Commit b4016e9c authored by Kevin Bracey's avatar Kevin Bracey
Browse files

32-bit Kernel.

  The Kernel will now compile to produce a pure 32-bit system if No26bitCode is
  set to TRUE.
  If No26bitCode is FALSE, then the Kernel will be a standard 26-bit Kernel,
  although some internal changes have taken place to minimise compile
  switches between the two cases. See Docs.32bit for more technical info.

  The hardest part was the flood-fill...

Other changes:
  Pointer shape changes now take place on the next VSync, rather than actually
  WAITING for the VSync. Turning the Hourglass on shouldn't slow your machine
  down by 5% now :)

  Lots of really crusty pre-IOMD code removed.

  Tested in 32 and 26-bit forms in a limited desktop build. Basically, this
  will need to see a lot of use to iron out difficulties. I'd like anyone who
  has a non-frozen project to at least attempt using this Kernel.

Version 5.23. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_23'
parent 24044755
Here are some notes on my thoughts so far about 32-bit RISC OS.
Any comments appreciated.
My current belief is that RISC OS will either be running 26-bit, or 32-bit,
with no in between state.
When running 32-bit, it will make no use of 26-bit modes, and will call all
routines in a 32-bit mode. There will be no support for 26-bit code, as this
would entail run-time selection of whether to call entry points in 26 or 32
bit mode, an added complication.
When running 26-bit, it will make no more use of 32-bit modes than it does
currently, and the same restrictions on 32-bit code will apply as now.
Desktop systems will probably always be 26-bit. NCs may be 32-bit, as they
have little or no requirement to run external software, but could just as well
be 26-bit. Anything running on an ARM 9/10 etc will have to be 32-bit.
Standard (non-Kernel) software should be modified to work whether it is
called in a 26-bit or a 32-bit mode. For pure C applications and modules,
this can just be a recompile; the compiled code will then run on both
existing 26-bit systems, back to RISC OS 3.1, and 32-bit systems. A new
Shared C Library will be required to support 32-bit programs on old systems.
Assembler modules should also run on either 26 or 32-bit systems; however to
achieve this use of MSR and MRS instructions will often be required to
manipulate the PSR - if this cannot be avoided the module will become RISC OS
3.1 incompatible. In our build system we will hide most of the differences
inside macros - use macros like SETPSR instead of using TEQP directly, and
26/32-bit forms will be selected on compile time by build switches. You will
either have a module that uses TEQP that will work on ARM2-ARM8, or a module
that uses MSR which will work on ARM6 onwards.
This way we will continue to be able to test software on our desktop systems -
it can be the same 32-bit binary - it will just run in a 26-bit mode.
RISC OS will be largely unmodified - almost all binary APIs will act the same
in a 32-bit system as they do now, except that they will be called in a 32-bit
version of the documented processor mode.
One side-effect of this is that R14 on entry to routines will contain just
the return address, with no flags. Hence to preserve flags, the CPSR must be
stacked on entry, and restored on exit. This is cumbersome, but can be hidden
inside EntryS and EXITS macros. Note that this behaviour is then slightly
different - you are preserving flags across the call, not restoring the flags
passed in in R14. Most of the time this doesn't matter, as the API is
documented in terms of preserving flags. There are exceptions to this rule,
notably SWI handling.
On a 32-bit system, SWIs are no longer expected to preserve the N Z and C
flags. They may still set/clear them to return results. 32-bit code should
not assume that SWIs preserve flags. Requiring flag preservation would impose
an unacceptable burden on SWI dispatch. This effectively respecifies *all*
SWIs by changing the default rule in PRM 1-29. Also, it becomes impossible
for SWIs outside the Kernel to depend on the NZCV flags on entry. SWIs inside
the Kernel, such as OS_CallAVector, can still manipulate flags freely. This
should not be an onerous restriction; it is impossible to specify entry flags
for SWIs in C or BASIC, for example.
Many existing APIs do not actually require flag preservation, such as service
call entries. In this case, simply changing MOVS PC... to MOV PC... and LDM
{}^ to LDM {} is sufficient to achieve 32-bit compatibility.
To just set and clear NZCV flags you can use the SETV etc macros, which will
do the right thing (TM) for the different processor types. To actually
preserve flags, you will probably be forced to use MRS and MSR instructions.
These are NOPs on pre-ARM 6 ARMs, so you may be able to do clever stuff to
keep ARM2 compatibility.
For example, the recommended code to check whether you're in a 26-bit mode is:
MOV R0, #0
MRS R0, CPSR ; NOP on 26-bit only ARMs
TST R0, #2_11100 ; EQ if in a 26-bit mode, NE if not
Sometimes you may be forced to play with the SPSR registers. Beware: interrupt
code will corrupt SPSR_svc if it calls a SWI. Existing interrupt handlers know
to preserve R14_svc before calling a SWI, but not SPSR_svc. Hence you must
disable interrupts around SPSR manipulations.
Most module entries are treated the same in the 32-bit world, except they
will be entered in a 32-bit mode, and hence R14 will be a return address
with no flags.
Unchanged. Flag preservation not required - only V on exit is looked at.
Unchanged. Flags on exit ignored.
Unchanged. Flag preservation not required - only V on exit is looked at.
SWI decoding code
Unchanged. Flag preservation not required - V on exit is looked at in number
to text case.
SWI handler
On 26 bit systems, R14 is a return address (inside the Kernel) with the
user's NZCIF flags in it, V clear, mode set to SVC. The CPSR NZCV
flags on exit are then passed back to the SWI caller. Hence MOVS PC,R14
preserves the SWI caller's NZC flags and clears V. The NZ and C flags in the
current PSR on entry are undefined, and are NOT the caller's (but V is
clear). Thus you can simply read, modify and preserve the caller's flags.
On 32 bit systems, R14 is a return address only. There is no way of
determining the caller's flags, so you are not expected to preserve them. The
NZC and V flags you exit with will be returned to the caller.
If writing a new module, simply specify that all your SWIs corrupt flags,
then your SWI dispatchers can return with MOV PC,R14, regardless of whether
running on a 26 or 32 bit system.
If converting an existing module to run on 32-bit, it is highly recommended that
the same binary continue to work on 26-bit systems. You should therefore take
steps to preserve flags when running in a 26-bit mode, if the module did
before. When running on a 32-bit system, you needn't preserve flags. The
following wrapper around the original SWI entry (converted to be 32-bit safe)
achieves this, assuming you always want NZ preserved on a 26-bit system.
Push R14
BL Original_SWI_Code
Pull R14
[ PreARM6compatibility
MOV R10,#0
MRS R10,CPSR ; NOP on pre-ARM6
TST R10,#2_11100 ; EQ if in 26-bit mode - C,V unaltered
MOVNE PC,R14 ; 32-bit exit: NZ corrupted, CV passed back
[ PassBackC
BICCC R14,R14,#C_bit ; Extra guff to pass back C as well
ORRCS R14,R14,#C_bit
MOVVCS PC,R14 ; 26-bit exit: NZC preserved, V clear
ORRVSS PC,R14,#V_bit ; 26-bit exit: NZC preserved, V set
Yes, this is cumbersome, but it can be removed when backwards compatibility is
no longer desired. The alternative, which would be to pass in caller flags in
R14, would impose a permanent carbuncle on the 32-bit API.
Module flags
This is a new module header entry at &30. It is an offset to the module
flags word(s). The first module flag word looks like:
Bit 0 Module is 32-bit compatible
Bits 1-31 Reserved (0)
Non 32-bit compatible modules will not be loaded by a 32-bit RISC OS.
If no flags word is present, the module is assumed to be 26-bit compatible.
