BuildEnv 6.05 KB
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Robert Sprowson committed
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# Components file for build environment
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
%Image          Build$ImageName
%Log            Build$ImageName
%Messages       Sources.Internat.Messages
%Joiner         BigSplit2
%JoinerFormat   BigSplit

# Fundamental components for header export...
HdrSrc                  -type EXP       # Programmer.HdrSrc
Kernel                  -type EXP       # Kernel
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Robert Sprowson committed

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# Required for Hdr:SWIs (and swis.h) generation...
ADFS                    -type EXP       # FileSys.ADFS.ADFS
ARM3                    -type EXP       # HWSupport.ARM3
ATAPI                   -type EXP       # HWSupport.CD.ATAPI
BASICTrans              -type EXP       # Programmer.BASICTrans
BufferManager           -type EXP       # HWSupport.Buffers
CDFS                    -type EXP       # FileSys.CDFS.CDFS
CDFSDriver              -type EXP       # HWSupport.CD.CDFSDriver
ColourPicker            -type EXP       # Video.UserI.Picker
ColourTrans             -type EXP       # Video.Render.Colours
DDEUtils                -type EXP       # Programmer.DDEUtils
DDT                     -type EXP       # Programmer.DDT
Debugger                -type EXP       # Programmer.Debugger
DeviceFS                -type EXP       # HWSupport.DeviceFS
Dialler                 -type EXP       # Networking.Modem.Dialler
DMAManager              -type EXP       # HWSupport.DMA
DOSFS                   -type EXP       # FileSys.ImageFS.DOSFS
DragAnObj               -type EXP       # Desktop.DragAnObj
DragASprite             -type EXP       # Desktop.DragASprit
DrawMod                 -type EXP       # Video.Render.Draw
Econet                  -type EXP       # Networking.Econet
FileCore                -type EXP       # FileSys.FileCore
Filer_Action            -type EXP       # Desktop.FilerAct
FileSwitch              -type EXP       # FileSys.FileSwitch
FilterManager           -type EXP       # Desktop.Filter
FontManager             -type EXP       # Video.Render.Fonts.Manager
FPEmulator              -type EXP       # HWSupport.FPASC.riscos
Free                    -type EXP       # Desktop.Free
FSLock                  -type EXP       # FileSys.FSLock
HostFS                  -type EXP       # Programmer.HostFS
Hourglass               -type EXP       # Video.Render.Hourglass
IIC                     -type EXP       # HWSupport.IIC
Joystick                -type EXP       # HWSupport.Joystick
KeyWatch                -type EXP       # Programmer.KeyWatch
MakePSFont              -type EXP       # Printing.Modules.MakePSFont
MessageTrans            -type EXP       # Internat.MsgTrans
ParallelDeviceDriver    -type EXP       # HWSupport.Parallel
PDriver                 -type EXP       # Printing.Modules.PDriver
PDriverDP               -type EXP       # Printing.Modules.PDModules
PDumperLJ               -type EXP       # Printing.PDumpers.PDumperLJ
PDumperSpt              -type EXP       # Printing.Modules.PDumperSpt
Podule                  -type EXP       # HWSupport.Podule
Portable75              -type EXP       # HWSupport.Portable75
PortManager             -type EXP       # HWSupport.PortMan
RamFS                   -type EXP       # FileSys.RAMFS.RAMFS
ResourceFS              -type EXP       # FileSys.ResourceFS.ResourceFS
RMVersion               -type EXP       # Programmer.RMVersion
ScreenBlanker           -type EXP       # Video.Render.ScrBlank
ScreenModes             -type EXP       # Video.UserI.ScrModes
ShellCLI                -type EXP       # Desktop.ShellCLI
SoundChannels           -type EXP       # HWSupport.Sound.Sound1
SoundDMA                -type EXP       # HWSupport.Sound.Sound0
SoundScheduler          -type EXP       # HWSupport.Sound.Sound2
SpriteExtend            -type EXP       # Video.Render.SprExtend
Squash                  -type EXP       # Programmer.Squash
SuperSample             -type EXP       # Video.Render.Super
TaskManager             -type EXP       # Desktop.Switcher
TaskWindow              -type EXP       # Desktop.TaskWindow
TerritoryManager        -type EXP       # Internat.Territory.Manager
WindowManager           -type EXP       # Desktop.Wimp

# RISC_OSLib, or the Shared C Library...
SharedCLibrary          -type EXP       # Lib.RISC_OSLib

# Internet and other networking libraries...
TCPIPheaders            -type EXP       # Lib.TCPIPLibs.headers
inetlib                 -type EXP       # Lib.TCPIPLibs.inetlib
rpclib                  -type EXP       # Lib.TCPIPLibs.rpclib.rpc
socklib                 -type EXP       # Lib.TCPIPLibs.socklib
unixlib                 -type EXP       # Lib.TCPIPLibs.unixlib
DHCP                    -type EXP       # Networking.DHCP

# Toolbox libraries...
tboxlib                 -type EXP       # Toolbox.Common
ToolboxLib              -type EXP       # Toolbox.Libs

# Most of the other common libraries...
AcornNCLib              -type EXP       # Lib.AcornNC
AsmUtils                -type EXP       # Lib.AsmUtils
C++Lib                  -type EXP       # Lib.C++Lib
ConfigLib               -type EXP       # Lib.Configure
DDTLib                  -type EXP       # Lib.DDTLib
DebugLib                -type EXP       # Lib.DebugLib
DeskLib                 -type EXP       # Lib.Desk
HTMLLib                 -type EXP       # Lib.HTML
MemCheckLib             -type EXP       # Lib.MemCheck
MemLib                  -type EXP       # Lib.MemLib
ModMallocLib            -type EXP       # Lib.ModMalloc
ModuleTaskLib           -type EXP       # Lib.ModuleTask
OSLib                   -type EXP       # Lib.OSLib
PDebug                  -type EXP       # Lib.PDebug
PlainArgvLib            -type EXP       # Lib.PlainArgv
RemoteDebug             -type EXP       # Lib.remotedb
Trace                   -type EXP       # Lib.Trace
UnicodeLib              -type EXP       # Lib.Unicode
Wild                    -type EXP       # Lib.Wild

# Other stuff...
PCI                     -type EXP       # HWSupport.PCI
OHCIHeaders             -type EXP       # HWSupport.USB.Controllers.OHCIDriver
OHCIDriver              -type EXP       # HWSupport.USB.NetBSD