KernelWS 69.7 KB
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; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
        SUBT    > Kernel WorkSpace

OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List

; ***********************************
; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
; ***********************************

; Date       Name  Description
; ----       ----  -----------
; 02-Nov-87  APT   Added module SWI hash table
; 03-Nov-87  APT   Modo-fied module SWI hash table info, removed BRKLST
; 09-Nov-87  APT   Removed ESCCNT and ESFLG
; 12-Nov-87  APT   Added IRQsema
; 13-Nov-87  APT   Added DefaultIRQ1V codespace
; 16-Nov-87  APT   PIRQ chain heads
; 18-Nov-87  APT   Reordered EvtHan, EvtHan_ws
; 19-Nov-87  APT   Moved IRQsema
; 01-Dec-87  APT   Added interruptible heap manager workspace
; 08-Dec-87  TMD   Added ECFShift, ECFYOffset
; 14-Dec-87  TMD   Added DisplayNColour, DisplayModeFlags
; 15-Dec-87  TMD   Added KeyAlphabet
; 22-Dec-87  NDR   Using ScratchSpace
; 13-Jan-88  APT   General scratchspace bash, low workspace reordering.
;                  Removed spurious 32 bytes of osbyte wspace
; 14-Jan-88  APT   *type buffer in scratchspace.
;                  MOShasFIQ byte added
; 20-Jan-88  APT   Workspace juggling for speed & space; also discarded
;                  Level0 stuff.
; 28-Jan-88  APT   MetroGnome moved to "public" location for ADFS
; 02-Feb-88  APT   FIQclaim_interlock added
; 05-Feb-88  APT   CallBack_Vector
; 09-Feb-88  APT   RAM for SWI despatch
; 17-Feb-88  TMD   Added VduSaveArea, VduSaveAreaPtr, DisplayModeNo
; 26-Feb-88  APT   NoOfCamEntries manifest
; 03-Mar-88  APT   Shrank SVC despatch
; 03-Mar-88  APT   NoOfCamEntries manifest doubled
; 07-Mar-88  TMD   Added DisplayScreenStart, VduOutputCurrentState,
;                  SpriteMaskSelect, reordered mode variables
; 07-Mar-88  APT   Made CamEntries always at &164
; 07-Mar-88  TMD   Added GCharSizes, GCharSizeX, GCharSizeY
; 08-Mar-88  TMD   Added GCharSpacing, GCharSpaceX, GCharSpaceY
; 08-Mar-88  TMD   Moved GCharSizes..GCharSpaceY into first 1K of workspace
; 15-Mar-88  TMD   Added HLineAddr
; 18-Mar-88  TMD   Added DisplayXWindLimit, DisplayYWindLimit,
;                   DisplayXEigFactor, DisplayYEigFactor, PointerXEigFactor
; 18-Mar-88  APT   Setting variables scratchspace use revised.
; 21-Mar-88  TMD   Removed CursorIndex
; 22-Mar-88  TMD   Added TCharSizeX,TCharSizeY,TCharSpaceX,TCharSpaceY
; 29-Mar-88  TMD   Added GcolOraEorAddr
; 31-Mar-88  TMD   Removed WsFontPtr
; 07-Apr-88  SKS   Added HeapSort use of ScratchSpace
; 14-Apr-88  TMD   Added SerialFlags
; 28-Apr-88  TMD   Added XONXOFFChar
;  5-May-88  APT   Added MemorySpeed
; 18-May-88  APT   Added CannotReset sema at &107, removed pre-1.20 changes.
; 24-May-88  TMD   Added ClipBoxEnable, ClipBoxLCol..ClipBoxTRow, moved in
;                   ScrLoaSpriteCB, ScrLoaBuffer, SrcSavCommon
; 24-May-88  TMD   Flood fill uses ScratchSpace
; 01-Jun-88  TMD   Added AlignSpace for ClipBoxCoords
; 03-Jun-88  BCSKS Make Keyboard buffer into a useful part of the system
;                  Also PrinterBufferSize
; 09-Jun-88  DJS   Draw uses ScratchSpace
; 09-Jun-88  BC    Gave Econet some private debungling space
; 11-Jun-88  SKS   Align IRQ stack to make STMFD not cross two MEMC bdy's
;                  Made info condit'l on AsmArf; someone had commented it out!
; 15-Jun-88  SKS   Added two more instructions in SWIDespatch area
;                  Moved SLVK definition into kernel; it's not public
; 16-Jun-88  SKS   Added 3 more instructions in SWIDespatch area + nailed
;                  SvcTable address for compatibility
; 22-Jun-88  SKS   Moved MEMC_CR_SoftCopy into pubic ws
; 19-Jul-88  APT   Added UpCall handler stuff
; 20-Jul-88  SKS   Added above entry
;                  Amended comment about overlaid workspace in vdu
; 15-Aug-88  SKS   Inserted DomainId at FF8 (set by Wimp on task swap, used by
;                  FileSwitch to tag resources)
; 27-Sep-89  JSR   Added ColourTrans to users of scratch space
; 24-Oct-89  TMD   Added CamEntriesForBigMachines, CamEntriesPointer
; 26-Oct-89  TMD   Added MaxCamEntry, removed NoOfCamEntries symbol
; 27-Oct-89  TMD   Added VIDCClockSpeed
; 09-Nov-89  TMD   Added ResetIndirection
; 15-Jan-91  TMD   Added ROMModuleChain
; 04-Feb-91  DDV   Added DeviceFS as user of ScratchSpace.
; 04-Feb-91  DDV   Added ColourTrans use of ScratchSpace to build diff tables.
; 06-Mar-91  TMD   Added IOSystemType
; 07-Mar-91  LVR   ADFS uses scratch space for floppy formatting
; 07-Mar-91  TMD   Added MonitorLeadType
; 08-Mar-91  TMD   Added PrinterBufferAddr, PrinterBufferSize
; 11-Apr-91  TMD   Added SerialInHandle, SerialOutHandle
; 24-Apr-91  TMD   Added UniqueMachineID
; 09-Jun-91  RM    Added KernelMessagesBlock,ErrorSemaphore and MOSConvertBuffer
; 26-Jul-91  JSR   Extend GeneralMOSBuffer by 4 bytes to make it a valid
;                       length for the default error handler's error buffer
; 19-Aug-91  JSR   Added *If to list of GeneralMOSBuffer users
; 22-Aug-91  TMD   Reduced ErrorSemaphore to a byte, added PortableFlag
; 25-Aug-91  DDV   Updated to indicate correct usage of scratch space by ColourTrans
; 09-Jan-92  DDV   Added FgPattern, BgPattern and indicate use of ScratchSpace by OS_SetColour
; 20-Jan-92  TMD   OS_SetColour no longer uses ScratchSpace
; 17-Feb-92  ECN   Added CLibWord and RISCOSLibWord
; 02-Apr-92  TMD   Added ScreenBlankFlag
; 27-Jul-92  TMD   Create Victoria specific version
; 28-Jul-92  TMD   Moved RAMDiscAddress
; 29-Jul-92  TMD   Moved SpriteSpaceAddress
; 30-Jul-92  TMD   Moved FontCacheAddress
; 31-Jul-92  TMD   Moved ScreenEndAdr from source.vdudecl, and moved actual address!
; 03-Aug-92  TMD   Added PhysRam (moved from hdr:System)
; 24-Aug-92  TMD   Added AbortIndirection
; 26-Aug-92  TMD   Added PreVeneerRegDump
; 02-Sep-92  TMD   Added FirPalAddr, SecPalAddr
; 10-Sep-92  DDV   Added new Vdu Variables for new text expansion buffer
; 17-Sep-92  DDV   Moved NColour into the word initialised VDU workspace
; 17-Sep-92  DDV   Two new colour words added for text foreground and background.
; 27-Jan-93  TMD   Moved RMA to new position
; 29-Jan-93  TMD   Put RMA back to old position (you can't branch to above 32M!)
; 01-Feb-93  TMD   Added PhysRamTable
; 02-Feb-93  TMD   Added VInitSoftCopy and VEndSoftCopy
; 03-Feb-93  TMD   Added PhysRamTableEnd
; 04-Feb-93  TMD   Added extra slot in PhysRamTable (in case soft-loaded OS splits a bank)
; 08-Feb-93  TMD   Added VRAMWidth variable, and extra symbols for skipped bits
; 24-Feb-93  TMD   Changed VRAMPhysAddr to VideoPhysAddr, and split off VideoSize from VRAMSize, to allow for
;                   DRAM-only systems
; 05-Mar-93  TMD   Added CMOSRAMCache
; 19-Apr-93  TMD   Added DAList, AppSpaceDANode and DANode offset symbols
; 26-Apr-93  TMD   Added FreePoolAddress, FreePoolMaxSize, FreePoolSize
; 29-Apr-93  TMD   Changed FontCacheAddress, SpriteSpaceAddress, RAMDiscAddress and FreePoolAddress
;                   in order to make way for L2PT, which is moving above 64M
; 10-May-93  TMD   Added SoftCamMapSize
; 11-May-93  TMD   Moved SoftCamMapSize into area that's not zapped in clearing all memory routine
; 12-May-93  TMD   Added FreePoolDANode, removed FreePoolSize
; 20-May-93  TMD   Moved AplWorkSize into AppSpaceDANode
; 27-May-93  TMD   Added VideoBandwidth
; 04-Jun-93  TMD   Added CurrentMonitorType
; 09-Jun-93  TMD   Added CamMapCorruptDebugBlock
; 07-Jul-93  TMD   Increased FreePoolMaxSize to 64M (had to reduce RAMDiscMaxSize to 48M and
;                   move FreePoolAddress down to do this)
; 15-Jul-93  TMD   Added KernelModeSelector
; 26-Jul-93  SMC   Moved DefaultIRQ1V (had to accommodate IRQs for IOMD DMA)
; 04-Aug-93  TMD   Added L2PTSize, removed FreePoolMaxSize
; 14-Aug-93  TMD   Removed SpriteSpaceAddress, shuffled things down
; 16-Aug-93  TMD   Removed RAMDiscAddress, shuffled things down
; 17-Aug-93  TMD   Removed FontCacheAddress, shuffled things down
;                  Corrected maximum size of system heap to 2M-8K.
;                  Added node (in bottom 32K) for system heap.
; 25-Aug-93  SMC   Added processor vector table at ProcVec_Start
;                  Added ProcVecPreVeneers
; 02-Sep-93  SMC   Moved RMA to &02100000 and changed application space size to 28M.
; 03-Sep-93  TMD   Moved InitKbdWs into SkippedTables (was at start of screen originally)
; 07-Oct-93  TMD   Put in OldMemoryMap option so I can still use it
; 07-Oct-93  TMD   Added ScreenBlankDPMSState, HSWRSoftCopy, VSWRSoftCopy
; 10-Dec-93  BC    Added RawMachineID
; 13-Dec-93  BC    Removed UniqueMachineID
; 14-Jan-94  TMD   Added CDASemaphore
; 18-Jan-94  TMD   Added MMUControlSoftCopy
; 15-Jun-94  AMcC  Renamed file (was VickySpace)
;                  The following values are 'exported' to PublicWS:
;                        Name:                     Used by:
;                        ----------------------------------
;                        BgEcfOraEor               SprExtend
;                        FgEcfOraEor               SprExtend
;                        BranchToSWIExit           TaskWindow
;                        CannotReset               FileCore
;                        DomainId                  FileSwitch
;                        ESC_Status                ADFS, DeviceFS
;                        IRQsema                   Draw, MsgTrans
;                        LatchBSoftCopy            ADFS, Parallel
;                        MEMC_CR_SoftCopy          ADFS
;                        RedirectInHandle          TaskWindow
;                        RedirectOutHandle         TaskWindow
;                        ScratchSpace              ADFS, Colours, Draw, FileCore
;                                                  FileSwitch, FontManager, NetFiler
;                        SoundDMABufferSize        Sound0
;                        SoundDMABuffers           Sound0
;                        SoundWorkSpace            Portable, Sound1, Sound2, Voices
;                        SVCSTK                    FileSwitch
;                        SvcTable                  TaskWindow, Wimp
;                        SysHeapStart              FileSwitch
;                        VduDriverWorkSpace        SprExtend
; 31-Oct-94  AMcC/RM/WT  Added CLine_Softcopy for Morris monitor id
; 03-Nov-94  AMcC        Export ScreenBlankFlag and ScreenBlankDPMSState
;                        (for DPMSUtils: part of RISC OS releases 3.50 and 3.60)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
; 28-Mar-95  JRH         Added NVRamSize and RTCFitted, conditioned on E2ROMSupport
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
; 06-Feb-95  SMC         Increased SVC stack size to 12K.
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207
; 18-Jan-96  JRH         Removed CLine_Softcopy cos not needed
; 06-Feb-96  SMC         Increased DefIRQ1Vspace for IRQC registers
; amg 6/12/96 Renaissance. Merge in changes below from 3.70 version. Make changes conditional.
; 07-Feb-95  WT          Added LCD_Active for LCD/CRT dynamic switching support
; 07-Feb-95  WT          Added VStartSoftCopy for dual-panel LCD support
; 18-May-95  WT          Added LCD_Inverted for LCD inversion (well, surprise surprise!)
; 05-Dec-95  WT          Added ProcessorType and ProcessorFlags (1 byte each)
; amg 07/12/96 Renaissance. Shifted ResetType (which is a public export) so it'll
;              stay in the same place.
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
; 21-Jul-98  NDT         Added PixelRate.  Moved KernelModeSelector to make space.
; 19-Oct-99  KJB         Moved IOSystemType into SkippedTables.
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
210 211 212 213 214 215
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Memory map:

