Commit 42e284a3 authored by Robert Sprowson's avatar Robert Sprowson
Browse files

Slacken pointer checks

The pointer comparison checking required when running in a system with > 64M memory was tightened up from Wimp-4_75 to Wimp-4_76, but to allow the module to target pre RISC OS 5 systems an option to relax those checks is required.
Each check has been revisited and where appropriate demarked with a "AcceptLoosePointer" macro, which just remaps the pointer into the stricter form and carries on. In the strict checking case, the macro reduces to nothing.

Add AcceptLoosePointers switch.
Retire singular use of StrongARM switch (calling XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas is harmless pre StrongARM anyway).
Rename Ursula_RPC options to RO400.
Put duplicate documentation in the attic.
Allow -2 or -1 as the iconbar handle in Wimp_ResizeIcon (ticket #203).
Tighten up the list terminator check in the DebugMemory switch of Memory.s

Tested on RISC OS 3.10 (emulated), 3.50, 3.60, 3.70, 4.02.

Version 5.24. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_24'
parent 34aa78cb
Neil, and others write about keys in dboxes:
>Both the Mac System and Windows 3 use TAB and shift-TAB (in addition to the
>cursor keys) to move between fields (and not only writable fields in
>Windows!). The logic is that the fields are a matrix or grid of objects,
>much like the cells of a spreadsheet, and that the TAB key moves the caret
>to the next logical cell, from left to right; top to bottom.
Well, the next thing that's going to happen is that he's going to want it
in !Configure and all the other applications so ...
WIMP 2.92 (on my machine and soon in RISC OS :-) provides the following new
validation string command for icons:
The K (Keys) validation string command:
**NOTE**: Next and previous in the following description is determined by
the icon number in the window definition.
From WIMP 2.92 onwards the following command is accepted in validation
strings of icons:
K followed by any or all of R,A,T,D
IF KR is present in the icon's validation string and the icon is
not the last icon in the window, pressing <Return> in the icon will move the
caret to the beginning of the next writable icon in the window. If the icon
is the last writable icon in the window the <Return> (Code 13) will be
passed to the application as in WIMP 2.00.
IF KA is present in the icon's validation string, pressing the up or
down arrow keys will move the caret to the previous or next writable icon in
the window, retaining the same position in the string. Pressing up in the
first writable icon in a window will move the caret to the last
writable icon, and pressing down in the last icon will move the caret to the
first icon.
IF KT is present in the icon's validation string, pressing TAB in
the icon will move the caret to the beginning of the next writable icon in
the window. Pressing Shift+TAB will move the caret to the beginning of the
previous writable icon in the window, the caret wraps around from last to
first and first to last as per arrow keys with KA.
IF KD is present in the icon's validation string, pressing any of
<Copy>,<Delete>,<Shift>+<Copy>,<Ctrl>+U,<Ctrl>+Copy will notify the
application with the appropriate key code as well as doing its defined
action as defined in the RISC OS 2.00 PRM.
IF KN is present in the icon's validation string, the application
will be notified about all key presses in the icon, even if they are handled
by the WIMP.
Options can be combined by including more than one option letter after the
K command (e.g. KAR will give the arrow and return functionality).
From version 2.92 of th WIMP onwards, if the wimp can't find the sprite for
a non indirected sprite, or sprite+text icon, it will look the sprite in the
WIMP's sprite pool
Title; Window Manager 3.03 and the future.
Authors; David De Vorchik
08-Jan-91 DDV Created
10-Jan-92 DDV Added notes on Wimp 3.04
19-Jan-92 DDV Some bits on Wimp 3.05
23-Jan-92 DDV Updated to describe the new rotation speed.
05-Feb-92 DDV Updated to reflect Window Manager 3.06.
11-Feb-92 DDV Some more ramblings.
11-Feb-92 DDV Documentation on Wimp_SetColourMapping/AddMessages/RegisterFilter
12-Feb-92 DDV Some more bits on 3.06, including Wimp_RemoveMessages and change to Wimp_Initialise.
14-Feb-92 DDV Note on template loading.
16-Feb-92 DDV Notes on indirected menu titles.
18-Feb-92 DDV Service_WimpRegisterFilters doc added.
23-Feb-92 DDV Updated before passing over to RMokady.
