1. 13 Apr, 2000 1 commit
    • John Beranek's avatar
      Fixed Japan.NC2 Templates file (hopefully) · 79eb2aec
      John Beranek authored
        !WinEdit appears to have corrupted the Templates file when it was
        editted to change the Japanese translations.
        Hopefully rectified this by reapplying the translation changes using
        !FormEd.  Also changed the translation for the middle button in the
        error box back so that it reads "Cancel" (in Japanese of course).
      Version 4.46. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_46'
  2. 10 Apr, 2000 1 commit
    • John Beranek's avatar
      Updated Japanese translations · ba5e6f2b
      John Beranek authored
        Added Japanese translations received from customer into Messages
        and Templates files
      Version 4.45. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_45'
  3. 29 Mar, 2000 2 commits
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Various little changes. · 17fd99f3
      Ben Avison authored
        * New STB Sprites, Templates and Tools files imported, based upon the
          Lazarus UI rather than the old STB UI.
        * STB build now includes WIMPSymbol.
        * No longer attempts to use WIMPSymbol font in UTF8 builds which didn't
          register the font in ResourceFS.
        * Simplified Resources directories by assigning only a single pair of
          Messages files to each locale, rather than for each UI directory within
          each locale directory. The only code change required is to make the Wimp
          error box always use the "Continue" token for NC/STB builds, rather than
          using one of "OK" and "Continue", as with desktop builds.
        Not tested.
      Version 4.42. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_42'
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Various little changes. · 50103bb6
      Ben Avison authored
        * New STB Sprites, Templates and Tools files imported, based upon the
          Lazarus UI rather than the old STB UI.
        * STB now includes WIMPSymbol.
        * No longer attempts to use WIMPSymbol font in UTF8 builds which didn't
          register the font in ResourceFS.
        * Simplified Resources directories by assigning only a single pair of
          Messages files to each locale, rather than for each UI directory within
          each locale directory. The only code change required is to make the Wimp
          error box always use the "Continue" token for NC/STB builds, rather than
          using one of "OK" and "Continue", as with desktop builds.
        Not tested.
      Version 4.42. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_42'
  4. 07 Mar, 2000 1 commit
    • John Beranek's avatar
      Sprite pool changes · 2703fe27
      John Beranek authored
        Removed Fresco sprites from sprite files.
        Has yet to be tested in a ROM.
      Version 4.41. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_41'
  5. 02 Feb, 2000 1 commit
    • John Beranek's avatar
      Removed unnecessary sprites · 23e8742d
      John Beranek authored
        Removed onscreen keyboard sprites from a number of builds, these
        sprites are now held in NCKeyboard's resources.
      Version 4.38. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_38'
  6. 22 Nov, 1999 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Rendering problems with Lazarus title bars and error box buttons fixed. · 72ca8dd8
      Ben Avison authored
        Title bars: one of the Ursula redraw optimisations was that if the title
        bar sprites had no mask, then the title bar is no longer filled in before the
        sprites are plotted. Lazarus' toolsprites were falling foul of this, because
        the title bar top and bottom sprites (tbarmidt/tbarmidb) had a lesser height
        than the end sprites (tbarlcap/tbarrcap). Because pre-Ursula Wimps filled
        in the title bar regardless, this may not have shown up in the past. The Wimp
        now has an additional check: if there is a gap between the title bar sprites,
        then it always fills in the title bar background before plotting the sprites.
        Error box buttons: the "illuminated" side of the 3D plinths have always been
        white, so they were getting lost against the white Lazarus UI background.
        Used Ursula Wimp icon colour validation string extension to colour the
        borders a uniform grey.
        Tested on a desktop machine, soft-loading the Lazarus Wimp resources.
        Fixes faults 1115 and 1121.
      Version 4.35. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_35'
  7. 09 Nov, 1999 1 commit
    • Neil Bingham's avatar
      Updates to Ursula resources. · 098e719a
      Neil Bingham authored
        * Added missing Resources/UK/Ursula/CmdHelp file.
        * Added missing Resources/UK/Ursula/Messages file.
        * Tested on build 'Ursula'.
      Version 4.34. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_34'
  8. 28 Sep, 1999 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      Lazarus resource changes. · 01a5c4eb
      Simon Forrest authored
        Changes made to Lazarus resources only in progressing towards the
        final UI for the IAC.  Affected files are:
          * Sprites: reduced-palette sprites used where possible to minimize
            memory usage.
          * Templates: the foreground colour of icon #0 in the error dialogue
            box has been altered to be colour 0 (black) in line with the
            other template changes made in previous versions.  (This icon
            was accidentally missed.)
        Minor changes, but untested.
      Version 4.31. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_31'
  9. 23 Sep, 1999 1 commit
  10. 08 Sep, 1999 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      Modified Lazarus template file: · 3cc0a709
      Simon Forrest authored
        * Made background of error dialogue box white to match the UI.
        * Changed the WIMP backwindow colour to black; this stops the
          grey flash as the desktop starts up on booting.
      Version 4.28. Not tagged
  11. 26 Jul, 1999 1 commit
  12. 07 Jan, 1999 1 commit
  13. 21 Oct, 1998 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Service_SwitchingOutputToSprite code optimised: graphics parameters are now... · 7877ad21
      Ben Avison authored
      Service_SwitchingOutputToSprite code optimised: graphics parameters are now only cached when making the first Wimp_PlotIcon call while output is switched to a sprite, and upon return to screen output after such an occurrence.
      All error box templates featuring "border" icons updated to have button type
      0 (never). This prevents IconHigh from mistakenly allowing them to be selected.
