Commit 692c7f02 authored by Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar Andrew Hodgkinson
Browse files

Minor update.

  !Run files for Phoenix requested TextGadgets 0.29, but this can be 0.28
  now, and has been amended. Signal handling in Main.c revised a bit.
  Tested, works.

Version 2.11. Tagged as 'Browse-2_11'
parent 3cc6300c
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.PrintDBox
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.14 Error Phoenix requires version 0.14 or later of the PrintDBox module
RMEnsure FontMenu 0.21 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.FontMenu
RMEnsure FontMenu 0.21 Error Phoenix requires version 0.21 or later of the FontMenu module
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.29 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.TextGadgets
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.29 Error Phoenix requires version 0.29 or later of the TextGadgets module
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.28 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.TextGadget
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.28 Error Phoenix requires version 0.28 or later of the TextGadgets module
| Important networking modules
......@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.PrintDBox
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.14 Error Phoenix requires version 0.14 or later of the PrintDBox module
RMEnsure FontMenu 0.21 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.FontMenu
RMEnsure FontMenu 0.21 Error Phoenix requires version 0.21 or later of the FontMenu module
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.29 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.TextGadgets
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.29 Error Phoenix requires version 0.29 or later of the TextGadgets module
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.28 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.TextGadget
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.28 Error Phoenix requires version 0.28 or later of the TextGadgets module
| Important networking modules
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ RMEnsure WindowManager 3.98 Error Phoenix requires version 3.98 or later of the
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name ToolAction -version 0.15 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.ToolAction
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name PrintDBox -version 0.14 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.PrintDBox
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name FontMenu -version 0.21 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.FontMenu
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name TextGadgets -version 0.29 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.TextGadgets
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name TextGadgets -version 0.28 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.TextGadget
| Fetchers
/* (2.10)
/* (2.11)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.2.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 2.10
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 2.11
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 26 Apr 2005
#define Module_Date_CMHG 16 Sep 2005
#define Module_MajorVersion "2.10"
#define Module_Version 210
#define Module_MajorVersion "2.11"
#define Module_Version 211
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "26 Apr 2005"
#define Module_Date "16 Sep 2005"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "26-Apr-05"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "16-Sep-05"
#define Module_ComponentName "Browse"
#define Module_ComponentPath "RiscOS/Sources/Apps/Browse"
#define Module_FullVersion "2.10"
#define Module_HelpVersion "2.10 (26 Apr 2005)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "2:10"
#define Module_FullVersion "2.11"
#define Module_HelpVersion "2.11 (16 Sep 2005)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "2:11"
......@@ -151,6 +151,10 @@
#include "Main.h"
/* A PRM-documented function that isn't exported in header files */
extern const char * _clib_version(void);
/* Static function prototypes */
static void initialise_app (void);
......@@ -164,6 +168,7 @@ static void load_choices (void);
static void termination (void);
static void tidy_errors (void);
static void catch_errors (int signum);
/* Make sure the stack starts at a reasonable size to prevent frequent */
......@@ -1799,6 +1804,22 @@ static void load_choices(void)
/* install_signal_handlers() */
/* */
/* Set up signal handlers for the local serious error */
/* handler. */
static void install_signal_handlers(void)
signal(SIGOSERROR, catch_errors); /* OS error */
signal(SIGILL, catch_errors); /* Illegal instruction */
signal(SIGSEGV, catch_errors); /* Segment violation */
signal(SIGSTAK, catch_errors); /* Stack overflow */
signal(SIGFPE, catch_errors); /* FPE error */