Undefined instruction handler
32 bit system: Now called in UND32 mode. No preveneer.
26 bit: as before
Prefetch abort, data abort
32 bit system: Now called in ABT32 mode. No preveneer.
26 bit: as before
32 bit system: USR32 mode. PC contains no PSR flags.
26 bit: as before - PC contains PSR flags, but may not be reliable.
32 bit system: register block must be 17 words long.
contains R0-R15,CPSR.
entered in SVC32 mode
26 bit: as before
Handlers can check format by looking at mode on entry to handler.
The following code is suitable to restore the user registers and return
in the 32-bit case:
ADR R14, saveblock ; get address of saved registers
LDR R0, [R14, #16*4] ; get user PSR
[ :LNOT: NoSPSRcorruption
MRS R1, CPSR ; get current PSR
ORR R1, R1, #&80 ; disable interrupts to prevent
MSR CPSR_c, R1 ; SPSR_SVC corruption by IRQ code (yuck)
MSR SPSR_cxsf, R0 ; put it into SPSR_SVC
LDMIA R14, {R0-R14}^ ; load user registers
MOV R0, R0 ; no-op after forcing user mode
LDR R14, [R14, #15*4] ; load user PC into R14_SVC
MOVS PC, R14 ; return to correct address and mode
32 bit system: as before, but called in SVC32
32 bit system: as before, but in IRQ32 or SVC32
32 bit system: as before, but in USR32
Unused SWI
26 bit system: called in SVC26 mode.
R14 = a return address in the Kernel, with NZCVIF flags the same
as the caller's (except V clear).
PSR flags undefined (except I+F as caller)
32 bit system: called in SVC32 mode.
R14 = return address in the Kernel
No way to determine caller condition flags
PSR flags undefined (except I+F as caller)
32 bit system: as before, but SVC32 mode
32 bit system: register block must be 17 words long.
contains R0-R15,CPSR.
entered in SVC32 mode, IRQs disabled
26 bit: as before
Handlers can check format by looking at mode on entry to handler.
The following code is suitable to restore the user registers and return
in the 32-bit case:
ADR R14, saveblock ; get address of saved registers
LDR R0, [R14, #16*4] ; get user PSR
MSR SPSR_cxsf, R0 ; put it into SPSR_SVC/IRQ
LDMIA R14, {R0-R14}^ ; load user registers
MOV R0, R0 ; no-op after forcing user mode
LDR R14, [R14, #15*4] ; load user PC into R14_SVC/IRQ
MOVS PC, R14 ; return to correct address and mode
Exception registers
32 bit system: block must be 17 words long.
will contain R0-R15,PSR
Exception handlers can determine block format by looking at mode on entry
to handler.
Software vectors have a number of different properties. They can be called
under a variety of conditions, and the flags they exit with may or may not
be significant.
When called using OS_CallAVector, the caller's NZCV flags always used to be
passed in in R14, and the claimant's flags on exit would be passed back.
In a 32-bit system, the caller's flags are not passed in R14. Their C and V
flags are visible in the PSR though, just as in a 26-bit system. N and Z are
not visible. Again, exit flags are passed back.
Most vectors are not intended to be called with OS_CallAVector, and their
exit flags have never had significance, for example KeyV, EventV and TickerV.
Others are vectored SWIs, such as ByteV and ReadLineV. These pass back
C and V flags only.
A few vectors, like RemV, attach significance to entry flags. If not claiming,
you mustn't change those flags for the next callee. In 26-bit mode this might
have been achieved by:
CMP R1,#mybuffer
In the 32-bit world, you could change the CMP to a TEQ to preserve C and V, or
you could use something like:
Push R14
CMP R1, #maxbuffers
BLS handleit
Pull PC
The 32-bit Kernel will stay in 32-bit modes, and pass out to apps/modules in
32-bit modes. Hardware vectors will save R14+SPSR separately to allow return
to any mode/address.
The 26-bit Kernel will switch into 26-bit modes fairly early, but
still save R14+SPSR separately to simplify the state of assembly switches.
It will switch back to 32-bit mode to execute the return, and will munge fake
26-bit R14s when about to call environment handlers.
When the Kernel dispatches an internal SWI, the stack currently looks like:
SVCSTK-4 Caller's R12
-8 Caller's R11
-12 Caller's R10
-16 SWI number
R11 is the SWI number with the X bit clear, R14 is the return address with
caller's flags.
This will be changed to look like:
SVCSTK-4 Caller's R12
-8 Caller's R11
-12 Caller's R10
-16 Return R14 (32-bit - no flags)
-20 SWI number
R11 will still be the SWI number with the X bit clear, but R14 actually will
be the caller's PSR. This minimises changes to the Kernel, as most routines
only actually interpret R14 as holding the flags. For example, they might
exit with:
ORRVS lr, lr, #V_bit
Such code will not need altering between 26 and 32-bit versions.
The "Shadow ROM" at FF800000-FFFFFFFF has been removed. This was originally
intended to allow hardware vectors to branch "down" to the ROM, but this scheme
was replaced by LDR PC,xxx hardware vectors. The only place that used it was
the Kernel's start-up "Ctrl-or-R" keyboard interrupt handler. This has been
modified, as it is technically unpredictable to branch around the ends of the
address space.
With abort handlers now being called in Abort mode, an Abort stack is required.
This has been positioned at 02002000, in the area currently "reserved for fake
screen" (VIDC1 compatibility). The stacks are now:
Limit Base
IRQ: 01F00000 01F01xxx
SVC: 01C00000 01C02000
UND: 01E00000 01E02000
ABT: 02000000 02002000
All are defined to be on a 1MB boundary. The area beyond the limit is usually
unmapped, to cause an abort.
Their actual locations and sizes are subject to change. In particular, they
may not be in the lower 64MB in future.
If called in a 26-bit mode, takes you into SVC26, else into SVC32.
......@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ Save_Help
= "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0
= " copies the given area of memory to the named file."
= " Length and addresses are in hexadecimal.",13
= "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0
= " <filename> <start addr>"
= " <end addr> [<exec addr> [<load addr>]]",13
......@@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ Dir <Obey$Dir>
amu_machine rom
amu_machine install_rom INSTDIR=<install$dir>.ROM.<Machine>
amu_machine install_rom INSTDIR=<install$dir>.<Build>.RISC_OS
BadNumb:Number not recognised
NoSuchSWI1:SWI &%0 not known
VarCantFind:System variable '%0' not found
BuffOverflow:Buffer overflow
OptErr:Syntax: *Opt [<x> [[,] <y>]]
......@@ -36,12 +40,8 @@ UndefinedInstruction:Internal error: undefined instruction at &%0
InstructionAbort:Internal error: abort on instruction fetch at &%0
DataAbort:Internal error: abort on data transfer at &%0
AddressException:Internal error: address exception at &%0
BranchThrough0:Internal error: branch through zero at &%0
NoSuchSWI1:SWI &%0 not known
BranchThrough0:Internal error: branch through zero
SDoesntExist:Sprite doesn't exist
VarCantFind:System variable '%0' not found
BuffOverflow:Buffer overflow
BadNumb:Number not recognised
ModuleTooOld:Module %0 too old
NaffRelease:Bad vector release
RMNotFound:Module %0 not found
......@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@
; 19 Jun 97 BAR 2.25 Remove un-necessary mov r13,r14's
; When completed flashing LED's restore the
; faultcode flag from fiq_regs.
; 04 Apr 00 KJB 2.30 Converted to run in 32-bit mode always.
