Commit b99762c6 authored by Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar Andrew Hodgkinson
Browse files

Fixed problem that affected some internal URLs, most noticably loading...

Fixed problem that affected some internal URLs, most noticably loading external images, where up->fetching was set to zero when it should have been left at 1 (see fetch shutdown code at about line 1670 in FetchHTML.c).

*This* is the source that will be sent to PSI, not the previous release as
stated in the log, though Customer were sent a browser based on this
previous code.
parent 625421c1
......@@ -1682,17 +1682,16 @@ _kernel_oserror * html_get_next_token(browser_data * b, unsigned int handle, int
e = url_status(0, handle, &s, NULL, NULL);
if (e) return e;
else s = URL_Status_Done; /* Internal URLs 'fetch' immediately */
if (s & URL_Status_Done)
up->fetching = 0;
if (up->context)
if (s & URL_Status_Done)
up->context = NULL;
up->fetching = 0;
if (up->context)
up->context = NULL;
......@@ -186,13 +186,9 @@ _kernel_oserror * url_get_url(unsigned int flags, unsigned int handle, int metho
if (status) *status = 0;
if (url && !strncmp(url, Internal_URL, strlen(Internal_URL)))
/* For an internal URL, don't try to actually use the URL module... */
/* Only proceed if we have a URL, and it's not an internal one */
if (status) *status = 0;
if (url && strncmp(url, Internal_URL, strlen(Internal_URL)))
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