1. 24 Jun, 2012 1 commit
  2. 20 Jan, 2003 1 commit
  3. 20 Dec, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Bugfixing, Sprites11 support and stretchy command windows. · 67775716
      Ben Avison authored
        * Bugfix: the contents of the pollword returned in the poll block by
          a PollWordNonZero event, where the pollword was flagged as high
          priority, was rotated by 8 bits due to a internal top-bit-set
          workaround. This no longer happens. (This was causing OmniClient never
          to complete initialisation on my machine.)
        * Extended the alternate resolution icon scheme for RAM/ROM sprites and
          toolsprites to be multi-pass, enabling the use of extra sprite sets for
          weird modes (most notably EX0 EY0 ones). After '23' or '0' suffixes
          (the latter still only applies to toolsprites), the suffix for the
          equivalent polychromatic resolution is tried. After rectangular
          suffixes, the next larger squarer suffix is tried. After '11', '22' is
          tried. Failing all of these, a match is attempted with no suffix.
        * The command window is now scaled and centred to match the current screen
          mode - up to a maximum size of 1280 x 1024 OS units.
        * Fixed the *WimpVisualFlags help strings (again).
        * Fixed 'task2' debugging to know about the structure of the SVC stack on
          32-bit machines.
        * Added support for generation of GPA files.
        Tested on Tungsten.
      Version 4.84. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_84'
  4. 05 Dec, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      A few bugfixes, and some muching around with WimpVisualFlags that I did ages... · d2f6d63a
      Ben Avison authored
      A few bugfixes, and some muching around with WimpVisualFlags that I did ages ago but hasn't made it into a build yet.
        * Deleting icon 0 in a window that had no windows would rotate the
          contents of word &00000010 by 16 bits. This had the effect of causing
          lazy task swapping to blow up with an "undefined instruction" error.
        * Setting the caret to a byte position beyond the end of an icon's text
          would (a) loop indefinitely if the alphabet is UTF-8, or (b) data abort
          for any other alphabet. This was due to the code trying to determine the
          number of characters in the string, and ignoring the terminator;
          skipcharR would never advance far enough to satisfy the loop in UTF-8,
          in other alphabets it would advance as far as necessary, leading to the
          later code to try to step a huge number of characters through the
          pushfontstring copy of the text, running off the top of the SVC stack
          (which is mapped out on Tungsten, previously it abutted the system heap,
          so no ill effects were observed).
        * Keyboard shortcuts are now correctly positoned when 3D menus are selected.
        * Corrected spelling of "dialogue" in *WimpVisualFlags help.
        * Changed *WimpVisualFlags so that no parameters gives RISC OS 3
          behaviour, and -All gives default RISC OS 4 behaviour. (Previously, font
          blending was enabled in both cases, unless explicitly disabled by an
          additional -NoFontBlending switch.) This required a sense change in the
          font blending switch: -FontBlending now enables font blending.
          -NoFontBlending is still accepted without error, but is ineffectual
          (since the no-options state upon which it acts already has font blending
        * Default setting is now as though *WimpVisualFlags -RemoveIconBoxes had
          been executed. (In practice, this will not be noticeably different from
          previous Tematic versions, see below.)
        * The state -RemoveIconBoxes switch was previously assumed always set -
          now, if it is not specified, you get the old RISC OS 3 behaviour back.
        Tested on Tungsten.
      Version 4.82. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_82'
  5. 28 Nov, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Messages changes. · 8207a1fd
      Ben Avison authored
        * Removed Acorn/ACORN from keyboard shortcuts.
        * Added Red/RED/Green/GREEN/Blue/BLUE (and an attempt at German
          versions too) to keyboard shortcuts.
        * Capitalised the 'B' in -Fully3DIconBar to hint that it's necessary in
          the short form of the switch to *WimpVisualFlags.
        Not tested.
