1. 29 Apr, 2014 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Create cut-down Raspberry Pi build · a63879ab
      Ben Avison authored
        This is a command-line-only build, designed to operate without an
        accompanying RISC OS disc image.
        Also added the GPIO module to the ModuleDB so it can be included in
        ROM builds.
      Version 6.42. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_42'
  2. 01 Dec, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Add BASIC[64] to the !System archive · a8288e52
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Add RTC as an export on the Disc components (for NetTime)
      Retire BASICTrans, placing alphabetically pleasing BlendTable in its slot
      Version 6.35. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_35'
  3. 20 Nov, 2013 1 commit
  4. 06 Oct, 2013 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add BlendTable to ModuleDB & ROM images. Add BlendTable & InverseTable to Disc exports. · 08cfcd00
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        ModuleDB - Added BlendTable
        Components/ROOL/BCM2835, IOMD32, OMAP4, OMAP4, S3C2440, S3C6410, Tungsten - BlendTable added to all ROMs for use by SpriteExtend
        Components/ROOL/Disc - BlendTable & InverseTable added to export stage in order to allow CFSI-JPEG to build
        OMAP3 ROM tested on BB-xM
        CFSI-JPEG tested on Iyonix
      Version 6.29. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_29'
  5. 08 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  6. 03 Mar, 2013 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Move VCHIQ out of disc image and into BCM2835 ROM · 048d5bf1
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Components/ROOL/BCM2835 - Insert VCHIQ into ROM, just before BCMSound (the first module that uses it)
        Components/ROOL/Disc - Removed VCHIQ softload, it's both no longer necessary and no longer supported by the makefile
        Tested on Raspberry Pi
        BCM2835 changes require VCHIQ-0_05, and will require relatively recent firmware at runtime
      Version 6.10. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_10'
  7. 31 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  8. 22 Dec, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Retire NetUtils · 46c0a1af
      Robert Sprowson authored
      The only reference to NetUtils is where !InetSetup attempts to load it (silently ignoring any fail).
      It also outputs this command into "Internet.Startup" but after an RMEnsure of NetFS 5.79.
      Since these are ROM components files, and in every case NetFS 5.79 is present, NetUtils is redundant. !InetSetup should continue as before since it is part of the universal boot sequence and may find itself on a machine with an older NetFS.
      Also - moved RTCAdjust up into alphabetical order (this handily keeps the module numbering the same for Tungsten & IOMD as a side effect).
      Version 6.05. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_05'
  9. 08 Oct, 2012 1 commit
    • Steve Revill's avatar
      Moved BootFX one module later in the ROM. · 893a0e72
      Steve Revill authored
      BootFX happened to be the module _before_ Squash, which was an ironic
      choice when it came to adding support for squashed sprite files. Now
      it's just _after_ Squash.
      Version 6.00. Tagged as 'BuildSys-6_00'
  10. 03 Oct, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Correction to case of Iconbar toolbox component · fef50df1
      Robert Sprowson authored
      The component name had an uppercase 'B' which, through the use of the shared TBoxMake makefile in turn became its directory name in resourcefs.
      However, with non UK territory the string collation rules would not match this and the Iconbar module would die on init.
      Fixes ticket #318.
      Version 5.99. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_99'
  11. 18 Sep, 2012 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Update BCM2835 components to build with latest kernel · 76cd4a07
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Components/ROOL/BCM2835 - Add SerialDeviceSupport export, as it's required by the kernel. Remove ARM module as its functionality is now implemented by the kernel.
        Tested on Raspberry Pi with high processor vectors
      Version 5.97. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_97'
  12. 11 Sep, 2012 1 commit
  13. 09 Sep, 2012 1 commit
  14. 02 Sep, 2012 2 commits
  15. 30 Aug, 2012 1 commit
  16. 20 Aug, 2012 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Fix building of BCM2835 ROM · c468bc2b
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Components/ROOL/BCM2835 - Some unwanted changes crept into the last commit, preventing the ROM from building without a copy of my HangWatch module (and preventing it from running without switching the kernel to high processor vectors)
        Tested with vanilla BCM2835 souce tree
      Version 5.81. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_81'
  17. 19 Aug, 2012 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add BCMSound, VCHIQ to ModuleDB. Add BCMSound to BCM2835 ROM. · c7aa54eb
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        ModuleDB - Added BCMSound & VCHIQ definitions
        Components/ROOL/BCM2835 - Added BCMSound to ROM, and VCHIQ to header exports
        Tested on Raspberry Pi with high processor vectors
        Note - BCMSound won't initialise on startup. First the VCHIQ module needs to be sofloaded, then BCMSound (and the other sound modules) will require re-initialisation
      Version 5.80. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_80'
  18. 22 Jul, 2012 1 commit
  19. 15 Jul, 2012 1 commit
  20. 15 Jun, 2012 2 commits
  21. 07 Jun, 2012 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Switch to simpler USB driver build options · 7c2f4fc6
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Components/ROOL/BCM2835, OMAP3, OMAP3Live, OMAP4, S3C2440, S3C6410 - Removed listings of USB driver debug options now that all that's needed is a simple "DEBUG=TRUE". Removed obsolete RHENIUM options. Disabled building/export of unnecessary drivers.
        OMAP3 & BCM2835 ROMs tested.
        Others untested.