; ShowIOMDRegs set to FALSE (request from
; Tom Clay)
......@@ -104,8 +107,8 @@
TS_STATUS * "R" ; Medusa POST version 2.0x
GBLL POSTenabled
......@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ POSTenabled SETL {TRUE} ; don't permit POST for ordinary startup
AlwaysShortPOST SETL {TRUE} :LAND: STB ; always do a short POST
ShowIOMDRegs SETL (IO_Type = "IOMD") :LAND: {TRUE} :LAND: STB ; show IOMD regs
ShowIOMDRegs SETL (IO_Type = "IOMD") :LAND: {FALSE} :LAND: STB ; show IOMD regs
GBLL DontShowProgressColours
DontShowProgressColours SETL {TRUE} :LAND: STB ; Do not show the progress colour screens.
......@@ -287,22 +290,15 @@ ts_ROM_dvectors
& (ts_ID_text - ROM) ; Selftest identification text
; vectors ORd with these flags to assure proper mode when
; executed by host thro' vector table.
ts_runflags * (I_bit :OR: F_bit :OR: SVC_mode)
& ts_RomPatt :OR: ts_runflags
& ts_User_startup :OR: ts_runflags
& ts_Self_test_startup :OR: ts_runflags
& ts_Dealer_startup :OR: ts_runflags
& ts_Forced_startup :OR: ts_runflags
& ts_GetCommand :OR: ts_runflags
& ts_Softstart :OR: ts_runflags
& ts_Hardstart :OR: ts_runflags
& ts_RomPatt
& ts_User_startup
& ts_Self_test_startup
& ts_Dealer_startup
& ts_Forced_startup
& ts_GetCommand
& ts_Softstart
& ts_Hardstart
......@@ -348,51 +344,23 @@ ts_ROM_bvectors
MODE $mode_bits
TEQP psr,#($mode_bits :OR: I_bit :OR: F_bit)
msr ,CPSR_c,#I32_bit :OR: F32_bit :OR: $mode_bits
MOV_fiq $dest,$src
MODE FIQ32_mode
MOV $dest,$src
MODE SVC32_mode
FAULT $code
ORR r12_fiq,r12_fiq,$code
M32_fiq $dest,$src,$tmp1,$tmp2
SetMode FIQ32_mode,$tmp1,$tmp2
MOV $dest,$src
msr AL,CPSR_all,$tmp2
FAULT32 $code,$tmp
SetMode FIQ32_mode,$tmp
MODE FIQ32_mode
ORR r12_fiq,r12_fiq,$code
SetMode SVC32_mode,$tmp
MODE SVC32_mode
[ StrongARM_POST
; ensure 26-bit mode for StrongARM or ARM 8 (since there is no 26 bit configuration)
Ensure26bit_ARM8A $tmp
ARM_read_ID $tmp
AND $tmp, $tmp, #&F000
CMP $tmp, #&A000
CMPNE $tmp, #&8000
mrs EQ, $tmp, CPSR_all
BICEQ $tmp, $tmp, #&10
msr EQ, CPSR_all, $tmp
; Define an area of storage with the required set of data bus patterns
......@@ -593,11 +561,6 @@ ts_User_startup ROUT
; it's a power-on reset, so assume we can't be in 32-bit mode for ARM 6/7
[ StrongARM_POST
; make sure we are in 26-bit mode (ARM 6/7 reset in 26-bit config)
; note that MOV_fiq macro assumes 26-bit, so must sort this now
Ensure26bit_ARM8A r0
MOV_fiq r12_fiq, #R_HARD
B ts_Self_test_startup
......@@ -616,11 +579,6 @@ ts_User_startup ROUT
ts_Forced_startup ROUT
[ StrongARM_POST
; make sure we are in 26-bit mode (ARM 6/7 reset in 26-bit config)
; note that MOV_fiq macro assumes 26-bit, so must sort this now
Ensure26bit_ARM8A r0
MOV_fiq r12_fiq, #R_TESTED
B ts_Self_test_startup
......@@ -628,11 +586,6 @@ ts_Forced_startup ROUT
ts_Dealer_startup ROUT
[ StrongARM_POST
; make sure we are in 26-bit mode (ARM 6/7 reset in 26-bit config)
; note that MOV_fiq macro assumes 26-bit, so must sort this now
Ensure26bit_ARM8A r4
MOV_fiq r12_fiq, #R_EXTERN
LDR r4,%FT02 ; make a pointer to signon string
......@@ -946,10 +899,10 @@ ts_MEMCset
; where mmmm is memory size in hex Kbytes, pp is page size in hex Kbytes.
MODE FIQ_mode ; Save memory size and
MODE FIQ32_mode ; Save memory size and
MOV r11_fiq,r2 ; MEMC setup value for
MOV r10_fiq,r1 ; later use
MODE SVC32_mode
MOV r8, r0, LSR #2 ; MemSize now returns actual page size in r0
ADD r8,r8,r1,LSL #6
......@@ -1405,14 +1358,14 @@ RAMtest
; and r4 the offset from physical to ORGed ROM addresses
; r4 = ROM - Phys[Ext]ROM
RSB r4, r4, #PhysSpace ; r4 = PhysSpace - ROM + Phys[Ext]ROM, pc = ROM + offset
SetMode SVC32_mode,r0 ; Must do this, as PhysSpace is outside 26 bit addressing
MODE SVC32_mode ; Must do this, as PhysSpace is outside 26 bit addressing
ADD pc, pc, r4 ; pc = PhysSpace + Phys[Ext]ROM + offset
NOP ; this instruction skipped by pc adjustment
; Modify the PhysRamTable so only VRAM and the first ts_MaxRamTest of DRAM gets tested
M32_fiq r0,r12_fiq,r1,r2 ; get the test condition flags
MOV_fiq r0,r12 ; get the test condition flags
BNE %FT16 ; do full test if test adapter is present
......@@ -1430,7 +1383,7 @@ RAMtest
CMPS r9,r10
FAULT32 #R_MEMORY,r0 ; memory tests were attempted
FAULT #R_MEMORY ; memory tests were attempted
MOV r9,#VideoPhysAddr
LDR r8,[r9] ; report the test address
......@@ -1491,7 +1444,7 @@ RAMtest
BEQ %BT18 ; if it passed, go look for another block
FAULT32 #R_MEMFAILBIT,r2 ; failed - report fault address
FAULT #R_MEMFAILBIT ; failed - report fault address
ADRL r4,%BT2
MOV r11,r1 ; Save failed data
MOV r8,r0 ; first failing address
......@@ -1625,11 +1578,6 @@ ts_restore_physical
SetCop r7, CR_Control
[ StrongARM_POST
Ensure26bit_ARM8A r7
MOV r7, #MMUC_D ;avoid corrupting r7, just in case
B ts_VIDCtest
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
; out: R0 = sum of all bytes in block
; R1 - R13 trashed
ts_CMOSread ROUT
......@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ ts_TXCheckAck ROUT
MOV R12,R14
BL ts_TXByte
BL ts_Acknowledge
MOVVC PC, R12 ; acknowledged ok, so return
ORRS PC, R12, #V_bit
; *****************************************************************************
......@@ -86,11 +85,11 @@ ts_TXCheckAck ROUT
ts_SetC1C0 ROUT
MOV R11, R14
BIC R14, R14, #Z_bit ; indicate not checking clock
MOVS R11, R14 ; NE: indicate not checking clock
ORR R14, R14, #I_bit ; disable interrupts
TEQP R14, #0
mrs ,R14, CPSR
ORR R14, R14, #I32_bit ; disable interrupts
msr ,CPSR_c, R14
ADD R0, R0, R1, LSL #1 ; R0 := C0 + C1*2
......@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ ts_SetOrCheck
ts_SetC1C0CheckClock ROUT
MOV R11, R14
ORR R14, R14, #Z_bit ; indicate checking clock
CMP R0, R0 ; EQ: indicate checking clock
B ts_SetOrCheck
......@@ -222,10 +221,10 @@ ts_Acknowledge ROUT
BL ts_SetC1C0
TST R3, #1 ; should be LO for correct acknowledge
mrs ,R3, CPSR
BICEQ R3, R3, #V_bit ; clear V if correct acknowledge
ORRNE R3, R3, #V_bit ; set V if no acknowledge
TEQP R3, #0
msr ,CPSR_f, R3
......@@ -305,7 +304,7 @@ ts_RXByte ROUT
SUBS R4, R4, #1
MOV R0, R3 ; return the result in R0
MOV R0, R3 ; return the result in R0
......@@ -72,10 +72,6 @@ ts_LineTest
SetCop r0,CR_Control
[ StrongARM_POST
Ensure26bit_ARM8A r0
MOV r0,#0
MOV_fiq r9,r0 ; r9-fiq records low DRAM address for use elsewhere
......@@ -367,10 +363,6 @@ ts_LineTestIOMD
SetCop r0,CR_Control
[ StrongARM_POST
Ensure26bit_ARM8A r10
MOV r10, #0 ; indicate no RAM found yet
MOV r9, #IOMD_DRAMCR_DRAM_Small ; bit to OR into DRAMCR
MOV r12, #DRAM0PhysRam
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
; 04-Apr-90 ArtG 0.1 Added ts_count_cams, improved reporting
; 11-Apr-90 ArtG 0.2 Use RISC OS routine BangCams for
; alternate MEMC configurations.