13-Apr-92 LVR Updated after bug fixing prior to Green release
Window Manager 3.03
The following changes apply to the Window Manager version 3.04 and
beyond. They relate to various improvements in the handling of colour
and window borders.
Firstly the Wimp has been modified to use ColourTrans to lookup the wimp
physical colours and map them onto screen values this has the side effect
that some different effects can be noticed, firstly the inversion of sprites
can result in different colours than before due to then way the inversion
is handled.
8BPP sprites now work correctlyunder the desktop, as do icons with palettes
rather than being plotted incorrectly or the palette being ignored. The concept
of physical palette and the Wimp colours has now been introduced, this means
that in screen modes less than 8BPP there is a palette which is programmed, and
then there is the phsyical colours associated with the Wimp colours 0-15.
CMOS location &1C,b4 controls wether dithering is always applied to Wimp
colours (outside monochrome modes). This is not always active due to
compatibility problems with some third party applications.
Window Manager 3.04
In monochrome modes the first eight Wimp colours are dithered and the
meaning of Wimp_ReadPalette and Wimp_SetPalette is finalised.
Setting of the palette using Wimp_SetPalette now preserves the supremacy
bits used by VIDC if the palette is reprogrammed, this cures a bug in
the palette utility.
New inversion routines applied, these require ColourTrans 1.03 to work
correctly as they take advantage of the transfer function to work
Window Manager 3.05
Some further changes to the handling of palettes, mostly bug fixing though.
The rotation speed of the dot dash line now made processor speed independant
by timing based on 2 centi-second intervals, this makes the display on Perth
look alot better.
Window Manager 3.06
Handling of IconSprites and sprite plotting improved, the new algorithm means
that rather than performing a linear search through both the RAM and the ROM
areas a table of pointers is built, then when a sprite address is required a
binary chop is performed (the list is stored alphabetically).
If the sprite pools have to move then the following service call is
in R1 = Service_WimpSpritesMoved
R2 -> ROM area
R3 -> RAM area
out should not be claimed
Window Manager now uses OS_FindMemMapEntries, rather than its own cumbersom
slow implementation.
The Window Manager notices if a template file is within ResourceFS, then it is
accessed in situ rather than being copied away into a RAM buffer or accessed
via filing system calls.
If a task has specified Window Manager version >= 306 then Wimp_CreateMenu
expects that R4 contains a set of icon flags, this is mainly used for indirected
text so that extended title bars can be used. It is assumed that all sub-levels
of the menu use the same flags for the title bar, to this extent Wimp_CreateSubMenu
ignores the value passed in R4, and uses the original value specified on Wimp_CreateMenu.
When the Window Manager is reset a service call is issued to allow tasks to
install filters with it, this is used by the Filter Manager to register itself.
in R1 = Service_WimpRegisterFilters
out -
This is issued when ever the Wimp resets the filter table back to its default
There have been some changes to the B qualifier in validation strings; it is
still postfixed with two numbers, the first is the border number as follows:
0 => normal single pixel border
1 => slab out
2 => slab in
3 => ridge
4 => channel
5 => action button (highlights when icon selected)
6 => default action button (highlights when icon selected)
7 => editable field
>= 8 => normal single pixel border
The bordering is only applied when the task has specified a version >= 306
to Wimp_Initialise. The second number relates to the highlight colour applied
on border types 5,6. By default this is 14 but the validation string can
over-ride this, when the icon is selected the foreground colour is retained and
the background changes to the highlight colour.
The borders are still plotted on the inside of the icon border and only if the
border bit is set aswell.
A new Wimp_ReadSysInfo has been added:
in R0 = 5
out R0 = task handle / =0 for no active task
R1 = version number specified by task on Wimp_Initialise
This is used by the Font Manager and MessageTrans to decide if indirected menu
titles should are allowed.
A new *Command has been added for loading the Wimp border sprites, this is:
*ToolSprites <fsp>
When issued the Window Manager attempts to locate the border sprites, it does
not attempt to add the various suffixes (as applied on IconSprites) as the sprites
within the pool can have suffixes to their names.
The borders are loaded into a seperate sprite pool rather than the one
used for normal sprites, if the sprites are within ResourceFS then they are
bound directly rather than being copied down into user RAM.
When the borders have been loaded the Window Manager then attempts to update
the screen refereshing all the borders, this is just total screen redraw.
