1. 02 Dec, 1999 2 commits
  2. 26 Nov, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Merge of 32-bit capable macros to trunk. · 559a684e
      Stewart Brodie authored
        The 26-bit and 32-bit capable macros have been added.
        Header files choose which set of macros to use based on <Machine>.
        If you want the new macros, include "Hdr:APCS.<APCS>" in addition
          to the usual inclusions at the top of assembler files.
        Choices are based on the settings of macros No32bitCode and
          No26bitCode.  By default, all existing machines define these
          as {TRUE} and {FALSE} respectively.  This yields the same macros
          as before (tested in Customer F 5 build) and should yield code which
          functions on RISC OS 3.1.  Any other combination of settings is
          untested at this time.
        New assembler code should use the macros FunctionEntry, Return et al
          to ensure that they build correctly.
        New assembler code should be written to not require flag preservation
          across internal function calls and to not assume it on external
          function calls where it is possible to do so.  DO NOT simply replace
          "MOVS pc, lr" with "MOV pc, lr" as this doesn't work properly.
          Replace "MOVS pc, lr" with "Return ,LinkNotStacked"
        Do not write code which simply masks out &FC000003 from pc or some kind
          or pc originated value (eg. on r14 to attempt to remove the PSR flags
          from it.  Use the RemovePSRFromReg macro instead.
        Tested with Customer F 5 build.
        Requires FPEmulator 4.11
        Requires Portable 0.65 (or Portable75 0.04)
        Required by any new or modified assembler code in future, pretty much.
          Such components may not necessarily specify a dependency on this
          or any other later version of HdrSrc.
      Version 0.63. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_63'
  3. 19 Nov, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Latest updates from Pineapple. · ae7fb614
      Stewart Brodie authored
        New external declarations: error base, service call.
        New country declarations.
        E-mail received 18 Nov 1999
      Version 0.62. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_62'
  4. 17 Nov, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Corrected SWI chunk names. · 081ba819
      Stewart Brodie authored
        Added Window module service calls.
        The Window module was using service calls &82880-4 (matching its SWI
          chunk).  This is now registered in the Services file.
        SWI chunk name corrections:
          Toolkit -> Toolbox
          Windows -> Window
          Menus -> Menu
          IconBar -> Iconbar
        The SWI chunk name changes affect the symbols generated in Hdr:SWIs, and
          by the newly exported header files in RiscOS/Sources/Toolbox/Common
          which use the symbols defined in ISV-SWIs as the SWI symbol prefix.
        Pineapple have OK'ed these changes.
        New files e-mailed to Pineapple as current masters.
      Version 0.61. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_61'
  5. 15 Nov, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Latest update from Pineapple. · 094f0f1b
      Stewart Brodie authored
        Start off a new range for encoding alphabets that'll only appear in fonts,
        never as territory information
        E-mail received 13 Nov 1999.
      Version 0.60. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_60'
  6. 09 Nov, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Latest updates from Pineapple. · f9e68532
      Stewart Brodie authored
        MediaNet and RTSP SWI chunks no longer contain underscores.
        Fixed a missing allocation.
        E-mail received on 9 Nov 1999.
      Version 0.59. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_59'
  7. 08 Nov, 1999 2 commits
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Creates <Lib$Dir> too · f0f9e992
      Stewart Brodie authored
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Directory creation rationalised. · fae6de43
      Stewart Brodie authored
        All mkdir commands are preceded by do to ensure system variables
          are expanded before mkdir sees them.
        Relies on the header directory variables instead of <Build$Dir>
          since the export directories may not be <Build$Dir>.Export any
        This change is required if <CExport$Dir> or <Hdr$Dir> do not exist
          when HdrSrc's export phase is executed.
      Version 0.58. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_58'
  8. 02 Nov, 1999 2 commits
  9. 31 Oct, 1999 1 commit
  10. 28 Oct, 1999 2 commits
  11. 25 Oct, 1999 2 commits
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Removed conditional compilation from reassigned IOMD interrupt stuff. Both... · fc2e79e5
      Kevin Bracey authored
      Removed conditional compilation from reassigned IOMD interrupt stuff. Both sets of allocations are now included, prefixed by IOMD_ and IOMDr_.
      This complicates the Kernel, where it is fixed at compile time, but it should
      simplify everthing else, which will handle both at run time.
      Version 0.52. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_52'
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      First attempt at STB400 definitions. · e2b34ab5
      Kevin Bracey authored
      New version of DevNos will need to be sent to Pineapple, I expect.
      IRQ changes will probably have repercussions throughout the build.
      Version 0.51. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_51'
  12. 24 Oct, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Latest import from Pineapple · c0ff18a9
      Stewart Brodie authored
        Engineering Menu application's error block added.
        Required by STB-400 Engineering Menu application.
        E-mail received from Pineapple on 22 October.
