1. 07 Aug, 2021 1 commit
  2. 28 Jul, 2021 1 commit
  3. 28 Apr, 2021 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add MaxCamEntry32 & CPUFlag_HighRAM · 5bd42912
      Jeffrey Lee authored
      MaxCamEntry32 is an internal variable which the kernel can use to
      quickly determine whether a RAM page has a 32bit physical address or
      something larger, by comparing with the physical page number (currently
      entries in PhysRamTable are sorted such that all 32bit pages come first)
      CPUFlag_HighRAM (aka OS_PlatformFeatures 0 bit 21) is a flag that
      external code can use to detect whether any high RAM is present, and
      thus whether 64bit physical address APIs should be preferred over 32bit
      ones (once the new APIs are implemented!). Using APIs which only support
      32bit physical addresses will result in functionality being limited.
  4. 09 Feb, 2017 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Expose CLREX via OS_PlatformFeatures · a7892833
      Robert Sprowson authored
      To account for ARM changing their minds about how to clear the exclusive lock on different architectures, provide a function pointer with a known good implementation. This is similar to the run of NOPs returned by OS_PlatformFeatures 0 for those that need it.
      If in the future any errata or similar are needed, then there's only 1 place to change it, plus clients don't need their own CPU type detection logic.
      Version 5.77. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_77'
  5. 13 Dec, 2016 2 commits
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Disable public use of new ARMops until ready · 5cfe8f63
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        hdr/OSMisc, s/ARMops - Don't expose the new ARMops via OS_MMUControl 2, they haven't been fully tested/developed yet
        Builds, untested
      Version 5.73. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_73'
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add new ARMops. Add macros which map the ARMv7/v8 cache/TLB maintenance... · 48485eee
      Jeffrey Lee authored
      Add new ARMops. Add macros which map the ARMv7/v8 cache/TLB maintenance mnemonics (as featured in recent ARM ARMs) to MCR ops.
        - Docs/HAL/ARMop_API - Document the new ARMops. These ops are intended to help with future work (DMA without OS_Memory 0 "make temp uncacheable", and minimising cache maintenance when unmapping pages) and aren't in use just yet.
        - hdr/Copro15ops - Add new macros for ARMv7+ which map the mnemonics seen in recent ARM ARMs to the corresponding MCR ops. This should make things easier when cross-referencing docs and reduce the risk of typos.
        - hdr/KernelWS - Shuffle kernel workspace a bit to make room for the new ARMops
        - hdr/OSMisc - Expose new ARMops via OS_MMUControl 2
        - s/ARMops - Implement the new ARMops. Change the ARMv7+ ARMops to use the new mnemonic macros. Also get rid of myDSB / myISB usage from ARMv7+ code paths; use DSB/ISB/etc. directly to ensure correct behaviour
        - s/HAL - Mnemonic + ISB/DSB updates. Change software RAM clear to do 16 bytes at a time for kernel workspace instead of 32 to allow the kernel workspace tweaks to work.
        Binary diff shows that mnemonics map to the original MCR ops correctly
        Note: Raspberry Pi builds will now emit lots of warnings due to increased DSB/ISB instruction use. However it should be safe to ignore these as they should only be present in v7+ code paths.
        Note: New ARMops haven't been tested yet, will be disabled (or at least hidden from user code) in a future checkin
      Version 5.68. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_68'
  6. 17 Oct, 2016 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Prevent disabling of the D-cache on Cortex-A53. Other OS_MMUControl 0 fixes. · d7299988
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        On Cortex-A53, a load/store exclusive instruction will abort if it targets non-cacheable memory or if the D-cache is disabled. Since the correct operation of these instructions is important to the OS and apps, it makes sense to prevent *Cache Off / OS_MMUControl 0 from being able to disable the D-cache on such systems.
        hdr/OSMisc, s/ARMops - Add new OS_PlatformFeatures 0 flag to indicate when disabling of the D-cache isn't allowed
        s/VMSAv6 - Update MMUControl_ModifyControl to force the D-cache to always be on when the "unsafe to disable D-cache" PlatformFeatures flag is set. Also, disallow mismatched I+D cache settings if we have an L2 cache (causes issues due to IMB ops only flushing to PoU), and fix dangerous D-cache invalidation when it's only the I-cache which is being disabled
        s/ARM600 - Clean up MMUControl_ModifyControl a bit so that it's a closer match to the VMSAv6 version, and fix the dangerous D-cache invalidation.