New SWIs / Changes
Wimp_Initialise (&400C0)
in R0 = latest known version of Wimp * 100 (300)
R1 = "TASK"
R2 -> task name string
R3 -> list of message numbers / terminated by 0
in Wimp >= 306 then =0 indicates all messages rather than NONE!
out -
This SWI has changed since its 3.00 definition, this is that if the version
of the Window Manager is >= 306 then it is possible to specify 0 to indicate
that all messages are important to this task.
Wimp_CreateMenu (&400D4)
in R1 -> menu block / = window handle / = -1 to close
R2 = x co-ordinate to open at
R3 = y co-ordinate to open at
IF WimpKnown >= 306 THEN
R4 = flags for title bar icon
out -
The Wimp_CreateMenu has been extended in the Window Manager for tasks which
known about newer versions of the OS. If a task has specified a version >=
306 to Wimp_Initialise then it is assumed that R4 on entry to
Wimp_CreateMenu are the flags for the title bar.
This allows indirected title bars to be used which is important for
internationalised applications. If the indirected bit is set then the first
12 bytes of the menu structure are not the title string but are the same as
the data passed to Wimp_CreateIcon for an indirected icon. Within the
flags word the only data which is changed is the button type and the
Only the indirection, text and sprite bits are passed through from R4.
Wimp_SysInfo (&400F2)
in R0 = 5 => return current task info
out R0 = task handle / =0 if none active
R1 = version specified by task to Wimp Initialise
This is just a new reason code introduced after Window Manager 3.00, the
first returns info on the current.
Wimp_RegisterFilter (&400F5)
in R0 = filter number
= 0 => pre-poll filter
= 1 => post-poll filter
= 2 => rectangle copy filter
= 3 => get rectangle filter
R1 -> routine / =0 for none
R2 -> workspace to pass in R12
out -
Calling this will install a routine to be called prior to certain operations
being performed. Routines called will be in SVC mode with interrupts enabled,
the routine called should preserve all registers, except where documented. R2 contains
the task handle of the task about to be paged in.
Wimp_AddMessages (&400F6)
in R0 -> word array of messages to add for task
out -
This call allows to you update the list of messages known by a certain task,
this routine updates the messages list for the current task. It is only
of any use for tasks that have specified 300 or greater to Wimp_Initialise.
Wimp_RemoveMessages (&400F7)
in R0 -> word array of messages to remove from task
out -
This SWI allows the caller to remove messages from the list specified either
on Wimp_Initialise or by Wimp_AddMessages. This SWI only works if the task
has specified a version >= 300 to Wimp_Initialise.
Wimp_SetColourMapping (&400F8)
in R1 -> palette to be used for converting Wimp colours to physical colours
R2 -> 2 byte array for mapping 1BPP sprites to Wimp colours
R3 -> 4 byte array for mapping 2BPP sprites to Wimp colours
R4 -> 16 byte array for mapping 4BPP sprites to Wimp colours
R5,R6,R7 must be zero
out -
Using this SWI you can change the way in which the Window Manager maps
its own Wimp colours to physical colours.
On entry R1 contains a pointer to a 16 word set of physical colours (&BBGGRRxx),
when converting a wimp colour to its physical colour it indirects through this
to get the physical colour required. By default this is the same as the palette
defined using Wimp_SetPalette.
If -1 is specified then the default Wimp palette is used, if 0 is specified then
the palette defined by Wimp_SetPalette is used, else the table is copied away.
R2,R3,R4 point to byte arrays which are used when converting non-paletted
sprite colours to their physical colours. Basicly the system uses the values stored
within the byte array as an index into the palette being used for ColourTrans
calls. Passing 0 indicates no change, -1 indicates the default setting.
Window Manager 3.10
Released in RISC OS 3.08. Various bug fixes have been applied for this
version together with some minor functional changes:
- The border command in icon validation strings is changed to an R
- The menu tick and arrow icons are reverted back to sprites.
- The KA command in an icon validation string causes the caret to be
positioned to the end of next writable icon when the up/down arrow keys are
- *WimpPalette now checks that there are exactly 16 entries in a palette
- Sprite highlighting has changed again. Greys are inverted in intensity
(i.e 0 -> 1, 0.25 -> 0.75). While colours are reduced to 5/8 of their
original intensity. Graying is accomplished by mapping all colours to a
corresponding gray level and compressing the brightness range 0..1 into the
range 0.7 .. 1.0, basically emulating RISC OS 2 functionality.