      Version 4.07. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_07'
  14. 20 Oct, 1998 2 commits
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      UTF-8 support from previous version switched in; additional alphabet-... · 2c759475
      Ben Avison authored
      UTF-8 support from previous version switched in; additional alphabet- conditional support added as follows:
      * Correctly converts character index returned from Font_FindCaret into byte
        index into raw string.
      * Left-arrow, right-arrow, delete-left and delete-right now act as far as
        the next character boundary, instead of to the next byte.
      * Menu item text justification works again (it relies on overwriting spaces
        with hard space characters, which are two-byte characters in UTF-8).
      * General key handling code has been rewritten. The Wimp now has three
        internal key input buffers - one each for taking keyboard-generated,
        task-generated, and function-key-generated strings. Each input buffer is
        processed in chunks of one character, rather than one byte; malformed
        UTF-8 characters are rejected, so tasks don't have to worry about them
        (simplifying their character-handling code). There is also a key output
        buffer, to ensure that (UTF-8) sequences of Key_Pressed events are not
        broken up.
      * As a result of the above, multiple calls to Wimp_ProcessKey are now
        possible between calls to Wimp_Poll. Previously, this resulted in bytes
        getting jumbled up - making it useless for input of UTF-8 characters.
      * Multi-byte characters are inserted into writeable icons in one go, so you
        don't see a brief flicker of the "malformed character" symbol while the
        initial bytes are being inserted.
      * Multi-byte characters that don't entirely fit in a writeable icon buffer
        are not inserted at all.
      * A new validation string command ("U") can limit the contents of a
        writeable by number of characters, instead of bytes. This will hide the
        character sizes from the user interface.
      * Allowable characters (validation string command "A") now works on Unicode
        characters and character ranges.
      * Various other minor bugs are fixed (Wimp_ProcessKey 13 can activate a
        writeable menu item, Shift-arrow keys are always consistent in firing off
        Key_Pressed events, etc.)
      * Password icons supported: one symbol is displayed for each character
        (instead of for each byte); the display character (validation string
        command "D") can be any UTF-8 character; correctly displays the caret
        after set-caret-by-index calls, even though characters in the processed
        string are different width to those in the raw string, in password icons.
      Other changes:
      * The border around NC-style error boxes is resized when the error window
        is grown or shrunk.
      * Messages, CmdHelp and Template files made consistent across resource
        directories, including support for all Ursula features.
      * ShrinkableAreas turned back on in System=RCA builds.
      * User interface features of desktop OS builds standardised.
      Version 4.06. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_06'
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      UTF-8 support from previous version switched in; additional alphabet-... · e6cf688e
      Ben Avison authored
      UTF-8 support from previous version switched in; additional alphabet- conditional support added as follows: 
      * Correctly converts character index returned from Font_FindCaret into byte
        index into raw string.
      * Left-arrow, right-arrow, delete-left and delete-right now act as far as
        the next character boundary, instead of to the next byte.
      * Menu item text justification works again (it relies on overwriting spaces
        with hard space characters, which are two-byte characters in UTF-8).
      * General key handling code has been rewritten. The Wimp now has three
        internal key input buffers - one each for taking keyboard-generated,
        task-generated, and function-key-generated strings. Each input buffer is
        processed in chunks of one character, rather than one byte; malformed
        UTF-8 characters are rejected, so tasks don't have to worry about them
        (simplifying their character-handling code). There is also a key output
        buffer, to ensure that (UTF-8) sequences of Key_Pressed events are not
        broken up.
      * As a result of the above, multiple calls to Wimp_ProcessKey are now
        possible between calls to Wimp_Poll. Previously, this resulted in bytes
        getting jumbled up - making it useless for input of UTF-8 characters.
      * Multi-byte characters are inserted into writeable icons in one go, so you
        don't see a brief flicker of the "malformed character" symbol while the
        initial bytes are being inserted.
      * Multi-byte characters that don't entirely fit in a writeable icon buffer
        are not inserted at all.
      * A new validation string command ("U") can limit the contents of a
        writeable by number of characters, instead of bytes. This will hide the
        character sizes from the user interface.
      * Allowable characters (validation string command "A") now works on Unicode
        characters and character ranges.
      * Various other minor bugs are fixed (Wimp_ProcessKey 13 can activate a
        writeable menu item, Shift-arrow keys are always consistent in firing off
        Key_Pressed events, etc.)
      * Password icons supported: one symbol is displayed for each character
        (instead of for each byte); the display character (validation string
        command "D") can be any UTF-8 character; correctly displays the caret
        after set-caret-by-index calls, even though characters in the processed
        string are different width to those in the raw string, in password icons.
      Other changes:
      * The border around NC-style error boxes is resized when the error window
        is grown or shrunk.
      * Messages, CmdHelp and Template files made consistent across resource
        directories, including support for all Ursula features.
      * ShrinkableAreas turned back on in System=RCA builds.
      * User interface features of desktop OS builds standardised.
      Version 4.06. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_06'
  15. 12 Oct, 1998 2 commits
  16. 09 Oct, 1998 1 commit
  17. 01 Oct, 1998 1 commit
  18. 30 Sep, 1998 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Spinner branch merged. · 818104e1
      Kevin Bracey authored
      Changed to use srccommit.
      All conditionals on "Version" removed.
      Version 4.01. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_01'
  19. 18 Sep, 1998 1 commit
  20. 13 May, 1997 1 commit
  21. 09 May, 1997 1 commit
  22. 08 May, 1997 2 commits
  23. 07 May, 1997 1 commit
  24. 01 May, 1997 1 commit
  25. 13 Jan, 1997 2 commits
  26. 02 Jan, 1997 2 commits
  27. 05 Nov, 1996 2 commits