      Version 4.81. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_81'
  6. 30 Oct, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Merged in RISC OS 4.02 changes (including ROM patches). Also som bugfixes. · 3b1e336c
      Ben Avison authored
        RISC OS 4 changes:
        * Font blending for desktop font (based on NC code, but now configurable)
        * 3-D window/menu/iconbar borders
        * Textured menu backgrounds
        * Loss of rubout box in unfilled text+sprite icons
        * *WimpVisualFlags controls various aspects of cosmetic changes above
        * Iconise button "slot" glyph slightly shorter (but only adopted in the RO400
          Resource directory)
        * Command window has front-window flag set
        * Byte at +39 of the window block has gained two new flag bits:
            bit 2 set => this window must never be given a 3D border
            bit 3 set => this window must always be given a 3D border
            (note that ResEd erroneously created windows with both bits set,
            this case is treated as though both bits were clear)
        * Another two colour specifiers on the end of C validation string command
          for icons controls the foreground and background colours to be used when
          the icon is selected
        * Pointer shape is correctly reprogrammed by the creation of icon
          underneath it
        * Full stops in writable icons are treated the same as spaces from the
          point of view of cursor navigation
        * spritesize routine returns a size of 0 if the sprite didn't exist
          (probably fixes some rendering problems)
        * Adjust-click on back icon brings window to front
        My changes:
        * DeleteRight turned on
        * Icon bar title background is set to default in all resource sets (avoids
          translation table recalc)
        * Error box title now cream across all resource sets
        * RISC OS 4 changes made 32-bit compatible / high addresses safe
        * Undocumented FullIconClipping option disabled
        * Command help made consistent for internationalised and non-
          internationalised builds
        * WimpVisualFlags defaults made sensible
        * Menu side width affected by ThreeD option at *run* time not assemble time
        * Right-clicking on menus with writable items no longer data aborts
        * Auto-opened menus are now at RHS of current icon (matches RISC OS 3.1)
        * Colour menus were knackered unless menu tiling was enabled
        * Fixed a bug whereby adding messages to a task that wanted all messages
          actually caused it to lose all other messages. The RISC OS 4 fix for
          this didn't work
        * Fixed bug introduced in version 4.76: tasks that wanted no messages got
          all of them
        * Autoscrolling is updated every 8 cs rather than every 12 cs
        * Added menu texture to pre-RISC OS 4 sprites files
        Tested on Tungsten.
      Version 4.78. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_78'
  7. 23 Oct, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Given a good thrashing. · c8e139f1
      Ben Avison authored
        All pointers passed to the Wimp (mode selectors, menus, sprite areas,
        palettes, pollwords, validation strings, message lists, routines etc etc)
        in any of its APIs can now be anywhere within the 32-bit address range.
        In general, whenever "<= 0" was accepted as a null condition, the value
        must now be either 0 or -1. It should also be tolerant of system memory
        areas (supervisor stack and RMA) being in the top half of memory.
        * Default next slot now a build option - Ursula builds (eg Tungsten) use
          1024K instead of 640K
        * Ursula builds no longer have a build variant in the help string
        * Autosenses ROM location
        * CR-LFs in *Configure messages replaced with LF-CRs
        * Added Iyonix resources (currently based on Morris4)
        * Morris4 sprites files have gained file_lxa, small_lxa, file_unf,
          small_unf and lo!help sprites
        * Ursula sprites files have gained lo!help sprites
        * *WimpSlot can take memory sizes in megabytes or gigabytes
        Tested on a "traditional" memory-mapped Tungsten.
      Version 4.76. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_76'
  8. 29 Oct, 2001 1 commit
    • Steve Revill's avatar
      Minor resources change to all templates files. · 19856a46
      Steve Revill authored
        The titlebar and input focus colours for the window template for
        error boxes is now cream (12). This is more intuitive. Builds which
        do not have a title bar will not look any different.
        Included the little utility which did the modification in Test/ResMod
        (as in Resources Modifier - but who cares). May be of use in future.