- The wimp now responds to Service_InvalidateCache and thus correctly
tracks applications that modify the colour palette.
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
; (remove multiple memory change messages)
Option UseAMBControl, true ; delegate task memory management to OS_AMBControl
Option UseLeaveOS, false ; is SWI OS_LeaveOS available on this kernel?
Option StrongARM, true
Option AcceptLoosePointers, true ; Sloppy "any -ve will do" checks (for 64M memory map only)
Option FPE4, true ; assume FPE 4.00 or later present
Option TrueIcon1, true ; true colour support, phase 1
Option TrueIcon2, true :LAND: TrueIcon1 ; true colour support, phase 2
......@@ -31,5 +31,6 @@ module_postfix SETS " 32-bit"
Option StickyEdges, false ; unimplemented ; Allow windows to "stick" when dragged over edge of screen
Option MultiClose, true ; Allow Ctrl-Alt clicks on close/iconise buttons
Option PushBothBars, true ; Push in both scrollbars on adjust-drags
Option AcceptLoosePointers, false ; Sloppy "any -ve will do" checks (for 64M memory map only)
......@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ module_postfix SETS " RISC OS 3.1"
; (this means funny paletted sprites plot
; better in 16bpp+ modes)
Option UseAMBControl, false ; delegate task memory management to OS_AMBControl
Option StrongARM, false
Option FPE4, false ; assume FPE 4.00 or later present
Option TrueIcon2, true :LAND: TrueIcon1 ; true colour support, phase 2
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ module_postfix SETS " RISC OS 3.5"
; (this means funny paletted sprites plot
; better in 16bpp+ modes)
Option UseAMBControl, false ; delegate task memory management to OS_AMBControl
Option StrongARM, false
Option TrueIcon2, true :LAND: TrueIcon1 ; true colour support, phase 2
Option TrueIcon3, true :LAND: TrueIcon2 ; true colour support, phase 3 (windows)
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
module_postfix SETS " RISC OS 3.6"
Option UseAMBControl, false ; delegate task memory management to OS_AMBControl
Option StrongARM, false
Option TrueIcon2, true :LAND: TrueIcon1 ; true colour support, phase 2
Option TrueIcon3, true :LAND: TrueIcon2 ; true colour support, phase 3 (windows)
; Copyright 1998 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Copyright 2013 Castle Technology Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
Option StickyEdges, false ; unimplemented ; Allow windows to "stick" when dragged over edge of screen
Option MultiClose, true ; Allow Ctrl-Alt clicks on close/iconise buttons
Option PushBothBars, true ; Push in both scrollbars on adjust-drags
Option AcceptLoosePointers, false ; Sloppy "any -ve will do" checks (for 64M memory map only)
Option RO4, true ; RISC OS 4 extensions
......@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
GBLS Module_HelpVersion
GBLS Module_ComponentName
GBLS Module_ComponentPath
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.23"
Module_Version SETA 523
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.24"
Module_Version SETA 524
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "03 May 2013"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "03-May-13"
Module_ComponentName SETS "Wimp"
Module_ComponentPath SETS "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Desktop/Wimp"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.23"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.23 (03 May 2013)"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.24"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.24 (03 May 2013)"
/* (5.23)
/* (5.24)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.23
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.24
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 03 May 2013
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.23"