      Version 0.50. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_50'
  13. 20 Oct, 1999 1 commit
  14. 18 Oct, 1999 2 commits
  15. 14 Oct, 1999 1 commit
  16. 13 Oct, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Added several macros from "hdr.CVars" · 3db855ba
      Stewart Brodie authored
        Various source modules contain his header privately, and all have
          slightly differently commented versions, with or without
          assertions.  This was was voted best-in-class and promoted into
          the Macros file.
        Tested briefly.
      Version 0.45. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_45'
  17. 01 Oct, 1999 1 commit
  18. 30 Sep, 1999 1 commit
  19. 29 Sep, 1999 1 commit
  20. 23 Sep, 1999 1 commit
  21. 22 Sep, 1999 1 commit
  22. 20 Sep, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Import of latest update from Alan Glover @ Pineapple · fc6aff0c
      Stewart Brodie authored
        Added PS2Driver SWI chunk manually from information e-mailed me by Alan.
        Retained Kevin's Countries changes and mailed Alan updated master copy.
      Version 0.38. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_38'
  23. 16 Sep, 1999 1 commit
  24. 14 Sep, 1999 2 commits
  25. 25 Aug, 1999 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      Added "Keyboard" definitions. · 6c8e60a7
      Simon Forrest authored
        No centralised keyboard definition file was available, so the file
        "Register.Keyboard" has been added.  This defines all keyboard type IDs,
        KeyV reason codes and flags words, and also includes definitions of
        the standard low-level key numbers.
        The assembler header file is processed by Hdr2H to produce the C version
        as expected.
        The new file "Register.Keyboard" has been despatched to Pineapple, since
        it will be centrally maintained under their allocation procedures.  (The
        file was sent on 25/08/99.)
        Tested.  Verified that the C file is generated correctly.
      Version 0.34. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_34'
  26. 24 Aug, 1999 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      New C header file added containing global definitions of all IOCtl calls presently supported. · 58343538
      Simon Forrest authored
        The IOCtl calls used to be defined only within the DualSerial sources;
        no central (global) definitions were available.  The file "IOCtl.h" has
        been added to overcome this, defining IOCtl call reason and group codes,
        and declaring a structure "ioctl_t" used when using IOCtls via OS_Args.
        This is exported to "C.Global.h.IOCtl" by HdrSrc.
        At present, no assembler header file exists as it is unlikely
        to be required due to the majority of new source being written in C,
        although the file "IOCtl.h" could be auto-generated by Hdr2H from an
        assembler variant in the future if required.
        Also added support for StripDepnd into makefile.
      Version 0.33. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_33'
  27. 23 Aug, 1999 2 commits
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Fixed all the commit errors from the previous HdrSrc-0_32. · 0b332f0c
      Stewart Brodie authored
      All required files are now re-instated.
      Version 0.32. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_32'
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Re-integration of unique system resource allocation system. · 73e82891
      Stewart Brodie authored
        Added capability to export all ImageSize and Machine files.
        Our local copies of The Pineapple-maintained master files are now
          maintained by CVS.  The Register directory holds all files
          controlled by Pineapple and must only be updated with imports from
          Pineapple.  All files inside Import directory have been removed.
          Moved several header files from hdr to Register directory to
          signify change control has passed to Pineapple.  This applies to:
          DevNos EnvNumbers, KEYV, Messages, PaletteV and Pointer.  New
          contents of Register directory are up-to-date masters from
          Pineapple as of Friday 20th August 1999.
        Added OPTIONS to the export target list.  If OPTIONS=ALL is
          specified on the make command, then all the Machine and ImageSize
          files will be exported.  This has been added primarily for the use
          of the BaseSW build process.
      Version 0.32. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_32'
  28. 20 Aug, 1999 1 commit
  29. 17 Aug, 1999 2 commits
  30. 16 Aug, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Added new CMOS bit for Freeway to stop it assigning network 1 addresses to... · 430611ee
      Stewart Brodie authored
      Added new CMOS bit for Freeway to stop it assigning network 1 addresses to interfaces on initialisation.
        New CMOS bit comes from spares in Acorn Access section - which overlays
          LanManFS/NFS boot mount path - but then again, so does everything else
          regarding ShareFS.
        New *Configure FreewayAutoAddress [on|off] *-command added.  CMOS default
          will enable the current behaviour, so it must be explicitly set to
          change behaviour.
        Tested in Ursula ROM build - will not affect STB builds, as they do not
          contain Freeway (or will overwrite the address anyway).
        Required by Freeway 0.29
      Version 0.28. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_28'
  31. 10 Aug, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Hdr2H migrated to library. · 8f224b71
      Stewart Brodie authored
        More assembler files translated to C.
        CMOS header file modified slightly to enable Hdr2H to translate it.
        Hdr2H has been removed - it's now in the library (v0.28 or later).
        The extra header files have been checked for correctness.
        Requires Library 0.28 or later (RiscOS/Library  Tag: Library-0_28)
        C module which import the exported header files will require
          cmhg 5.25 or later (RiscOS/Library  Tag: Library-0_28 or later)
      Version 0.27. Tagged as 'HdrSrc-0_27'