- 31 Jan, 1998 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Check for WindowManager 3.97 and ensure Unicode$Path is set in all !Run[D] files, don't set the Alias$@PrintType_FF4 variable, and updated Customer build ROM obey file variants. Various other changes to the Run files for new module versions, updated paths to support new positions of choices, hotlist and histories (see later), etc. !Sprites[22] files hold small !app icons for some variants, and an ic_browse sprite. Some variants now have a Sprites and Sprites22 file instead of just Sprites, with the former containing various mode 12 or 15 specific sprites. Text files dragged to the URL writable are treated as ANT URL files. This relies on URLBarWrit (Toolbars.h) being a unique ID, which it should be, but beware of the Hotlist and Choices numberspaces... INPUT TYPE=BUTTON supported. Form items without a FORM tag are now shown (as MSIE 4, but not NN 4). '*', '-', '@', '_' and '.' are not escaped when submitting forms now. The Web interface to the IMDb now works. INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN items will not affect the line height anymore - so http://www.hotmail.com/ now has correctly aligned writable icons, for example. Similarly, TAG_FORM and TAG_FORM_END items could push up line height and don't anymore. HRs with a specified pixel width will now influence the size of a table cell (they didn't before). BRs now checked by tagno field when the browser needs to know something was an actual BR tag rather than just a line break signal, and by the style bit entry when only the indication of a line break is required. Table widths of 0 or 0% are ignored. Trace.c updated to report height and background fields in a table_stream. fm_putsl() writes a terminator into the string; the Forms.c routines were calling this for displaying INPUT TYPE=PASSWORD fields using the FE_PassCode literal string (a line of stars). This write into a read only data area would make the debugger fault the access. A local char array is now used instead, to get round this (note the use of var[]=literal rather than var[sizeof(literal)]; strcpy(var, literal) due to some weird compiler bug that copies the wrong thing into 'var' under some (undefined...) circumstances). Text areas don't scroll back to the top line when clicked in anymore; single line writables don't scroll back to the left either. When reentering a text area from 'above', the caret appears at the top line rather than 'somewhere further down'... ARROWS_MOVE_OUT compile time option at the top of Forms.c defines whether you must press Tab/Shift+Tab to move between writable fields in forms or if up/down will drop out of them, though if keyboard control is on this is enforced (or you get trapped inside the form!). urlutils_filetype_from_url now uses MimeMap module. If fetcher is told a page is text, it'll check for a filename extension and may choose to use this instead (e.g. it may find it's HTML instead). This is to try and get around duff servers... (e.g. http://www.batalarms.co.uk/). Save dialogues shouldn't flicker when options that don't change the filetype are selected (before, the draggable sprite was always reset for each selection). Noticed the erroneous setting of a static variable in SaveFile.c by a call to this by SaveObject.c, and so added a flag to savefile_set_filetype to deal with this - would have been possible to get the wrong filetype sent to applications or at best the wrong filetype sprite in the dialogue without that. The caret shouldn't jump out of a form back to the URL writable if the page reformats now. Table background colours now supported (as in the colour you see in the border space if the cellspacing is large enough; this is as in MSIE, not as in Navigator). Drawfile output routines updated accordingly. Corrected erroneous use of wimpt_dx() / wimpt_dy() in a couple of places in Images.c, which meant that (say) 1x1 images didn't work correctly in medium resolution display modes. Now have support for save as text (component ID and event 0x12) and save as Draw (component ID and event 0x13) buttons. Dubious conditions for greying and ungreying the print, save source and view source buttons and menu options sorted out as part of implementing the same for the two new buttons; added greying out of their associated menu items in passing. Turned kerning on in draw file objects (does mean a rather heinous increase in file size, but this is the only way to ensure the draw file matches the visible page). Comments before functions in SaveDraw.c are now complete and up to date. Image and visit histories now generate a crude hash number to speed up searching for items. It does give a speed increase, though it's a disappointingly small one. Issue of left/right margins and cellpaddings sorted out. Now have redraw_left/right_margin for finding out the basic gap you must leave. redraw_left/right_gap then gives any extra indentation for LI, BLOCKQUOTE or whatever. The last two can be subtracted from the display width to get an available page width for any section of text. Note that redraw_left_gap replaces redraw_margin. The redraw_start_x function uses the above to work out where a line's left hand edge should be, taking account of left/right/centre alignment. HRs have been fixed now (they were quite broken in v1.30, I think) based on this new model and the behaviour of MSIE/NN 4. Fixed width of cells with no contents - cell padding values wouldn't have worked properly as the reformatter returns 0 rather than the left hand margin size if given no stream. Removed FM_Absolute flags for Font_Paint (spotted by DBrown) - sets bit 2, which is reserved...? IMG width and height in % terms now works correctly; a % of available width (after margins and indents) or height on the main page or for a table cell, if the image lies in one. Because of the chicken-and-egg problem with the latter, the cell must specify a width and/or height for things to work properly. If this is not done, you'll usually end up with a 1:1 scaled image (as in Navigator 4, rather than ending up with no image or even no cell (!), as in MSIE 4). HEIGHT attribute on a TABLE tag is supported, but only in a crude fashion; the extra height (if there is any) is distributed over the rows in a linear fashion. This is probably all you have to do in practice, but I haven't checked. To maintain a notion of min/max height as well as width would of course require a great deal more work... If using client pull to reload a page with a fragment ('...