        Tested on ARM11, Cortex-A7, Cortex-A53
      Version 5.62. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_62'
  7. 24 May, 2016 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add OS_PlatformFeatures 0 flag to indicate that the "Unknown... · 417d0f7c
      Jeffrey Lee authored
      Add OS_PlatformFeatures 0 flag to indicate that the "Unknown OS_PlatformFeatures reason codes always raise an error" bug has been fixed
        hdr/OSMisc - Use bit 31 to indicate that the error reporting bug has been fixed
        s/ARMops - Make sure the flag is set when preparing ProcessorFlags (i.e. the OS_PlatformFeatures 0 flags)
        Tested on Raspberry Pi
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_325'
  8. 19 May, 2016 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add new OS_PlatformFeatures reason code for reading CPU features (inspired by... · 9944f0f8
      Jeffrey Lee authored
      Add new OS_PlatformFeatures reason code for reading CPU features (inspired by ARMv6+ CPUID scheme). Add OS_ReadSysInfo 8 flags for indicating the alignment mode the ROM was built with. Fix long-standing bug with OS_PlatformFeatures when an unknown reason code is used.
        s/CPUFeatures, hdr/OSMisc, hdr/KernelWS - Code and definitions for reading CPU features and reporting them via OS_PlatformFeatures 34. All the instruction set features which are exposed by the CPUID scheme and which are relevant to RISC OS are exposed, along with a few extra flags which we derive ourselves (e.g. things relating to < ARMv4, and some register usage restrictions in instructions). s/CPUFeatures is designed to be easily copyable into a future version of CallASWI without requiring any changes.
        s/ARMops - Read and cache CPU features during ARMop initialisation
        s/GetAll - GET new file
        s/Kernel - Hook up the CPU features code to OS_PlatformFeatures. Fix a long standing stack imbalance bug (fixed in RISC OS 3.8, but never merged back to our main branch) which meant that calling OS_PlatformFeatures with an invalid reason code would raise an error, even if it was the X form of the SWI that was called. Similar fix also applied to the unused service call code, along with a fix for the user's R1-R9 being corrupt (shuffled up one place) should an error have been generated.
        s/MemInfo - Extra LTORG needed to keep things happy
        s/Middle - Extend OS_ReadSysInfo 8 to include flags for indicating what memory alignment mode (if any) the OS relies upon. Together with OS_PlatformFeatures 34 this could e.g. be used by !CPUSetup to determine which options should be offered to the user.
        Tested on Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_319'
  9. 05 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add SWI error pointer validation, SeriousErrorV hooks, and OS_ReadSysInfo 15 · b4cf3959
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Resources/UK/Messages, hdr/KernelWS, s/Kernel - On return from a SWI with V set, do some basic validity checks on the error pointer in order to try and catch buggy SWIs that return bad pointers or invalid error blocks. If a bad pointer is found we'll substitute it with a pointer to a different error block, which has the SWI number in the error message, to allow the user to identify the source of the problem. (There's also a chance we'll crash when investigating a bad pointer, but crashing here in the kernel is preferable to crashing elsewhere because R12 should still contain the SWI number)
        hdr/OSMisc - Define SeriousErrorV reason codes and extended ROM footer entry IDs
        hdr/Options - Remove HangWatch integration flag, obsolete now that SeriousErrorV is available
        s/ArthurSWIs - Keep defaultvectab up to date with vector allocations
        s/Middle - Update serious error handling to call SeriousErrorV at several key points. This allows for accurate crash dumps to be obtained, along with a mechanism to warn low-level components such as RTSupport that the privileged mode stacks are being flattened.
        s/Middle - Add OS_ReadSysInfo 15, for enumerating extended ROM footer entries
        s/PMF/osbyte - Update InitNewFX0Error to use the ROM footer entry ID defined in hdr/OSMisc
        Tested on Pi 1B, 2B, 3B
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_313'
  10. 10 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Cache maintenance fixes · b0682acb
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        This set of changes tackles two main issues:
        * Before mapping out a cacheable page or making it uncacheable, the OS performs a cache clean+invalidate op. However this leaves a small window where data may be fetched back into the cache, either accidentally (dodgy interrupt handler) or via agressive prefetch (as allowed for by the architecture). This rogue data can then result in coherency issues once the pages are mapped out or made uncacheable a short time later.