; Dynamic area node format

                  ^     0
DANode_Link       #     4               ; points to next node (in address order)
218 219 220
DANode_Number     #     4               ; number of this area
DANode_Base       #     4               ; base address of area (points in middle of doubly-mapped areas)
DANode_Flags      #     4               ; various flags
221 222
DANode_Size       #     4               ; current logical size of area (not counting holes, if Sparse/PMP area)
DANode_MaxSize    #     4               ; maximum logical size of area
223 224 225 226 227 228
DANode_Workspace  #     4               ; workspace pointer when calling handlers
DANode_Handler    #     4               ; pointer to handler routine for area
DANode_Title      #     4               ; pointer to area title
DANode_SubLink    #     4               ; next node in any disjoint sublist (currently used for Shrinkables only)
DANode_SparseHWM  #     4               ; high water mark, if Sparse area (highest base+size claimed for area)
DANode_SortLink   #     4               ; next node in alphabetically sorted list
229 230 231
DANode_PMP        #     4               ; pointer to physical memory pool - zero if not PMP or has been resized to zero
DANode_PMPSize    #     4               ; number of pages currently in phys pool
DANode_PMPMaxSize #     4               ; size of phys memory pool, in pages
232 233
DANode_NodeSize   #     0

234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242
; CAM entry format
                  ^     0
CAM_LogAddr       #     4               ; Logical address page is assigned to (lower address if doubly mapped, Nowhere/DuffEntry if not mapped)
CAM_PageFlags     #     4               ; DynAreaFlags_* and PageFlags_*
CAM_PMP           #     4               ; Pointer to PMP (DANode ptr) if DynAreaFlags_PMP. 0 if not.
CAM_PMPIndex      #     4               ; Index of page in PMP page list. Invalid if not in PMP.
CAM_EntrySize     #     0
CAM_EntrySizeLog2 *     4

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
243 244 245

; The addresses below are only temporary; eventually most of them will be allocated at run time (we hope!)

 [ HiProcVecs
ProcVecs            * &FFFF0000
ProcVecs            * &00000000
251 252
; Currently, zero page must be located at the processor vectors
ZeroPage            * ProcVecs
253 254

; Sort out 26/32 bit versions
255 256 257 258
SVCStackSize        *  32*1024
IRQStackSize        *   8*1024
ABTStackSize        *   8*1024
UNDStackSize        *   8*1024
KbuffsMaxSize       *  64*1024
ScreenMaxSize       * 480*1024
DCacheCleanSize     * 256*1024  ;should be multiple of 64k
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed

263 264 265
AplWorkMaxSize      * &20000000 ; 512M - temporary (need to decide this at boot time)
RMAAddress          * AplWorkMaxSize ; temporary - run time allocate?
RMAMaxSize          * &10000000 ; 256M
266 267 268 269
SysHeapChunkAddress * RMAAddress + RMAMaxSize
SysHeapAddress      * SysHeapChunkAddress
SysHeapMaxSize      * 32:SHL:20
FreePoolAddress     * 0

IOLimit             * &BA000000 ; initial lower limit on room for IO space (DA creation may move limit up)
IO                  * &FA000000 ; works downwards
HALWorkspace        * &FA000000
HALWorkspaceSize    * &00100000
275 276
IRQStackAddress     * &FA100000
SVCStackAddress     * &FA200000
277 278
ABTStackAddress     * &FA300000
UNDStackAddress     * &FA400000
279 280 281 282 283 284
PhysicalAccess      * &FA500000
DCacheCleanAddress  * &FA600000 ; eg. for StrongARM, 256k of space, up to FAF40000
KbuffsBaseAddress   * &FA640000 ; kernel buffers for long command lines, size KbuffsMaxSize
HALWorkspaceNCNB    * &FA6E8000 ; 32K of uncacheable HAL workspace (if requested)
L2PT                * &FA800000
L1PT                * &FAC00000
CursorChunkAddress  * &FAFF0000
Robert Sprowson's avatar
Robert Sprowson committed
286 287
DuffEntry           * &FAFF8000 ; No page ever mapped in here (L2PT entry always 0), also, all non mapped pages
Nowhere             * DuffEntry ; use this as their CAM entry. There is only one 'Nowhere' (synonym).
288 289
CAM                 * &FB000000
CAMspace            * CAM_EntrySize*1024*1024 ; 1M entries = enough for 4GB of RAM
290 291 292 293

IRQSTK              * IRQStackAddress + IRQStackSize
ABTSTK              * ABTStackAddress + ABTStackSize
UNDSTK              * UNDStackAddress + UNDStackSize
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; system variables

        ^  0,R12

OSBYTEFirstVar  #  0

ByteVars  #  0                 ; The main osbyte variables, accessed
                               ; via calls &A6 to &FF

VarStart  #  2                 ; &A6,&A7
ROMPtr    #  2                 ; &A8,&A9
ROMInfo   #  2                 ; &AA,&AB
KBTran    #  2                 ; &AC,&AD
VDUvars   #  2                 ; &AE,&AF

CFStime   #  1                 ; &B0
InputStream #  1               ; &B1
KeyBdSema #  1                 ; &B2

ROMPollSema #  1               ; &B3
OSHWM     #  1                 ; &B4

RS423mode #  1                 ; &B5
NoIgnore  #  1                 ; &B6
CFSRFS    #  1                 ; &B7
VULAcopy  #  2                 ; &B8,&B9

ROMatBRK  #  1                 ; &BA
BASICROM  #  1                 ; &BB

ADCchanel #  1                 ; &BC
ADCmaxchn #  1                 ; &BD
ADCconv   #  1                 ; &BE

RS423use     #  1              ; &BF
RS423conflag #  1              ; &C0

FlashCount # 1                 ; &C1
SpacPeriod # 1                 ; &C2
MarkPeriod # 1                 ; &C3

KeyRepDelay # 1                ; &C4
KeyRepRate  # 1                ; &C5

ExecFileH   # 1                ; &C6
SpoolFileH  # 1                ; &C7

ESCBREAK    # 1                ; &C8 (200)

KeyBdDisable # 1               ; &C9
KeyBdStatus  # 1               ; &CA

RS423HandShake # 1             ; &CB
RS423InputSupr # 1             ; &CC
RS423CFSFlag   # 1             ; &CD

EconetOScall # 1               ; &CE
EconetOSrdch # 1               ; &CF
EconetOSwrch # 1               ; &D0

