- 30 Jan, 2023 1 commit
Timothy E Baldwin authored
Was trying to use SYS mode to access user registers, which was introduced in ARMv4. Fix by using STM and LDM instead. Also support reading and writing registers for 26-bit modes. Tested on RPCEmu. Version 6.63. Not tagged
- 14 Jan, 2023 2 commits
Jeffrey Lee authored
If lazy task swapping is disabled, and appspace is an AMB node, it was possible to map out the page at &7000 and trigger an abort by attempting to shrink application space to a negative size, e.g. by using "*ChangeDyn -RamFSSize" to create a RAM disc larger than the amount of available RAM. Fix it by sanity checking the DA/AMBNode size within AMBDAHandler before passing on the request to the lower-level growpages/shrinkpages calls (shrinkpages requires the input to be valid and will break if given a negative size). Version 6.63. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_63'
Jeffrey Lee authored
Version 6.62. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_62'
- 05 Jan, 2023 1 commit
ROOL authored
Version 6.61. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_61'
- 01 Jun, 2022 2 commits
Richard Coleman authored
Deleting a non-existent system variable resulted in the error message: System variable '%0' not found. Version 6.60. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_60'
Ben Avison authored
These are the 4 common access privilege values in bits 0-3 of OS_DynamicArea 0 and word 3 of the entries used with OS_Read/SetMemMapEntries. They are equivalent to the kernel's internal OSAP_* symbols. Version 6.59. Not tagged
- 07 Aug, 2021 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
When AP1 memory is being emulated (long descriptor page tables are in use), the AbortTrap machinery is used to emulate usermode read access. This provides coverage for all read instructions except those that AbortTrap handles via MemMap requests - LDREX, LDA, LDAEX, LDF & LFM. LDREX & LDAEX request both read & write access, so are fine (the MemMap request will get passed through to the registered AbortTrap handlers). LDF & LFM are irrelevant, since they only exist on ARM7500FE (on other machines FPEmulator will translate them to regular LDR/LDM, which are handled correctly) LDA however, will generate a plain "memmap with usermode read" request. When AbortTrap looks at the permissions of emulated AP1 it doesn't take into account the fact that the usermode read permission is being emulated, so it thinks that everything is fine and claims the memmap was successful, causing the abort handler to retry the instruction without making any changes, resulting in an infinite abort loop. Deal with this by detecting the above situation and also requesting usermode execute access. This will avoid the kernel (and hopefully the registered AbortTrap handlers) from thinking that the emulated AP1 is acceptable, without adversely affecting the behaviour of other instructions or access privileges. If no handler is present or the memmap request is denied, the abort will get passed on to the next stage of the abort handler (i.e. you'll get a standard data abort from trying to LDA from arbitrary emulated AP1 memory) The new test program (Dev/AbortTrap/attest_ap1) will check that this edge case is dealt with correctly. Tested on Pi 4, for both long & short page tables Version 6.59. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_59'
- 28 Jul, 2021 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Version 6.58. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_58'
- 30 Apr, 2021 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
When PhysRamTable was updated to store addresses in page units instead of byte units (commit df4efb68), the code which allocates the ROM decompression workspace didn't get updated, causing it to break. Add a few extra shifts to the code in order to account for the changes. Fixes issue reported on forums with (compressed) OMAP3 ROM failing to boot: https://www.riscosopen.org/forum/forums/5/topics/16446 Version 6.57. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_57'
- 28 Apr, 2021 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
* RISCOS_LogToPhys upgraded to allow it to cope with all page types (added support for 64KB "large" pages and lazily-mapped pages) * Added OS_Memory 65, which calls through to RISCOS_LogToPhys, to allow regular software to do logical-to-physical conversions for all page types (other calls, like OS_Memory 0/64, typically only work with 4KB pages) * LoadAndDecodeL2Entry updated to always return a page/entry size, like LoadAndDecodeL1Entry Version 6.56. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_56'
