growp 4.35 KB
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; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; > s.growp

;grow slot by taking pages from FreePool; add them to AppSpace

; entry:
;     R1 =  new number of pages for slot (more than current value)
;     R2 -> AMB node (page table already allocated/grown to size)
; exit: -

growpages ROUT
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
        Push    "R0-R7,LR"

        MOV     R6,R1                      ;save entry R1
        LDR     R5,[R2,#AMBNode_Npages]
        CMP     R5,R6
        Pull    "R0-R7,PC",EQ              ;done if no. of pages unchanged

        MOV     R0,R2                      ;R0 -> AMB node

Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
37 38
        LDR     R1,=ZeroPage+FreePoolDANode ;R1 := source for pages
        LDR     R2,=ZeroPage+AppSpaceDANode ;R2 := dest for pages
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
39 40 41

        LDR     R7,[R0,#AMBNode_Npages]    ;R7 := current no. of pages
        SUB     R3,R6,R7                   ;no. of pages required from FreePool
        LDR     R4,[R1,#DANode_PMPSize]    ;no. of pages in FreePool
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
        CMP     R3,R4
  [ ShrinkableDAs
        BLHI    growp_TryToShrinkShrinkables
        MOVHI   R3,R4                      ;R3 := no. of pages we will move
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
        CMP     R3,#0
        BEQ     %FT90                      ;done if can't move any pages
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
50 51 52 53 54
        ADD     R4,R3,R7
        STR     R4,[R0,#AMBNode_Npages]    ;new no. of pages

        ADD     R4,R0,#AMBNode_pages
        ADD     R4,R4,R7,LSL #2            ;R4 -> 1st page table entry for grow
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
        LDR     R5,[R1,#DANode_PMP]
        LDR     LR,[R1,#DANode_PMPSize]
        ADD     R5,R5,LR,LSL #2            ;current end of FreePool
        SUB     R5,R5,R3,LSL #2            ;R5 := first required page in PMP

        ;R3 = no. of pages, R4 -> buffer for page entries,
        ;R5 := start page in PMP
        MOV     R2,R3
        MOV     R6,#-1
        LDR     LR,[R5]
        SUBS    R2,R2,#1
        STR     LR,[R4],#4
        STR     R6,[R5],#4
        BNE     %BT10
        SUB     R4,R4,R3,LSL #2
        LDR     R2,=ZeroPage+AppSpaceDANode ;R2 := dest for pages
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
        LDR     R5,AMBFlags
        TST     R5,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
        MOVEQ   R5,#-1                     ;map the pages to Nowhere initially
        MOVEQ   R6,#AP_Duff
        LDRNE   R5,[R0,#AMBNode_startaddr]
        ADDNE   R5,R5,R7,LSL #Log2PageSize ;R5 := first new page new address
        LDRNE   R6,[R0,#AMBNode_PPL]       ;R6 := dest PPL flags
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
83 84 85
        LDR     R5,[R0,#AMBNode_startaddr]
        ADD     R5,R5,R7,LSL #Log2PageSize ;R5 := first new page new address
        LDR     R6,[R0,#AMBNode_PPL]       ;R6 := dest PPL flags
86 87
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Neil Turton committed
88 89 90 91
        ;entry: R3 = no. of pages, R4 -> list of page entries,
        ;       R5 = start logical address, R6 = PPL
        BL      AMB_SetMemMapEntries       ;remap

92 93 94
        LDR     R5,[R1,#DANode_PMPSize]
        SUB     R5,R5,R3
        STR     R5,[R1,#DANode_PMPSize]    ;new FreePool size
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
95 96 97 98

        LDR     R5,[R2,#DANode_Size]
        ADD     R5,R5,R3,LSL #Log2PageSize
        STR     R5,[R2,#DANode_Size]       ;new AppSpace size
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
        LDR     R6,=ZeroPage
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
100 101
        STR     R5,[R6,#MemLimit]          ;update MemLimit

103 104
;;;        STRVS   R0,[SP]
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
105 106
        Pull    "R0-R7,PC"

107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
  [ ShrinkableDAs
; growp_TryToShrinkShrinkables - try to shrink shrinkable DAs, to grow free pool
; entry:
;   R1 -> FreePool DANode
;   R3 = no. of pages required in FreePool
;   R4 = no. of pages in FreePool (must be less than R3)
; exit:
;   R4 = new no. of pages in FreePool
;   condition code GT is true if still less than required (ie. R3 > R4 on exit)
growp_TryToShrinkShrinkables ROUT
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
        Entry   "R1-R2,R11,R12"
        MOV     R11,R1
        MOV     R12,#0                          ; dest node irrelevant
        MOV     R1,R3
        MOV     R2,R4
        BL      TryToShrinkShrinkables
        MOV     R4,R2
        CMP     R3,R2
131 132 133

  ] ;ShrinkableDAs

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Neil Turton committed