SpeechSupr # 1                 ; &D1
SoundSupr # 1                  ; &D2

BELLchannel # 1                ; &D3
BELLinfo    # 1                ; &D4
BELLfreq    # 1                ; &D5
BELLdur     # 1                ; &D6

StartMessSupr # 1              ; &D7

SoftKeyLen # 1                 ; &D8

PageModeLineCount # 1          ; &D9

VDUqueueItems # 1              ; &DA

TABch # 1                      ; &DB
ESCch # 1                      ; &DC

IPbufferCh # 4                 ; &DD,&DE,&DF,&E0
RedKeyCh   # 4                 ; &E1,&E2,&E3,&E4

ESCaction  # 1                 ; &E5
ESCeffect  # 1                 ; &E6

u6522IRQ # 1                   ; &E7
s6850IRQ # 1                   ; &E8
s6522IRQ # 1                   ; &E9

TubeFlag # 1                   ; &EA

SpeechFlag # 1                 ; &EB

WrchDest # 1                   ; &EC
CurEdit  # 1                   ; &ED

SoftResetVars # 0              ; Reset to here on soft reset

KeyBase # 1                    ; &EE
Shadow # 1                     ; &EF
Country # 1                    ; &F0

UserFlag # 1                   ; &F1

SerULAreg # 1                  ; &F2

TimerState # 1                 ; &F3

SoftKeyConsist # 1             ; &F4

PrinterDrivType   # 1          ; &F5
PrinterIgnore     # 1          ; &F6

BREAKvector # 3                ; &F7,&F8,&F9

MemDriver  # 1                 ; &FA - where the VDU drivers write to
MemDisplay # 1                 ; &FB - where we display from

LangROM # 1                    ; &FC

LastBREAK # 1                  ; &FD

KeyOpt # 1                     ; &FE

StartOptions # 1               ; &FF

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
HardResetVars # 0              ; Reset to here on hard reset
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487
PowerOnResetVars # 0           ; Reset to here on power-on reset

; These two can dovetail in here to use up 2 bytes before the AlignSpace!

SerialInHandle # 1              ; Handle for serial input stream  (0 if not open currently)
SerialOutHandle # 1             ; Handle for serial output stream (-----------""----------)


EventSemaphores # 32            ; One byte for each of 32 events

TimerAlpha # 8                  ; As used by time (bottom 5 bytes)
TimerBeta  # 8                  ; ................................
; both aligned to word boundaries

RealTime # 8                    ; 5-byte fast real-time

PrinterActive # 4               ; Handle/active flag for printer (word aligned)

IntervalTimer # 5               ; Up Counter synchronous with TIME.
; Event generated when Zero is reached
; bottom byte aligned to word boundary

SecondsTime # 1 ; the soft copy (centi-)seconds of the RTC
CentiTime   # 1 ; """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

FlashState # 1 ; which flash colours are we using

SecondsDirty # 1                ; the dirty flag for start up!

MinTick # 1                     ; the minutes odd/even state

DCDDSRCopy # 1                  ; copy of ACIA bits to check for change

TVVertical # 1                  ; *TV first parameter

TVInterlace # 1                 ; *TV second parameter

CentiCounter # 1                ; Counter for VDU CTRL timing

Alphabet # 1                    ; Current alphabet number

Keyboard # 1                    ; Current keyboard number

KeyAlphabet # 1                 ; Alphabet associated with current keyboard

                GBLS    PrinterPrefix
PrinterPrefix   SETS    "PrinterType$"

PrinterTypeName #       6 + :LEN: (PrinterPrefix)


SerialFlags # 4                 ; New serial flags

XONXOFFChar # 1                 ; Character to send before rest (0 if none)


OSBYTEVarSize * @-OSBYTEFirstVar

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

; End of variables' space

488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502
; *** layout of a descriptor block for a display pointer shape ***

                  ^  0
PointerBlkHAL     #  0  ; fields up to private part passed to HAL
PointerWidth      #  1  ; actual (unpadded) shape width in bytes (from OS_Word 21)
PointerHeight     #  1  ; shape height in pixels
                  #  2  ; alignment padding
PointerBuffLA     #  4  ; logical address of shape buffer (up to 8 * 32 bytes)
PointerBuffPA     #  4  ; physical address of shape buffer
PointerBlkPrivate #  0  ; fields below here not used by HAL
PointerActiveX    #  1  ; active x in pixels from left
PointerActiveY    #  1  ; active y in pixels from top
                  #  2  ; alignment padding
PointerBlkSize    #  0

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585

; ***********************************
; ***  Main Vdu Driver Workspace  ***
; ***********************************

        ^ 0

FgEcf  # 4 * 8  ; Foreground Ecf, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
BgEcf  # 4 * 8  ; Background Ecf, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
GPLFMD # 4      ; Foreground action, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
GPLBMD # 4      ; Background action, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
GFCOL  # 4      ; Foreground colour, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
GBCOL  # 4      ; Background colour, set by GCOL(a,128-255)

GWLCol # 4      ; Graphics window left column  --
GWBRow # 4      ; Graphics window bottom row     |
GWRCol # 4      ; Graphics window right column   |
GWTRow # 4      ; Graphics window top row      --

qqqPad   # 3
QQ       # 17   ;Queue - QQ+1 is on a word boundary
QOffset  # 4    ;Value to add to VDUqueueItems to point to next queue posn.
JVec     # 4    ;Jump vector to internal routines

; Start of MODE table workspace

ScreenSize # 4  ; number of bytes needed for this mode (assumed 1st in list)

XWindLimit # 4  ; Maximum value of GWRCol (internal representation)

; LineLength must be immediately after YWindLimit

YWindLimit # 4  ; Maximum value of GWTRow (internal representation)

LineLength # 4  ; Length of one pixel row in bytes

NColour # 4     ; Number of colours minus 1

; End of word mode variables

YShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift YCoord in address generation after
                ; multiplying by 5, holds
                ; 7,6,5 or 4 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (640x256 mode) or
                ; 6,5,4 or 3 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (320x256 mode).

ModeFlags # 4   ; Bit 0 => non-graphic, Bit 1 => teletext, Bit 2 => gap mode

XEigFactor # 4  ; Number of places to shift XCoord in external to internal
                ; coordinate conversion, holds
                ; 1 for 640x256 mode
                ; 2 for 320x256 mode
                ; 3 for 160x256 (BBC micro mode 2)

YEigFactor # 4  ; number of shifts to convert between internal/external Y

Log2BPC # 4     ; Log to base 2 of BytesPerChar ie (0,1,2,3,4)

Log2BPP # 4     ; Log to base 2 of BitsPerPix ie (0,1,2,3)

ECFIndex # 4    ; Index into default ECF tables

ScrRCol # 4     ; Maximum column number in this screen mode
ScrBRow # 4     ; Maximum row number in this screen mode

PalIndex # 4    ; Index into palette tables (0,1,2,3)

; End of table-initialised workspace

; Next 3 must be together in this order !

XShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift XCoord in address generation,
                ; holds 2,3,4 or 5 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel respectivly
GColAdr # 4     ; Address of Ecf to plot - either FgEcf or BgEcf

ScreenStart # 4         ; Start address of screen (for VDU drivers)

NPix # 4        ; Number of pixels per word minus 1, holds
                ; holds 3,7,15 or 31 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel modes

AspectRatio # 4 ; Pixel shape : 0 square, 1 horz rect, 2 vert rect

BitsPerPix # 4  ; Bits per pixel (1,2,4,8)

BytesPerChar # 4        ; Bytes per 8 pixels of character
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
587 588
                        ; (same as BitsPerPix except in double pixel modes)

             # 4        ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665

RowMult # 4     ; Row multiplier for text manipulation

RowLength # 4   ; Bytes per text row in this mode (eg 640,1280,5120)

; The following (up to and including NewPtY) must be together in this order
; (relied upon by DefaultWindows)

TWLCol # 4      ; Text window left column  --
TWBRow # 4      ; Text window bottom row     |
TWRCol # 4      ; Text window right column   |
TWTRow # 4      ; Text window top row      --

OrgX # 4        ; Screen origin (external representation)
OrgY # 4

GCsX # 4        ; Graphics cursor (external representation)
GCsY # 4

OlderCsX # 4    ; Very old X coordinate (internal)
OlderCsY # 4    ; Very old Y coordinate (internal)

OldCsX # 4      ; Old graphics cursor (internal representation) --
OldCsY # 4      ;                                                 |
                ;                                                 |
GCsIX  # 4      ; Graphics cursor (internal representation)       |
GCsIY  # 4      ;                                                 |
                ;                                                 |
NewPtX # 4      ; Newest point (internal representation)          |
NewPtY # 4      ;                                               --

; End of together block

TForeCol # 4    ; Text foreground colour
TBackCol # 4    ; Text background colour

CursorX # 4     ; Text cursor X position ; these 3 must be in same order as ...
CursorY # 4     ; Text cursor Y position
CursorAddr # 4  ; Screen address of (output) cursor

InputCursorX # 4        ; Input cursor X position ; ... these 3
InputCursorY # 4        ; Input cursor Y position
InputCursorAddr # 4     ; Screen address of input cursor

EORtoggle # 4   ; Toggle between gap and non-gap
RowsToDo  # 4   ; in the CLS

VduStatus # 4   ; Vdu2, Window, Shadow bits (others in CursorFlags)

CBWS # 8        ; Clear block (VDU 23,8..) workspace
CBStart # 2
CBEnd # 2

CursorDesiredState # 4
CursorStartOffset # 4
CursorEndOffset # 4
CursorCounter # 4
CursorSpeed # 4
Reg10Copy # 4

CursorFill # 4  ; Word to EOR cursor ; MUST be immediately before CursorNbit

CursorNbit # 4  ; Pointer to cursor code for current mode

DisplayStart # 4        ; Start address of screen (for display)
DriverBankAddr # 4      ; Default start address for VDU drivers
DisplayBankAddr # 4     ; Default start address for display
DisplayNColour # 4      ; No. of colours -1 for displayed mode
DisplayModeFlags # 4    ; ModeFlags for displayed mode
DisplayModeNo # 4       ; ModeNo for displayed mode
DisplayScreenStart # 4  ; Where VDU outputs to when outputting to screen

