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; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.

; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; essential global variables
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                GET   Version
                GBLS  VersionNo
VersionNo       SETS  "$VString ($Date)"

MosVer          *       6               ; As returned by OS_Byte 0

26 27 28 29
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; now the conditional flags for the version we want
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

30 31 32
AssemblingArthur SETL  {TRUE}
; defined in hdr.system to allow conditionals in macros

33 34 35
                GBLL    CacheOff
CacheOff        SETL    {FALSE}

36 37 38
                GBLL    ShowWS
ShowWS          SETL    {TRUE}          ; Make KernelWS be verbose

39 40 41 42 43 44
                GBLL    Module
Module          SETL    {FALSE}

                GBLL    SqueezeMods     ; whether squeezed modules are allowed
SqueezeMods     SETL    {TRUE}

                GBLL    International   ; whether text and error messages come from  messages file.
46 47 48 49 50 51
International   SETL    {TRUE}

                GBLL    CacheCommonErrors       ; whether common internationalised errors are cached in sysheap
CacheCommonErrors       SETL    International :LAND: {TRUE}

                GBLL    CacheCMOSRAM            ; Whether to keep a RAM copy of CMOS RAM for faster access

                GBLL    ProtectStationID        ; Disallow writes to NetStnCMOS (via OS_Byte & OS_NVMemory)
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
ProtectStationID        SETL {TRUE}

57 58 59
                GBLL    ValidateCMOS            ; Apply special CMOS-corruption detection code,
ValidateCMOS    SETL    {TRUE}                  ; and do minimal default settings.

Robert Sprowson's avatar
Robert Sprowson committed
60 61 62
                GBLL    ChecksumCMOS            ; Inspect the CMOS checksum byte, and act like a CMOS reset if it's
ChecksumCMOS    SETL    {TRUE}                  ; invalid. Also, calculate CMOS checksum and write it when needed.

63 64 65
                GBLL    ShrinkableDAs           ; if true, support Shrinkable Dynamic Areas (eg. CacheFS)
ShrinkableDAs   SETL    {TRUE}

                GBLL    DA_Batman               ; Holey dynamic areas Batman!
Robert Sprowson's avatar
Robert Sprowson committed
DA_Batman       SETL    {TRUE}                  ; concept of sparsely mapped dynamic areas introduced for Ursula

69 70
LongCLISize          * 1024                     ; buffer size for long commands

                GBLL    SASTMhatbroken          ; whether ROM must support SA110's with broken STM^ (revision 3 should fix this)
SASTMhatbroken  SETL    SupportARMv4 :LAND: NoARMv5
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
73 74 75 76

                GBLL    CacheCleanerHack        ; Cache clean hack in ClearPhysRAM for platforms that use DCacheCleanAddress. Does not work with all CPUs!
                GBLL    InterruptDelay          ; True if we might be running on a CPU with CPUFlag_InterruptDelay set (e.g. StrongARM)
CacheCleanerHack   SETL {TRUE}
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
InterruptDelay     SETL SupportARMv4 :LAND: NoARMv5
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed

79 80 81
                GBLL    ARM6support
                GBLL    XScaleMiniCache         ; is the XScale mini data-cache used (at all)
                GBLL    XScaleJTAGDebug
ARM6support        SETL (MEMM_Type = "ARM600") :LAND: NoARMv4
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
83 84
XScaleMiniCache    SETL {FALSE}
XScaleJTAGDebug    SETL {TRUE}
85 86 87 88 89 90 91