; 11-Apr-90 ArtG 0.2 Use RISC OS routine BangCams for
; alternate MEMC configurations.
; 17-Apr-90 ArtG 0.3 rationalise page-counting code
; This file will be called by MEM6x_SCR for the purposes of assembly.
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
; The module requires the running of the memory sizing routine used by
; the OS to set up the page size for this module.
; This test module was designed to operate on all current and future
; machines. The module is designed to handle up to 512 physical pages
; This test module was designed to operate on all current and future
; machines. The module is designed to handle up to 512 physical pages
; which is the maximum number of pages in a 16 MByte FOX.
; A 16 MB FOX has 4 MEMCs in use, each MEMC is addressed by Bits 7 and
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
; The patterns are chosen so that if two or more MEMCs are accessed
; together and both RAM outputs get enabled onto the data bus simultaneously,
; then there is a reasonable chance that the data returned will show the
; then there is a reasonable chance that the data returned will show the
; presence of a fault.
; When the CAM entries have been initialised the module will then check that
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ ts_CAM
; 'C' pseudocode for the test routine.
; for (i = &1ff; i >= 0; i--)
; set_cam_idle(i);
; set_cam_idle(i);
; find maximum page number.
; if (max_page != ts_count_CAMS)
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ ts_CAM
ROUT ; Local Branches.
BL ts_count_CAMs ; get log2 pagesize to r1
BL ts_count_CAMs ; get log2 pagesize to r1
MOV r8, #ts_MAX_CAMS ; r8= max. number of physical pages.
0 SUBS r8, r8, #&01 ; Subtract 1 to make it r8 - 1 Pages.
BEQ ts_bad_CAM_count ; no pages ? - shouldn't hit this!
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ ts_CAM
LDRB r4, [r4, r8, LSR#7] ; r4 = Loc pointed to by r4 + (r1 >> 7).
ORR r4, r8, r4, LSL #24 ; r4 = page number OR (MEMC code << 24).
ORR r4, r4, #ts_pagemark ; r4 = page id OR magic number
; The calculated page marker is now in r4, ref_p_mark.
; Current page in r8 - convert to physical address in r9.
; the pagesize power-of-2 is in r1 (from ts_count_CAMs)
......@@ -252,10 +252,10 @@ ts_CAM
LDR r9, [r9, #ts_pmark_pos] ; r9 = contents of loc pointed to by
; r9 + ts_pmark_pos.
; Check that read_p_mark is valid.
; Check that read_p_mark is valid.
; Either the value read is the expected pagemark, junk (no memory) or an
; aliased pagemark - if it's aliased, then either the memory or the MEMC
; Either the value read is the expected pagemark, junk (no memory) or an
; aliased pagemark - if it's aliased, then either the memory or the MEMC
; isn't decoded that far.
; Bump down and try a bit lower, until it's OK.
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ ts_CAM
BL ts_count_CAMs ; get total number of pages
SUB r0,r0,#1 ; make a mask for useable page
AND r0,r0,#&7f ; numbers - min(128, num_pages)
AND r12, r12, r0 ; r12 -> (r12 + 1) masked
AND r12, r12, r0 ; r12 -> (r12 + 1) masked
MOV r0, #&00 ; to useable page numbers.
MOV r1, r12
BL ts_set_cam ; Setup a page for vectors
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ ts_CAM
; ****************************************************************************
; Copies the vectors to the physical page in r0 (preserved) also copies
; pagemark + phypage.
......@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ ts_set_camp
; r11 = PPL
MOV r3,r0 ; logical page number
MOV r11,r2 ; protection level
MOV r11,r2 ; protection level
MOV r2,r1 ; physical page number
MOV_fiq r0, r11_fiq ; MEMC configuration
MOV r9, r0 ; keep a copy in r9
......@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ ts_set_camp
; This routine will check that the CAM has been programed correctly and that the required
; page is responding when asked. A quick test is made to check that other pages are not
; page is responding when asked. A quick test is made to check that other pages are not
; responding as well.
; logical page in r0,
......@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ ts_check_mapped
CMP r0, r1 ; Are the read pagemarks equal ??
ADRNE r4, %F10
BNE ts_CAM_fail ; Failed : mapping not equal.
CMP r0, r2 ;
CMP r0, r2 ;
ADRNE r4, %F11
BNE ts_CAM_fail ; Failed : map equal, but corrupt
......@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ ts_check_mapped
MOV r2, #1
0 EOR r0, r2, r3 ; Flip a (walking) bit in the LPN.
CMP r0, #ts_vrest ; Is r0 = ts_vrest ?? Where all the pages are
CMP r0, #ts_vrest ; Is r0 = ts_vrest ?? Where all the pages are
; mapped to.
BEQ %F1 ; If r0 = ts_vrest then branch forward to 1.
......@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ ts_check_mapped
; Fault - is the page mapped there the same as our test page ?
CMP r0, r1
CMP r0, r1
ADREQ r4, %F12 ; Failed : phys page also mapped here
ADRNE r4, %F13 ; Failed : page not unmapped
EOR r3, r2, r3 ; remake the duff LPN for the error display
......@@ -552,14 +552,14 @@ ts_CAM_fail
; **************************************************************************
; Routine to return expected number of physical pages in r0.
; Routine to return expected number of physical pages in r0.
; Uses memory size determination from r10_fiq and page mode from r11_fiq.
; Returns pagesize as power-of-two in r1, for pagenumber->address calcs.
MOV r0,r10_fiq,LSR #12 ; get values determined
MOV r0,r10_fiq,LSR #12 ; get values determined
MOV r1,r11_fiq,LSR #2 ; by MemSize
......@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ ts_count_CAMs
MOV r0,r0,LSR r1
ADD r1,r1,#12 ; page bit-shift value
MOVS pc,lr
MOV pc,lr
......@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
GBLS Module_MinorVersion
GBLS Module_Date
GBLS Module_FullVersion
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.22"
Module_Version SETA 522
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.23"
Module_Version SETA 523
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "23 Mar 2000"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.22"
Module_Date SETS "04 Apr 2000"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.23"
/* (5.22)
/* (5.23)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.22
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.23
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 23 Mar 2000
#define Module_Date_CMHG 04 Apr 2000
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.22"
#define Module_Version 522
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.23"
#define Module_Version 523
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "23 Mar 2000"
#define Module_Date "04 Apr 2000"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.22"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.23"
......@@ -25,6 +25,14 @@ med_00001_debug SETL {FALSE}
; yet more..