- 20 Mar, 2021 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
IICInit only initialises the entries for valid IIC buses (i.e up to the limit returned by HAL_IICBuses), but some code accesses the array without checking against the HAL_IICBuses limit. This causes problems because the array lives in the SkippedTables area of workspace, meaning it isn't zero-initialised automatically. Ensure that the entries for the invalid bus numbers are zero-initialised, so that code which doesn't check against HAL_IICBuses won't mistake the invalid entries for valid IRQ-driven buses (InitialiseIRQ1Vtable, Reset_IRQ_Handler, etc.) Also, protect against overwriting the end of the array if HAL_IICBuses is more than the OS supports. Fixes hang on startup on Pi 4 if memory is filled with -1 (and OS is told that RAM isn't clear), and on Pi400 with normal memory: https://www.riscosopen.org/forum/forums/11/topics/16313 Version 6.55. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_55'
- 17 Mar, 2021 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Define that bit 12 of the RISCOS_AddRAM flags indicates that the supplied start, end, and sigbits values are in 4KB units instead of byte units. This allows a 44 bit address space to be used, higher than the 40 bit LPAE limit. The page list that RISCOS_AddRAM constructs will now store everything in 4KB page units, however any RAM above 4GB will currently be thrown away when the list is later transferred to the PhysRamTable which the OS uses at runtime. Version 6.54. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_54'
- 15 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Timothy E Baldwin authored
Historically many commands of BBC Micro heritage were not included in UitilyModules, but were separated out into a separate pseudo-module, SysCommsModule, to allow for them to be terminated by any non-letter for compatibility with the BBC Micro. However with the introduction of `Oscli_HashedCommands` in August 1999 (and earlier in Ursula branch) this was broken except for *FX, *KEY, *OPT and *TV, which are handled by a special case making SysCommsModule redundant. SysCommsModule is an obsitcle to making the kernel assemble to relocatable AOF as it requires Module_BaseAddr to have 2 different values and therefore be a absolute varaible instead of a section relative symbol. This commit does not change behaviour with `Oscli_HashedCommands` enabled which is the default, except for listing the command under UtilityModule in *Help output. Which `Oscli_HashedCommands` disable this change removes the special behaviour. Version 6.53. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_53'
- 13 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Currently RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress allows the caller to specify the permissions/properties of the mapped memory by directly specifying some of the L1 page table entry flags. This will complicate things when adding support for more page table formats, so change it so that standard RISC OS page flags are used instead (like the alternate entry point, RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddressUnchecked, already uses). Also, drop the "RISCOS_" prefix from RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress and RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress, and remove the references to these routines from the HAL docs. These routines have never been exposed to the HAL, so renaming them and removing them from the docs should make their status clearer. Version 6.52. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_52'
- 10 Feb, 2021 1 commit
Timothy E Baldwin authored
OS_EvaluateExpression is documented as applying GSTrans to any strings within the expression, but did instead GSTrans the entire expression. This would result in a sequence such as: *Set Alias$@RunType_FD1 "Basic -quit ""%0"" %*1" *If "<Alias$@RunType_FD1>"="" Then Set Alias$@RunType_FD1 @RunType_FFB %*0 raising a "Unknown operand" error as the quote in the variable were interpreted as expression syntax. See https://www.riscosopen.org/forum/forums/5/topics/16127 Unfortunately skipping the initial GSTrans breaks common code such as: If "<StrED_cfg$Dir>" = "" AND <Ctrl$Pressed> = 0 Then ... If "<Zap$OSVsn>" <> "" Then SetEval ZapFonts$OSVsn <Zap$OSVsn> Fix by applying a GSTrans transformation over unquoted parts of the expression, then applying GSTrans over the quoted strings. Version 6.51. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_51'
- 30 Jan, 2021 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