                ;Chocolate flavours implemented for Ursula, but they are generally useful performance enhancements
                ;(not all Ursula performance improvements are flagged with Chocolate - eg. simple changes such as slicker SWI
                ;despatch and wider SWI hashing)
                ;any ARM
93 94 95 96 97 98
                GBLL    ChocolateSysHeap        ;whether to save cost of SysHeap block claim/release for common cases (eg. callback blocks)
                                                ;also reduces SysHeap stress by using fewer blocks in total
                GBLL    ChocolateOSMod          ;whether to reduce SysHeap stress in module handling
                GBLL    ChocolateSysVars        ;whether to do performance improvements in system variable handling
                GBLL    ChocolateOscli          ;whether to do performance improvements in Oscli command stuff
                GBLL    ChocolateService        ;whether to implement fast module service call distribution (uses table introduced
                                                ;into module format by Ursula API)
                GBLL    ChocolateAMB            ;whether to compile support for Lazy task swapping
                                                ;possibly enabled at run time for some ARMs only
102 103 104 105 106
ChocolateSysHeap       SETL {TRUE}
ChocolateOSMod         SETL {TRUE}
ChocolateSysVars       SETL {TRUE}
ChocolateOscli         SETL {TRUE}
ChocolateService       SETL {TRUE}
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
ChocolateAMB           SETL {TRUE}
108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
  [ ChocolateSysHeap
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateCBBlocks  ;max quick CallBack blocks available at any one time (else ordinary heap nodes used)
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateSVBlocks  ;max quick Software Vector blocks available at any one time (else ordinary heap nodes used)
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateTKBlocks  ;max quick Ticker blocks available at any one time (else ordinary heap nodes used)
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateMRBlocks  ;max module ROM blocks before ordinary heap nodes are used (reduces total no. nodes in SysHeap)
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateMABlocks  ;max module Active blocks before ordinary heap nodes are used
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateMSBlocks  ;max module SWI Hash blocks before ordinary heap nodes are used
MaxChocolateCBBlocks   SETA   32
MaxChocolateSVBlocks   SETA  128
MaxChocolateTKBlocks   SETA   32
MaxChocolateMRBlocks   SETA  150
MaxChocolateMABlocks   SETA  150
MaxChocolateMSBlocks   SETA  150

                          GBLL    Oscli_QuickAliases
                          GBLL    Oscli_HashedCommands
Oscli_QuickAliases        SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: ChocolateOscli   ;try to do a better job of checking for aliases
Oscli_HashedCommands      SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: ChocolateOscli   ;try to do a better job of finding commands

                     GBLL    mjsServiceTrace          ;for statistics gathering on service calls only
mjsServiceTrace      SETL    {FALSE}
                     GBLL    mjsSysHeapNodesTrace     ;for statistics gathering on some SysHeap nodes only
mjsSysHeapNodesTrace SETL    {FALSE}

                GBLL    DebugROMInit
134 135 136 137 138 139
                GBLL    DebugHALTX

              [ FreezeDevRel
DebugROMInit    SETL    {FALSE}
DebugHALTX      SETL    {FALSE}
DebugROMInit    SETL    (Version :AND: 1) = 1   ; Yes for odd numbered development
141 142
DebugHALTX      SETL    (Version :AND: 1) = 1   ; Yes for odd numbered development
143 144

                GBLL    DebugROMPostInit ; Displays when the PostInit service call is sent to each ROM module (currently works on vanilla service call handling only)
DebugROMPostInit SETL   (:LNOT: ChocolateService) :LAND: {FALSE}
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
146 147

                GBLL    DebugTerminal           ; default WRCH and RDCH through HAL
DebugTerminal   SETL    {FALSE}
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed

150 151 152
                GBLL    DebugHeaps              ; initialise claimed and freed blocks
DebugHeaps      SETL    {FALSE}                 ; (may slow things down unacceptably)

                GBLL    DebugCDA2       ; ChangeDynamicArea and related options
DebugCDA2       SETL    {FALSE}

              [ DebugHeaps :LOR: DebugROMInit :LOR: DebugROMPostInit :LOR: DebugCDA2
157 158 159
                ! 0, "*** WARNING *** Debugging assembled in"

  [ :LNOT: :DEF: HiProcVecs
                GBLL    HiProcVecs              ; Relocate processor vectors and first 16K of workspace to &FFFF0000
162 163
HiProcVecs      SETL    "$Machine"="Tungsten" :LOR: :LNOT: NoARMv6

165 166 167
                GBLL    CompatibilityPage       ; Add a read-only page at &0 for compatibility with buggy zero page reading software
CompatibilityPage SETL  HiProcVecs

                GBLA    FirstUnpluggableModule
FirstUnpluggableModule  SETA 8                  ; Podule, FileSwitch, ResourceFS, Messages, MessageTrans,
170 171
                                                ; TerritoryManager, UK. Moot now the keyboard and mouse aren't
                                                ; in the kernel - unplug those and you're stuffed.