GBLL ChocolateSysHeap
ChocolateSysHeap SETL {TRUE}
GBLL mjsSysHeapNodesTrace
mjsSysHeapNodesTrace SETL {TRUE}
GET ^.PublicWS
GET ^.KernelWS
......@@ -61,6 +69,7 @@ String SETS "$String" :CC: ", R" :CC: ((:STR: Register) :RIGHT: 1)
LabelValue Export_IRQsema
LabelValue Export_LatchBSoftCopy
LabelValue Export_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy
LabelValue Export_DebuggerSpace
LabelValue Export_RedirectInHandle
LabelValue Export_RedirectOutHandle
LabelValue Export_ScratchSpace
......@@ -75,6 +84,5 @@ String SETS "$String" :CC: ", R" :CC: ((:STR: Register) :RIGHT: 1)
LabelValue VDWSSize
LabelValue ScreenBlankFlag
LabelValue ScreenBlankDPMSState
LabelValue Export_ResetType
......@@ -13,12 +13,39 @@
; limitations under the License.
ARM stand alone Macro Assembler Version 2.00
AMBControl_ws at 00000175
ARMA_Cleaner_flipflop at 00000179
SyncCodeA_sema (byte) at 0000017D
VideoPhysAddr held at 00000180
ProcessorType at 00000235
ProcessorFlags at 00000236
AMBControl_ws at 00000180
ARMA_Cleaner_flipflop at 00000184
SyncCodeA_sema (byte) at 00000188
Oscli_CmdHashSum at 0000018C
Oscli_CmdHashLists at 00000190
Serv_SysChains at 00000194
Serv_UsrChains at 00000198
Serv_AwkwardChain at 0000019C
VideoPhysAddr held at 000001A0
LCD_Active flag byte held at 00000259
ProcessorType at 0000025B
ProcessorFlags at 0000025C
Free space after ProcVec = 00000020
Free space after EnvString = 000000E0
Free space after CamMap debug block = 00000024
KeyWorkSpace at 00000590
ChocolateCBBlocks at 00000790
ChocolateSVBlocks at 00000794
ChocolateTKBlocks at 00000798
ChocolateMRBlocks at 0000079C
ChocolateMABlocks at 000007A0
ChocolateMSBlocks at 000007A4
Module_List at 000007D0
ModuleSWI_HashTab at 00000C40
SysVars_StickyPtrs at 00000E40
Abort32_dumparea at 00000E6C
Help_guard at 00000E84
PCI_status at 00000E98
IOMD_NoInterrupt at 00000E9C
**WARNING** compiling in code to trace some SysHeap node statistics (mjsSysHeapNodesTrace TRUE)
mjsSHNodesTrace_ws at 00000EAC
Label Export_BgEcfOraEor has the value &000004C0
Label Export_FgEcfOraEor has the value &00000480
Label Export_BranchToSWIExit has the value &01F037FC
......@@ -41,4 +68,3 @@ Label Export_VduDriverWorkSpace has the value &00001000
Label VDWSSize has the value &00003000
Label ScreenBlankFlag has the value &0000047C
Label ScreenBlankDPMSState has the value &0000047D
Label Export_ResetType has the value &00000174
......@@ -758,7 +758,9 @@ SpChoosePtr # 4
PointerHeights # 4 ; 4 x 1 byte
PointerActiveXs # 4 ; 4 x 1 byte
PointerActiveYs # 4 ; 4 x 1 byte
PointerShapeNumber # 4 ; only bottom byte used
PointerShapeNumber # 1 ; includes bit 7 linkage flag
PointerShapeChanged # 1 ; non-zero: change shape next vsync
# 2
PointerX # 4 ; co-ordinates of pointer (not always = mouse)
PointerY # 4
......@@ -949,11 +951,6 @@ VEndSoftCopy # 4 ; soft copy of VEnd ------------""-------------
VStartSoftCopy # 4 ; soft copy of VStart so we can calculate VIDINITB correctly
DAList # 4 ; Pointer to first node on dynamic area list
Export_ResetType # 1 ; &174 ; bit 0 => 1 = por, 0 = not por ; bits 1-7 reserved (zero)
ASSERT Export_ResetType = ResetType
ASSERT ?Export_ResetType = ?ResetType
AlignSpace 16
AMBControl_ws # 4 ; workspace anchor word for AMBControl
......@@ -978,12 +975,6 @@ Serv_AwkwardChain # 4 ;anchor for chain handling non-compliant mo
! 0, "Serv_UsrChains at ":CC::STR:(Serv_UsrChains)
! 0, "Serv_AwkwardChain at ":CC::STR:(Serv_AwkwardChain)
[ StorkPowerSave
;;; AlignSpace 4
;;;VIDCExternalSoftCopy # 4 ; soft copy of VIDCExternal
;;;VIDCFSynSoftCopy # 4 ; soft copy of VIDCFSyn
;;;VIDCControlSoftCopy # 4 ; soft copy of VIDCControl
AlignSpace 32 ; skipped bit must start on 32-byte boundary (due to speedup)
......@@ -1019,6 +1010,7 @@ L2PTSize # 4 ; Amount of memory (in bytes) used for static L2
; bit for the free pool L2, which follows directly after it
SoftCamMapSize # 4 ; Amount of memory (in bytes) used for soft CAM map
; (whole number of pages)
InitKbdHandler # 4 ; Address of interrupt routine
InitKbdWs # 16 ; Workspace for reset keyboard IRQ code (was 12 changed for Morris)
CLine_Softcopy # 1 ; Added for Morris - Monitor id
......@@ -1064,16 +1056,8 @@ ProcVec_End # 0
ProcVecPreVeneersSize * 4*4 ; Space for preveneers for loading handler addresses from 0 page.
ProcVecPreVeneers # ProcVecPreVeneersSize
; [ StorkPowerSave
;;;VIDCExternalSoftCopy # 4 ; soft copy of VIDCExternal
;;;VIDCFSynSoftCopy # 4 ; soft copy of VIDCFSyn
;;;VIDCControlSoftCopy # 4 ; soft copy of VIDCControl
; ]
! 0, "Free space after ProcVec = ":CC::STR:(&320-@)
ASSERT @ <= &320
# &320-@
ASSERT @ = &300
Export_DebuggerSpace # 16*8 ; Debugger module needs some zero page
[ E2ROMSupport
NVRamSize # 1 ; Size of NVRam (E2ROM & CMOS) fitted in 256byte units
......@@ -1218,12 +1202,13 @@ OscliCBcurrend # 4
ReturnCode # 4
RCLimit # 4
SpriteSize # 4 ; saved on startup for Sprite code and RAMFS
RAMDiscSize # 4
FontCacheSize # 4 ; and font manager
SpriteSize # 4 ; saved on startup for Sprite code
TickNodeChain # 4
PIRQ_Chain # 4
PFIQasIRQ_Chain # 4
; Workspace
EnvTime # 5
......@@ -1244,12 +1229,10 @@ MonitorLeadType # 1 ; some function of the monitor lead inputs, as y
DUMPER # 16 * 4
Page_Size # 4
PIRQ_Chain # 4
PFIQasIRQ_Chain # 4
DUMPER # 17 * 4 ; now 17 words for 32-bit
# 4 ; PxxxIRQ_Chain used to be here
Page_Size # 4
CMOSRAMCache # 256
; Was Free space (752 bytes) left by old IRQ despatch (new IRQ despatch moved as it required more space).
