Commit e36770dc authored by Kevin Bracey's avatar Kevin Bracey
Browse files

Made INPUT type=image work

parent fe3e2b89
......@@ -1249,7 +1249,8 @@ int browser_move_selection(browser_data * b, int key)
key == akbd_RightK ? 1 : 2);
key == akbd_RightK ? 1 : 2,
0, 0);
/* Turn the pointer off, and reset the check to see if */
/* the user has moved it manually. */
......@@ -1303,7 +1304,9 @@ static int browser_navigate_map(browser_data * b, int key)
tp = browser_get_pointer_token(b, &p, NULL, NULL);
if (tp && redraw_selected(b, tp) && (tp->style & IMG) && (tp->type & TYPE_ISMAP))
if (tp && redraw_selected(b, tp) &&
(((tp->style & IMG) && (tp->type & TYPE_ISMAP)) ||
((tp->style & INPUT) && HtmlINPUTtype(tp) == inputtype_IMAGE)))
int last_move = 4;
int last_key, start_key;
......@@ -1676,7 +1679,9 @@ int browser_pointer_check(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * b, IdBlock * idb, brows
if ((tp->style & IMG) && (tp->type & TYPE_ISMAP)) mouse_set_pointer_shape(Mouse_Shape_Map);
else mouse_set_pointer_shape(Mouse_Shape_Link);
else mouse_set_pointer_shape(Mouse_Shape_Normal);
else if ((tp->style & INPUT) &&
HtmlINPUTtype(tp) == inputtype_IMAGE) mouse_set_pointer_shape(Mouse_Shape_Link);
else mouse_set_pointer_shape(Mouse_Shape_Normal);
/* If the mouse pointer is on, then update the status bar */
......@@ -2010,13 +2015,14 @@ static HStream * browser_get_pointer_token_r(browser_data * b, reformat_cell * c
/* If the token represents an image... */
else if (tp->style & IMG)
else if ((tp->style & IMG) ||
((tp->style & INPUT) && HtmlINPUTtype(tp) == inputtype_IMAGE))
reformat_get_image_size(b, tp, &box);
/* Correct for the border size, if the image is a link */
if (ISLINK(tp))
if (ISLINK(tp) && (tp->style & IMG))
int b;
......@@ -219,8 +219,9 @@ void * fetch_token_data_address(browser_data * b, HStream * token)
/* No data for horizontal rules or images */
if (token->style & HR) return NULL;
if (token->style & IMG) return NULL;
if (token->style & HR) return NULL;
if (token->style & IMG) return NULL;
if ((token->style & INPUT) && HtmlINPUTtype(token) == inputtype_IMAGE) return NULL;
/* Otherwise, return a pointer to the text */
......@@ -431,16 +432,16 @@ void fetch_preprocess_token(browser_data * b, HStream * tptr)
if (tptr->style & INPUT)
case TYPE_TEXT: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_text, tptr->text ))) return; break;
case TYPE_PASSWORD:if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_password, tptr->text ))) return; break;
case TYPE_CHECKBOX:if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_checkbox, (char *) (tptr->type & TYPE_CHECKED) ))) return; break;
case TYPE_RADIO: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_radio, (char *) (tptr->type & TYPE_CHECKED) ))) return; break;
case TYPE_IMAGE: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_image, NULL ))) return; break;
case TYPE_HIDDEN: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_hidden, NULL ))) return; break;
case TYPE_SUBMIT: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_submit, NULL ))) return; break;
case TYPE_RESET: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_reset, NULL ))) return; break;
case inputtype_TEXT: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_text, tptr->text ))) return; break;
case inputtype_PASSWORD:if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_password, tptr->text ))) return; break;
case inputtype_CHECKBOX:if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_checkbox, (char *) HtmlINPUTchecked(tptr) ))) return; break;
