- 13 Oct, 1997 3 commits
David Brown authored
Minimal support for font choices added, fixed problem with colour changing with browsers with no background colour specified. Options for Objects implemented.
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
So I added it again.
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
More reformatter code bugs fixed; this one regarding width of items. Any kerned string was overestimated (causing redraw bugs and caret position problems in forms, apart from other minor bits elsewhere) and the default size of a writable icon wasn't especially clever. Crude Plug-In support; just about manages Java, but can't fetch on behalf of Plug-In (for example). Had to change the default file access URL construction to be 'file:/' instead of 'file://', or local file fetches that reference Java applets won't work. This is in its very early stages, and is being checked in mostly so that various Choices issues can be worked on.
- 10 Oct, 1997 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
- 09 Oct, 1997 2 commits
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
!Run[D] files updated for new fetchers and GopherFetcher; protocols list in Controls updated for Gopher. Debug builds now require 2760K rather than 2560K. Font$... variables set if not already, in anticipation of font Choices work. Additional bits in Choices section of Res file tidied and some name changes (e.g. Netscape -> Navigator(TM)). Frames support option added to Choices. Grouped 'support_frames' under the Fetch Controls section and added support_object in Global.h; appropriate entries placed in the Choices files, and are read at startup. At present, though, only the frames support flag is implemented. For some reason, Menu was the button to use on history popups if you wanted to show URLs instead of descriptions (or vice versa, depending on Choices settings). Now, Select and Menu will show the Choices defined setting, and Adjust will show the opposite. History menus are built backwards, so local histories have the most recently visited pages at the top. Global history has still no real order t...
- 08 Oct, 1997 3 commits
David Brown authored
Stopped various displays being redrawn unnecessarily when cancel is pressed in main choices dialogue.
Kevin Bracey authored
FRAMES_SUPPORT #define removed. Optimised fm_token_font_info(). Added support for LI tokens with text (for ordered lists). Now outdents bullets from indent value, rather than indenting bullets by the indent value and further indenting text. May need to look at default Choices files because of this. Limited the margin to always be non-negative.
David Brown authored
- 07 Oct, 1997 7 commits
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Added MimeMap module support. OBJECT routines now use this to determine if the item is an inline image, and if so pass it to the image routines. At present, support relies on a (correct) content type.
David Brown authored
Choices now allows gadgets to be in any subwindow with some limitations which are addressed in the header file. Also there is no longer a concept of named subwindows.
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Res files had component 0x29fc in frame gadgets for Choices - that's meant to be the 'fake page' display. Sorted that out. Got rid of unnecessary #define in Choices.h; the gadget autodetect for the colour choices took its place. Unsized objects now default to the same dimensions as unsized images.
David Brown authored
David Brown authored
David Brown authored
David Brown authored
- 06 Oct, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Calling HtmlEndParse at the end of html_get_next_token and setting up->context to NULL was wrong; fetch_fetcher would end up recalling html_get_next_token later which would then call HtmlParse even though the document parse had just finished! The HtmlEndParse call has now been moved to fetch_stop. Altered reformatter to claim fonts inside a browser, rather than claiming them for nothing and losing them afterwards. Got rid of TAG == TABLE and ISBODY tests, replacing with tagno == TAG_TABLE. Removed all references to TD, TH, TR and TABLE in the style word.
- 05 Oct, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Big steps forward in vertical white space handling as a result of improvements in HTMLLib in this area ( -> all versions now 1.22 beta-2). As a result, the 'last_space' field in browser_data struct has been removed. Note that this relies quite heavily on setting of the PCDATA bit in the 'style' field of an HStream and the automatic collapsing of (for example) multiple P tags inside HTMLLib. Trace.c improved to recognise various bits in the 'style' field of an HStream structure. Phoenix defaults altered to a more 'standard' set of choices; Trinity as the serif font, with a slightly larger default font size. This is because there's a good chance it might get released to a wider audience than Acorn internal (though the animation and icon bar sprites will have to change before then...). MiscDefs updated for new SWI numbers in HTTP module; !Run[D] files thus updated to require HTTP 0.42 or later. At this point, all earlier modules are not backwards compatible in terms of direct calls to the HTTP module, though this only affects cookies_process_cookie at present. At the same time, checks for System$Path, InetDBase$Path, and setting of Inet$MimeMappings if not already defined have been added to the Run files along with RMEnsures of Resolver and MimeMap. Object and PlugIn c/h pairs created to handle OBJECT, EMBED and APPLET, and the RISC OS Plug-In interface respectively. Not part of the build process yet. Addition of 'odata' field in browser_data struct and definition of chunk CK_OBJB for memory_set_chunk_size() are in support of this.