DisplayXWindLimit # 4   ; Used for pointer programming
DisplayYWindLimit # 4
DisplayXEigFactor # 4
DisplayYEigFactor # 4
666 667 668
DisplayLog2BPP # 1
PointerXEigFactor # 1
                  # 2
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687

Ecf1 # 8        ; The Ecf patterns
Ecf2 # 8
Ecf3 # 8
Ecf4 # 8

DotLineStyle # 8        ; Dot dash line pattern

ModeNo # 4      ; Current mode number

TFTint # 4      ; Text foreground tint          (in bits 6,7)
TBTint # 4      ; Text background tint
GFTint # 4      ; Graphics foreground tint
GBTint # 4      ; Graphics background tint

TotalScreenSize # 4     ; Amount configured for screen (in bytes)

MaxMode # 4             ; Maximum mode number allowed (20 for now)

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
ScreenEndAddr # 4       ; Logical address of screen (start of 2nd copy)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697

CursorFlags # 4 ; Silly Master cursor movement flags

CursorStack # 4 ; Bit stack of nested cursor states (0 => on, 1 => off)
                ; (bit 31 = TOS)

ECFShift # 4    ; number of bits to rotate right ECF OR and EOR masks by
ECFYOffset # 4  ; vertical offset to ECF index

698 699 700 701 702
        ASSERT  ECFShift =  Legacy_ECFShift
        ASSERT ?ECFShift = ?Legacy_ECFShift
        ASSERT  ECFYOffset =  Legacy_ECFYOffset
        ASSERT ?ECFYOffset = ?Legacy_ECFYOffset

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712
WsVdu5 # 0      ; Vdu 5 workspace
WsScr # 4
WsEcfPtr # 4
; WsFontPtr # 4 ; not needed any more, kept in register
EndVerti # 4
StartMask # 4
EndMask # 4
FontOffset # 4
TempPlain # 16  ; only used for MODE 10

VIDCClockSpeed # 4      ; current VIDC clock speed in kHz (now always zero)

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
715 716
CurrentMonitorType # 4  ; initialised from configured one

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
PixelRate # 4   ; Pixel Rate in kHz
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

Ben Avison's avatar
Ben Avison committed
719 720 721 722 723
BorderL # 4             ; Size of border
BorderB # 4
BorderR # 4
BorderT # 4

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
724 725 726
GraphicWs # 300 ; All graphics workspace is overlaid here
EndGraphicWs # 0

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747
 ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
        AlignSpace 16

GCharSizes  # 0
GCharSizeX  # 4         ; width of VDU 5 chars in pixels
GCharSizeY  # 4         ; height of VDU 5 chars in pixels

GCharSpacing # 0
GCharSpaceX  # 4        ; horizontal spacing between VDU 5 chars in pixels
GCharSpaceY  # 4        ; vertical   ------------------""-----------------

TCharSizes  # 0
TCharSizeX  # 4         ; width of VDU 4 chars in pixels
TCharSizeY  # 4         ; height of VDU 4 chars in pixels

TCharSpacing # 0
TCharSpaceX  # 4        ; horizontal spacing between VDU 4 chars in pixels
TCharSpaceY  # 4        ; vertical   ------------------""-----------------

HLineAddr      # 4      ; address of exported HLine
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
749 750
GcolOraEorAddr # 4      ; address of FgEcfOraEor etc

751 752 753 754
BlankPalAddr  # 4       ; address of block for blank palette
FirPalAddr    # 4       ; address of block for first flash state palette
SecPalAddr    # 4       ; address of block for second flash state palette

Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
755 756
CurrentGraphicsVDriver # 4 ; Current driver number

757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773
PointerShapes      # 0
PointerShape1      # 4  ; pointers to defined shapes 1 to 4
PointerShape2      # 4
PointerShape3      # 4
PointerShape4      # 4
PointerShapesH     # 0
PointerShapeH1     # 4  ; pointers to holding shapes 1 and 2 (so updates never hit shape given to HAL)
PointerShapeH2     # 4

PointerShapeBlocks # 6*PointerBlkSize ; room for the 6 shape descriptors themselves

PointerShapeLA     # 4               ; logical address of current shape buffer (owned by HAL)
PointerShapeNumber # 1               ; includes bit 7 linkage flag
                   # 3               ; alignment padding
PointerX           # 4               ; co-ordinates of pointer (not always = mouse)
PointerY           # 4

 [ :DEF: ShowWS
  ! 0, "PointerShapes @ ":CC::STR:(PointerShapes)

Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
GraphicsVFeatures  # 4               ; features word from current driver, refreshed each mode change
TrueVideoPhysAddr  # 4               ; VideoPhysAddr is a lie, use this instead
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
780 781 782
MaxGraphicsVDrivers * 8
GraphicsVDrivers # MaxGraphicsVDrivers*4 ; List of drivers
                # 4*4                ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794

TextFgColour    # 4             ; Fg/Bg colour stored as a colour number, computed on VDU 18 and re-poked!
TextBgColour    # 4             ;

; In this brave new world there is a pointer to the text expansion
; buffer used for VDU 4 / 5 text plotting.

; This now lives in the system heap.

TextExpandArea # 4      ; Pointer to Text expand area (in system heap)
TextExpandArea_Size * (8*1024)

                 # 2*4   ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

ScreenBlankFlag # 1     ; 0 => unblanked, 1 => blanked
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

799 800
        ASSERT  ScreenBlankFlag =  Legacy_ScreenBlankFlag
        ASSERT ?ScreenBlankFlag = ?Legacy_ScreenBlankFlag
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

802 803 804 805
ScreenBlankDPMSState # 1       ; 0 => just blank video
                               ; 1 => blank to stand-by (hsync off)
                               ; 2 => blank to suspend (vsync off)
                               ; 3 => blank to off (H+V off)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

807 808
        ASSERT  ScreenBlankDPMSState =  Legacy_ScreenBlankDPMSState
        ASSERT ?ScreenBlankDPMSState = ?Legacy_ScreenBlankDPMSState
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
809 810

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
812 813 814 815
 ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
        AlignSpace 64

816 817 818
FgEcfOraEor # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
        ASSERT  FgEcfOraEor =  Legacy_FgEcfOraEor
        ASSERT ?FgEcfOraEor = ?Legacy_FgEcfOraEor
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

820 821 822
BgEcfOraEor # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
        ASSERT  BgEcfOraEor =  Legacy_BgEcfOraEor
        ASSERT ?BgEcfOraEor = ?Legacy_BgEcfOraEor
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838

BgEcfStore  # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor to store background

;Current state of pattern
LineDotCnt # 4          ; Count down to restarting pattern
LineDotPatLSW # 4       ; Current state of pattern LSWord
LineDotPatMSW # 4       ;    "      "   "     "    MSWord

DotLineLength # 4       ; Dot Pattern repeat length as given in *FX163,242,n

BBCcompatibleECFs # 4   ; 0 => BBC compatible, 1 => native

SpAreaStart # 4         ; Start of sprite area
SpChooseName # 16       ; No comment says Richard
SpChoosePtr # 4

839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849
SWP_W # 1               ; Width & height of image to restore
SWP_H # 1
SWP_Callback # 1        ; Nonzero if palette update callback registered
SWP_Mutex # 1           ; Mutex to prevent re-entrancy
SWP_Restore # 1         ; Nonzero if restore needed in RestorePointer
SWP_Dirty # 1           ; Nonzero if need replot due to palette change
          # 2
SWP_Coords # 4          ; Coordinates of last plot
SWP_Pos # 4             ; Address to restore pixels to, 0 if not displayed
SWP_Under # 4           ; Pointer to copy of screen pixels from under the pointer
SWP_Palette # 3*4       ; Pointer colours converted to pixel values for current mode
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
850 851 852 853 854 855 856

TeletextOffset # 4      ; Offset to current teletext flash bank

TeletextCount # 4       ; Number of vsyncs till next teletext flash

WrchNbit # 4            ; Pointer to char code for current mode

857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875
 [ HiResTTX
CharWidth # 4           ; Width of a character in bytes (same as BytesPerChar except
                        ; in MODE 7, where characters are 16 pixels wide)
TTXFlags # 4            ; VDU 23,18 flags
TTXFlag_Suspend         * 1:SHL:0
TTXFlag_Conceal         * 1:SHL:1
TTXFlag_BlackEnable     * 1:SHL:2
TTXFlag_TransModeShift  * 3
TTXFlag_TransModeMask   * 3:SHL:TTXFlag_TransModeShift
                        ; bits 9-11 must be zero
TTXFlag_FgTransEOR      * 1:SHL:12
                        ; bits 13-15 must be zero
TTXFlag_BgTransEOR      * 1:SHL:16
                        ; bits 17-19 must be zero
TTXFlag_FgTransBIC      * 1:SHL:20
                        ; bits 21-23 must be zero
TTXFlag_BgTransBIC      * 1:SHL:24

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
876 877 878
BeepBlock # 8           ; OSWORD block for VDU 7

ScreenMemoryClaimed # 1 ; NZ => memory has been claimed or is unusable
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
ExternalFramestore # 1  ; NZ => using external framestore rather than screen memory DA
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
882 883 884 885 886 887
 ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes

TTXDoubleCounts # 25    ; Number of double height chars on each line

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
889 890 891 892 893 894
 ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes

RAMMaskTb # 32*4        ; Copy of MaskTb for this mode (up to 32 words)

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910
 ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes

VduOutputCurrentState # 0 ; values of R0-R3 to return from SwitchOutputToSprite
                        ; or Mask; next 4 must be in this order
SpriteMaskSelect # 4    ; value of R0 to be given to SWI OS_SpriteOp to set up
                        ; current state
VduSpriteArea # 4       ; Pointer to sprite area containing VDU output sprite
                        ; (0 if output is to screen)
VduSprite # 4           ; Pointer to VDU output sprite (0 if output to screen)