      Version 5.63. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_63'
  22. 03 Jun, 2012 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add DWCDriver to ModuleDB, BCM2835 components file · 566fff9d
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        ModuleDB - Added DWCDriver
        Components/ROOL/BCM2835 - Added DWCDriver. Removed other USB drivers. Disabled SerKeyMouse since we shouldn't need it now USB is working.
        Tested in BCM2835 ROM
      Version 5.59. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_59'
  23. 29 May, 2012 1 commit
  24. 10 May, 2012 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Tweaks for BCM2835 build · 2e05257e
      Ben Avison authored
        * Updated location of HAL now it's in CVS
        * Moved SerKeyMouse module further up the module chain so it can be used if
          ROM init breaks beyond that point
        * Marked RPiFiles as a resources-only component
        Not tested yet
      Version 5.55. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_55'
  25. 07 May, 2012 1 commit
  26. 06 May, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Add switch to OMAPVideo driver. · 300da8fd
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Add FrontEnd to Disc image (in the 500 directory to avoid overwriting the 26 bit only copy in 310 as found in the PlingSystem distribution).
      Version 5.53. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_53'
  27. 28 Apr, 2012 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add UnSqzAIF to ROM images, PlingSystem · 3e2b4ea6
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Added UnSqzAIF to IOMD32, OMAP3, OMAP3Live, OMAP4, S3C2440, S3C6410 and Tungsten ROM images, to protect against the squeeze 5.03-5.08 bug. Even though the bug hasn't been seen on all platforms, there's no harm in taking precautions against it.
        Added UnSqzAIF to PlingSystem, for 3.70+
        New version of UnSqzAIF tested in softload form on Iyonix
        OMAP3 ROM & PlingSystem build OK, others untested
      Version 5.52. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_52'
  28. 23 Feb, 2012 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Update OMAP* component files to include SDCreate · dd7332f6
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        ModuleDB - Added SDCreate entry
        Components/ROOL/OMAP3, OMAP3Live, OMAP4 - Install SDCreate to <Install$Dir>.ABRelease, so it can be picked up by the ABRelease component
        Tested with building & packaging OMAP3 ROM
      Version 5.45. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_45'
  29. 04 Feb, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Add optional CLEAN_DEPEND to the clean rule in CModule. · 940518eb
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Do actively report when the CMHG file is deleted in CModule.
      Add PRISMLIB to the available module libraries.
      Components files updated to pass USB driver switches via CDEFINES not
      Tested with OMAP3 ROM build, other components files modified by eye but
      not tested.
      Version 5.39. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_39'
  30. 12 Jan, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Various changes · 3728b452
      Robert Sprowson authored
      * Added components file to generate a !System
      * Binaries/Browse/BuildEnv/Disc/IOMD32/OMAP4/Printers/Tungsten add heading blocks and line stuff up
      * OMAP3 remove unused switch from FPEmulator
      * SysMap add mapping from Sovereign to 'V'
      * CTools extra qualifiers on some modules to get help right for modules in the 310 directory
      * AAsmModule when CMDHELP=None is in force you can infer that no international help is desired, therefore pass this as a switch to the module to allow it to remove the tokens from its help table (based on how the 'standalone' switch is done)
      Version 5.35. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_35'
  31. 06 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add SharedSound to ROM images · eb4ecbcd
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Components/ROOL/IOMD32, OMAP3, OMAP4, Tungsten - These ROMs now include the SharedSound module
        OMAP3 & Tungsten ROMs tested
      Version 5.29. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_29'
  32. 29 Nov, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add DualSerial module to OMAP3 ROMs · 1974a744
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Components/ROOL/OMAP3 - Added the DualSerial module to the ROM image.
        Tested on rev A2 BB-xM
      Version 5.26. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_26'
  33. 20 Nov, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add CDFSSoftSCSI to ModuleDB. Add to OMAP3 & OMAP4 ROM builds. · 6aee0db6
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        ModuleDB - Added entry for CDFSSoftSCSI
        Components/ROOL/OMAP3, Components/ROOL/OMAP4 - Added CDFSSoftSCSI to the OMAP ROM builds
        Components/ROOL/OMAP3 - Disable OMAPVideo debug output since it's no longer needed to try and help track down the black screen on boot issue
        Tested in OMAP3 ROM build
      Version 5.24. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_24'
  34. 31 Jul, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Update ROM components files to use romlinker instead of BigSplit2 · 59035319
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Components/ROOL/IOMD32, Components/ROOL/OMAP3, Components/ROOL/S3C2440, Components/ROOL/S3C6410,Components/ROOL/Tungsten - Now all use romlinker as their joiner instead of BigSplit2. Required change so that the new kernel can find the ROM build date in the ROM footer.
        Components/ROOL/OMAP3 - Use noimagesize option to prevent the ROM image size being poked into the ROM/HAL at offset &60
        OMAP & Tungsten ROMs built and tested.
        Before my romlinker changes, romlinker was producing identical images to BigSplit2, so there shouldn't be any critical bugs lurking in the code.
      Version 5.19. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_19'
  35. 22 May, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Change kernel ROM offset for OMAP3 ROM · 1116e40c
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Components/ROOL/OMAP3 - Kernel is now at FC018000, i.e. 96K offset instead of 64K.
        Needed for my next batch of checkins to work. Also temporarily breaks OMAP3 builds until I'm done checking in.
      Version 5.15. Tagged as 'BuildSys-5_15'
  36. 25 Nov, 2010 1 commit
  37. 23 Jun, 2010 1 commit
  38. 23 Mar, 2010 1 commit