          The fix for this is to make the page uncacheable before performing the cache maintenance (although this isn't ideal, as prior to ARMv7 it's implementation defined whether address-based cache maintenance ops affect uncacheable pages or not - and on ARM11 it seems that they don't, so for that CPU we currently force a full cache clean instead)
        * Modern ARMs generally ignore unexpected cache hits, so there's an interrupt hole in the current OS_Memory 0 "make temporarily uncacheable" implementation where the cache is being flushed after the page has been made uncacheable (consider the case of a page that's being used by an interrupt handler, but the page is being made uncacheable so it can also be used by DMA). As well as affecting ARMv7+ devices this was found to affect XScale (and ARM11, although untested for this issue, would have presumably suffered from the "can't clean uncacheable pages" limitation)
          The fix for this is to disable IRQs around the uncache sequence - however FIQs are currently not being dealt with, so there's still a potential issue there.
        File changes:
        - Docs/HAL/ARMop_API, hdr/KernelWS, hdr/OSMisc - Add new Cache_CleanInvalidateRange ARMop
        - s/ARM600, s/VMSAv6 - BangCam updated to make the page uncacheable prior to flushing the cache. Add GetTempUncache macro to help with calculating the page flags required for making pages uncacheable. Fix abort in OS_MMUControl on Raspberry Pi - MCR-based ISB was resetting ZeroPage pointer to 0
        - s/ARMops - Cache_CleanInvalidateRange implementations. PL310 MMU_ChangingEntry/MMU_ChangingEntries refactored to rely on Cache_CleanInvalidateRange_PL310, which should be a more optimal implementation of the cache cleaning code that was previously in MMU_ChangingEntry_PL310.
        - s/ChangeDyn - Rename FastCDA_UpFront to FastCDA_Bulk, since the cache maintenance is no longer performed upfront. CheckCacheabilityR0ByMinusR2 now becomes RemoveCacheabilityR0ByMinusR2. PMP LogOp implementation refactored quite a bit to perform cache/TLB maintenance after making page table changes instead of before. One flaw with this new implementation is that mapping out large areas of cacheable pages will result in multiple full cache cleans while the old implementation would have (generally) only performed one - a two-pass approach over the page list would be needed to solve this.
        - s/GetAll - Change file ordering so GetTempUncache macro is available earlier
        - s/HAL - ROM decompression changed to do full MMU_Changing instead of MMU_ChangingEntries, to make sure earlier cached data is truly gone from the cache. ClearPhysRAM changed to make page uncacheable before flushing cache.
        - s/MemInfo - OS_Memory 0 interrupt hole fix
        - s/AMBControl/memmap - AMB_movepagesout_L2PT now split into cacheable+non-cacheable variants. Sparse map out operation now does two passes through the page list so that they can all be made uncacheable prior to the cache flush + map out.
        Tested on StrongARM, XScale, ARM11, Cortex-A7, Cortex-A9, Cortex-A15, Cortex-A53
        Appears to fix the major issues plaguing SATA on IGEPv5
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_306'
  11. 28 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Define some extra platform feature flags · 96546b5a
      Robert Sprowson authored
      For disc based applications (ie. those that don't know the architecture at build time, like a ROM would) we have OS_PlatformFeatures to provide an abstract way of seeing when new chunks of instructions get added. Back at ARMv6 ARM deprecated SWP, but currently we have no way of knowing that at runtime without grubbing round the coprocessor registers.
      Add 3 new flags
      * One to say LDR/STREX is (not) available
      * One to say that SWP/SWPB is (not) available
      * One to say that CLREX and LDR/STREX[B|H|D] is (not) available
      shame it took a few goes for ARM to bring in these variants, requiring 3 flags not 1.