      Version 4.70. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_70'
  9. 20 Oct, 2000 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Shock horror - a new feature for the Wimp! And some housekeeping too. · d7d18819
      Ben Avison authored
        * Added new functionality for menu trees: submenus can now be opened by
          clicking on their parent menu item. This is particularly aimed at
          touchscreen devices, and is configurable via the new *Configure keyword
        * Change to the menu inactivity timeout behaviour after auto-opening of
          submenus (either by hovering over the parent menu item or by the new
          click-to-open functionality): although all hover operations are still
          ignored for this period, any click operations *will* now be obeyed.
        * Corrected numerous misleading comments in the menu handling code.
        * Added some suspiciously absent ALIGNs in the *Configure keyword handlers.
        * Uses new ASCII case-forcing macros so there are now fewer warnings
          printed during assembly (and it should run faster now too).
        * Added an AREA directive so that objasm's -ABS switch is no longer needed.
        * Standardised ErrMem token across all Messages files that use English.
        Tested on a desktop machine.
        Requires HdrSrc 1.06.
      Version 4.57. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_57'
  10. 11 Aug, 2000 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      * Translated resources for France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Turkey incorporated. · 6e7890bf
      Simon Forrest authored
        * Files changed include the Messages, Template and Sprite files, all of
          which now contain appropriate translated versions.
          This is a TRUNK version of the changes applied to the Bethany branch.
        * Sprite files contain an equivalent set of sprites to those in the UK
          variant; these have been rationalised recently so as to remove duplicates
          contained in other software components.
        * New file structure preserved; this is NOT a direct copy from the Bethany
          branch version of the Wimp.
      Version 4.54. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_54'
  11. 20 Oct, 1998 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      UTF-8 support from previous version switched in; additional alphabet-... · e6cf688e
      Ben Avison authored
      UTF-8 support from previous version switched in; additional alphabet- conditional support added as follows: 
      * Correctly converts character index returned from Font_FindCaret into byte
        index into raw string.
      * Left-arrow, right-arrow, delete-left and delete-right now act as far as
        the next character boundary, instead of to the next byte.
      * Menu item text justification works again (it relies on overwriting spaces
        with hard space characters, which are two-byte characters in UTF-8).
      * General key handling code has been rewritten. The Wimp now has three
        internal key input buffers - one each for taking keyboard-generated,
        task-generated, and function-key-generated strings. Each input buffer is
        processed in chunks of one character, rather than one byte; malformed
        UTF-8 characters are rejected, so tasks don't have to worry about them
        (simplifying their character-handling code). There is also a key output
        buffer, to ensure that (UTF-8) sequences of Key_Pressed events are not
        broken up.
      * As a result of the above, multiple calls to Wimp_ProcessKey are now
        possible between calls to Wimp_Poll. Previously, this resulted in bytes
        getting jumbled up - making it useless for input of UTF-8 characters.
      * Multi-byte characters are inserted into writeable icons in one go, so you
        don't see a brief flicker of the "malformed character" symbol while the
        initial bytes are being inserted.
      * Multi-byte characters that don't entirely fit in a writeable icon buffer
        are not inserted at all.
      * A new validation string command ("U") can limit the contents of a
        writeable by number of characters, instead of bytes. This will hide the
        character sizes from the user interface.
      * Allowable characters (validation string command "A") now works on Unicode
        characters and character ranges.
      * Various other minor bugs are fixed (Wimp_ProcessKey 13 can activate a
        writeable menu item, Shift-arrow keys are always consistent in firing off
        Key_Pressed events, etc.)
      * Password icons supported: one symbol is displayed for each character
        (instead of for each byte); the display character (validation string
        command "D") can be any UTF-8 character; correctly displays the caret
        after set-caret-by-index calls, even though characters in the processed
        string are different width to those in the raw string, in password icons.
      Other changes:
      * The border around NC-style error boxes is resized when the error window
        is grown or shrunk.
      * Messages, CmdHelp and Template files made consistent across resource
        directories, including support for all Ursula features.
      * ShrinkableAreas turned back on in System=RCA builds.
      * User interface features of desktop OS builds standardised.
      Version 4.06. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_06'
  12. 12 Oct, 1998 1 commit
  13. 01 Oct, 1998 1 commit
  14. 18 Sep, 1998 1 commit