- 03 Oct, 1997 6 commits
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Fixed problem that affected some internal URLs, most noticably loading external images, where up->fetching was set to zero when it should have been left at 1 (see fetch shutdown code at about line 1670 in FetchHTML.c). *This* is the source that will be sent to PSI, not the previous release as stated in the log, though Customer were sent a browser based on this previous code.
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
!Run[D] files updated to require FTP 0.14, and ensure that the Resolver and MimeMap modules are present. Paragraph tags can now affect images and other such objects - previously they only worked on text (this was noticed for a DIV element containing one image, which was preceeded by a P element but didn't have any white space above it). This is the source that will be released to PSI, and builds the Customer !Customer and internal !Phoenix releases at about 5:00pm on 10/03/97.
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Redraw routines now allow tables to be indented with body text. Some page layouts rely on this.
Kevin Bracey authored
Dropping on the lower half of an open, empty directory will now drop inside it rather than after it.
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Updated Res files in appropriate builds to hold various (similar) Choices designs. Choices related menus were flagged as Shared, but none of the dialogues (including ColourDBox) were - potential future problems, though shouldn't cause any leaks at present. This has been sorted out anyway. Encoding function encoding_init no longer returns an error from toolbox_create_object, so the Encoding menu and all those attached to it do not have to be present (e.g. the Customer build). SUB, SUP, STRIKE and U supported. U underlines the baseline of the body text font, whilst STRIKE will go through roughly the middle of the lower case chars even if the font is SUP or SUB. Note that Navigator appears to shift the underline point for SUB and SUP; it may be necessary to copy this behaviour, but testing on real sites must proceed before that. There could also be a problem with the automatic lowering of font size, which Navigator doesn't do, so any FONT SIZE = -n commands could make it too small. Again, this needs testing on real sites. 'http://' is added to URLs with no protocol specified, unless they start with 'ftp.', in which case the new behaviour is to add 'ftp://'. Choices code altered to do less error checking on components! They should be able to be missing without raising errors. Referencing of the subwindow array changed from *(subwindows + number) to subwindows[number]. Made trace_tag_name code look pretty... reformat_useless_token now checks tagno is non-zero. User Agent string setting now done through URL_GetURL, on a per-session basis. Ellipsis character removed from all Messages files, replaced with '...'. There's little difference between the two in an outline font, and in System font the latter looks much better. Smart quotes left in, as they look better in all cases.
David Brown authored
- 02 Oct, 1997 3 commits
Kevin Bracey authored
Kevin Bracey authored
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Didn't redraw browsers which would be immediately affected by a change to the Choices when 'Set' was used. Appropriate redraw calls added. Reversed decision to toe in the pane window by 8 OS units relative to the placeholder icon sides.
- 01 Oct, 1997 3 commits
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Changed some error handling in Choices, a little bit of reformatting, removed unnecessary tempstring in Main, and played about with the choices Res file objects.
David Brown authored
David Brown authored
Added run time RMEnsuring type behaviour for ColourDbox to save RMA space on start up of the browser. Also added additional deregistering of events which I forgot to do last time :(
- 30 Sep, 1997 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Renamed Symbols to syms and ensured it is CDir'ed. Made Trace.c show tag_no field textually. Ungreyed CJK entries in Encoding menu.
- 29 Sep, 1997 3 commits
David Brown authored
David Brown authored
David Brown authored
Altered hotlist_add to create the new url after the first selected item or inside the first selected directory when an item is selected.
- 26 Sep, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Text items with no VALUE specified in the HTML were not cleared on hitting a Reset button as the text field of the token is NULL; fixed. SELECT lists with no default selection item were not being changed on hitting a Reset button; fixed. In radio groups with no default selection specified, no item will be selected. This goes against the HTML 2 spec but allows broken Navigator-esque forms behaviour. In consequence, radios can be deselected by clicking on the same one twice. I'd fixed the flickering experienced when doing this recently, but that, now, is irrelevant, since the state of a radio must always change. Reformatter's new 'find width of a SELECT field' didn't account for the width of <none> and <many> items, and now does (particularly important for broken items with no OPTION contents). Under certain circumstances, illegally named targets would open in the ancestor rather than a new window - a deliberate decision in the code, but now reversed due to a test suite failure; they'll open in a new window instead. Altered the left hand indent handling for lists so that headings and body text follow the Navigator 48 pixel indent and the bullet point items drop to the left of the left hand margin, rather than sitting on the margin with the text indented to the right. Tightened up the hotlist_load_directory checking of URLs, so that only those with '://' in - i.e. look fully specified - are accepted. HTML files are loaded into a new directory now. Items without a descriptive title in hotlist_new_url will have the URL substituted in instead. White space before and after descriptions and after URLs is stripped. Directories with zero length names or null strings (after white space is stripped) will still be created, with a generic name (see Messages, token 'HotlistUntitled').