......@@ -1325,7 +1308,7 @@ HeapReturnedReg_R2 # 4
HeapReturnedReg_R3 # 4
HeapReturnedReg_R4 # 4
HeapReturnedReg_R13 # 4
HeapReturnedReg_PC # 4 ; also acts as interlock
HeapReturnedReg_PSR # 4 ; also acts as interlock
PrinterBufferAddr # 4 ; holds address of printer buffer
PrinterBufferSize # 4 ; size of printer buffer - not to be confused with PrintBuffSize
......@@ -1522,7 +1505,7 @@ Export_SvcTable |#| &400
ASSERT ?Export_SvcTable = ?SvcTable
ASSERT SvcTable = &01F033FC ; Required for SVC table pokers, 1.20 compatible
SWIDespatch_Size * 29*4
SWIDespatch_Size * 33*4
SWIDespatch |#| SWIDespatch_Size
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ IRQsema # 4
^ &00000114
MEMC_CR_SoftCopy # 4
^ &00000174
ResetType # 1 ; bit 0 => type of last reset. Other bits reserved (zero).
^ &00000300
DebuggerSpace # 8*16
^ &0000047C
ScreenBlankFlag # 1 ; 0 => unblanked, 1 => blanked
......@@ -44,20 +44,19 @@ XROS_Module ENTRY
STR R5,[R2],#4 ; enough space so just store
Pull "R3-R5"
; can never error
SUB R3,R5,R4
SWI XOS_Module
STRVC R5,[R2],#4
Pull "R3-R5"
SUB R2,R2,#4
SWI XOS_Module
......@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ ros_claim
SWI XOS_Module
STRVC R3,[R2],#4 ; so modptr-4 = amount asked for + 4
SUB R3,R3,#4 ; needs to be preserved
......@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ AMBsrv_memorymoved
MOV R12,#AMBControl_ws
LDR R12,[R12]
CMP R12,#0
Pull "R3-R6,R12,PC",EQ,^ ;AMBControl not initialised yet!
Pull "R3-R6,R12,PC",EQ ;AMBControl not initialised yet!
LDR R4,AMBMappedInNode
CMP R4,#0
Pull "R3-R6,R12,PC",EQ,^ ;done if nothing mapped in
Pull "R3-R6,R12,PC",EQ ;done if nothing mapped in
LDR R3,[R4,#AMBNode_Npages]
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AMBsrv_memorymoved
STRNE R6,[R4,#AMBNode_Npages] ;update Npages
Pull "R3-R6,R12,PC",LE,^ ;done if Npages same, or shrink
Pull "R3-R6,R12,PC",LE ;done if Npages same, or shrink
MOV R5,#ApplicationStart
ADD R5,R5,R3,LSL #Log2PageSize ;first logical address to find
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ AMBsrv_memorymoved
ADD R4,R4,R3,LSL #2 ;first page number word to use
SUB R3,R6,R3 ;no. of pages to find (grow number)
BL AMB_FindMemMapEntries
Pull "R3-R6,R12,PC",,^
Pull "R3-R6,R12,PC"
......@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ AMBsrv_pagessafe
MOV R12,#AMBControl_ws
LDR R12,[R12]
CMP R12,#0
Pull "R0-R1,R5-R10,R12,PC",EQ,^ ;AMBControl not initialised yet!
Pull "R0-R1,R5-R10,R12,PC",EQ ;AMBControl not initialised yet!
LDR R0,AMBNtasks
CMP R0,#0
Pull "R0-R1,R5-R10,R12,PC",EQ,^ ;no nodes to check
Pull "R0-R1,R5-R10,R12,PC",EQ ;no nodes to check
;speed-up - list of pages tends to span a narrow range of page numbers, so
; use min,max limits to skip search
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ AMBsrv_pagessafe
LDR R0,[R0,#AMBNode_next]
CMP R0,R1 ;done if back at anchor node
Pull "R0-R1,R5-R10,R12,PC",,^
Pull "R0-R1,R5-R10,R12,PC"
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ TimeVarTooLong
[ International
B TranslateError
ORRS PC, LR, #V_bit
......@@ -367,9 +367,10 @@ SetRC Push "lr"
LDR R4, =RCLimit
LDR R4, [R4]
CMP R2, R4
Pull "lr", LS
BICLSS PC, lr, #V_bit
ADRGT R0, ErrorBlock_RCExc
Pull "PC"
03 ADRGT R0, ErrorBlock_RCExc
ADRLT R0, ErrorBlock_RCNegative
[ International
BL TranslateError
......@@ -479,7 +480,7 @@ GSINIT ROUT
; EQ means char is CR or LF, i.e. string is empty.
; Enable interupts as we've no right to have them disabled here
TEQP pc, #SVC_mode
WritePSRc SVC_mode, R1
[ GS_BufferNotStack
AND R2, R2, #GS_NoQuoteMess :OR: GS_NoVBarStuff :OR: GS_Spc_term
......@@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ GSREAD ROUT
; enable interupts as (a) they'll get enabled by a <thing> entry
; and (b) GSREAD may take some time
TEQP pc, #SVC_mode
WritePSRc SVC_mode, R10
BIC lr, lr, #C_bit
MOV R10, #0
......@@ -829,7 +830,7 @@ GSTRANS ROUT ; enables interrupts
BIC lr, lr, #C_bit
Push "R1, R3-R5, lr"
TEQP PC, #SVC_mode ; enable ints.
WritePSRc SVC_mode, R3 ; enable ints.
MOV R3, R1
MOV R4, R1 ; two copies of start ptr
......@@ -899,7 +900,7 @@ GSTRANS ROUT ; enables interrupts
ReadVarValue ROUT
TEQP PC, #SVC_mode ; enable interupts (mode remains unchanged)
WritePSRc SVC_mode, r11 ; enable interupts (mode remains unchanged)
Entry "r0,r1"
MOV r11, r4
......@@ -1204,7 +1205,7 @@ SysVar_Write0 Entry "r0,r1"
; enable IRQs
TEQP pc, #SVC_mode
WritePSRc SVC_mode, r10
Entry "r0,r1,r2,r4,r5,r6,r9"
......@@ -1904,7 +1905,7 @@ VarFindIt Entry "r0,r1,r2,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11"
MOVHS r10, pc ; preserve last HS result we got
mrs HS, r10, CPSR ; preserve last HS result we got
MOVHS r11, r4
MOVLO r6, r5
......@@ -1924,7 +1925,7 @@ VarFindIt Entry "r0,r1,r2,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11"
MOVLS r4, r11
MOVHI r3, #0
TEQLSP pc, r10
msr LS, CPSR_f, r10
[ DebugSysVars
......@@ -1932,8 +1933,7 @@ VarFindIt Entry "r0,r1,r2,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11"
MOV r12, r6
MOV lr, pc
TEQP lr, #Z_bit
TOGPSR Z_bit, lr
......@@ -2091,7 +2091,7 @@ VarFindIt_QA ROUT
MOVHS r10, pc ; preserve last HS result we got
mrs HS, r10, CPSR ; preserve last HS result we got
MOVHS r11, r4
MOVLO r6, r5
......@@ -2113,10 +2113,9 @@ VarFindIt_QA ROUT
MOV r7, r6
MOVLS r6, r11
MOVHI r5, #0
TEQLSP pc, r10
msr LS, CPSR_f, r10
MOV lr, pc
TEQP lr, #Z_bit
TOGPSR Z_bit, lr
Pull "r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r8,r9,r10,r11,PC"
......@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ NoTHEN ROUT
BL TranslateError
Pull "R2, lr"
ORRS PC, lr, #V_bit
Pull "R2, pc"
& ErrorNumber_Syntax
= "NoThen:There is no THEN", 0
......@@ -133,8 +133,10 @@ IfError
WantInteger ROUT
CMP R1, #0
Pull "R1"
Pull "R2, lr", EQ ; integer returned, so leave expranal error there
ORREQS PC, lr, #V_bit
Pull "R2, pc" ; integer returned, so leave expranal error there
ADR R0, %FT01
[ International
BL TranslateError
......@@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ ExprBuffOFlo ROUT
ReadExpression ROUT
Push "R0-R4, lr"
TEQP PC, #SVC_mode ; interrupts on, ta.
