1. 06 Oct, 2004 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Change to calling conditions of UnthreadV. · 5e89ff87
      Ben Avison authored
        Previously, UnthreadV was only called when the IRQsema chain was empty, the
        link for the just-completed interrupt having just been removed. However,
        the information in the link is necessary to allow OS_Heap to be called from
        UnthreadV context, and patching up IRQsema within the UnthreadV handler
        prevents the implementation of a prioritised threading scheme. As a result,
        we must call UnthreadV every time the interrupt dispatch unthreads, and
        leave it up to the UnthreadV handler to distinguish between return to
        thread context and return from a nested interrupt handler.
        Will require some sort of patch to enable heap-safe prioritised threading
        on RISC OS-STB 5.0.0 or RISC OS 5.07, the only two released OSes with the
        previous UnthreadV behaviour.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_77'
  2. 08 Sep, 2004 2 commits
  3. 06 Sep, 2004 1 commit
    • John Ballance's avatar
      fix for invalid cmos checksum computation on iyonix new version date for 5.07 · 83827e89
      John Ballance authored
         CheckSumBlock called IIC_OpV to checksum byte 0 of CMOS, but read back the
         resultant checksum from the wrong offset (#20.. new R1 value)..  now
         corrected to #24 as the correct offset (approx line 997).
         tested at castle in iyonix
         castle added IP
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_74'
  4. 12 Aug, 2004 1 commit
  5. 05 Jul, 2004 1 commit
  6. 25 Jun, 2004 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      * Changed some STB switches to Embedded_UI · 0731377c
      Kevin Bracey authored
      * Added use of CDVPoduleIRQs (from Hdr:Machine)
      * Fixed checksum corruption in OS_NVMemory block writes ending just below
        the checksum byte.
      * Fixed R4 corruption by OS_Byte 162 with certain HALs.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_71'
  7. 21 Jun, 2004 2 commits
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Bugfixes to OS_Bytes 13 and 14. · 799120d5
      Ben Avison authored
        Event numbers greater than 31 are possible, it's just that OS_GenerateEvent
        doesn't bother cheking the event semaphores for them. However, the value
        returned in R1 from these OS_Bytes always indicated that such events were
        disabled. This suggests that OS_GenerateEvent was not always so, but the
        initials in comments there suggest the change was about RISC OS 3.0.
        The OS_Bytes now correctly reflect OS_GenerateEvent behaviour.
        Another bug fix is that once the event semaphores had saturated at 255,
        OS_Byte 13 was still happy to decrement the semaphore, so for example 256
        enables followed by 255 disables would have disabled the event.
        Not tested.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_70'
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Added UnthreadV (vector &2B). Called near the end of despatch of the outermost... · 297a95c2
      Ben Avison authored
      Added UnthreadV (vector &2B). Called near the end of despatch of the outermost interrupt, in IRQ32/26 mode with IRQs disabled, just before transient and non-transient callback checking is performed. Suitable for implementing a CBAI replacement.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_69'
  8. 18 Jun, 2004 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Added four new VDU variables. · f0e2e714
      Ben Avison authored
        174: left border size
        175: bottom border size
        176: right border size
        177: top border size
        Not tested.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_68'
  9. 07 May, 2004 1 commit
  10. 06 May, 2004 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      * HAL can choose to limit amount of screen memory to allocate · 0f6941a8
      Kevin Bracey authored
        [Not fully implemented - for now leaves at least 16MB free if only
        one RAM area; was 1MB].
      * Added HAL_USBControllerInfo, HAL_MonitorLeadID and HAL_Video_Render.
      * Added HAL->OS call OS_IICOpV.
      * OS_MMUControl now allows independent control of I and C bits.
      * Added facility to deactivate keyboard debounce (magic word "NoKd" in
        R2 in KeyV 0).
      * Fixed problem with RAM amounts not a multiple of 4MB.
      * Supremacy bit (in VDU 19) now sets all 8 bits of supremacy.
      * Added PaletteV 14 (reads gamma tables).
      * Added Supremacy transfer functions (like gamma correction, but for
        supremacy). Allows easy global supremacy effects in a mode-independent
        fashion. Controlled with PaletteV 15,16.
      * Added modes 50-53 (320x240, 1,2,4,8bpp). Intended for small LCD.
      * Added 13.5kHz versions of TV modes (selected by Hdr:Machine).
      * Upped desktop version to 5.06.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_66'
  11. 04 Mar, 2004 1 commit
  12. 17 Feb, 2004 1 commit
  13. 07 Jan, 2004 1 commit
  14. 05 Jan, 2004 2 commits
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      OS date brought into this year. · 13a4c332
      Ben Avison authored
      Also, at John's request, added hints about where to find copyright date
      information elsewhere in the build.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_63'
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      OS date brought into this year. · 2aa59e61
      Ben Avison authored
      Also, at John's request, added hints about where to find copyright date
      information elsewhere in the build.