It's the only privileged-mode stack which doesn't have its address exposed via OS_ReadSysInfo 6. Expose it so that software which wants to know its address can read it instead of relying on hardcoded values. Tested on Raspberry Pi 4 Version 6.50. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_50'
- 23 Jan, 2021 1 commit
Timothy E Baldwin authored
This ensures that the debug macros may be freeley placed without concern for if LR and CPSR contain important values, and avoid the of code only working because the debug code changes the flags with the effect of a bug appearing when debugging is enabled. Version 6.49. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_49'
- 16 Jan, 2021 2 commits
Jeffrey Lee authored
Previously the supervisor stack was read-only in user mode, but since the supervisor stack is typically empty when the CPU is in user mode, it's questionable whether any software actually makes use of this facility. To simplify support for the long descriptor page table format (which doesn't support the user-RO + privileged-RW access mode), let's try and remove usermode SVC stack access completely. Tested on Raspberry Pi 4 Version 6.48. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_48'
Timothy E Baldwin authored
Change ZeroPage calculation so that ZeroPage can be at any 64K aligned address. Version 6.47. Not tagged
- 19 Dec, 2020 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
In HandleServiceModeTranslation, make sure WsPtr is initialised correctly before trying to use it. Fixes system heap corruption when responding to Service_ModeTranslation (most likely overwriting part of ChocolateMABlocks, and causing a crash when loading future modules) Fixes issue reported on forums: https://www.riscosopen.org/forum/forums/11/topics/15973 Version 6.47. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_47'
- 23 Nov, 2020 1 commit
Julie Stamp authored
Detail: RamFS now supports disc sizes up to 2GB-4KB, so raise the dynamic area limit from 508MB. Admin: Tested with a disc size up to 928MB Version 6.46. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_46'
- 28 Oct, 2020 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Changes in Kernel-6_44 left an undefined symbol in s.HAL in DebugTerminal_Rdch. These mods resolve that, and also add a note in s.Kernel to reflect this usage. Version 6.45. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_45'
- 24 Oct, 2020 1 commit
Timothy E Baldwin authored
Previously both `RdchInkey` and `PageTest` enabled interrupts after running callbacks before calling Portable_Idle with the result that callback could be delayed until the next interrupt. * Change `process_callback_chain` to leave interrupts disabled, and rename accordingly. * Remove redundant check of CallBack_Flag. * In `PageTest` move running calbacks into `CtrlShiftTest`, so that it is immediately before the test. * Re-enable interrupts at appropriate locations. Tested on StrongARM Risc PC. Version 6.44. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_44'
- 19 Oct, 2020 1 commit
ROOL authored
Version 6.43. Not tagged
- 19 Sep, 2020 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Multiple fixes, mostly related to error handling. 1. Ensure R1 is initialised correctly when generating BadPageNumber errors (labels 94 & 95). Generally this involves setting it to zero to indicate that no call to LogOp_MapOut is required. Failing to do this would typically result in a crash. 2. When branching back to the start of the loop after calling GetNonReservedPage, ensure R0 is reset to zero. Failing to do this would have a performance impact on LogOp_MapOut, but shouldn't be fatal. 3. In the main routine, postpone writing back DANode_Size until after the call to physical_to_ppn (because we may decide to abort the op and return an error without moving a page). 4. Fix stack offset when accessing PMPLogOp_GlobalTBLFlushNeeded. Getting this wrong could potentially result in some TLB maintenance being skipped when moving uncacheable pages. 5. Fix stack imbalance at label 94 Version 6.43. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_43'
- 25 Jul, 2020 1 commit
Timothy E Baldwin authored
This ensures that on exit from OS_ReadC / INKEY either a character is returned or the input buffer is empty, and that Portable_Idle is only called when the input buffer is empty. This avoids a 10 microsecond delay and relying on timer interrupts to make progress and allows reliably waiting for input and another event by: Disable Interrupts Repeat Call INKEY(0), exit loop if key pressed Check other event, exit loop if key pressed Call Portable_Idle Version 6.42. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_42'