#name') specified, then the reload wouldn't work on the same page; it'd just jump to the fragment position. This won't happen if b->reloading is set now (so works in conjunction with client pull on the same page forcing a non-cached fetch). Similarly, if POSTing to such a URL, a fetch will proceed (both these fixes done originally for http://jupiter.beseen.com/chat/rooms/g/1678/). browser_inherit split to browser_inherit and browser_inherit_post_data; the code for the latter didn't clear any post_data in the child before copying from the parent either, and could cause flex errors (now fixed). Res file for Ursula ('Desktop' Browse) build tweaked - bits in the font choices dialogue renamed, and button bar rearranged to hold the new Save As Draw button. Other builds have had Save As Draw and Save As Text buttons added, or not, depending upon availability of suitable sprites, required UI simplicity, etc. Now have: Browse$ChoicesFile Browse$ControlsFile Browse$ChoicesSave Browse$ControlsSave (the last two are new) for loading and saving of the Choices or Controls files. If unset, <App$Dir>.Choices or <App$Dir>.Controls will be set. E.g., you could set Browse$ChoicesFile to be: <App$Dir>.Choices,Choices:WWW.(app).Choices for loading and <Choices$Write>.WWW.(app).Choices for saving. (The browser never saves Controls at the moment, so the relevant variable above isn't effectively implemented, but could be in future). Similarly, to support asymetric loading/saving of the Hotlist, there are HotlistSave, HistorySave and ImageHistorySave entries in Choices to complement HotlistPath, HistoryPath and ImageHistoryPath (which are used for loading). save_save_choices will create directories as needed to obtain the given path (and has also been fixed in various areas that hadn't been tested out until now; e.g. zero termination of the AppName$ChoicesFile variable expansion...). !Run[D] files updated appropriately. Table widthing code rewritten. Slower, but a lot better on the whole. Still has some problems - still needs a final 'make sure nothing is below minimum width' scan, which it should be possible to do without. No time to fix this at present! The reformatter will now 'glue together' an LI token followed by any non-LI token; so a bullet point followed by an item should not be able to have a line break inserted after the bullet because of very tight width constraints (it could before - yuk...). 'about:' brings up a page about the browser and any Plug-Ins, as with Navigator (for example). URI files support titles, as per spec. version 8. Saving a current location to the Hotlist will thus give a sensible title now (unless you're in a frame, so there's no title to get...). Of course, v1.00 files without a title still work. Note that NOBR is *not* supported in this build and this combined with the new table widther may cause problems on some sites (e.g. Microsoft's home page!).
- 22 Oct, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
fetch_get_raw_data will notice if up->fetching is zero and return a 'finished' status rather than trying to continue reading data for the fetch. Fetches should never fall through that far but at least it will cope if they do. 3D table borders are now supported. 2D borders are used if the inter-cell spacing is too small to fit the borders in (display resolution dependent) - the external table border is 2D if the internal borders are, else 3D. For cellspacing of 0, internal table borders must plot over the outer edge of pixels inside the cell; for all greater spacings, the borders take up all or part of the gap between them. The external border will always fit around the outside of the cells, including the cellspacing value in the gap between the outer cells and the border. Anti-alias colour for placeholder ALT text was incorrect. Fixed. I'd changed 'point' to 'points' in some of the Font Choices dialogues; now changed back to 'point'. The routine to find out how large an otherwise unsized object or image placeholder based on its ALT text has been centralised in Reformat.c, so that the image and object routines can both access it without code duplication (this means non-image objects will now have the correct size if they contain ALT text, rather than assuming a standard default size as before). ALT text in images that were also objects was never plotted either, though the placeholder size would have been correct. This has been fixed.
- 06 Oct, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Calling HtmlEndParse at the end of html_get_next_token and setting up->context to NULL was wrong; fetch_fetcher would end up recalling html_get_next_token later which would then call HtmlParse even though the document parse had just finished! The HtmlEndParse call has now been moved to fetch_stop. Altered reformatter to claim fonts inside a browser, rather than claiming them for nothing and losing them afterwards. Got rid of TAG == TABLE and ISBODY tests, replacing with tagno == TAG_TABLE. Removed all references to TD, TH, TR and TABLE in the style word.
- 14 Sep, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Got the deferred reformatter working properly. It doesn't do that 'OK, the page is fetched and reformatted, but just to annoy you, I'm going to wait 5 seconds and then suddenly reformat the whole thing again' trick anymore. The fetcher was calling the reformatter in a delayed form even when the reformatter was already running, so it would carry on past the reformat point or from below what had become and invalidated line, and some time later, get back to the delayed reformat. Now, reformatting is only delayed by the fetcher when the reformatter is not running. In practice this means body text reformats as it fetches, but large tables will show delayed reformatting - which was exactly the intended behaviour of the feature when it was originally thought of. fetch_token_data_address removed; it was only needed in two places, both of which already knew when to read tp->text and when to ignore it. Its functionality is duplicated in an 'if' involving reformat_istext, anyway. !Run[D] files taken back to requiri...
- 18 Aug, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
- 05 Aug, 1997 1 commit
Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Fixed problems with unsourced images in tables and a couple of other bugs here and there - nothing earth shattering... Just wanted to keep the CVS source up to date.
- 01 Aug, 1997 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
- 18 Jul, 1997 1 commit
Ben Laughton authored