &FFF:SHL:CT_Isize_pos

CT_ctype_WT     *       0       ; write-through cache
CT_ctype_WB_Crd *       1       ; write-back, clean by reading data
CT_ctype_WB_CR7 *       2       ; write-back, clean with register 7
CT_ctype_WB_Cal_LD  *   5	; write-back, clean by allocating data, lockdown (?)
CT_ctype_WB_CR7_LDa *   6       ; write-back, clean with register 7, lockdown (format A)
CT_ctype_WB_CR7_LDb *   7       ; write-back, clean with register 7, lockdown (format B)
CT_ctype_WB_CR7_Lx *  8       ; write-back, clean with register 7, multiple cache levels

CT_size_pos     *       6
CT_size_mask    *       7:SHL:CT_size_pos
CT_assoc_pos    *       3
CT_assoc_mask   *       7:SHL:CT_assoc_pos
CT_M_pos        *       2
CT_M            *       1:SHL:CT_M_pos
CT_len_pos      *       0
CT_len_mask     *       3:SHL:CT_len_pos

CT_size_512     *       0
CT_size_1K      *       1
CT_size_2K      *       2
CT_size_4K      *       3
CT_size_8K      *       4
CT_size_16K     *       5
CT_size_32K     *       6
CT_size_64K     *       7
CT_size_768     *       0
CT_size_1536    *       1
CT_size_3K      *       2
CT_size_6K      *       3
CT_size_12K     *       4
CT_size_24K     *       5
CT_size_48K     *       6
CT_size_96K     *       7

CT_assoc_1      *       0
CT_assoc_2      *       1
CT_assoc_4      *       2
CT_assoc_8      *       3
CT_assoc_16     *       4
CT_assoc_32     *       5
CT_assoc_64     *       6
CT_assoc_128    *       7
CT_assoc_0      *       0
CT_assoc_3      *       1
CT_assoc_6      *       2
CT_assoc_12     *       3
CT_assoc_24     *       4
CT_assoc_48     *       5
CT_assoc_96     *       6
CT_assoc_192    *       7

CT_len_2        *       0
CT_len_4        *       1
CT_len_8        *       2
CT_len_16       *       3

CT_M_512        *       0
CT_M_1K         *       0
CT_M_2K         *       0
CT_M_4K         *       0
CT_M_8K         *       0
CT_M_16K        *       0
CT_M_32K        *       0
CT_M_64K        *       0
CT_M_768        *       1
CT_M_1536       *       1
CT_M_3K         *       1
CT_M_6K         *       1
CT_M_12K        *       1
CT_M_24K        *       1
CT_M_48K        *       1
CT_M_96K        *       1

        SetCop  $reg, $cop, $rm, $op2, $cc
      [ "$op2" = ""
        MCR$cc  Arm600Cop, 0, $reg, $cop, CR_Dummy
        MCR$cc  Arm600Cop, 0, $reg, $cop, $rm, $op2

        ReadCop $reg, $cop, $rm, $op2, $cc
      [ "$op2" = ""
        MRC$cc  Arm600Cop, 0, $reg, $cop, CR_Dummy
        MRC$cc  Arm600Cop, 0, $reg, $cop, $rm, $op2