  15. 19 Dec, 2003 1 commit
  16. 02 Dec, 2003 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Fixed bug in KeyV handling: if it was called before the keyboard handler was... · 4248980f
      Ben Avison authored
      Fixed bug in KeyV handling: if it was called before the keyboard handler was installed, it would abort reading from an address that used to be in the logical copy of physical space on an IOMD machine. This manifested itself during software-initiated resets as an abort during ROM init, leaving you with an apparently dead machine.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_61'
  17. 15 Apr, 2003 1 commit
  18. 31 Mar, 2003 1 commit
  19. 02 Mar, 2003 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      OSDelink/RelinkApp now work on the list in opposite orders so that the order... · d5916783
      Kevin Bracey authored
      OSDelink/RelinkApp now work on the list in opposite orders so that the order of vector claims doesn't get toggled.
      Fix for *FX5 not working due to a TST having been swapped for CMP.
      Checkprotectionlink option added to HAL version so CMOS lock is
      Updated HAL docs.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_58'
  20. 28 Feb, 2003 1 commit
  21. 21 Feb, 2003 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Miscellaneous stuff. · d91e9420
      Ben Avison authored
        * Merged in the change to RISC OS 4.02 kernel that moved the GSTrans
          workspace out of scratch space.
        * Fixed a few bugs in callback postponement, and interrupt holes in
          callback dispatch. See Docs.CallbackChange for full info.
        * Fixed SystemSizeCMOS to SysHeapCMOS - wouldn't build as was.
        * Added an export of a C version of Hdr:HALDevice, based on the Hdr2H
          translation but with an additional struct definition. Required by
          SoundControl 1.00.
        * Added some additional location and ID allocations to Hdr:HALDevice.
          Required by today's HAL and SoundControl.
        Partially tested.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_56'
  22. 27 Jan, 2003 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Support for keys held down in the HAL at power on. · 2c1c85d9
      Kevin Bracey authored
      *Configure ANYTHINGsize was broken due to not setting R0 to ReadUnsigned
      IIC ack message uninternationalised
      OS_Memory was saying we only had 4M of RAM
      VDU4 scrolling when output was switched to sprite was causing corruption
      on use of CTRL-J and CTRL-K
      Default SystemSize CMOS set to 32k
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_55'
  23. 22 Jan, 2003 1 commit
  24. 18 Dec, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Added 256-colour version of the (high-resolution only) teletext code, and... · 12055c33
      Ben Avison authored
      Added 256-colour version of the (high-resolution only) teletext code, and support for teletext when hardware scroll is disabled. Both are required for Tungsten.
      Turned off the module init/final service calls, since we still don't have an
      allocation for them.
      Upped the OS version number to 5.01.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_53'
  25. 13 Dec, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      HAL device support, and a couple of new service calls. · 5fa74be7
      Ben Avison authored
        * Rejigged documented meaning of device "Location" field so that we can
          fit full PCI locations in.
        * Defined lots of device "Type" values in Hdr:HALDevice.
        * Removed obsolete DMA-related HAL entries in Hdr:HALEntries (no longer
          required by DMAManager 0_15-4_4_2_6, no longer provided by Tungsten HAL
        * OS_Hardware 2 and 3 actually work now.
        * Changed OS_Hardware 4 to take a maximum major version number to match.
        * HAL workspace is now USR mode readable.
        * Service calls issued after module initialisation/finalisation (see
        OS_Hardware tested, service calls not tested.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_52'
  26. 30 Nov, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Commit of kernel as featured in release 5.00. · 9664c93b
      Ben Avison authored
        Lots of changes since last version, at least the following:
        * Updated OS timestamp, removed alpha status
        * Negative INKEY OS version changed to &AA
        * GraphicsV is now alocated vector number &2A
        * ROM moved up to &FC000000
        * Max application slot increased to 512 Mbytes (for now)
        * Max size of RMA increased to 256 Mbytes
        * RMA is now first-created dynamic area (so it gets lowest address after
          top of application slot)
        * OS_Memory 10 reimplemeted
        * New OS_ReadSysInfo 6 values 18-22 added
        * OS_ReadSysInfo 8 gains flag bit to indicate soft power-off
        * Misc internal top-bit-set-address fixes
        * *ChangeDynamicArea can take sizes in megabytes or gigabytes
        * Magic word "&off" in R0 passed to OS_Reset powers down if possible
        * Added acceleration: block copy; CLS; text window scroll up; rectangle
        * Disabled LED flashing in page mode (liable to crash)
        * Masked sprite plot and VDU 5 text avoids reading the screen if poss...