CLRPSR I_bit, R12 ; interrupts on, ta.
LDR R12, =ExprWSpace
STR R13, ExprSVCstack
ADR R1, ExprBuff
......@@ -279,9 +281,10 @@ ReadExpression ROUT
LDRB R3, tos_op
CMP R3, #op_Bra
BLNE compile_top_op
BL compile_top_op
B %BT03
ePull "R0, R2"
CMP R0, #type_Operator
BEQ MissingOpErr
......@@ -328,9 +331,10 @@ ReadExpression ROUT
LDRB R3, tos_op
LDRB R0, [R0, R3]
CMP R0, R4
BLGT compile_top_op
BL compile_top_op
B %BT04
MOV R0, #type_Operator
ePush "R0, R2" ; push (operator)
STRB R2, tos_op
......@@ -396,7 +400,7 @@ rightprectab
compile_top_op ROUT
; preserves the flags
; corrupts the flags
Push "R2-R4, lr"
ePull "R0, R2"
CMP R0, #type_Operator
......@@ -421,7 +425,7 @@ DispatchReturn
BLEQ Push_String
ePush "R0, R2" ; temp val -> stack
Pull "R2-R4, PC"
; the routines in this table are entered with one operand popped,
; any other op on stack ready to pop.
......@@ -556,7 +560,7 @@ Minus_Code ROUT ; integer-integer
Times_Code ROUT ; integer*integer
BL TwoIntegers
MOV R3, R2
MULTIPLY R2, R3, R4 ; get R3*R4->R2
MUL R2, R4, R3 ; get R3*R4->R2
B DispatchReturn
MOD_Code ROUT ; integer MOD integer
......@@ -1282,8 +1286,7 @@ FindOption ENTRY "r1, r3-r5"
ADDEQ r1, r1, #1
CMP r3, #"."
MOV r3, #Z_bit
TEQP r3, pc ; invert EQ/NE
TOGPSR Z_bit, r3 ; invert EQ/NE
CMPNE r1, #0
ADDNE r1, r1, #1 ; skip .
......@@ -1428,8 +1431,8 @@ ConfigGenErr
BL TranslateError
Pull "lr"
ORRS pc, lr, #V_bit
Pull "pc"
MOV r1, #Service_UKConfig
......@@ -1584,8 +1587,8 @@ statoptservice
[ International
BL TranslateError
Pull "lr"
ORRS pc, lr, #V_bit
Pull "pc"
& ErrorNumber_Syntax
= "BadStat:Bad status option", 0
......@@ -1745,7 +1748,7 @@ FrigCapsList
; Preserves flags
ListOneConfig ROUT
Push "lr"
LDRB r4, [r2]
CMP r4, #ConType_Field
CMPNE r4, #ConType_Size
......@@ -1788,9 +1791,7 @@ ListOneConfig ROUT
Pull "lr"
BICVCS pc, lr, #V_bit
ORRS pc, lr, #V_bit
= "<D>", 0
......@@ -1885,8 +1886,9 @@ ExitShow
ADRL r8, ScreenSizeFrig ; if zero and it's ScreenSize, then call OS_ReadSysInfo to find appropriate amount
TEQ r8, r2
SWIEQ XOS_ReadSysInfo ; proper screen size (r0=0) on entry
MOVEQ r0, r0, LSR #10
SWI XOS_ReadSysInfo ; proper screen size (r0=0) on entry
MOV r0, r0, LSR #10
Pull "r8, r9"
BL PrintR0
......@@ -1972,7 +1974,7 @@ ReadByte ENTRY "r0, r2"
; take infoword in R0, return value in R0
GetValue ENTRY "r1"
GetValue EntryS "r1"
BL ReadByte ; now extract the value
AND r14, r0, #&FF ; get bitoff
MOV r1, r1, LSR r14 ; throw away low bits
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
ReadUnsigned_Routine ENTRY "r0-r1, r3-r4, r9"
TEQP PC, #SVC_mode
WritePSRc SVC_mode, r9
; first set range limit
MOV r9, r2 ; limit value
......@@ -258,17 +258,31 @@ VecInitLoop
; Call_vector (n)
; In: r10 = vector number
[ No26bitCode
; lr contains return address
; cpsr contains flags/int state to set up before calling
; lr contains return address + flags/int state to set up before calling
; Out: r10, r12, lr corrupted
CallVector ROUT
[ No26bitCode
mrs AL, r12, CPSR
BHS CallVecTooHigh ; return - silly value
msr AL, CPSR_f, r12 ; put back caller's flags + int state
Push lr ; claimed return goes back to caller
MOVCSS pc, lr ; return - silly value
Push lr ; claimed return goes back to caller
TEQP lr, #0 ; put back caller's flags + int state
LDR r14, =VecPtrTab ; Point at table of head pointers
LDR r10, [r14, r10, LSL #2] ; nextblock:=vecptrtab!(n*4)
......@@ -284,9 +298,17 @@ CallVecLoop
TEQ r10, #0 ; until nextblock points to zero
BNE CallVecLoop
[ No26bitCode
Pull pc ; can't restore all flags. CV will be preserved
msr AL, CPSR_f, r12
MOV pc, lr
Pull pc,,^ ; we don't expect to get to here
; (should always be claimed),
; but return to caller, restoring flags
;Add_To_vector(n, Addressess)
......@@ -311,11 +333,7 @@ ClaimVector_SWICode ROUT
Push "R0-R4, link"
[ IrqsInClaimRelease
MOV R4, #I_bit
TST R4, PC ; is I_bit set ?
TEQEQP R4, PC ; No, then set it, save changed bits
MOVNE R4, #0 ; Else no changed bits
PHPSEI R4, R14 ; Disable IRQs
MOV R3, #0 ; List of de-linked nodes is empty
LDR R11, =VecPtrTab ; Get ptr to table of head pointers
......@@ -325,7 +343,7 @@ ClaimVector_SWICode ROUT
MOVVC R3, R12 ; New head of de-linked nodes
BVC %BT01 ; Repeat until all nodes de-linked
TEQP R4, PC ; Restore IRQ state
PLP R4 ; Restore IRQ state
; Free the list of de-linked nodes, pointed to by R3, enter with VS
......@@ -333,14 +351,7 @@ ClaimVector_SWICode ROUT
BLVC FreeNode ; Free the node pointed to by R12
SUBS R12, R3, #0 ; Any more nodes to free?
BNE %BT02 ; Yes then jump
TEQP PC, #SVC_mode+I_bit ; IRQs off while holding context.