- 11 Jul, 2020 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
The current OS_Memory 7 implementation uses an address range structure returned by HAL_PhysInfo to decide which part of the physical address arrangement table to overwrite with RAM information. I suspect the original intention was for OS_Memory to use this address range to avoid marking the VRAM as DRAM (HAL_PhysInfo is expected to fill in the VRAM itself). But by overwriting everything between the start and the end address, OS_Memory will also overwrite any non-RAM areas which are sandwiched between RAM banks, e.g. the VideoCore-owned RAM on Pi models with >1GB RAM. There's also the problem that the address range returned by the HAL is using 32bit addresses, so it won't work as-is for RAM located above the 4GB barrier. Fix these issues by reworking the routine so that it ignores the address range returned by the HAL and instead detects VRAM by checking the IsVRAM flag in the PhysRamTable entry. And for detecting if the ROM is running from RAM, instead of using the address range we can rely on the flag available via OS_ReadSysInfo 8 (i.e. HAL_PlatformInfo), like OS_Memory 8 does. Also add a simple BASIC program (Dev.PhysInfo) to allow easy checking of HAL & OS physical address arrangement tables. Version 6.41. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_41'
- 01 Jul, 2020 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Fix GrowFreePoolFromAppSpace (i.e. appspace shrink operation) to issue UpCall_MemoryMoving / Service_Memory when attempting to shrink PMP-based appspace (i.e. AMBControl nodes). This fixes (e.g.) BASIC getting stuck in an abort loop if you try and use OS_ChangeDynamicArea to grow the free pool. Version 6.40. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_40'
- 22 Jun, 2020 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Despite never being properly documented in the RISC OS PRMs, there's evidence that Acorn were recommending that third-parties used OS_Byte 166 for locating the OS_Byte variables well into the mid-1990's: https://www.riscosopen.org/forum/forums/5/topics/14676#posts-94080 Currently OS builds which use zero page relocation will only return the low 16 bits of the address from OS_Byte 166, most likely breaking any third-party software which is trying to use it. Attempt to restore compatibility by having OS_Byte 166 add the missing high address bits into the "next location" value returned in R2, and fix OS_Byte 167 in a similar manner (adding into R1). Additionally, make the values read-only, because the kernel is littered with code that uses hard-coded OsbyteVars addresses and so is unlikely to do anything sensible if someone was to modify the OsbyteVars address that's stored in workspace. Version 6.39. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_39'
- 23 May, 2020 1 commit
Ben Avison authored
* Create new header file defining symbolic name for OS_AMBControl reason codes and flags * Implement OS_AMBControl 9 (used to determine required size of buffer passed to OS_AMBControl 8 - potential thread safety issue not addressed) * Return allocated error numbers in various failure cases Version 6.38. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_38'
- 23 Mar, 2020 1 commit
ROOL authored
Edits to the RISCOS header file should really have gone through the allocations system. Fortunately, no harm was done in this case, but a minor syntactical change is required in order to bring it in line with the automatic redaction scripts used when exporting the header from the allocations database. Version 6.37. Not tagged
- 21 Mar, 2020 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
* Listen out for PointerV 9, which (RISC OS 5) mouse drivers use to indicate scroll wheel updates + extra button status * Changes in the state of the extra buttons are treated the same as changes to normal mouse buttons: signalled via Event_Mouse, and stored in the mouse buffer (for reading via OS_Mouse). * Changes in the scroll wheel(s) are signalled via Event_Expansion,4. If the event vector call is unclaimed, the kernel's wheel position accumulators will be updated * Wheel position accumulators can be read via OS_Pointer 2 * Wheel position accumulators implement "wrap to zero" logic on overflow This matches RISCOS Ltd's implementation (http://www.riscos.com/support/developers/riscos6/input/pointerdevices.html), except that: * The kernel currently doesn't call PointerV 4, so PointerV 9 is the only way drivers can report wheel + extra button status * Extra mouse buttons don't generate KeyV transitions * Our implementation is in the kernel, not an OSPointer module Version 6.37. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_37'