/* termination() */
/* */
......@@ -1955,14 +1976,20 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
/* NB, don't forget to echo any changes here with the duplicate code */
/* just below the setjmp call later. */
/* Set up a very early stage error handler; this is jumped */
/* to by the signal handler function installed just below. */
signal(SIGOSERROR, catch_errors); /* OS error */
signal(SIGILL, catch_errors); /* Illegal instruction */
signal(SIGSEGV, catch_errors); /* Segment violation */
signal(SIGSTAK, catch_errors); /* Stack overflow */
signal(SIGFPE, catch_errors); /* FPE error */
if (setjmp(env) == Main_FromCatchErrors)
/* Install serious error handlers */
/* Before initialisation, find out where we ran from - this */
/* software can support different application names, so the */
......@@ -2155,13 +2182,87 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if (setjmp(env) == Main_FromCatchErrors)
char * tok = NULL;
unsigned int * regdump = NULL;
unsigned int * os_regdump = NULL;
char pc[16];
/* Reset the error number stored by catch_errors() (the */
/* signal handler function we just reinstalled) to give */
/* 'Quit' and 'Continue' options. */
erb.errnum = Utils_Error_Custom_Normal;
while (!quit)
/* We use flex's deferred compaction, so ensure the */
/* heap is as small as possible. */
/* What time is it? (For Wimp_PollIdle) */
/* Use PollIdle, but want drag events to be as responsive as possible */
time + 5*!drag_in_progress,
dprintf(("Rout", "\nmain: Calling exit()\n\n"));
dprintf(("CMal", "Near exit, malloccount: \0216%d\0217\n", malloccount));
dprintf(("CFle", "Near exit, flexcount : %d\n", flexcount));
/* Save hotlist, histories etc., and logout if a multiuser build */
/* This will call the termination() function in passing */
/* tidy_errors() */
/* */
/* Tidy up serious errors - aborts etc. - so that a sensible */
/* error message can be given and a register dump has been */
/* saved. On older C libraries, this is very important as the */
/* error handler was pretty bad. */
/* */
/* After calling, local error block "erb" will contain an */
/* updated error either directly from the OS or constructed */
/* locally, with a register dump saved ready for *ShowRegs. */
/* Signal handlers will be reinstalled. */
static void tidy_errors(void)
char * tok = NULL;
unsigned int * regdump = NULL;
unsigned int * os_regdump = NULL;
int clib_version;
char pc[16];
/* Is the C library new enough to report errors sensibly */
/* itself, or do we have to do the work for it? */
/* */
/* The 'sscanf' call assumes the version number is the */
/* first number in the string returned by _clib_version() */
/* and is followed by a forwards slash. */
sscanf(_clib_version(), "%*[^0123456789]%d/", &clib_version);
if (clib_version < 535)
/* Sort out the register dump */
......@@ -2215,11 +2316,11 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
switch (erb.errnum & 0x00ffffff)
case 0x000000: tok = "EZeros0"; break;
case 0x000001: tok = "EZeros1"; break;
case 0x000002: tok = "EZeros2"; break;
case 0x000003: tok = "EZeros3"; break;
case 0x000005: tok = "EZeros5"; break;
case 0x000000: tok = "EZeros0:Internal error: Illegal instruction at %0"; break;
case 0x000001: tok = "EZeros1:Internal error: Prefetch abort at %0"; break;
case 0x000002: tok = "EZeros2:Internal error: Abort on data transfer at %0"; break;
case 0x000003: tok = "EZeros3:Internal error: Address exception at %0"; break;
case 0x000005: tok = "EZeros5:Internal error: Branch through zero"; break;
......@@ -2280,57 +2381,13 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if (strcmp(error, "!")) StrNCpy0(erb.errmess, error);
/* Need to reinstall the signal handlers since the run-time */
/* system will have removed them 'For Your Safety And */
/* Convenience'. Don't forget to keep this list up to date */
/* with the code near the top of the function. */
signal(SIGOSERROR, catch_errors); /* OS error */
signal(SIGILL, catch_errors); /* Illegal instruction */
signal(SIGSEGV, catch_errors); /* Segment violation */
signal(SIGSTAK, catch_errors); /* Stack overflow */
signal(SIGFPE, catch_errors); /* FPE error */
erb.errnum = Utils_Error_Custom_Normal; /* For 'Quit' as well as 'Continue' */
while (!quit)
/* We use flex's deferred compaction, so ensure the */
/* heap is as small as possible. */
/* What time is it? (For Wimp_PollIdle) */
/* Use PollIdle, but want drag events to be as responsive as possible */
time + 5*!drag_in_progress,
dprintf(("Rout", "\nmain: Calling exit()\n\n"));
dprintf(("CMal", "Near exit, malloccount: \0216%d\0217\n", malloccount));
dprintf(("CFle", "Near exit, flexcount : %d\n", flexcount));
/* Save hotlist, histories etc., and logout if a multiuser build */
/* Need to reinstall the signal handlers since the run-time */
/* system will have removed them 'For Your Safety And */
/* Convenience'. */
/* This will call the termination() function in passing */
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