#define Module_Version 523
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.24"
#define Module_Version 524
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "03 May 2013"
......@@ -18,6 +18,6 @@
#define Module_ComponentName "Wimp"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Desktop/Wimp"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.23"
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.23 (03 May 2013)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "5:23"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.24"
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.24 (03 May 2013)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "5:24"
......@@ -239,4 +239,47 @@ $name SETL $value
Option debug$name,$value:LAND:debug
; Make sloppy compares for targets where -ve pointers are not considered valid
AcceptLoosePointer_Neg $reg,$subst,$cc,$tmp
[ AcceptLoosePointers
[ "$cc"<>"" :LAND: "$cc"<>"AL"
LCLS rcc
rcc SETS :REVERSE_CC:"$cc"
B$rcc %FT01
SavePSR $tmp
; Loose, subtitute anything -ve
CMP $reg,#0
LDRLT $reg,=$subst
[ "$cc"<>"" :LAND: "$cc"<>"AL"
; Keep the condition
RestPSR $tmp,,f
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero $reg,$subst,$cc,$tmp
[ AcceptLoosePointers
[ "$cc"<>"" :LAND: "$cc"<>"AL"
LCLS rcc
rcc SETS :REVERSE_CC:"$cc"
B$rcc %FT01
SavePSR $tmp
; Loose, subtitute anything -ve or zero
CMP $reg,#0
LDRLE $reg,=$subst
[ "$cc"<>"" :LAND: "$cc"<>"AL"
; Keep the condition
RestPSR $tmp,,f
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ w_wex1 # 4
w_wey1 # 4
w_titleflags # 4
w_workflags # 4 ; icon flags for 'work area'
w_areaCBptr # 4 ; sprite area CB ptr (<=0 ==> system)
w_areaCBptr # 4 ; sprite area CB ptr (0 ==> system, 1 ==> wimp, else user)
w_minx # 2 ; minimum x size (0 ==> use title)
w_miny # 2 ; minimum y size
w_title # 12 ; title (max 11 chars, then <CR)
......@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ XROS_Module Entry
ADRL R0,memory_claims
LDR R0,[R0]
CMP R0,#nullptr
CMP R0,#-1
LDR R14,[R0],#8
TEQ R14,R2
......@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ ros_free
Push R0
ADRL R0,memory_claims
LDR R0,[R0]
CMP R0,#0
CMP R0,#-1
LDR R14,[R0],#8
......@@ -492,7 +492,9 @@ measure_ellipsis ; called from FindFont, sets things up for textop_truncate
MyEntry "ResizeIcon"
CMP R0,#nullptr
AcceptLoosePointer_Neg R0,nullptr
CMP R0,#nullptr ; equate to iconbar per PRM
CMPNE R0,#nullptr2 ; let through -2 as iconbar, seems natural
LDREQ handle,iconbarhandle
MOVNE handle,R0
BL checkhandle
......@@ -5467,6 +5467,7 @@ int_commandwindow
BL checkhandle ; give up now!
Pull "R7,PC",VS
AcceptLoosePointer_Neg R0,-1
CMP R0, R0, ASR #31
BEQ releasewrch ; R0 = 0 or -1 ==> remove window
CMP R0,#1
......@@ -5952,6 +5953,7 @@ int_set_pointer_shape
Push "LR"
CMP R0,#0
AcceptLoosePointer_Neg R1,nullptr,NE,R14
CMPNE R1,#nullptr ; null pointer if = -1
BEQ justsetshape
......@@ -2050,6 +2050,7 @@ nomodemess
SWIWimp_SetPalette ROUT
MyEntry "SetPalette"
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero userblk,0
CMP userblk,userblk,ASR #31
ADREQL userblk,emergencypalette ; set default if R1 <= 0
BL int_setpalette
......@@ -4145,6 +4146,7 @@ update_pointer_shape_for_icon_create
MOV r2,#WimpValidation_Pointer
LDR r3,[userblk,#i_data+4 + 4] ; Pointer to validation string.
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero r3,-1
CMP r3,r3,ASR #31
Pull "r0-r5,x0-y1,pc",EQ
BL findcommand
......@@ -4368,6 +4370,7 @@ SWIWimp_DeleteIcon
CMP R2,#nullptr ; ignore null deletes
BLE ExitWimp ; (they don't exist anyway)
AcceptLoosePointer_Neg handle,nullptr2
CMP handle,#nullptr
CMPNE handle,#nullptr2
BEQ removefromiconbar
......@@ -1403,6 +1403,7 @@ ptr_iconbar_icon
MOV r2,#WimpValidation_Pointer
LDR r3,[r14,#i_data+4] ; Pointer to validation string.
