1. 06 May, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Refinements to disc based targets especially · a30a2489
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Previous attempt to disable Sprites11 support for 3.10 and 3.50 hadn't spotted it was reenabled in the common options, also the Sprites11 switch was also tied up in Wimp$IconTheme support.
      Title bars would flicker when picked up when using a tool sprite set with no 'p' pushed equivalents on RISC OS 4.0x due to screen cache.
      Makefile now installs a default set of tools & sprites when target is ThemeDefs.
      CLI limit reduced to 256 pre Ursula to save RAM.
        Promote Sprites11 switch into !Default
        Remove fixrmatools
        Sprites11 true by default
        LongCommandLines true by default, false on targets pre Ursula
        Remove ServiceCallTable (harmless to have it in all cases)
        Enable Wimp_Extend 13 all the time
        Reduce RMA use by vital 1.5k for non long command line case
        Change sense of Sprites11 switch to adopt all its previous functionality, but not look for '11' suffix when the switch is false
        Adopt ServiceCallTable switch permanently
        Comments ammended
        Range of ADR
        Change sense of Sprites11 switch to adopt all its previous functionality, but not look for '11' suffix when the switch is false
        Adopt :LNOT: fixrmatools switch permanently
        Supress title bar sprite plotting when none of the sprites exist
      Version 5.25. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_25'
  2. 03 May, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Slacken pointer checks · 42e284a3
      Robert Sprowson authored
      The pointer comparison checking required when running in a system with > 64M memory was tightened up from Wimp-4_75 to Wimp-4_76, but to allow the module to target pre RISC OS 5 systems an option to relax those checks is required.
      Each check has been revisited and where appropriate demarked with a "AcceptLoosePointer" macro, which just remaps the pointer into the stricter form and carries on. In the strict checking case, the macro reduces to nothing.
      Add AcceptLoosePointers switch.
      Retire singular use of StrongARM switch (calling XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas is harmless pre StrongARM anyway).
      Rename Ursula_RPC options to RO400.
      Put duplicate documentation in the attic.
      Allow -2 or -1 as the iconbar handle in Wimp_ResizeIcon (ticket #203).
      Tighten up the list terminator check in the DebugMemory switch of Memory.s
      Tested on RISC OS 3.10 (emulated), 3.50, 3.60, 3.70, 4.02.
      Version 5.24. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_24'
  3. 10 Apr, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Build fixes for variants pre RISC OS 5 · fc22d68f
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Minor fixups as part of univeral !Boot work.
      Options no longer ASSERT on International_Help (which is a definition exported by the kernel, rather than a build switch), and instead define a switch which is true for > 3.50.
      Non UTF8 supporting case has simple substitutes for Wimp_TextOp.
      Legacy_DomainId and LegacyIRQsema no longer cause NULL pointer dereference.
      MOVeQ => MOVEQ to placate ObjAsm.
      Ursula_RPC version built and used briefly on RISC OS 4.02 host. No other run time testing.
      Version 5.22. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_22'
  4. 25 Apr, 2000 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Made 32-bit compatible. · 1bb3b9d0
      Kevin Bracey authored
        Lots of little changes throughout a lot of source.
        Appears to work - not stress tested with things like lots of tasks, big
        transfers, and all the other things that tend to go wrong.
      Version 4.47. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_47'
  5. 20 Oct, 1998 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      UTF-8 support from previous version switched in; additional alphabet-... · 2c759475
      Ben Avison authored
      UTF-8 support from previous version switched in; additional alphabet- conditional support added as follows:
      * Correctly converts character index returned from Font_FindCaret into byte
        index into raw string.
      * Left-arrow, right-arrow, delete-left and delete-right now act as far as
        the next character boundary, instead of to the next byte.
      * Menu item text justification works again (it relies on overwriting spaces
        with hard space characters, which are two-byte characters in UTF-8).
      * General key handling code has been rewritten. The Wimp now has three
        internal key input buffers - one each for taking keyboard-generated,
        task-generated, and function-key-generated strings. Each input buffer is
        processed in chunks of one character, rather than one byte; malformed
        UTF-8 characters are rejected, so tasks don't have to worry about them
        (simplifying their character-handling code). There is also a key output
        buffer, to ensure that (UTF-8) sequences of Key_Pressed events are not
        broken up.
      * As a result of the above, multiple calls to Wimp_ProcessKey are now
        possible between calls to Wimp_Poll. Previously, this resulted in bytes
        getting jumbled up - making it useless for input of UTF-8 characters.
      * Multi-byte characters are inserted into writeable icons in one go, so you
        don't see a brief flicker of the "malformed character" symbol while the
        initial bytes are being inserted.
      * Multi-byte characters that don't entirely fit in a writeable icon buffer
        are not inserted at all.
      * A new validation string command ("U") can limit the contents of a
        writeable by number of characters, instead of bytes. This will hide the
        character sizes from the user interface.
      * Allowable characters (validation string command "A") now works on Unicode
        characters and character ranges.
      * Various other minor bugs are fixed (Wimp_ProcessKey 13 can activate a
        writeable menu item, Shift-arrow keys are always consistent in firing off
        Key_Pressed events, etc.)
      * Password icons supported: one symbol is displayed for each character
        (instead of for each byte); the display character (validation string
        command "D") can be any UTF-8 character; correctly displays the caret
        after set-caret-by-index calls, even though characters in the processed
        string are different width to those in the raw string, in password icons.
      Other changes:
      * The border around NC-style error boxes is resized when the error window
        is grown or shrunk.
      * Messages, CmdHelp and Template files made consistent across resource
        directories, including support for all Ursula features.
      * ShrinkableAreas turned back on in System=RCA builds.
      * User interface features of desktop OS builds standardised.
      Version 4.06. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_06'
  6. 07 May, 1997 2 commits
  7. 05 Nov, 1996 1 commit