case inputtype_RADIO: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_radio, (char *) HtmlINPUTchecked(tptr) ))) return; break;
case inputtype_IMAGE: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_image, NULL ))) return; break;
case inputtype_HIDDEN: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_hidden, NULL ))) return; break;
case inputtype_SUBMIT: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_submit, NULL ))) return; break;
case inputtype_RESET: if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_reset, NULL ))) return; break;
......@@ -455,7 +456,7 @@ void fetch_preprocess_token(browser_data * b, HStream * tptr)
if ((tptr->style) & SELECT)
if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_select, tptr->value))) return;
if (fetch_chkerror(b, form_new_field(b, tptr, form_select, (char *)HtmlSELECToptions(tptr)))) return;
b->formflag = 1;
......@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fm_set_font_colour(fm_face h, int fore, int back)
/* Font Manager earlier than v3.37. */
_kernel_oserror * fm_puts(fm_face h, int x, int y,char * s, int os, int blend)
_kernel_oserror * fm_puts(fm_face h, int x, int y, const char * s, int os, int blend)
#ifdef TRACE
if (tl & (1u<<10)) Printf("\nfm_puts: Called with handle %p\n String '%s'\n",(void *) h, s);
......@@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@ void fm_shutdown(void)
/* Returns: See parameters list. */
_kernel_oserror * fm_get_string_width(fm_face h, char * s, int maxwid, int maxbytes,
_kernel_oserror * fm_get_string_width(fm_face h, const char * s, int maxwid, int maxbytes,
int split, int * bytes, int * width)
if (h >= 0)
......@@ -1464,13 +1464,13 @@ _kernel_oserror * fm_get_string_width(fm_face h, char * s, int maxwid, int maxby
e = _swix(Font_SetFont,_IN(0),h);
/* Force a terminator in the string */
if (maxbytes < strlen(s))
c1 = s[maxbytes];
s[maxbytes] = 0;
// /* Force a terminator in the string */
// if (maxbytes < strlen(s))
// {
// c1 = s[maxbytes];
// s[maxbytes] = 0;
// }
/* Get the width */
......@@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fm_get_string_width(fm_face h, char * s, int maxwid, int maxby
if (!e && !*width && split > 0)
char * p = s;
const char * p = s;
/* Adjust the string length to the first split character. */
/* (Thanks to Tony Cheal for spotting this when doing */
......@@ -1532,13 +1532,13 @@ _kernel_oserror * fm_get_string_width(fm_face h, char * s, int maxwid, int maxby
while (*p && *(p++) != split);
/* Force a terminator at the split character, if found */
if (*p)
c2 = *p;
*p = 0;
// /* Force a terminator at the split character, if found */
// if (*p)
// {
// c2 = *p;
// *p = 0;
// }
/* Now call the Font Manager without asking for a split, knowing that */
/* the string length only runs up to the split character. */
......@@ -1550,19 +1550,19 @@ _kernel_oserror * fm_get_string_width(fm_face h, char * s, int maxwid, int maxby
0x1000000, /* Maximum width if splitting is allowed */
0x1000000, /* Maximum height if splitting is allowed */
-1, /* Character to split on, or -1 for no split */
maxbytes, /* Maximum string length */
p - s /*maxbytes*/, /* Maximum string length */
width, /* Width of scanned string */
bytes); /* Length of scanned string */
/* Restore the overwritten character, if any */
if (c2) *p = c2;
// if (c2) *p = c2;
/* Put the character that was overwritten by a terminator (if any) back */
if (c1) s[maxbytes] = c1;
// if (c1) s[maxbytes] = c1;
/* Exit if there was some error */
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1521,6 +1521,42 @@ int handle_clicks(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * b, IdBlock * idb, browser_data