173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181
                GBLL  PMPDebug
PMPDebug        SETL  {FALSE}                   ; Physical memory pool debugging

                GBLL  PMPParanoid
PMPParanoid     SETL  {FALSE}                   ; Validate PMPs after most ops

                GBLL  PMPRAMFS
PMPRAMFS        SETL  {TRUE}                    ; Whether RAMFS DA is a PMP (requires compatible RAMFS module)
PMPRAMFS_Size   * 256                           ; Number of logical pages (physical size is unlimited)

Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
183 184
  [ :LNOT: :DEF: LongDesc
                GBLL    LongDesc
LongDesc        SETL    {FALSE} :LAND: MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6" ; Support long descriptor page table format?
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
186 187

188 189 190 191 192 193 194
  [ :LNOT: :DEF: ShortDesc
                GBLL    ShortDesc
ShortDesc       SETL    {TRUE}                  ; Support short descriptor page table format?

                ASSERT  LongDesc :LOR: ShortDesc ; Must support at least one!

195 196 197 198 199 200
                GBLL    CacheablePageTables
CacheablePageTables SETL {TRUE}                 ; Use cacheable page tables where possible

                GBLL    SyncPageTables
SyncPageTables  SETL    (MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6") :LOR: CacheablePageTables ; Any page table modification (specifically, overwriting faulting entries) requires synchronisation

201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
                ; Control over behaviour of memory access privilege 1 when
                ; using long descriptor page tables:
                ; Traditional permissions are user RX + privileged RWX
                ; EmulateAP1 {TRUE} will provide user R + privileged RWX, by using AbortTrap to implement user read support
                ; EmulateAP1 {FALSE} will provide user RWX + privileged RWX (weaker security since user code can now write to the memory)
                GBLL    EmulateAP1
EmulateAP1      SETL    LongDesc :LAND: {TRUE}

  [ :LNOT: :DEF: SMP
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
210 211
                GBLL    SMP
SMP             SETL    (MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6") :LAND: {TRUE} ; Enable SMP-related changes
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed

                    GBLL  UseNewFX0Error
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
UseNewFX0Error      SETL  ((Version :AND: 1) = 1) ; Whether *FX 0 should show the ROM link date instead of the UtilityModule date

217 218 219
                    GBLL  CheckErrorBlocks
CheckErrorBlocks    SETL  {FALSE}               ; Attempt to check whether error blocks are valid (in addition to the error pointer checks)

220 221 222 223 224 225
                    GBLS  GetMessages
 [ International
GetMessages         SETS  "GET s.MsgCode"
GetMessages         SETS  ""
226 227 228 229 230 231 232
                    GBLS  GetUnsqueeze
 [ SqueezeMods
GetUnsqueeze        SETS  "GET s.Unsqueeze"
GetUnsqueeze        SETS  ""
                    GBLS  GetKernelMEMC
GetKernelMEMC       SETS  "GET s." :CC: MEMM_Type
234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260

; control switches for med_00001 (the flood fill routines 1024 line limit).
; Switches have the following effects:
; _userma     Will use rma if >48K is free, up to a maximum of 128K. It will
;             try to acheive the latter by growing the rma if possible.
; _twowords   Use two word entries in the queue. This overcomes the limitation
;             of the original packed word format.

                    GBLL  med_00001_userma
                    GBLL  med_00001_twowords
med_00001_userma    SETL  {TRUE}
med_00001_twowords  SETL  {TRUE}

 [ med_00001_userma
smallest_rma_size   * (48*1024)                  ; define the low threshold for rma use
largest_rma_size    * (128*1024)                 ; and the ceiling for rma use

; Ickle macros. We want to be able to turn IRQs on and off fast in the
; code in various places. To do this easily, have a name for the
; SVC26/32 mode we run in.

USR2632 * USR32_mode
SVC2632 * SVC32_mode