LDR R11, =VecPtrTab ; Point at table of head pointers
LDR R10, [R11, R0, LSL #2]! ; R10 "nextblock" := !oldptr,
; point R11 at the table entry "oldptr"
01 BL FreeLink
BVC %BT01 ; loop with chain pointers still set
LDR R11, =VecPtrTab ; Point at table of head pointers
......@@ -361,7 +372,7 @@ GoForAddToVec
BVS BadClaimVector ; Failed : Exit
TEQP PC, #SVC_mode+I_bit ; force noirq
WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R3 ; force noirq
LDR R3, [R11] ; "nextblock" :=vecptrtab!(n*4)
STMIA R2, {R3, R4, R10} ; Atomic Operation thus links in the new
; routine
......@@ -392,31 +403,17 @@ ReleaseVector_SWICode
BVS BadVectorRelease
[ IrqsInClaimRelease
Push "R0-R2,R9,link"
MOV R9, #I_bit
TST R9, PC ; is I_bit set ?
TEQEQP R9, PC ; No, then set it, R9 = changed bits
MOVNE R9, #0 ; Else R9=0 for no change
PHPSEI R9, R14 ; Disable IRQs
LDR R11, =VecPtrTab ; Get ptr to table of head pointers
LDR R10, [R11, R0, LSL #2]! ; R10 "nextblock" := *oldptr, R11= root ptr
BL FindAndDelinkNode ; R10,R11->R10,R11,R12
TEQP R9, PC ; Restore IRQ state
PLP R9 ; Restore IRQ state
BLVC FreeNode ; If found, free the node in R12
Pull "R0-R2,R9,link"
Push "R0-R2, link"
TEQP PC, #SVC_mode+I_bit ; IRQs off while holding context.
LDR R11, =VecPtrTab ; Point at table of head pointers
LDR R10, [R11, R0, LSL #2]! ; R10 "nextblock" := !oldptr,
; point R11 at the table entry "oldptr"
BL FreeLink
Pull "R0-R2, link"
ADRVS R0, ErrorBlock_NaffRelease
......@@ -449,7 +446,7 @@ BadVectorRelease
CMP R10, #0 ; End of chain?
ORREQS PC, lr, #V_bit ; Yes, return error
RETURNVS EQ ; Yes, return error
LDR R12, [R10, #VecWSpace]
CMP R12, R2 ; Workspace matches?
......@@ -462,7 +459,7 @@ FindAndDelinkNode
MOV R12, R10 ; R12-> node to de-link
LDR R10, [R12, #TailPtr] ; Get link to next node
STR R10, [R11] ; Previous node's link -> next node
BICS PC, lr, #V_bit ; Return no error
RETURNVC EQ ; Return no error
; Return node to heap space
; In:
......@@ -592,8 +589,10 @@ defaultvectab
NaffVector ROUT
Pull lr ; Claim vector, do nowt
BICS pc, lr, #V_bit
mrs AL, lr, CPSR
BIC lr, lr, #V_bit
msr AL, CPSR_f, lr ; Clear V, preserve rest
LDR pc, [sp], #4 ; Claim vector, do nowt
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; SWIs to save any vector entries pointing into application workspace
......@@ -612,7 +611,7 @@ Application_Delink ROUT
LDR R4, [R3, #AplWorkSize-(NVECTORS-1)]
TEQP PC, #SVC_mode+I_bit ; IRQs off while holding context.
SETPSR I_bit, R3 ; IRQs off while holding context.
03 LDR R11, =VecPtrTab ; Point at table of head pointers
ADD R10, R11, R3, LSL #2
......@@ -741,8 +740,8 @@ Issue_Service ROUT ; R1 is service number, R2 may be a parameter
CMP R1,#ServMinUsrNumber
;call anyone on the appropriate Sys chain
LDR R10,=Serv_SysChains
LDR R10,[R10]
MOV R10,#0
LDR R10,[R10,#Serv_SysChains]
CMP R10,#0
LDR R11,[R10,R1,LSL #2] ;pick up the chain anchor
......@@ -797,8 +796,8 @@ Issue_Service ROUT ; R1 is service number, R2 may be a parameter
;call everyone on the chain of Awkward modules, always passing service number in R1
LDR R10,=Serv_AwkwardChain
LDR R11,[R10]
MOV R10,#0
LDR R11,[R10,#Serv_AwkwardChain]
CMP R11,#0
LDR R10,[R11,#ServChain_Size]
......@@ -912,17 +911,11 @@ sam001
STRNEB R10, [R10, #MOShasFIQ]
MOVNE r1, #Service_Serviced
Push PC, EQ ; return address
SUBEQ stack, stack, #4*4 ; pseudo- r9-r12
BEQ %BT05 ; wacky pseudo-BL!
; do it this way to cope with ARM v4/v3 differences on storing PC
SUBEQ stack,stack,#20
STREQ PC,[stack,#16]
MOV r0, r0
MOV r10, #0
LDRB r9, [r10, #FIQclaim_interlock]
STRB r10, [r10, #FIQclaim_interlock]
......@@ -993,15 +986,15 @@ checkmoshandlers
; SWI to call a vector
CallAVector_SWI ; R9 is the vector number (!!)
Push "lr"
STR lr, [sp, #-4]! ; save caller PSR on stack
MOV R10, R9
ORR R14, R14, #SVC_mode
TEQP PC, R14 ; restore caller CCs
msr AL, CPSR_f, R14 ; restore caller CCs
BL CallVector
MOV R10, PC, LSR #28 ; restore CCs
Pull "lr"
mrs AL, r10, CPSR ; restore CCs
LDR lr, [sp], #4
AND r10, r10, #&F0000000
BIC lr, lr, #&F0000000
ORR lr, lr, R10, LSL #28
ORR lr, lr, r10
......@@ -1099,60 +1092,14 @@ ValidateAddress_Code ROUT
LDR R12, [R10, #AplWorkSize]
BL RangeCheck
[ :LNOT: NewStyle_Screen
MOV R12, #ScreenEndAdr
LDR R11, [R11, #TotalScreenSize]
ADD R12, R12, R11
SUB R11, R12, R11, LSL #1
BL RangeCheck
[ NewStyle_SysHeap
MOV r11, #SysHeapChunkAddress ; need to still check 1st 8K
ADD r12, r11, #SysHeapStart-SysHeapChunkAddress
BL RangeCheck
LDR R11, =SysHeapStart
LDR R12, [R11, #:INDEX: hpdend]
ADD R12, R11, R12
MOV R11, #SysHeapChunkAddress
BL RangeCheck
[ :LNOT: NewStyle_RMA
MOV R11, #RMAAddress
LDR R12, [R11, #:INDEX: hpdend]
ADD R12, R11, R12
BL RangeCheck
[ :LNOT: NewStyle_SpriteArea
LDR R12, [R10, #SpriteSize]
ADD R12, R12, #SpriteSpaceAddress
MOV R11, #SpriteSpaceAddress
BL RangeCheck
[ :LNOT: NewStyle_RAMDisc
LDR R12, [R10, #RAMDiscSize]
ADD R12, R12, #RAMDiscAddress
MOV R11, #RAMDiscAddress
BL RangeCheck
[ :LNOT: NewStyle_FontArea
LDR R12, [R10, #FontCacheSize]
ADD R12, R12, #FontCacheAddress
MOV R11, #FontCacheAddress
BL RangeCheck
MOV R11, #CursorChunkAddress
ADD R12, R11, #32*1024
BL RangeCheck
[ NewCDA
; not in one of those ranges, so check against dynamic area list
MOV r10, #DAList
......@@ -1174,7 +1121,6 @@ ValidateAddress_Code ROUT
CMP r1, r12 ; else if range ends before end+1 of this area
BCC AddressIsValid ; then it's valid
; not in one of those ranges, so issue service so modules can add other valid areas
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