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero r3,-1
CMP r3,r3,ASR #31
DebugS bo,"Validation string is ",r3
......@@ -2709,6 +2710,7 @@ trymenucursorkeys
ADD r7, r1, r1, LSL #1 ; r7 = selected item * 3 (also used later)
ADD r6, r5, r7, LSL #3 ; r6 -> selected menu item
LDR r1, [r6, #mi_submenu] ; r1 -> sub-menu data block
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero r1,0
CMP r1, r1, ASR #31 ; check for sub-menu/dbox
BEQ nothing
ADR r14, menuhandles ; get menu window handle
......@@ -386,6 +386,7 @@ int_seticonptrs ROUT
; check for line spacing
Push "R2,R3"
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero R3,-1
CMP R3,R3,ASR #31
BL pageiniconbartask
......@@ -417,6 +418,7 @@ int_seticonptrs ROUT
Push "R2,R3"
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero R3,-1
CMP R3,R3,ASR #31
BL pageiniconbartask ; we need to access the task's data
......@@ -478,6 +480,7 @@ int_seticonptrs ROUT
Push "R0,R3"
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero R3,-1
CMP R3,R3,ASR #31
BLNE pageiniconbartask
BLNE getborder ; attempt to define the border string
......@@ -499,6 +502,7 @@ int_seticonptrs ROUT
; check for a 24-bit colour specifier
Push "R2,R3"
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero R3,-1
CMP R3,R3,ASR #31
BL pageiniconbartask
......@@ -603,6 +607,7 @@ int_seticonptrs ROUT
Pull "R3,R10,PC",EQ ; finished unless Sprite+Text
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero R3,-1
CMP R3,R3,ASR #31 ; no validation string?
[ TrueIcon2
BLEQ mungetruecolours
......@@ -649,6 +654,7 @@ readtruecolours ROUT
; [truetitlefg], [truetitlebg], [trueworkfg], [trueworkbg], [truescoutcolour], [truescincolour], [truetitlebg2]
; may each be modified according to validation string
Entry "R0,R2,R3"
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero R3,-1
CMP R3,R3,ASR #31
BL pageiniconbartask
......@@ -2108,6 +2114,7 @@ writedirreverse_len * .-writedirreverse
Push "R2"
MOV R4,#0 ; no char to print as
LDR R3,validationstring
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero R3,-1
CMP R3,R3,ASR #31 ; R3 = 0/-1 ==> no validation string
MOV R2,#WimpValidation_Display
......@@ -4312,6 +4319,7 @@ yesdr1
CMPNE R14,#drag_subr_posn-1
LDR R14,dragsubr_move ; does it have a move routine?
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero R14,0
CMP R14,R14,ASR #31
......@@ -4734,6 +4742,7 @@ callsubr
LDRB R8,dragaction ; dragaction = offset from dragwsptr
ADR R14,dragwsptr
LDR R8,[R14,R8]
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero R8,0
CMP R8,R8,ASR #31 ; if null routine, don't call it
[ Autoscr
ADD R0, sp, #4*4 ; skip cx0 - cy1 on stack
......@@ -4999,6 +5008,7 @@ SWIWimp_SetIconState
MyEntry "SetIconState"
LDR handle,[userblk]
AcceptLoosePointer_Neg handle,-2
CMP handle,#nullptr
CMPNE handle,#-2
LDREQ handle,iconbarhandle ; allow access to icon bar
......@@ -5114,6 +5124,7 @@ SWIWimp_GetIconState
MyEntry "GetIconState"
LDR handle,[userblk]
AcceptLoosePointer_Neg handle,-2
CMP handle,#nullptr
CMPNE handle,#-2
LDREQ handle,iconbarhandle ; allow access to icon bar
......@@ -5178,6 +5189,7 @@ int_which_icon
BHS endwhlp
AcceptLoosePointer_Neg R0,nullptr2
CMP R0,#nullptr2 ; if iconbar,
BNE %FT01 ; check that the task owns this icon
Push "R1,R2,R7"
......@@ -5239,6 +5251,7 @@ dr_subr_move # 4 ; if <=0, use undraw/draw sequence
MyEntry "DragBox"
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero userblk,0
CMP userblk,userblk,ASR #31
BLEQ nodragging ; preserves flags
BEQ ExitWimp ; =0 or -1 ==> cancel current dragbox
......@@ -6840,6 +6853,7 @@ pushfontstring TraceL font
;find the replacement character by looking at the validation string
MOV R10, #:CHR: 0
LDR R3, validationstring
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero R3,-1
CMP R3, R3, ASR #31
;R3 <= 0 => no validation string
......@@ -7004,6 +7018,7 @@ pushfontstring_copy_string TraceL font
[ AllowMatrix
Push "R2-R3"
LDR R3, validationstring
AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero R3,-1
CMP R3, R3, ASR #31
MOV R2, #"M"
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