return 0;
/* handle_calc_image_click_coords() */
/* */
/* Calculate the coordinates of a click on an */
/* image in pixels from the top left corner, as */
/* required by image maps and image input */
/* fields. */
int handle_calc_image_click_coords(HStream * p, WimpGetPointerInfoBlock * i, int * x, int * y, browser_data * handle)
WimpGetWindowStateBlock s;
BBox box;
/* Get the image's size and position on screen */
s.window_handle = handle->window_handle;
if (wimp_get_window_state(&s)) return 0;
if (image_get_token_image_size(handle, p, &box)) return 0;
if (image_get_token_image_position(handle, p, x, y)) return 0;
*x = coords_x_toscreen(*x, (WimpRedrawWindowBlock *) &s);
*y = coords_y_toscreen(*y, (WimpRedrawWindowBlock *) &s);
/* Get the offset of the pointer position from the top left */
/* of the image in ox and oy */
*x = i->x - *x;
*y = *y + (box.ymax - box.ymin) - i->y;
image_convert_to_pixels(handle, p, x, y);
return 1;
/* handle_link_clicks() */
/* */
......@@ -1595,7 +1631,12 @@ int handle_link_clicks(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * b, IdBlock * idb, browser_
ChkError(form_click_field(handle, p, 0));
int x = 0, y = 0;
if ((p->style & INPUT) && HtmlINPUTtype(p) == inputtype_IMAGE && eventcode >= 0)
handle_calc_image_click_coords(p, &i, &x, &y, handle);
ChkError(form_click_field(handle, p, 0, x, y));
used = 1;
......@@ -1643,11 +1684,8 @@ int handle_link_clicks(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * b, IdBlock * idb, browser_
if ((p->style & IMG) && (p->type & TYPE_ISMAP))
WimpGetWindowStateBlock s;
char coords[64];
browser_data * targetted;
BBox box;
int x, y;
if (eventcode < 0)
......@@ -1656,27 +1694,12 @@ int handle_link_clicks(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * b, IdBlock * idb, browser_
if (!p) return 0;
/* Get the image's size and position on screen */
s.window_handle = handle->window_handle;
if (wimp_get_window_state(&s)) return 0;
if (image_get_token_image_size(handle, p, &box)) return 0;
if (image_get_token_image_position(handle, p, &x, &y)) return 0;
x = coords_x_toscreen(x, (WimpRedrawWindowBlock *) &s);
y = coords_y_toscreen(y, (WimpRedrawWindowBlock *) &s);
/* Get the offset of the pointer position from the top left */
/* of the image in ox and oy */
ox = i.x - x;
oy = y + (box.ymax - box.ymin) - i.y;
/* Find out which pixel we clicked on */
handle_calc_image_click_coords(p, &i, &ox, &oy, handle);
if (ox >= 0 && oy >= 0)
/* Convert the coordinate to pixels and build an appropriate */
/* CGI string including this information. */
/* Build an appropriate CGI string including this information. */
image_convert_to_pixels(handle, p, &ox, &oy);
sprintf(coords, "?%d,%d", ox, oy);
......@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * image_new_image(browser_data * b, const char * url, HStream *
/* width and height fields according to any details in the */
/* HTML source. */
if (!background)
if (!background && !(tp->style & INPUT))
if (tp->cols > 0) idata[nimages].currw = tp->cols * 2;
if (tp->rows > 0) idata[nimages].currh = tp->rows * 2;
......@@ -2294,7 +2294,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * image_update_image(browser_data * b, int image, BBox *
/* correct its X and Y coordinates appropriately */
o = 0;
if (ISLINK(tp)) o = tp->maxlen * 2;
if (ISLINK(tp) && (tp->style & IMG)) o = tp->maxlen * 2;
x += o;
y += ibox.ymin + o;
......@@ -1627,9 +1627,9 @@ _kernel_oserror * redraw_draw_r(int toplevel, int xorg, int yorg, browser_data *
/* A text-based element */
if (
(tp->type & TYPE_RESET) == TYPE_TEXT ||
(tp->type & TYPE_RESET) == TYPE_PASSWORD ||
