Commit 8aee2ee5 authored by David Brown's avatar David Brown
Browse files

Stopped various displays being redrawn unnecessarily when cancel is pressed in...

Stopped various displays being redrawn unnecessarily when cancel is pressed in main choices dialogue.
parent 9a80a12d
......@@ -102,6 +102,11 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_save_field (ObjectId obj, Componen
static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_display_field (ObjectId obj, ComponentId comp, int state);
static ObjectId choices_find_component (ComponentId component);
static _kernel_oserror * choices_displayfield_set_value (unsigned int flags, ObjectId window, ComponentId writable, char *text);
static _kernel_oserror * choices_writablefield_set_value (unsigned int flags, ObjectId window, ComponentId writable, char *text);
static _kernel_oserror * choices_button_set_validation (unsigned int flags, ObjectId window, ComponentId writable, char *text);
static _kernel_oserror * choices_numberrange_set_value (unsigned int flags, ObjectId window, ComponentId writable, int value);
/* choices_show_subwindow() */
/* */
......@@ -467,14 +472,14 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_contents(void)
ObjectId window;
/* No error handling here, as we want to allow items to be missing */
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_Homepage)) != 0) writablefield_set_value(0, window, CD_Homepage, new_choices->home_page);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_Homepage)) != 0) choices_writablefield_set_value(0, window, CD_Homepage, new_choices->home_page);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_UnderlineLinks)) != 0) optionbutton_set_state(0, window, CD_UnderlineLinks, new_choices->underline_links);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_UseDocColours)) != 0) optionbutton_set_state(0, window, CD_UseDocColours, new_choices->use_source_cols);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_ShowForeground)) != 0) optionbutton_set_state(0, window, CD_ShowForeground, new_choices->show_foreground);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_ShowBackground)) != 0) optionbutton_set_state(0, window, CD_ShowBackground, new_choices->show_background);
/* Get encoding name */
choices_set_encoding_field(); //
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_URLBar)) != 0) optionbutton_set_state(0, window, CD_URLBar, new_choices->url_bar);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_StatusBar)) != 0) optionbutton_set_state(0, window, CD_StatusBar, new_choices->status_bar);
......@@ -488,13 +493,13 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_contents(void)
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_FolwColour)) != 0) choices_colour_set_component(window, CD_FolwColour, new_choices->followed_colour);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_SlctColour)) != 0) choices_colour_set_component(window, CD_SlctColour, new_choices->selected_colour);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HlAutoOpen)) != 0) numberrange_set_value(0, window, CD_HlAutoOpen, new_choices->auto_open_delay);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HlAutoScroll)) != 0) numberrange_set_value(0, window, CD_HlAutoScroll, new_choices->auto_scroll_delay);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HlAutoOpen)) != 0) choices_numberrange_set_value(0, window, CD_HlAutoOpen, new_choices->auto_open_delay);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HlAutoScroll)) != 0) choices_numberrange_set_value(0, window, CD_HlAutoScroll, new_choices->auto_scroll_delay);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HlDispDisp)) != 0) choices_set_display_field(window, CD_HlDispDisp, new_choices->hotlist_show);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HlSaveDisp)) != 0) choices_set_save_field( window, CD_HlSaveDisp, new_choices->save_hotlist);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HiLines)) != 0) numberrange_set_value(0, window, CD_HiLines, new_choices->v_hist_size);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HiMaxSize)) != 0) numberrange_set_value(0, window, CD_HiMaxSize, new_choices->g_hist_size);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HiLines)) != 0) choices_numberrange_set_value(0, window, CD_HiLines, new_choices->v_hist_size);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HiMaxSize)) != 0) choices_numberrange_set_value(0, window, CD_HiMaxSize, new_choices->g_hist_size);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HiDispDisp)) != 0) choices_set_display_field(window, CD_HiDispDisp, new_choices->show_urls);
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_HiSaveDisp)) != 0) choices_set_save_field( window, CD_HiSaveDisp, new_choices->save_history);
......@@ -631,8 +636,23 @@ static int choices_set_button_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlo
static int choices_cancel_button_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle)
_kernel_oserror *e = NULL;
ObjectId window;
int update_fake;
if ((choices.background_colour != new_choices->background_colour) ||
(choices.text_colour != new_choices->text_colour) ||
(choices.link_colour != new_choices->link_colour) ||
(choices.used_colour != new_choices->used_colour) ||
(choices.followed_colour != new_choices->followed_colour) ||
(choices.selected_colour != new_choices->selected_colour) ||
(choices.underline_links != new_choices->underline_links))
update_fake = 1;
update_fake = 0;
memcpy(new_choices, &choices, sizeof(global_choices));