      Condition the exception on vector read code on No32bitCode, rather than just having it permanently disabled.
      Improve the HAL device docs.
      Tested on a StrongARM Risc PC, Model B Pi, and Titanium.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_303'
  12. 14 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Replace WriteBuffer_Drain ARMop with a suite of memory barrier ARMops · afc3b390
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        - Docs/HAL/ARMop_API - Updated with documentation for the new ARMops.
        - s/ARMops - Set up pointers for the new memory barrier ARMops. Add full implementations for ARMv6 & ARMv7; older architectures should be able to get by with a mix of null ops & write buffer drain ops. Update ARMopPtrTable to validate structure against the list in hdr/OSMisc
        - hdr/KernelWS - Reserve workspace for new ARMops. Free up a bit of space by limiting ourselves to 2 cache levels with ARMv7. Remove some unused definitions.
        - hdr/OSMisc - New header defining OS_PlatformFeatures & OS_MMUControl reason codes, OS_PlatformFeatures 0 flags, and OS_MMUControl 2 ARMop indices
        - Makefile - Add export rules for OSMisc header
        - hdr/ARMops, s/ARM600, s/VMSAv6 - Remove CPUFlag_* and MMUCReason_* definitions. Update OS_MMUControl write buffer drain to use DSB_ReadWrite ARMop (which is what most existing write buffer drain implementations have been renamed to).
        - s/GetAll - Get Hdr:OSMisc
        - s/Kernel - Use OS_PlatformFeatures reason code symbols
        - s/vdu/vdudecl - Remove unused definition
        Tested on ARM11, Cortex-A8, Cortex-A9
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_279'
  13. 21 Dec, 2014 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Delegate L2 (and below) cache init at power on/reset to the HAL · 16c00596
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Historically the kernel looked after all aspects of cache control since they were common across all ARMs. However, not all cache controllers are created equal, and sometimes more complex initialisation steps are needed than fit the generic coprocessor ops - for example the PL310 attached to a Cortex-A9 has memory mapped control registers.
      Rather than clutter the kernel with one shot init code for every cache controller invented, we delegate that step to the HAL in HAL_Init. This is only a few hundred instructions later than where it was already being set. The kernel remains responsible for subsequent maintenance, this is just init which is being handed off.
      A quick survey of the Cortex-A TRMs shows:
      A5 - optional, for example ARM's PL310, ref TRM section 8.1.7.
      A7 - optional, C bit of SCTLR, ref TRM section 1.1.
      A8 - L2EN bit of ACTLR, note this bit has been recycled for other uses on other cores, ref TRM section 8.3.
      A9 - not integrated, ARM's PL310 uses bit 0 of control register 1, ref PL310 TRM section 3.1.1.
      A12 - see A17
      A15 - integrated, C bit of SCTLR, ref TRM section 7.2.3.
      A17 - integrated, bit 18 of L2CTLR & C bit of SCTLR, ref TRM section 7.2.
      and while we've got the TRMs open, back fill the CPU id register table.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_250'
  14. 12 Sep, 2011 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Kernel updates to support Cortex-A9 CPUs · 0ff2f2dd
      Ben Avison authored
          added Cortex_A9
          added OMAP4 specific device IDs
          changed definition of DefIRQ1Vspace for M_CortexA9
          added CortexA9 specific code for enabling L2 cache
          added CPUDesc Cortex_A9
          added CortexA9 specific definition of MaxInterrupts
          added M_CortexA9 options
          line 1444: corrected typo
          line 187: commented out unnecessary operation
        Submission from Willi Theiß
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_50'
  15. 08 Aug, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add zero page relocation support · 2247d8e9
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        A whole mass of changes to add high processor vectors + zero page relocation support to the Cortex branch of the kernel
        At the moment the code can only cope with two ZeroPage locations, &0 and &FFFF0000. But with a bit more tweaking those restrictions can probably be lifted, allowing ZeroPage to be hidden at almost any address (assuming it's fixed at compile time). If I've done my job right, these restrictions should all be enforced by asserts.