- 24 Sep, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
StrongHelp generator on it. Revealed a spurious toolbox_hide_object call that would always fault and never do anything, and a few heinous uses of show_error which have all been removed. When dragging hotlist items, directories will now be highlighted whenever the item would be added to them, rather than just over the sprite. In practice this only changes if the item is open and has contents... Drag box selections had broken in the hotlist; fixed (uninitialised variable in hotlist_select_box). Adjust-drags now close the window on completion. Minor problem with Shift+Drag (copy) reversing order of items sorted out. Added hotlist_add_html_file and implemented loading of HTML. DO NOT add broken HTML files, this has not been coded for and URLs of the form http:///this/that (no host name) will hang the machine (bug in the cookie code of the HTTP module up to at least version 0.39). Made SELECT list items only as wide as the widest entry actually appears (using fm_get_string_width), rather than as wide as the widest character BBox in the font multiplied by the string length of the longest entry. Updated !Run[D] files to require HTTP 0.39, FTP 0.12 and File 0.23.
- 22 Sep, 1997 4 commits
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Forgot to mention the important bit - Choices and Controls are now *not* loaded into a malloc block, and chf/cof have been removed. This is because the length of the message file is indeterminate when loaded by MessageTrans; precisely what MessageTrans does with it on loading is unspecified in the PRMs. MessageTrans_FileInfo could imply that the size required for the file may not be the same as the actual file size on disc... so the save choices routine now loads a copy as it needs it.
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
New save choices function with supporting code in Save.c; 'Save choices' option in the Choices menu is now implemented.
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Choices and Controls files are now loaded into malloc space (use chf and cof to address them). Previously only in Main.c, task_dir is now globally visible. Choices updated to allow 16ths of a point in the font size specification and the System font face has been removed - it isn't used. The use of serif and sans serif fonts has been rationalised across builds (e.g. Desktop builds use what they say, but the Customer build uses Homerton as the default body (serif, so to speak) font as it matches the box's look and feel better). Font loading altered a bit to work properly! Font library defines some standard startup fonts without using Choices, which Choices can then override.
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Now working on source merged with Kevin Bracey's internationalisation support. UNIFONT is undefined in the Make File for now. All Res and Choices files updated appropriately. Having sorted out the old Choices and Messages to form Choices, Controls and Messages, this build has had the same cleaning up done internally. This includes greater consistency in naming schemes and the removal of the inconsitent choices items - e.g. Choices file entries saying 'delay images' and 'plain backgrounds' where internally all the flags say 'show images' and 'show backgrounds'. ChoiceDefs.h and CtrlDefs.h added to clarify the meaning of some fields, though usage of these is not 100% in the source (there are cases where parameters are passed through to functions as ints, and those functions still check these against hard coded values rather than the #define stuff). Fetcher status return bits (connected, sent request, etc.) now reflected in status bar. Progress during fetchs to files are reported by %, where the size of the object is known. Exceeding 100% drops back to a byte counter, in case the estimated size was wrong. The progress counter may be updated after specific delays, rather than 'as often as possible', to reduce flicker (as requested by D.Brown some time ago). I've done a small rewrite of the fetch prioritisation scheme in FetchPage.c; how well this performs in general use across different processor speeds remains to be tested, but certainly it has some advantages. For each small fetch window before the rewrite, a 4cs tight loop was entered - this gave a noticable and substantial drain to the Desktop performance if more than one was opened. Now, several can be up at once with little hit. The actual file fetch is on half the priority it was before, with all others taken back just a bit - e.g. from 20cs per poll to 15cs per poll for flat out reformatting. You don't seem to lose much time on the format in practice, and the Desktop feels quite a bit lighter at the same time. There's the potential for smoother frameset loading in this scheme, too. When Shift+Clicking on a link meant you still fetched inside the main browser window, several fetches could occur in a frameset - one per frame. However, now that you can only do this by clicking on a link that leads to non-displayable data - or by turning off the small fetch windows by setting UseSmall to 'no' in Choices - a bug where fetchpage_preprocessed would stop such fetches as new ones were started was revealed. The API to frames_abort_fetching has now been extended to include a 'stop file spooling too' flag, allowing a fix to be made by having fetchpage_preprocess's calls not set this (and it doesn't check the savelink flag is unset before proceeding, since frames_abort_fetching does that implicitly now). Had left the RAM transfer buffer at 16 bytes (from testing) accidentally... Oops. Upped it to 4K. In addition, when loading data by RAM transfer, the browser didn't notice if a RAMFetch bounced during the transfer. It would be treated as a 'first' RAMFetch bounce, basically, and try to go to file transfer - oops. Fixed.