......@@ -640,9 +660,7 @@ static int choices_cancel_button_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, Id
/* Attempt to redraw fake page display */
if ((window = choices_find_component(CD_FakePage)) != 0) button_set_flags(0, window, CD_FakePage, 0, 0);
if (e) show_error_ret(e);
if (update_fake && (window = choices_find_component(CD_FakePage)) != 0) button_set_flags(0, window, CD_FakePage, 0, 0);
return 1;
......@@ -724,13 +742,11 @@ _kernel_oserror * choices_set_encoding_field(void)
return e;
e = displayfield_set_value(0, destwind, CD_EncodingDisply, textptr);
e = choices_displayfield_set_value(0, destwind, CD_EncodingDisply, textptr);
if (e)
return e;
return e;
......@@ -741,7 +757,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * choices_set_encoding_field(void)
/* The encoding name could not be found in the menu structure */
RetError(displayfield_set_value(0, destwind, CD_EncodingDisply, "Unknown encoding")); //
RetError(choices_displayfield_set_value(0, destwind, CD_EncodingDisply, "Unknown encoding")); //
return NULL;
......@@ -998,7 +1014,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror *choices_colour_set_component(ObjectId window, ComponentI
sprintf(newvalidation, "R2;C/%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x", *(newcol + 3), *(newcol + 2), *(newcol + 1));
return button_set_validation(0, window, component, newvalidation);
return choices_button_set_validation(0, window, component, newvalidation);
......@@ -1174,7 +1190,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_save_field(ObjectId obj, ComponentId comp,
RetError(menu_get_entry_text(0, menu_id, state, tempstring, reqdsize+1, NULL));
e = displayfield_set_value(0, obj, comp, tempstring);
e = choices_displayfield_set_value(0, obj, comp, tempstring);
......@@ -1208,7 +1224,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_display_field(ObjectId obj, ComponentId com
RetError(menu_get_entry_text(0, menu_id, state, tempstring, reqdsize+1, NULL));
e = displayfield_set_value(0, obj, comp, tempstring);
e = choices_displayfield_set_value(0, obj, comp, tempstring);
......@@ -1692,6 +1708,8 @@ static int choices_open_choice_window(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * event, IdBl
if (choices_modechanged)
/* Reshow the subwindow at possibly new location */
choices_show_subwindow(idb->self_id, current_subwindow);
choices_modechanged = 0;
......@@ -1717,13 +1735,127 @@ static ObjectId choices_find_component(ComponentId component)
int findwindow;
unsigned int flags;
/* Uses lazy evaluation to not call gadget_get_flags unless */
/* subwindows[findwindow] contains an objectid. */
for(findwindow = 0; findwindow < CDNoSubwindows; findwindow++)
if (subwindows[findwindow] && !gadget_get_flags(0, subwindows[findwindow], component, &flags)) return subwindows[findwindow];
return 0;
/* choices_writablefield_set_value() */
/* */
/* Does as writablefield_set_value but will only */
/* update it if the text is different to that */
/* currently in the display field. */
static _kernel_oserror *choices_writablefield_set_value(unsigned int flags, ObjectId window, ComponentId writable, char *text)
int reqdsize;
char * oldtext;
_kernel_oserror * e;
RetError(writablefield_get_value(0, window, writable, NULL, 0, &reqdsize));
oldtext = malloc(reqdsize+1);
if (!oldtext) return make_no_memory_error(100);
writablefield_get_value(0, window, writable, oldtext, reqdsize, NULL);
if (strcmp(text, oldtext))
if (subwindows[findwindow])
if (!gadget_get_flags(0, subwindows[findwindow], component, &flags)) return subwindows[findwindow];
e = writablefield_set_value(flags, window, writable, text);
return 0;
return e;
/* choices_displayfield_set_value() */
/* */
/* Does as displayfield_set_value but will only */
/* update it if the text is different to that */
/* currently in the display field. */
static _kernel_oserror *choices_displayfield_set_value(unsigned int flags, ObjectId window, ComponentId writable, char *text)
int reqdsize;
char * oldtext;
_kernel_oserror * e;
RetError(displayfield_get_value(0, window, writable, NULL, 0, &reqdsize));
oldtext = malloc(reqdsize+1);
if (!oldtext) return make_no_memory_error(100);
displayfield_get_value(0, window, writable, oldtext, reqdsize, NULL);
if (strcmp(text, oldtext))
e = displayfield_set_value(flags, window, writable, text);
return e;
/* choices_button_set_validation() */
/* */
/* Does as button_set_validation but will only */
/* update it if the text is different to that */
/* currently in the button. */
static _kernel_oserror *choices_button_set_validation(unsigned int flags, ObjectId window, ComponentId writable, char *text)
int reqdsize;
char * oldtext;
_kernel_oserror * e;
RetError(button_get_validation(0, window, writable, NULL, 0, &reqdsize));
oldtext = malloc(reqdsize+1);
if (!oldtext) return make_no_memory_error(100);
button_get_validation(0, window, writable, oldtext, reqdsize, NULL);
if (strcmp(text, oldtext))
e = button_set_validation(flags, window, writable, text);
return e;
/* choices_numberrange_set_value() */
/* */
/* Does as numberrange_set_value but will only */
/* update it if the number is different to that */
/* currently in the display. */
static _kernel_oserror *choices_numberrange_set_value(unsigned int flags, ObjectId window, ComponentId writable, int value)
int oldvalue;
_kernel_oserror * e;
RetError(numberrange_get_value(0, window, writable, &oldvalue));
if (oldvalue != value)
e = numberrange_set_value(flags, window, writable, value);
return e;
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