        There's a new option, HiProcVecs, in hdr/Options to control whether high processor vectors are used. When enabling it and building a ROM, remember:
        * FPEmulator needs to be built with the FPEAnchor=High option specified in the components file (not FPEAnchorType=High as my FPEmulator commit comments suggested)
        * ShareFS needs unplugging/removing since it can't cope with it yet
        * Iyonix users will need to use the latest ROOL boot sequence, to ensure the softloaded modules are compatible (OMAP, etc. don't really softload much so they're OK with older sequences)
        * However VProtect also needs patching to fix a nasty bug there - http://www.riscosopen.org/tracker/tickets/294
        The only other notable thing I can think of is that the ProcessTransfer code in s/ARM600 & s/VMSAv6 is disabled if high processor vectors are in use (it's fairly safe to say that code is obsolete in HAL builds anyway?)
        Fun challenge for my successor: Try setting ZeroPage to &FFFF00FF (or similar) so its value can be loaded with MVN instead of LDR. Then use positive/negative address offsets to access the contents.
        File changes:
        - hdr/ARMops - Modified ARMop macro to take the ZeroPage pointer as a parameter instead of 'zero'
        - hdr/Copro15ops - Corrected $quick handling in myISB macro
        - hdr/Options - Added ideal setting for us to use for HiProcVecs
        - s/AMBControl/allocate, s/AMBControl/growp, s/AMBControl/mapslot, s/AMBControl/memmap, s/AMBControl/service, s/AMBControl/shrinkp, s/Arthur2, s/Arthur3, s/ArthurSWIs, s/ChangeDyn, s/ExtraSWIs, s/HAL, s/HeapMan, s/Kernel, s/MemInfo, s/Middle, s/ModHand, s/MoreSWIs, s/MsgCode, s/NewIRQs, s/NewReset, s/Oscli, s/PMF/buffer, s/PMF/IIC, s/PMF/i2cutils, s/PMF/key, s/PMF/mouse, s/PMF/osbyte, s/PMF/oseven, s/PMF/osinit, s/PMF/osword, s/PMF/oswrch, s/SWINaming, s/Super1, s/SysComms, s/TickEvents, s/Utility, s/vdu/vdu23, s/vdu/vdudriver, s/vdu/vdugrafl, s/vdu/vdugrafv, s/vdu/vdupalxx, s/vdu/vdupointer, s/vdu/vduswis, s/vdu/vduwrch - Lots of updates to deal with zero page relocation
        - s/ARM600 - UseProcessTransfer option. Zero page relocation support. Deleted pre-HAL ClearPhysRAM code to tidy the file up a bit.
        - s/ARMops - Zero page relocation support. Set CPUFlag_HiProcVecs when high vectors are in use.
        - s/KbdResPC - Disable compilation of dead code
        - s/VMSAv6 - UseProcessTransfer option. Zero page relocation support.
        Tested with OMAP & Iyonix ROM softloads, both with high & low zero page.
        High zero page hasn't had extensive testing, but boot sequence + ROM apps seem to work.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_48'
  16. 07 Aug, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Merge over some changes from the Cortex branch · fef39aba
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        hdr/ARMops - Reserve OS_PlatformFeatures 0 bit 20 for indicating whether high processor vectors are in use
        s/Kernel - Add local definitions of BYTEWS, LDROSB, STROSB, VDWS macros (previously in Hdr:Macros)
        s/MoreComms - Fix potential buffer overflow when filling error buffer (although GSTrans shouldn't overflow the buffer in the first place?)
        s/Arthur2 - GSRead number detection fix
        s/ArthurSWIs - Updated OS_ReadUnsigned to support reading 64bit numbers
        Docs/ReadUnsigned - Docs for the updated OS_ReadUnsigned interface
        Needs HdrSrc 1.86
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_120'
  17. 06 Aug, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Misc kernel updates · 6f468193
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        hdr/ARMops - Reserve OS_PlatformFeatures 0 bit 20 for indicating whether high processor vectors are in use
        s/Kernel - Add local definitions of BYTEWS, LDROSB, STROSB, VDWS macros (previously in Hdr:Macros)
        s/MoreComms - Fix potential buffer overflow when filling error buffer (although GSTrans shouldn't overflow the buffer in the first place?)