(tp->style & (TEXTAREA | SELECT))
(tp->style & (TEXTAREA | SELECT)) ||
HtmlINPUTtype(tp) == inputtype_TEXT ||
HtmlINPUTtype(tp) == inputtype_PASSWORD
BBox box;
......@@ -1676,7 +1676,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * redraw_draw_r(int toplevel, int xorg, int yorg, browser_data *
!!(tp->style & TEXTAREA),
(tp->type & TYPE_RESET) == TYPE_PASSWORD);
(tp->style & INPUT) && HtmlINPUTtype(tp) == inputtype_PASSWORD);
/* If the element is a SELECT field, it needs a menu icon too */
......@@ -1740,37 +1740,41 @@ _kernel_oserror * redraw_draw_r(int toplevel, int xorg, int yorg, browser_data *
// }
else switch(tp->type & TYPE_RESET)
else switch(HtmlINPUTtype(tp))
/* Graphics-based forms elements */
case TYPE_CHECKBOX: if (nocontent != tp) redraw_switch(b,
y + base,
d->cdata[cn].t) -> checked ? "fopton" : "foptoff",
case inputtype_CHECKBOX:
if (nocontent != tp)
y + base,
form_get_field(b, d->cdata[cn].t) -> checked ? "fopton" : "foptoff",
case TYPE_RADIO: if (nocontent != tp) redraw_switch(b,
y + base,
d->cdata[cn].t) -> checked ? "fradioon" : "fradiooff",
case inputtype_RADIO:
if (nocontent != tp)
y + base,
form_get_field(b, d->cdata[cn].t) -> checked ? "fradioon" : "fradiooff",
case TYPE_HIDDEN: break;
case inputtype_IMAGE:
goto do_image;
case inputtype_HIDDEN: break;
case TYPE_SUBMIT: /* SUBMIT same as RESET: no break */
case inputtype_SUBMIT: /* SUBMIT same as RESET: no break */
case inputtype_RESET:
BBox box;
int fh, ox, oy, colour;
char * p;
BBox box;
int fh, ox, oy, colour;
const char * p;
p = form_button_text(tp);
......@@ -1845,7 +1849,11 @@ _kernel_oserror * redraw_draw_r(int toplevel, int xorg, int yorg, browser_data *
else if (tp->style & IMG)
BBox box;
int ox, oy, o = 0;
int ox, oy, o;
o = 0;
convert_pair_to_os(x, y + base, &ox, &oy);
......@@ -1874,7 +1882,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * redraw_draw_r(int toplevel, int xorg, int yorg, browser_data *
if (ISLINK(tp))
o = tp->maxlen * 2;
o = (tp->style & IMG) ? tp->maxlen * 2 : 4;
if (o)
......@@ -1887,6 +1895,8 @@ _kernel_oserror * redraw_draw_r(int toplevel, int xorg, int yorg, browser_data *
else if (redraw_selected(b, tp)) redraw_border_around_box(&box, b->selecol);
else if ((tp->style & INPUT) && redraw_selected(b, tp))
redraw_border_around_box(&box, b->selecol);
/* Redraw the image itself */
......@@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ _kernel_oserror * reformat_stop(browser_data * b)
static int reformat_istext(HStream * tp)
return (((tp->style) & (IMG | HR)) == 0);
return (((tp->style) & (IMG | HR)) == 0 &&
!((tp->style & INPUT) && HtmlINPUTtype(tp) == inputtype_IMAGE));
......@@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ static int reformat_istext(HStream * tp)
static _kernel_oserror * reformat_token_width(reformat_width_data * w, unsigned int flags)
_kernel_oserror * e = NULL;
BBox box;
/* Deal with tables */
......@@ -281,13 +283,12 @@ static _kernel_oserror * reformat_token_width(reformat_width_data * w, unsigned
else if (w->tp->style & (INPUT | TEXTAREA | SELECT))
if (
(w->tp->type & TYPE_RESET) == TYPE_TEXT ||
(w->tp->type & TYPE_RESET) == TYPE_PASSWORD ||
(w->tp->style & (TEXTAREA | SELECT))
if ( (w->tp->style & (TEXTAREA | SELECT) ||
HtmlINPUTtype(w->tp) == inputtype_TEXT ||
HtmlINPUTtype(w->tp) == inputtype_PASSWORD
BBox box;
int h, length, extra = 0;
if (w->tp->style & TEXTAREA)
......@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * reformat_token_width(reformat_width_data * w, unsigned
width += 32; /* Account for border and gap */
convert_to_points(width, &extra);
p = w->tp->value + 8;