VduSaveAreaPtr # 4      ; Pointer to save area for VDU variables

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927
 ! 0,"16,12 ":CC::STR:@
    AlignSpace 16, 12   ; Make ClipBoxCoords a valid immediate,
                        ; with ClipBoxEnable immediately before it
ClipBoxInfo # 0
ClipBoxEnable # 4       ; 0 => clip box disabled, 1 => enabled

ClipBoxCoords # 0       ; Internal coords of modified area of screen
ClipBoxLCol # 4
ClipBoxBRow # 4
ClipBoxRCol # 4
ClipBoxTRow # 4

FgPattern       # 4*8   ; foreground pattern as defined by OS_SetColour
BgPattern       # 4*8   ; background pattern as defined by OS_SetColour

                # 3*4   ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
930 931 932
KernelModeSelector # 4  ; pointer to block in system heap where
                        ; current mode selector is copied

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942
 ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes

TextExpand # 4*1024     ; Tim's massive text expansion table for whizzy WRCH
; TextPlain is now always hard against the end of TextExpand for this mode

TTXSoftFonts * TextExpand + 2*1024      ; Soft fonts in teletext mode

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961
 ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
     AlignSpace 64      ; Align workspace to 64 bytes

; Teletext map and copy/move buffer are overlaid

TTXMapSize      * 41*25*4       ; (&1004 bytes)
LargeCommon     # TTXMapSize    ; the largest area
TTXMap          * LargeCommon

ScrLoaSpriteCB  * LargeCommon   ; (size = SpriteCBsize + MaxSpritePaletteSize)
ScrLoaBuffer    * LargeCommon   ; (size = one pixel row)
ScrSavCommon    * LargeCommon   ; (size = SpriteAreaCBsize + SpriteCBsize
                                ;  + MaxSpritePaletteSize)

FldQueueSize    * ScratchSpaceSize
FldQueueStart   * ScratchSpace

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976
 ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
     AlignSpace 64      ; Align workspace to 64 bytes

Font # &700             ; 7 pages of (soft) font

SaveAreaSize * 12*1024-@

VduSaveArea # SaveAreaSize      ; save area for switching output to sprites

VDWSSize # 0

                ASSERT  VDWSSize <= 12 * 1024

977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984
; IIC bus info block

               ^ 0
IICBus_Type    # 4 ; Bus type (HAL_IICType)
IICBus_Status  # 4 ; Bus status (HAL_IICMonitorTransfer)
IICBus_Device  # 4 ; Bus device (HAL_IICDevice)
IICBus_Size    # 0

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
985 986 987 988 989
; *****************************************************************************
;                 Space in the first 32K is allocated below
; *****************************************************************************
; Real workspace definition

990 991 992
; locations used during reset only. Not cleared by ClearPhysRAM, but
; cleared later (just before DEFHAN).

993 994 995
; Note that these are all relative to ZeroPage!

                ^       &80             ; steer clear of FIQ code
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
996 997
InitIRQHandler  #       4               ; pointer to IRQ handler (LDR PC'ed from IRQ HW vector)
InitIRQWs       #       16              ; workspace for IRQ handler
998 999
InitUsedStart   #       4               ; start of used pages (L2PT etc) not to be cleared
InitUsedEnd     #       4               ; end of used pages
InitUsedBlock   #       4               ; current block in PhysRamTable
InitClearRamWs  #       10*4
1002 1003 1004
InitDMABlock    #       8               ; block of DMAable memory extracted from PhysRamTable
InitDMAOffset   #       4               ; offset+8 into PhysRamTable where memory was taken
InitDMAEnd      #       4               ; current DMA alloc pos
1005 1006 1007
                AlignSpace 32           ; because we clear 32 at a time
InitWsEnd       #       0

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1008 1009
; Basic kernel space - defined locations for external modules

                       ^       &100
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1011 1012
IRQ1V                  #       4       ; &100

1013 1014 1015
ESC_Status             #       1       ; &104
        ASSERT  ESC_Status =  Legacy_ESC_Status
        ASSERT ?ESC_Status = ?Legacy_ESC_Status
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

1017 1018 1019
LatchBSoftCopy         #       1       ; &105
        ASSERT  LatchBSoftCopy =  Legacy_LatchBSoftCopy
        ASSERT ?LatchBSoftCopy = ?Legacy_LatchBSoftCopy
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1020 1021 1022

IOCControlSoftCopy     #       1       ; &106

1023 1024 1025
CannotReset            #       1       ; &107
        ASSERT  CannotReset =  Legacy_CannotReset
        ASSERT ?CannotReset = ?Legacy_CannotReset
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

1027 1028 1029
IRQsema                #       4       ; &108
        ASSERT  IRQsema =  Legacy_IRQsema
        ASSERT ?IRQsema = ?Legacy_IRQsema
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1030 1031

MetroGnome             #       4       ; &10C
1032 1033 1034
        ASSERT  MetroGnome =  Legacy_MetroGnome
        ASSERT ?MetroGnome = ?Legacy_MetroGnome

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1035 1036
MemorySpeed            #       4       ; &110

1037 1038 1039
MEMC_CR_SoftCopy       #      4       ; &114
        ASSERT  MEMC_CR_SoftCopy =  Legacy_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy
        ASSERT ?MEMC_CR_SoftCopy = ?Legacy_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076

ResetIndirection        #      4       ; &118

; Now all internal definitions

; Up to here is initialized on reset

; Next come handler variables

MemLimit        #       4
UndHan          #       4
PAbHan          #       4
DAbHan          #       4
AdXHan          #       4

ErrHan          #       4
ErrBuf          #       4
ErrHan_ws       #       4

CallAd_ws       #       4     ; smart Rs ordering:
CallAd          #       4     ; can do LDMIA of r12, pc
CallBf          #       4

BrkAd_ws        #       4
BrkAd           #       4
BrkBf           #       4

EscHan_ws       #       4
EscHan          #       4

EvtHan_ws       #       4
EvtHan          #       4

; The next lot of workspace is in the space vacated by the small soft CAM map area
; (256 words) which is no longer adequate, so we can reuse it

JordanWS        #       0
                #       3*4     ; SPARE
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1078 1079
DAList          #       4       ; Pointer to first node on dynamic area list

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1080 1081 1082

                AlignSpace 16
AMBControl_ws   #       4       ; workspace anchor word for AMBControl
DynArea_ws      #       4       ; workspace anchor word for data structures to accelerate OS SWIs for dynamic areas
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1084 1085
                [ StrongARM
SyncCodeA_sema  #       1       ; re-entrancy semaphore for SynchroniseCodeAreas (full address space version)
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
1087 1088
 ! 0, "AMBControl_ws         at ":CC::STR:(AMBControl_ws)
 ! 0, "DynArea_ws            at ":CC::STR:(DynArea_ws)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
 ! 0, "SyncCodeA_sema (byte) at ":CC::STR:(SyncCodeA_sema)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1092 1093

                AlignSpace 4
1094 1095
Oscli_CmdHashSum        # 4          ;for hashed command lookup
Oscli_CmdHashLists      # 4          ;anchor for hashed command lists structure
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
1097 1098
      ! 0, "Oscli_CmdHashSum      at ":CC::STR:(Oscli_CmdHashSum)
      ! 0, "Oscli_CmdHashLists    at ":CC::STR:(Oscli_CmdHashLists)

1101 1102 1103
Serv_SysChains          # 4          ;anchor for block handling 'system' service numbers, in range 1 to 255
Serv_UsrChains          # 4          ;anchor for block handling 'user' service numbers, > 255
Serv_AwkwardChain       # 4          ;anchor for chain handling non-compliant modules (no service table)
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
1105 1106 1107
      ! 0, "Serv_SysChains        at ":CC::STR:(Serv_SysChains)
      ! 0, "Serv_UsrChains        at ":CC::STR:(Serv_UsrChains)
      ! 0, "Serv_AwkwardChain     at ":CC::STR:(Serv_AwkwardChain)

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1110 1111

                AlignSpace 32   ; skipped bit must start on 32-byte boundary (due to speedup)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1112 1113

SkippedTables   #       0
1114 1115 1116
PhysRamTable    #       0       ; Pairs of words (physaddr, size+flags)
                                ; indicating RAM present in machine
                                ; Unused entries have size of zero
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
VideoPhysAddr   #       4       ; Address of video RAM (in the case of DRAM-only machines,
1118 1119 1120 1121
VideoSizeFlags  #       4       ; this is actually a chunk out of DRAM)
DRAMPhysAddrA   #       4       ; Next the DRAM
DRAMSizeFlagsA  #       4
                #       8 * 16  ; Space for 17 DRAM banks + 1 VRAM bank total
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
PhysRamTableEnd #       0
1123 1124
DRAMPhysTableSize *     (PhysRamTableEnd-DRAMPhysAddrA) / 8

 [ :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
 ! 0, "VideoPhysAddr held at  ":CC::STR:(VideoPhysAddr)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

L2PTUsed        #       4       ; Amount of memory used for L2PT
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1130 1131
SoftCamMapSize  #       4       ; Amount of memory (in bytes) used for soft CAM map
                                ; (whole number of pages)

HAL_StartFlags  #       4
1135 1136
HAL_Descriptor  #       4
HAL_Workspace   #       4
HAL_WsSize      #       4

1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152
ICache_Info              #  0
ICache_NSets             #  4
ICache_Size              #  4
ICache_LineLen           #  1
ICache_Associativity     #  1

Cache_Type               #  1
Cache_Flags              #  1

DCache_Info              #  0
DCache_NSets             #  4
DCache_Size              #  4
DCache_LineLen           #  1
DCache_Associativity     #  1
1153 1154 1155

ProcessorArch            #  1
ProcessorType            #  1   ; Processor type (handles 600 series onwards)
1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161

DCache_CleanBaseAddress  #  0   ; word used either for IndexBit or CleanBaseAddress
DCache_IndexBit          #  4
DCache_CleanNextAddress  #  0   ; word used either for IndexSegStart or CleanNextAddress
DCache_IndexSegStart     #  4
DCache_RangeThreshold    #  4
1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167
ProcessorFlags           #  4    ; Processor flags (IMB, Arch4 etc)
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
 ! 0, "ProcessorType  at  ":CC::STR:(ProcessorType)
 ! 0, "ProcessorFlags at  ":CC::STR:(ProcessorFlags)
1168 1169 1170


Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
1171 1172
MMU_PCBTrans             #  4

Proc_Cache_CleanInvalidateAll     #       4
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
Proc_Cache_CleanInvalidateRange   #       4
1175 1176 1177
Proc_Cache_CleanAll               #       4
Proc_Cache_InvalidateAll          #       4
Proc_Cache_RangeThreshold         #       4
Proc_Cache_Examine                #       4
1179 1180
Proc_TLB_InvalidateAll            #       4
Proc_TLB_InvalidateEntry          #       4
1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186
Proc_DSB_ReadWrite                #       4
Proc_DSB_Write                    #       4
Proc_DSB_Read                     #       4
Proc_DMB_ReadWrite                #       4
Proc_DMB_Write                    #       4
Proc_DMB_Read                     #       4
1187 1188
Proc_IMB_Full                     #       4
Proc_IMB_Range                    #       4
Proc_IMB_List                     #       4
1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195
Proc_MMU_Changing                 #       4
Proc_MMU_ChangingEntry            #       4
Proc_MMU_ChangingUncached         #       4
Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry    #       4
Proc_MMU_ChangingEntries          #       4
Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries  #       4

Cache_Lx_Info                     #       4       ; Cache level ID register
1198 1199 1200
Cache_Lx_MaxLevel                 *       2       ; Current machines have max of 2 cache levels
Cache_Lx_DTable                   #       4*Cache_Lx_MaxLevel ; Data/unified cache layout for all supported levels
Cache_Lx_ITable                   #       4*Cache_Lx_MaxLevel ; Instruction cache layout for all supported levels
Cache_HALDevice                   #       4       ; Pointer to any HAL cache device we're using
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1202 1203

1204 1205 1206
IOAllocPtr      #       4               ; current lowpoint of mapped I/O space (also upper limit on DAs)
IOAllocLimit    #       4               ; current lowest allowed I/O space (DA creation may move this up)

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

  [ :DEF: ShowWS
        ! 0, "Free space before DebuggerSpace = ":CC::STR:(&300-@)

1212 1213
        ASSERT  @ <= &300
                        #       (&300-@)
 [ :LNOT: HiProcVecs
1215 1216 1217 1218
; Note that this is currently located within the skipped region, even though it
; doesn't need to be. It was just an easy way of adding the IIC bus info to the
; region. The debugger will initialise DebuggerSpace on startup, so it doesn't
; matter that it doesn't get cleared during the main RAM clear.
1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227
DebuggerSpace           #       16*8    ; Debugger module needs some zero page
DebuggerSpace_Size      *       ?DebuggerSpace

        ASSERT  DebuggerSpace =  Legacy_DebuggerSpace
        ASSERT ?DebuggerSpace = ?Legacy_DebuggerSpace
DebuggerSpace           *       &2000   ; Debugger gets a page all to itself!
DebuggerSpace_Size      *       &1000
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed

IICBus_Count       *    5 ; 5 buses is enough for all current machines
1230 1231 1232 1233 1234
IICBus_Base        #    IICBus_Size*IICBus_Count

                AlignSpace 32   ; skipped bit must end on 32-byte boundary (due to speedup)
SkippedTablesEnd #      0

Dan Ellis's avatar
Dan Ellis committed
; NVRAM support
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
1237 1238
NVRamSize          #    1               ; Size of NVRam (E2ROM & CMOS) fitted in 256byte units
NVRamBase          #    1               ; Base of NVRam
NVRamSpeed         #    1               ; Clock hold time in 0.5us units
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
1240 1241
NVRamPageSize      #    1               ; Page size for writing (log2)
NVRamWriteSize     #    1               ; Size of writable region (256byte units)
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
1243 1244

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
1246 1247 1248 1249
AppSpaceDANode     #    DANode_NodeSize ; Dummy area node for application space (not on list)
FreePoolDANode     #    DANode_NodeSize ; Area node for free pool
SysHeapDANode      #    DANode_NodeSize ; Area node for system heap
CDASemaphore       #    4               ; Semaphore for OS_ChangeDynamicArea - non-zero => routine threaded
MMUControlSoftCopy #    4               ; Soft copy of ARM control register
IRQMax             #    4               ; from HAL_IRQMax
Ben Avison's avatar
Ben Avison committed
1252 1253
DeviceCount     #       4       ; size of our table of devices in the system heap
DeviceTable     #       4       ; pointer to table

1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267
ProcVec_Start           #       0       ; Start of processor vector table
ProcVec_Branch0         #       4       ; Branch through zero
ProcVec_UndInst         #       4       ; Undefined instruction vector
ProcVec_SWI             #       4       ; SWI vector
ProcVec_PrefAb          #       4       ; Prefetch abort vector
ProcVec_DataAb          #       4       ; Data abort vector
ProcVec_AddrEx          #       4       ; not used (was Address exception vector on 26-bit-only ARMs)
ProcVec_IRQ             #       4       ; IRQ vector
ProcVec_End             #       0

ProcVecPreVeneersSize   *       4*4     ; Space for preveneers for loading handler addresses from 0 page.
ProcVecPreVeneers       #       ProcVecPreVeneersSize

1268 1269
AplWorkSize * AppSpaceDANode + DANode_Size

  [ :LNOT: LongCommandLines
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
EnvString          #    256
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed

1274 1275
ExtendedROMFooter # 4 ; Pointer to the extended ROM footer structure. 0 if not initialised, -1 if not found.

1276 1277
CPUFeatures # 2*4

 [ :DEF: ShowWS
        ! 0, "Free space after EnvString = ":CC::STR:(&500-@)
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1282 1283 1284 1285 1286
        ASSERT  @ <= &500               ; a convenient address to remember
                #       (&500-@)

CamMapCorruptDebugBlock #       &40     ; somewhere to dump registers in case of emergency

 [ :DEF: ShowWS
        ! 0, "Free space after CamMap debug block = ":CC::STR:((JordanWS+256*4)-@)
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303
        ASSERT  @ <= JordanWS+256*4
                #       (JordanWS+256*4-@)  ; pad out to original size

CamEntriesPointer #     4       ; points to where CAM soft copy is
                                ; (CamEntries for machines up to 8MBytes,
                                ; CamEntriesForBigMachines for larger machines)

MaxCamEntry     #       4       ; maximum index into the cam map, ie
                                ; 511 for 16MByte machines, 383 for 12MBytes
                                ; 255 for 8MBytes, otherwise 127

RAMLIMIT        #       4

ROMPhysAddr     #       4
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316

HiServ_ws       #       4
HiServ          #       4
SExitA          #       4
SExitA_ws       #       4
UpCallHan_ws    #       4
UpCallHan       #       4

ROMModuleChain  #       4               ; pointer to head of ROM module chain

; now a section that it's handy to have in simply loadable places

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323
 ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
             AlignSpace 16

KeyWorkSpaceSize   *  &200
KeyWorkSpace       #  KeyWorkSpaceSize
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
      ! 0, "KeyWorkSpace          at ":CC::STR:(KeyWorkSpace)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335

; The following were reordered on 26-Jul-91. Old ordering was:
; GeneralMOSBuffer
; ModuleSWI_HashTab
; Module_List
; Curr_Active_Object
; VecPtrTab
; ExceptionDump

1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347
; SWI hash table moved to OldIRQ1Vspace on 12-Nov-97, for Ursula (wider hashing)
; !!!! Free Space
  [ ChocolateSysHeap
ChocolateBlockArrays  #  0
ChocolateCBBlocks     #  4            ; -> array of quick access blocks for Callback
ChocolateSVBlocks     #  4            ; -> array of quick access blocks for software vectors
ChocolateTKBlocks     #  4            ; -> array of quick access blocks for tickers
ChocolateMRBlocks     #  4            ; -> array of blocks for ROM module nodes (reduces no. of individual blocks in heap)
ChocolateMABlocks     #  4            ; -> array of blocks for active module nodes (reduces no. of individual blocks in heap)
ChocolateMSBlocks     #  4            ; -> array of blocks for module SWI hash nodes (reduces no. of individual blocks in heap)
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354
      ! 0, "ChocolateCBBlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateCBBlocks)
      ! 0, "ChocolateSVBlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateSVBlocks)
      ! 0, "ChocolateTKBlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateTKBlocks)
      ! 0, "ChocolateMRBlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateMRBlocks)
      ! 0, "ChocolateMABlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateMABlocks)
      ! 0, "ChocolateMSBlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateMSBlocks)

1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367
; !!!! Free Space (40 bytes)
OldSWIHashspace    #  10*4
; !!!! Free Space (64 bytes)
OldSWIHashspace    #  16*4

;ModuleSHT_Entries  *  16
;ModuleSWI_HashTab  #  4*ModuleSHT_Entries
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1368 1369

Module_List        #  4
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
      ! 0, "Module_List           at ":CC::STR:(Module_List)

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388
Curr_Active_Object #  4

; Vector Claim & Release tables etc

VecPtrTab          #  NVECTORS * 4

ExceptionDump      #  4

; GeneralMOSBuffer: re-use with caution!
; Here's just some of the users:
; user                  use(s)
; default error handler error buffer (must be 246+4 bytes big)
; *If                   expression to be evaluated to control the *If
;                       Command line to be submited on the expression
;                         evaluating to non-zero (the THEN clause).
1389 1390 1391
  [ LongCommandLines
OldGeneralMOSBuffer # 256+4      ;spare
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
GeneralMOSBuffer   #  256+4
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418
 ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
            AlignSpace  16 ; Ensures we can MOV rn, #OsbyteVars if <=&1000

OsbyteVars      #       OSBYTEVarSize
 ASSERT OsbyteVars < &10000 ; Must keep in first 64K so address can be read by
                            ; (and stored in) OS_Bytes &A6,&A7. SKS

; These must be in first 4K
NBuffers        *       10
BuffInPtrs      #       4 * NBuffers
BuffOutPtrs     #       4 * NBuffers