  27. 28 Oct, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      In the No26bitCode case (ie when abort handlers are entered in ABT32 mode), if... · 982426fe
      Ben Avison authored
      In the No26bitCode case (ie when abort handlers are entered in ABT32 mode), if lazy task swapping was enabled and a data abort occurred that was not a page translation fault, then the code in AMB_LazyFixUp to map in the whole application slot was being circumvented, leading to problems for abort handlers in application space because r14_abt was corrupted by any abort due to accessing the abort handler itself. The test of the FSR (to compensate for the FAR being unusable for external aborts) which prompted the circumvention has therefore been moved inside AMB_LazyFixup.
      Also now preserves the FSR and FAR across AMB_LazyFixUp, so they are now
      visible from application abort handlers if desired.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_50'
  28. 16 Oct, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Mostly device stuff. · 14a44ef3
      Ben Avison authored
        * Implemented OS_Hardware 2, 3 and 4 as described in Docs.HAL.NewAPI.
        * Added new OS->HAL and HAL->OS routines to register HAL devices with the
          OS during hard resets.
        * Updated Docs.HAL.NewAPI to correct inconsistencies, fill in missing
          definitions, and allow for interrupt sharing.
        * Now uses OS_LeaveOS to trigger callbacks after ROM module init.
        Untested. Requires new HAL.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_49'
  29. 07 Oct, 2002 1 commit
  30. 07 Feb, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      IIC code is now re-entrant. Also a bugfix. · 4ecea6cc
      Ben Avison authored
        I pinched the IIC code from here to build MPEGDriver-0_32-1_33_2_2; now
        that I've added re-entrancy there (MPEGDriver-0_32-1_33_2_4), I'm folding
        the changes back in here, in case it's ever of use to someone else.
        Re-entrancy is achieved by restricting register use to r0-r3,r10,r11,CPSR
        so that re-entered code can complete any pending IIC operation by
        pulling those registers from the IRQ stack, before executing the new
        The bugfix is regarding a continued read transaction - previously, the
        final byte read of a read transaction was never acknowledged; it needs to
        be acknowledged if it is immediately followed by another read transaction
        without its own repeated Start condition.
        Tested as part of MPEGDriver, but not as part of a kernel build.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_47'
  31. 11 Jul, 2001 1 commit
    • David Cotton's avatar
      Change for Customer M build. · 16021e84
      David Cotton authored
          The Kernel now sets "ProtectStationID" on the basis of the Embedded_UI
      flag, rather than the STB flag, so you're able to set the bottom byte of your
      IP address in IPConfig.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_46'
  32. 04 Jul, 2001 2 commits
  33. 29 Jun, 2001 1 commit
  34. 27 Jun, 2001 1 commit
    • Mike Stephens's avatar
      StrongARM is back, and this time it's provisional! · f39e1298
      Mike Stephens authored
      IOMD HAL:
        enables fast clock for StrongARM on Medusa h/w
        ARMops for StrongARM implemented. Tested moderately on
        HAL/32-bit minimal desktop build for Risc PC. Could do
        with more testing later. eg. does reentrant cache
        cleaning support really work?
        Lazy task swapping is enabled for revT or later, wahey.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_42'
  35. 26 Jun, 2001 1 commit
    • Mike Stephens's avatar
      1) Bring IOMD HAL more up to date. Add support for new call HAL_CleanerSpace... · 63a6ffec
      Mike Stephens authored
      1) Bring IOMD HAL more up to date. Add support for new call HAL_CleanerSpace (preparation for StrongARM kernel support).
      2) In kernel, add HAL_CleanerSpace call (preparation for
      StrongARM and XScale core support). Fix bug found with
      ARMv3 support during test on Risc PC.
      3) Implement new API for kernel SWIs that have used top
      bits of addresses as flags. The new API has an extra
      flag that must be set, so kernel can distinguish and
      support both APIs. The reason for all this is that
      addresses are 32-bits now, people, keep up there. Briefly:
          bit 31 of r0 set for new API, r1 is full 32-bit address
          flags move from r1 bits 31-29 to r0 bits 30-28
          bit 31 of r1 set for new API, r0 is full 32-bit address
          flags move from bits 31,30 of r0 to bits 30,29 of r1
          bit 31 of r2 set for new API, r0 is full 32-bit address
          flag moves from bit 31 of r0 to bit 30 of r2
      Tested on Risc PC and briefly on Customer A 2
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_41'
  36. 22 Jun, 2001 1 commit
    • Mike Stephens's avatar
      fix bug in oscli gstrans handling (a problem provoked by long command lines... · 6be01a33
      Mike Stephens authored
      fix bug in oscli gstrans handling (a problem provoked by long command lines with top bit set buffer addresses and not fixed properly). Problem was mistaken rejection of gstrans'd parameters other than at beginning of buffer.
      Tested on simple desktop build for Risc PC
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_40'