p = (char *) HtmlSELECToptions(w->tp) + 8;
l = 8;
while(*p != 0xff)
......@@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * reformat_token_width(reformat_width_data * w, unsigned
/* One line writable */
length = w->tp->size;
length = HtmlINPUTsize(w->tp);
if (length == 1) length = 2;
else if (length < 2)
......@@ -361,12 +362,12 @@ static _kernel_oserror * reformat_token_width(reformat_width_data * w, unsigned
return e;
else switch(w->tp->type & TYPE_RESET)
else switch(HtmlINPUTtype(w->tp))
case TYPE_SUBMIT: /*; no break - same as RESET */
case inputtype_SUBMIT: /*; no break - same as RESET */
case inputtype_RESET:
char * p;
const char * p;
int h, length, end;
p = form_button_text(w->tp);
......@@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * reformat_token_width(reformat_width_data * w, unsigned
case inputtype_CHECKBOX:
w->bytes = 0;
......@@ -405,7 +406,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * reformat_token_width(reformat_width_data * w, unsigned
case inputtype_RADIO:
w->bytes = 0;
......@@ -415,17 +416,23 @@ static _kernel_oserror * reformat_token_width(reformat_width_data * w, unsigned
case inputtype_HIDDEN:
w->width = w->bytes = 0;
case inputtype_IMAGE:
goto do_image;
else if (w->tp->style & IMG)
BBox box;
w->bytes = 0;
w->width = 0;
......@@ -1201,27 +1208,41 @@ void reformat_free_queue(browser_data * b)
_kernel_oserror * reformat_get_image_size(browser_data * b, HStream * tp, BBox * box)
_kernel_oserror * e;
imgalign al;
e = image_get_token_image_size(b, tp, box);
if (e) return e;
if ((tp->type & TYPE_ALIGN_MASK) == TYPE_MIDDLE)
if (tp->style & IMG)
box->ymin -= box->ymax / 2;
box->ymax /= 2;
if ((tp->type & TYPE_ALIGN_MASK) == TYPE_MIDDLE)
al = imgalign_MIDDLE;
else if ((tp->type & TYPE_ALIGN_MASK) == TYPE_TOP)
al = imgalign_TOP;
al = imgalign_NONE;
al = HtmlINPUTalign(tp);
if ((tp->type & TYPE_ALIGN_MASK) == TYPE_TOP)
switch (al)
box->ymin =- box->ymax;
box->ymax = 0;
case imgalign_MIDDLE:
box->ymin -= box->ymax / 2;
box->ymax /= 2;
case imgalign_TOP:
box->ymin =- box->ymax;
box->ymax = 0;
/* Deal with links - need to account for a border */
/* of maxlen * 2 pixels width. ISLINK is defined */
/* in Fetch.h. */
if (ISLINK(tp))
if (ISLINK(tp) && (tp->style & IMG))
int b;
......@@ -1350,7 +1371,8 @@ static _kernel_oserror * reformat_check_height(int toplevel, browser_data * b, r
/* Find out the height of an image */
if (tp->style & IMG)
if ((tp->style & IMG) ||
(tp->style & INPUT) && HtmlINPUTtype(tp) == inputtype_IMAGE)
BBox box;
......@@ -1394,14 +1416,14 @@ static _kernel_oserror * reformat_check_height(int toplevel, browser_data * b, r
/* A few easy to work out forms elements */
else if ((tp->style & INPUT) && (tp->type & TYPE_RESET) == TYPE_CHECKBOX)
else if ((tp->style & INPUT) && HtmlINPUTtype(tp) == inputtype_CHECKBOX)
read_sprite_size("fopton", NULL, &top);
top -= 8;
bot = 8;
else if ((tp->style & INPUT) && (tp->type & TYPE_RESET) == TYPE_RADIO)
else if ((tp->style & INPUT) && HtmlINPUTtype(tp) == inputtype_RADIO)
read_sprite_size("fradioon", NULL, &top);
top -= 8;
......@@ -1585,15 +1607,15 @@ static _kernel_oserror * reformat_check_height(int toplevel, browser_data * b, r
/* General input types */
switch(tp->type & TYPE_RESET)
case TYPE_TEXT: /* No break - same as PASSWORD */
case inputtype_TEXT: /* No break - same as PASSWORD */
case inputtype_PASSWORD:
bot += 8;
top += 8;
case TYPE_SUBMIT: /* No break - same as RESET */
case inputtype_SUBMIT: /* No break - same as RESET */
case inputtype_RESET:
bot += 8;
top += 12;
......@@ -2430,7 +2452,9 @@ if (!tpCurr) done = 1;
/* moved. The new position will be set when the reformatted */