VariableList    #       4

; Oscli stuff
OscliCBtopUID   #       4
OscliCBbotUID   #       4
OscliCBcurrend  #       4

ReturnCode      #       4
RCLimit         #       4

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
SpriteSize      #       4       ; saved on startup for Sprite code
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1420 1421 1422

TickNodeChain   #       4

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
1423 1424 1425
PIRQ_Chain      #       4
PFIQasIRQ_Chain #       4

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1426 1427 1428 1429
; Workspace

EnvTime            #    5

1430 1431 1432
RedirectInHandle   #    1
        ASSERT  RedirectInHandle =  Legacy_RedirectInHandle
        ASSERT ?RedirectInHandle = ?Legacy_RedirectInHandle
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

1434 1435 1436
RedirectOutHandle  #    1
        ASSERT  RedirectOutHandle =  Legacy_RedirectOutHandle
        ASSERT ?RedirectOutHandle = ?Legacy_RedirectOutHandle
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1437 1438 1439 1440 1441

MOShasFIQ          #    1
FIQclaim_interlock #    1
CallBack_Flag      #    1
IRQ_CallBack_Flag * CallBack_Flag
Robert Sprowson's avatar
Robert Sprowson committed
1442 1443
MonitorLeadType    #    1       ; some function of the monitor lead inputs, as yet undetermined
MentionCMOSReset   #    1       ; non zero reports CMOS resets prior to the start banner
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
DUMPER          #       17 * 4  ; now 17 words for 32-bit
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
1449 1450
                #       4       ; PxxxIRQ_Chain used to be here
Page_Size       #       4
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
CMOSRAMCache    #       256
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460
; Was Free space (752 bytes) left by old IRQ despatch (new IRQ despatch moved as it required more space).
; Re-used for various purposes on 12-Nov-97, for Ursula
      ASSERT @ = &C34                            ;if fails, may need to rearrange padding to sort hash table alignment
ModuleSHT_Entries  *  128
ModuleSHT_Padding0 #  12                         ;spare, so that SWI hashtable is aligned for easy immediate address load
ModuleSWI_HashTab  #  4*ModuleSHT_Entries
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
      ! 0, "ModuleSWI_HashTab     at ":CC::STR:(ModuleSWI_HashTab)
1464 1465
SysVars_StickyPointers # (10+1)*4                ;used if ChocolateSysVars is TRUE (1 dummy pointer for 0 size)
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
      ! 0, "SysVars_StickyPtrs    at ":CC::STR:(SysVars_StickyPointers)
1469 1470
Abort32_dumparea   # 6*4          ;info for OS_ReadSysInfo 7 - 32-bit PSR, fault address, 32-bit PC (room for two copies)
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
      ! 0, "Abort32_dumparea      at ":CC::STR:(Abort32_dumparea)
1474 1475 1476
Help_guard         # 4            ;for *help, guard against foreground re-entrancy (multiple taskwindows)
Help_msgdescr      # 4*4          ;for *help, 4 words MessageTrans descriptor
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
      ! 0, "Help_guard            at ":CC::STR:(Help_guard)
1480 1481
PCI_status         # 4            ;bit 0 = 1 if PCI exists or 0 if PCI does not exist, bits 1..31 reserved (0)
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
      ! 0, "PCI_status            at ":CC::STR:(PCI_status)
1485 1486 1487 1488
IOMD_NoInterrupt          # 4     ;no. of irq devices for extant IOMD
IOMD_DefaultIRQ1Vcode     # 4     ;default irq code start address (ROM) for extant IOMD
IOMD_DefaultIRQ1Vcode_end # 4     ;default irq code end address (ROM)
IOMD_Devices              # 4     ;default irq devices table address (ROM)
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
      ! 0, "IOMD_NoInterrupt      at ":CC::STR:(IOMD_NoInterrupt)
1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506
  [ mjsSysHeapNodesTrace
mjsSHNodesTrace_ws # 0
mjsSHNT_hcl_total  # 4    ;total calls to ClaimSysHeapNode
mjsSHNT_hfr_total  # 4    ;total calls to FreeSysHeapNode
mjsSHNT_hop_total  # 4    ;total calls to DoSysHeapOpWithExpansion
mjsSHNT_ohc_total  # 4    ;total calls to OS_Heap for SysHeap claim
mjsSHNT_ohf_total  # 4    ;total calls to OS_Heap for SysHeap free
mjsSHNT_ohx_total  # 4    ;total calls to OS_Heap for SysHeap expand or shrink
mjsSHNT_vcs_total  # 4    ;total SysVar ClaimVNode calls that picked up a sticky node
mjsSHNT_vch_total  # 4    ;total SysVar ClaimVNode calls that went to the heap for a node
mjsSHNT_vxs_total  # 4    ;total SysVar ExpandOrShrinkVNode calls that tried to do sticky change
mjsSHNT_vxh_total  # 4    ;total SysVar ExpandOrShrinkVNode calls that went to the heap
mjsSHNT_vfs_total  # 4    ;total SysVar FreeVNode calls that stuck
mjsSHNT_vfh_total  # 4    ;total SysVar FreeVNode calls that dropped a node to the heap
 [ :DEF: ShowWS
1508 1509 1510 1511
      ! 0, ""
      ! 0, "**WARNING** compiling in code to trace some SysHeap node statistics (mjsSysHeapNodesTrace TRUE)"
      ! 0, ""
      ! 0, "mjsSHNodesTrace_ws    at ":CC::STR:(mjsSHNodesTrace_ws)
1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522
ModuleSHT_Padding1 #  752-12-4*ModuleSHT_Entries-11*4-6*4-5*4-4-4*4-12*4 ;spare
ModuleSHT_Padding1 #  752-12-4*ModuleSHT_Entries-11*4-6*4-5*4-4-4*4      ;spare
      ASSERT @ = &C34 + 752
;OldIRQ1Vspace       # 752

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539

CallBack_Vector   #  4

; interruptible heap manager workspace

HeapSavedReg_R0     # 4
HeapSavedReg_R1     # 4
HeapSavedReg_R2     # 4
HeapSavedReg_R3     # 4
HeapSavedReg_R4     # 4
HeapSavedReg_R13    # 4
HeapReturnedReg_R0  # 4
HeapReturnedReg_R1  # 4
HeapReturnedReg_R2  # 4
HeapReturnedReg_R3  # 4
HeapReturnedReg_R4  # 4
HeapReturnedReg_R13 # 4
Kevin Bracey's avatar
Kevin Bracey committed
HeapReturnedReg_PSR # 4                 ; also acts as interlock
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560

PrinterBufferAddr   #  4                ; holds address of printer buffer
PrinterBufferSize   #  4                ; size of printer buffer - not to be confused with PrintBuffSize
                                        ; which is the (constant) default size for the MOS's smallish buffer
RawMachineID        #  8                ; 64 bits for unique machine ID
KernelMessagesBlock #  20               ; 5 Words for messagetrans message block.
ErrorSemaphore      #  1                ; Error semaphore to avoid looping on error translation.
 [ StorkPowerSave
PortableFlags       #  1                ;
PowerSave * &80
PortableFlag        #  1                ; Non-zero => got an error from Portable_Speed, so don't try it again


MOSConvertBuffer    #  12               ; Enough romm for 8 hex digits.
AbortIndirection    #  4                ; Pointer to list of addresses and trap routines
PreVeneerRegDump    #  17*4             ; room for r0-r15, spsr

1561 1562 1563 1564
 [ CacheCommonErrors
CachedErrorBlocks   #  4                ; pointer to sysheap node holding the error block cache

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574
 ! 0, "low space free ":CC::STR:(&FE8-@)
 ASSERT @ < &FE8

; Words for old tools of assorted varieties
; Don't move the following as their positions are assumed by other modules

                        ^       &FE8
CLibCounter             #       1               ; Counter for Shared C Library tmpnam function
1575 1576
        ASSERT  CLibCounter =  Legacy_CLibCounter
        ASSERT ?CLibCounter = ?Legacy_CLibCounter
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585


; ECN 17-Feb-92
; Added RISCOSLibWord and CLibWord. The ROM RISCOSLib and CLib must continue
; to work even when they are killed since ROM apps are hard linked to the
; ROM libraries. They cannot use the private word since the block pointed
; to by this will be freed.
RISCOSLibWord           #       4
1586 1587 1588
        ASSERT  RISCOSLibWord =  Legacy_RISCOSLibWord
        ASSERT ?RISCOSLibWord = ?Legacy_RISCOSLibWord

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
CLibWord                #       4
1590 1591 1592
        ASSERT  CLibWord =  Legacy_CLibWord
        ASSERT ?CLibWord = ?Legacy_CLibWord

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
FPEAnchor               #       4
1594 1595
        ASSERT  FPEAnchor =  Legacy_FPEAnchor
        ASSERT ?FPEAnchor = ?Legacy_FPEAnchor
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

1597 1598 1599
DomainId                #       4       ; SKS added for domain identification
        ASSERT  DomainId =  Legacy_DomainId
        ASSERT ?DomainId = ?Legacy_DomainId
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1600 1601 1602

Modula2_Private         #       4       ; MICK has FFC and uses it it in USR mode

1603 1604 1605
VduDriverWorkSpace      #       VDWSSize
        ASSERT  VduDriverWorkSpace =  Legacy_VduDriverWorkSpace
        ASSERT ?VduDriverWorkSpace = ?Legacy_VduDriverWorkSpace
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1606 1607 1608 1609

 ASSERT (VduDriverWorkSpace :AND: 63) = 0 ; For Tim (VDU5)

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637
 ! 0, "high space free ":CC::STR:(&4000-@)

                        ^       &4000
ScratchSpaceSize        *       &4000

Export_ScratchSpace            #       ScratchSpaceSize
        ASSERT  Export_ScratchSpace =  ScratchSpace
        ASSERT ?Export_ScratchSpace = ?ScratchSpace

 ASSERT @ <= &8000 ; Start of apl

; *****************************************************************************
; Users of ScratchSpace declare yourself here:

; NRaine: Filling a polygon uses ScratchSpace to flatten the path

; DSeal: Draw module uses ScratchSpace on fill operations (this supercedes
;   NRaine's declaration above).