- 18 Mar, 2020 1 commit
Robert Sprowson authored
During ModHandReason_ClaimAligned care is taken to start on a multiple of 32 and end on a multiple of 32 + 16 (such that the next block in the heap would be at +20 same as plain ModHandReason_Claim would do). However, during a ModHandReason_ExtendBlock there's a possibility that those criteria can't be retained, due to having to move to a larger gap elsewhere, leaving the end at an inconvenient +36. Similar allocation functions in other OS' don't guarantee to return an extended block with the same alignment, so take the position that for extends we always allocate a fresh block, copy the contents, and free the original. Shrinks are left in place. Tested with a random allocator which juggles 16 aligned allocations 50,000 times. Version 6.36. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_36'
- 02 Mar, 2020 2 commits
Robert Sprowson authored
OS_Module => R0=24 R3=size in bytes R4=alignment in bytes (must be a power of 2) <= R2=base of request or error Tested with a handful of valid and invalid alignments, and with one grossly larger than the free RMA to trigger an RMA extend to occur. Version 6.35. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_35'
ROOL authored
Detail: * various low-numbered dynamic areas used by RISC OS 6 and Pyromaniac * OS_ReadSysInfo 8 host platform classes for VirtualRPC, A9Home, Pyromaniac * OS_Byte 0,<not 0> MosVer values for various systems since the BBC micro * OS_Byte 129,0,255 (BASIC INKEY -256) values for various RISC OS systems Admin: Discovered that these weren't really recorded anywhere during recent allocation request. Some information gleaned from http://beebwiki.mdfs.net Version 6.34. Not tagged
- 27 Feb, 2020 2 commits
Jeffrey Lee authored
Dynamic area PostGrow handlers aren't able to return errors, so the V flag is likely undefined. Fix AreaGrow so that it ignores any V-set condition returned by the call (especially since the CallPostGrow rapper will have clobbered any error pointer). Fixes issue reported on forums: https://www.riscosopen.org/forum/forums/4/topics/14662 Version 6.34. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_34'
Robert Sprowson authored
The XHCIDriver module adds 64k to get the register address. In an attempt to phase this out (so the registers are the true base address), assign a flag so that loading a suitable XHCIDriver on an old HAL still works. Version 6.33. Not tagged
- 12 Feb, 2020 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
* Update OS_ScreenMode 11's handling of drivers which fail to initialise. If there was no previous driver, then instead of trying to restore that nonexistant driver, stick with the new one. This is mainly to help with the case where the kernel's built in modes aren't accepted by the driver, and valid modes only become available once an MDF is loaded (this can happen with early OMAP3 chip revisions, which have very tight sync & porch limits, causing 90% of the kernel's modes to be rejected). If the kernel was to revert to the "no driver" state, then loading the MDF would still leave you with no video output. * Since we can now end up in a state where a driver is selected but hasn't been programmed yet, update OS_Byte 19 to detect this (via the magic ScreenBlankDPMSState value of 255) and avoid waiting for VSync * Update RemovePages & InsertRemovePagesExit (screen DA handlers) to avoid infinite loops if the screen DA gets shrunk to zero size (was seen while attempting to complete the !Boot sequence while no driver was active) Version 6.33. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_33'
- 19 Jan, 2020 1 commit
Timothy E Baldwin authored
Special case for empty files was crashing, fix by removing which also supports files which report a size of zero but actually contain data such as Unix device nodes and Linux procfs. Error where start outside file adjusted to permit a start exactly at the end of a file to permit (apparently) empty files with no output. Doing likewise for non-empty files is consistent. Also fix closing file in case of error reading GS format from CMOS. Version 6.32. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_32'
- 18 Jan, 2020 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
OS_DynamicArea 21 was treating MaxCamEntry as if it was the exclusive upper bound, when really it's the inclusive bound. The consequence of this was that PMPs were unable to explicitly claim the highest-numbered RAM page in the system. Version 6.31. Tagged as 'Kernel-6_31'