/* region is next redrawn. */
if (tpCurr->style & IMG) image_set_token_image_position(b, tpCurr, -1, -1);
if (tpCurr->style & IMG ||
((tpCurr->style & INPUT) && HtmlINPUTtype(tpCurr)==inputtype_IMAGE))
image_set_token_image_position(b, tpCurr, -1, -1);
/* If the image has a known width and height, the reformatter has */
/* dealt with it - so the image library can mark it as redrawable */
......@@ -2882,7 +2906,7 @@ void reformat_change_text(browser_data * b, HStream * tp)
/* If we have ALT text for an image, strip off any preceeding */
/* spaces or [s, and any trailing spaces or ]s. */
else if (tp && tp->text && (tp->style & IMG))
else if (tp && tp->text && ((tp->style & IMG) || ((tp->style & INPUT) && HtmlINPUTtype(tp) == inputtype_IMAGE)))
char * start, * end;
char last;
......@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
/* (e.g. by drawing a box around it, changing its colour, etc.) and has */
/* some defined action if clicked on. */
#define CanBeSelected(t) ( \
ISLINK(t) || \
( \
((t)->style & (INPUT | TEXTAREA | SELECT)) && \
((t)->type & TYPE_RESET) != TYPE_HIDDEN && \
((t)->type & TYPE_RESET) != TYPE_IMAGE \
) \
#define CanBeSelected(t) ( \
ISLINK(t) || \
((t)->style & (TEXTAREA | SELECT)) || \
( \
((t)->style & INPUT) && \
(HtmlINPUTtype(t) != inputtype_HIDDEN) \
) \
/* Function prototypes */
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ _kernel_oserror * fm_rescale_fonts (browser_data * b);
_kernel_oserror * fm_font_box (fm_face h,BBox * box);
_kernel_oserror * fm_set_font_colour (fm_face h,int fore,int back);
_kernel_oserror * fm_puts (fm_face h,int x,int y,char * s,int os,int blend);
_kernel_oserror * fm_puts (fm_face h,int x,int y,const char * s,int os,int blend);
_kernel_oserror * fm_putsl (fm_face handle,int x,int y,char * s,int chars,int os,int blend);
_kernel_oserror * fm_write_descriptor (char * name,char * buffer);
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ int fm_system_font (void);
void fm_init (int systemfont, int base_size);
void fm_shutdown (void);
_kernel_oserror * fm_get_string_width (fm_face h, char * s, int maxwid, int maxbytes, int split, int * bytes, int * width);
_kernel_oserror * fm_get_string_width (fm_face h, const char * s, int maxwid, int maxbytes, int split, int * bytes, int * width);
void fm_token_font_info (HStream * t, int * facenum, int * size, int * italic, int * bold);
fm_face fm_find_token_font (browser_data * b, HStream * t);
......@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ void form_abandon_menu (void);
int form_give_focus (browser_data * b);
_kernel_oserror * form_click_field (browser_data * b, HStream * token, int mode);
_kernel_oserror * form_click_field (browser_data * b, HStream * token, int mode, int x, int y);
_kernel_oserror * form_cancel_edit (browser_data * b);
_kernel_oserror * form_finish_edit (browser_data * b);
char * form_button_text (HStream * tp);
const char * form_button_text (HStream * tp);
int form_token_cursor_editable (browser_data * b, HStream * token);
_kernel_oserror * form_process_key (browser_data * b, int * key);
void form_select_menu_event (WimpPollBlock * e);
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
/* Other tag classification masks */
#define VISUALDATA (HR | IMG) /* Does the tag contain displayable data, despite */
#define VISUALDATA (HR | IMG | INPUT) /* Does the tag contain displayable data, despite */
/* having no text inside it? If the tag's style */
/* word contains the bit(s) defined here, it is */
/* deemed to contain such data. */
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