; SKS: HeapSort with (r1 & 0x80000000) & ~(r1 & 0x20000000) & (r5 <= 16K)
;      uses ScratchSpace as a temp slot for data shuffling after sorting

; TMD: Flood fill uses ScratchSpace for the flood queue.

; Tidying the RMA uses ScratchSpace while all modules are dead

Ben Avison's avatar
Ben Avison committed
1638 1639 1640 1641
 [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
; the GSTrans workspace has now moved to the kernel buffers area
; GSInit and GSRead may now safely be called from USR mode wahey...
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1642 1643 1644 1645
; GSTRANS workspace: GSINIT puts state into the workspacem and GSREAD uses it.
; DO NOT do any operations between GSINIT/GSREAD SWIS.
; SWIs called: OSWord in time var code
;              BinaryToDecimal, ReadUnsigned
Ben Avison's avatar
Ben Avison committed
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653

; LVR: ADFS uses scratch space to format floppies on 1772 based machines

; DDV: ColourTrans uses scratch space to build palette tables when in
;      ColourTrans_SelecTable/RetrunColourNumber and also whilst generating
;      stipple pattterns.

Ben Avison's avatar
Ben Avison committed
1654 1655 1656
 [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
; GSVarWSpace is now in kernel buffers
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
GSVarWSpace             *       ScratchSpace
Ben Avison's avatar
Ben Avison committed
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664

                        ^       0
GSNameBuff              #       &100
GS_Stack                #       &200
GS_StackPtr_Lim         *       &200 / 4        ; Number of words in stack.
GS_StackPtr             #       4
Ben Avison's avatar
Ben Avison committed
1665 1666 1667
 [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
GSVarWSpace_Size	#	0
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680

                        ^      @ + ScratchSpace

; Pointers for SubstituteArgs: no external calls.
; Ensure these don't overlap FileSwitch's buffers below!

MacExStartPtrs          #       44
MacExEndPtrs            #       44

; OS_CLI has a buffer for alias expansion: ReadVarVal and SubstituteArgs
;    are called while the buffer is held. Also used for module prefixes:
;    Module called twice in this case.

1681 1682 1683 1684
  [ LongCommandLines
OldAliasExpansionBuffer #       100     ;spare, mjs: shouldn't this have been &100 ??!??
AliasExpansionBuffer    #       100     ;mjs: shouldn't this be &100 ??!??
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
; *list/*type need an argument expansion buffer: ReadArgs called with it.
1686 1687
ArgumentBuffer          *       AliasExpansionBuffer
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694

; EvaluateExpression space. Calls ReadUnsigned, BinaryToDecimal and ReadVarVal.

ExprWSpace              *       @

                        ^       0, R12
1695 1696 1697
  [ LongCommandLines
    ;ExprBuff moved to Kernel buffers area
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
ExprBuff                #       &100
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1700 1701 1702 1703
exprBracDif             #       2       ; keep exprSTRACC aligned
tos_op                  #       2       ; 1 byte for use as STRACC-1
ExprSVCstack            #       4

1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709
  [ LongCommandLines
    ;exprSTRACC moved to Kernel buffers area
ExprStackLimit          *       @ - exprBracDif + ExprWSpace + &100   ;keep 256 buffer zone for stack overflow
ExprStackStart          *       ScratchSpace + ScratchSpaceSize
exprSTRACC              *       @ - ExprBuff + ExprWSpace
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1710 1711
ExprStackLimit          *       exprSTRACC + &100
ExprStackStart          *       ScratchSpace + ScratchSpaceSize
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740

; *****************************************************************************
; ***            Cursor, Sound DMA, SWI, and OSCLI workspace.               ***
; *****************************************************************************

TopOfDMAWorkSpace       *       CursorChunkAddress + 32*1024

                        ^       TopOfDMAWorkSpace ; Note we will be going down

; Sound

SoundWorkSpaceSize      *       &1000

Export_SoundDMABufferSize  *    &1000
        ASSERT  Export_SoundDMABufferSize =  SoundDMABufferSize

SoundEvtSize            *       &1000

Export_SoundDMABuffers         |#|     SoundDMABufferSize * 2
        ASSERT  Export_SoundDMABuffers =  SoundDMABuffers
        ASSERT ?Export_SoundDMABuffers = ?SoundDMABuffers

Export_SoundWorkSpace          |#|     SoundWorkSpaceSize + SoundEvtSize
        ASSERT  Export_SoundWorkSpace =  SoundWorkSpace
        ASSERT ?Export_SoundWorkSpace = ?SoundWorkSpace

; Cursor
1741 1742 1743 1744
; mjs Sep 2000, Kernel/HAL split
; Note that cursor data memory is expected to be uncacheable, since HAL may use it
; directly for h/w DMA. This may not be true since RO 3.7, but should be sorted
; eventually for next generation RO
1745 1746 1747 1748
; Currently (Jan 2013) only the sound DMA buffers are mapped in uncacheable.
; This means CursorData is mapped in cacheable, despite the OS treating it as
; uncacheable.
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

CursorDataSize          *       &600            ; four defined shapes, plus 2 holding shapes
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1751 1752 1753
CursorData              |#|     CursorDataSize
CursorSoundRAM          *       CursorData

1754 1755
SPARE_oldCursorSpace    |#|     &200            ; padding to avoid changing exported addresses for now

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1756 1757
; SWI despatcher

BranchToSWIExit         |#|     4
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SvcTable                |#|     &400
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 [ SupportARMT
   [ ZeroPage = 0
SWIDespatch_Size        *       41*4
SWIDespatch_Size        *       42*4
SWIDespatch_Size        *       39*4    ; can save 2 instructions if no Thumb
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796
SWIDespatch             |#|     SWIDespatch_Size

; Buffers

KeyBuffSize             *       &100
RS423InBuffSize         *       &100
RS423OutBuffSize        *       &C0
PrintBuffSize           *       &400
Sound0BuffSize          *       4
Sound1BuffSize          *       4
Sound2BuffSize          *       4
Sound3BuffSize          *       4
SpeechBuffSize          *       4
MouseBuffSize           *       &40
KeyBuff                 |#|     KeyBuffSize
RS423InBuff             |#|     RS423InBuffSize
RS423OutBuff            |#|     RS423OutBuffSize
PrintBuff               |#|     PrintBuffSize
Sound0Buff              |#|     Sound0BuffSize
Sound1Buff              |#|     Sound1BuffSize
Sound2Buff              |#|     Sound2BuffSize
Sound3Buff              |#|     Sound3BuffSize
SpeechBuff              |#|     SpeechBuffSize
MouseBuff               |#|     MouseBuffSize

; IRQ despatch
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

MaxInterrupts           *       192     ; 192 needed by OMAP5. Increase in future if necessary.
DefIRQ1Vspace           *       12*MaxInterrupts+128
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1801 1802 1803

DefaultIRQ1V            |#|     DefIRQ1Vspace

 [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
 ! 0, "CursorChunkAddress free ":CC::STR:(@-CursorChunkAddress)
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

 ASSERT @ >= CursorChunkAddress
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1809 1810 1811 1812 1813

; *****************************************************************************
;                        High system workspace
; *****************************************************************************

                ^       SVCStackAddress
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
1815 1816

                       #       SVCStackSize    ; svcstk size. Overflow will give abort
SVCSTK                 #       0
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

SysHeapStart           *       SysHeapAddress
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1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847

; *****************************************************************************

  [ LongCommandLines

    ASSERT            LongCLISize >= 256+4     ;minimum size of GeneralMOSBuffer

;Kernel buffers area

                      ^  KbuffsBaseAddress

GeneralMOSBuffer      #  LongCLISize

EnvString             #  LongCLISize

AliasExpansionBuffer  #  LongCLISize
ArgumentBuffer        *  AliasExpansionBuffer

ExprBuff              #  LongCLISize
exprSTRACC            #  LongCLISize

OscliBuffSize         *  LongCLISize
OscliNoBuffs          *  16
RedirectBuff          #  OscliBuffSize
OscliCircBuffStart    #  OscliBuffSize * OscliNoBuffs
OscliCircBuffLimit    #  0

Ben Avison's avatar
Ben Avison committed
1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853
 [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
GSVarWSpace           #  GSVarWSpace_Size

SysVarWorkSpace	      #  40		; used by the sys$* variables for reading the current time into

1854 1855 1856 1857 1858
ROMBuildDate          #  128
 [ UseNewFX0Error
NewFX0Error           #  64

1859 1860
HeapBackgroundError   #  256 ; For storing errors generated in the background by the forced completion of a foreground heap op

1861 1862 1863
KbuffsEnd             #  0
KbuffsSize            *  KbuffsEnd - KbuffsBaseAddress  ;size of Kernel buffers area

    ASSERT            ((KbuffsSize + &FFF) :AND: &FFFFF000) <= KbuffsMaxSize
1865 1866 1867 1868

      ! 0, "Kbuffs                at ":CC::STR:(KbuffsBaseAddress)
      ! 0, "Kbuffs Size           is ":CC::STR:(KbuffsSize)

    [ {FALSE}
1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877
      ! 0, "GeneralMOSBuffer      at ":CC::STR:(GeneralMOSBuffer)
      ! 0, "EnvString             at ":CC::STR:(EnvString)
      ! 0, "AliasExpansionBuffer  at ":CC::STR:(AliasExpansionBuffer)
      ! 0, "ArgumentBuffer        at ":CC::STR:(ArgumentBuffer)
      ! 0, "ExprBuff              at ":CC::STR:(ExprBuff)
      ! 0, "exprSTRACC            at ":CC::STR:(exprSTRACC)
      ! 0, "RedirectBuff          at ":CC::STR:(RedirectBuff)
      ! 0, "OscliCircBuffStart    at ":CC::STR:(OscliCircBuffStart)
1879 1880 1881 1882

  ] ;LongCommandLines

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Neil Turton committed
1883 1884
        OPT     OldOpt