        Tested on rev A2 BB-xM
        Requires HdrSrc 1.86
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_46'
  18. 08 Jun, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Kernel fixes for ARMv6 · e5f1d1e5
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        hdr/ARMops - Amended ARMvF description to state that an ARMvF CPU can be ARMv6 or ARMv7
        s/ARMops - Move ARM11JZF_S CPUDesc to KnownCPUTable_Fancy, since it's ARMvF. Update ARM_Analyse_Fancy to detect whether ARMv6 or ARMv7 style cache control is in use, and react accordingly.
        s/HAL - Simplified system control register/MMUC initialisation. There are now just two types of setup - one for ARMv3-ARMv5 and one for ARMv6-ARMv7. Modified HAL_InvalidateCache_ARMvF to use the appropriate cache flush instructions depending on whether it's an ARMv6 or ARMv7 style cache.
        S3C6410 and other ARMv6 machines should work now.
        Tested on BB-xM rev A2.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_39'
  19. 04 Jun, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add hdr.Variables to the C header export, fix ARMv6 issues · b8267d5d
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Makefile - Added hdr.Variables to the C header export list
        hdr/ARMops, s/ARMops - Added ARM1176JZF-S to the list of known CPUs
        s/ARMops - Fix unaligned memory access in ARM_PrintProcessorType
        hdr/Copro15ops, s/ARMops, s/HAL, s/VMSAv6, s/AMBControl/memmap - Fixed all myDSB/myISB/etc. macro instances to specify a temp register, so that they work properly when building an ARMv6 version of the kernel
        Fixes build errors with the latest Draw module.
        Should also allow the kernel to work properly with the new S3C6410 port.
        ARMv6 version builds OK, but no other builds or runtime tests have been made.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_38'
  20. 21 Feb, 2009 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add support for Cortex cache type. Extend ARM_Analyse to, where appropriate,... · ad9cdf41
      Jeffrey Lee authored
      Add support for Cortex cache type. Extend ARM_Analyse to, where appropriate, use CPU feature registers to identify CPU capabilities.
        s/ARMops - Support for Cortex multi-level cache (CT_ctype_WB_CR7_Lx). New ARM_Analyse_Fancy to identify CPU capabilities using feature registers.
        s/HAL - Modify pre-ARMop cache code to handle Cortex-syle caches.
        s/MemInfo - Replace ARM_flush_TLB macro call with appropriate ARMop to provide Cortex compatability
        hdr/ARMops - Update list of ARM architectures
        hdr/CoPro15ops - Deprecate ARM_flush_* macros for HAL kernels, as they are no longer capable of flushing all cache types. ARMops should be used instead.
        hdr/KernelWS - Add storage space for multi-level cache properties required for new cache cleaning code.
        Tested under qemu-omap3. Still unable to verify on real hardware due to lack of appropriate MMU code. However new OMAP3 HAL code that uses similar cache management functions appears to work fine on real hardware.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_2'
  21. 01 Feb, 2009 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Initial kernel support for Cortex-A8 processors. · e2262380
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        hdr/ARMops - Added Cortex_A8 processor type, new ARM architecture number
        hdr/Options - Enabled various kernel debug options
        s/ARMops - Added Cortex-A8/OMAP3530 to known CPUs list. Ignore cache type register for ARM architecture &F.
        s/NewIRQs - Increase MaxInterrupts to 96
        Brief testing under qemu-omap3.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_1'
  22. 07 Oct, 2002 1 commit
  23. 27 Jun, 2001 1 commit
    • Mike Stephens's avatar
      StrongARM is back, and this time it's provisional! · f39e1298
      Mike Stephens authored
      IOMD HAL:
        enables fast clock for StrongARM on Medusa h/w
        ARMops for StrongARM implemented. Tested moderately on
        HAL/32-bit minimal desktop build for Risc PC. Could do
        with more testing later. eg. does reentrant cache
        cleaning support really work?
        Lazy task swapping is enabled for revT or later, wahey.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_42'
  24. 20 Oct, 2000 1 commit
  25. 16 Oct, 2000 1 commit