Commit 3cc6300c authored by Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar Andrew Hodgkinson
Browse files

Completion of v2.11 check-in of Phoenix (note that the application gets its...

Completion of v2.11 check-in of Phoenix (note that the application gets its reported version number and date from Messages, not the

  VersionNum file, which updates independently).
  Various resources updated. New About stuff included. Modification to
  Hotlist.c to ask DragAnObject to *really* call it in USR mode; requires
  DragAnObject 0.09. New "RMTry" utility in Phoenix to help make finding
  up to date modules more friendly - works well in itself but slows down
  the loading time quite a bit; would be nice to find a better solution.
  This will do in the short term, as it's a definite improvement over
  the way the !Run files used to work.
  Use of DragAnObject 0.09 fixes aborts when trying to drag items around
  in the hotlist.

Version 2.10. Tagged as 'Browse-2_10'
parent a91dba3d
| !Boot file for Phoenix
| (C) Acorn Computers Ltd. 1994
| (C) Castle Technology Limited 2005
| Last modified: 08/10/1998
| Last modified: 26/04/2005
Set Phoenix$Dir <Obey$Dir>
| !Boot file for Phoenix
| (C) Acorn Computers Ltd. 1994
| (C) Castle Technology Limited 2005
| Last modified: 08/10/1998
| Last modified: 26/04/2005
Set Phoenix$Dir <Obey$Dir>
| !Run file for Phoenix
| (C) Acorn Computers Ltd. 1994
| (C) Castle Technology Limited 2005
| Last modified: 08/10/1998
| Last modified: 26/04/2005
Set Phoenix$Dir <Obey$Dir>
......@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.PrintDBox
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.14 Error Phoenix requires version 0.14 or later of the PrintDBox module
RMEnsure FontMenu 0.21 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.FontMenu
RMEnsure FontMenu 0.21 Error Phoenix requires version 0.21 or later of the FontMenu module
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.29 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.TextGadgets
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.29 Error Phoenix requires version 0.29 or later of the TextGadgets module
| Important networking modules
......@@ -75,12 +77,15 @@ RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.38 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.File
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.38 Error Phoenix requires version 0.38 or later of the File module
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.32 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.FTP
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.32 Error Phoenix requires version 0.32 or later of the FTP module
RMEnsure GopherFetcher 0.12 RMLoad SysteM:Modules.Network.URL.Gopher
RMEnsure GopherFetcher 0.12 Error Phoenix requires version 0.12 or later of the Gopher module
RMEnsure MimeMap 0.05 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.MimeMap
RMEnsure MimeMap 0.05 Error Phoenix requires version 0.05 or later of the MimeMap module
| Other support modules
RMEnsure DragAnObject 0.09 RMLoad System:Modules.DragAnObj
RMEnsure DragAnObject 0.09 Error Phoenix requires version 0.09 or later of the DragAnObject module
| The URI handler
RMEnsure AcornURI 0.12 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URI
......@@ -114,7 +119,7 @@ Set Alias$@RunType_F91 /<Phoenix$Dir>.!Run -uri %%*0
| Set the slot size and run the application. RISC OS 3 versions
| prior to RISC OS 3.5 need more memory allocated initially.
WimpSlot -Min 736K -Max 736K
WimpSlot -Min 840K -Max 840K
If "<Boot$OSVersion>"="300" Then WimpSlot -Min 864K -Max 864K
If "<Boot$OSVersion>"="310" Then WimpSlot -Min 864K -Max 864K
| !Run file for Phoenix
| (C) Acorn Computers Ltd. 1994
| (C) Castle Technology Limited 2005
| Last modified: 08/10/1998
| Last modified: 26/04/2005
Set Phoenix$Dir <Obey$Dir>
......@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.PrintDBox
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.14 Error Phoenix requires version 0.14 or later of the PrintDBox module
RMEnsure FontMenu 0.21 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.FontMenu
RMEnsure FontMenu 0.21 Error Phoenix requires version 0.21 or later of the FontMenu module
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.29 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.TextGadgets
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.29 Error Phoenix requires version 0.29 or later of the TextGadgets module
| Important networking modules
......@@ -82,12 +84,15 @@ RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.38 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.File
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.38 Error Phoenix requires version 0.38 or later of the File module
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.32 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.FTP
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.32 Error Phoenix requires version 0.32 or later of the FTP module
RMEnsure GopherFetcher 0.12 RMLoad SysteM:Modules.Network.URL.Gopher
RMEnsure GopherFetcher 0.12 Error Phoenix requires version 0.12 or later of the Gopher module
RMEnsure MimeMap 0.05 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.MimeMap
RMEnsure MimeMap 0.05 Error Phoenix requires version 0.05 or later of the MimeMap module
| Other support modules
RMEnsure DragAnObject 0.09 RMLoad System:Modules.DragAnObj
RMEnsure DragAnObject 0.09 Error Phoenix requires version 0.09 or later of the DragAnObject module
| The URI handler
RMEnsure AcornURI 0.12 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URI
| !Run file for Phoenix
| (C) Acorn Computers Ltd. 1994
| (C) Castle Technology Limited 2005
| Last modified: 29/03/1999
| Last modified: 26/04/2005
Set Phoenix$Dir <Obey$Dir>
......@@ -45,56 +45,46 @@ Set Browse$CookieFileFormat 2
RMEnsure WindowManager 3.98 Error Phoenix requires version 3.98 or later of the WindowManager ('nested WIMP') module
| Ensure specific versions of Toolbox modules (or later ones)
| are present
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.43 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Toolbox
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.43 Error Phoenix requires version 1.43 or later of the Toolbox module
RMEnsure IconBar 1.18 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.IconBar
RMEnsure IconBar 1.18 Error Phoenix requires version 1.18 or later of the IconBar module
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.ProgInfo
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.14 Error Phoenix requires version 0.14 or later of the ProgInfo module
RMEnsure Window 1.54 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Window
RMEnsure Window 1.54 Error Phoenix requires version 1.54 or later of the Window module
RMEnsure Menu 0.33 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Menu
RMEnsure Menu 0.33 Error Phoenix requires version 0.33 or later of the Menu module
RMEnsure ToolAction 0.15 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.ToolAction
RMEnsure ToolAction 0.15 Error Phoenix requires version 0.15 or later of the ToolAction module
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.PrintDBox
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.14 Error Phoenix requires version 0.14 or later of the PrintDBox module
RMEnsure FontMenu 0.21 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.FontMenu
RMEnsure FontMenu 0.21 Error Phoenix requires version 0.21 or later of the FontMenu module
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.17 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.TextGadget
RMEnsure TextGadgets 0.17 Error Phoenix requires version 0.17 or later of the TextGadgets module
| Important networking modules
RMEnsure URL_Fetcher 0.41 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.URL
RMEnsure URL_Fetcher 0.41 Error Phoenix requires version 0.41 or later of the URL module
RMEnsure AcornHTTP 0.84 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.HTTP
RMEnsure AcornHTTP 0.84 Error Phoenix requires version 0.84 or later of the HTTP module
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.38 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.File
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.38 Error Phoenix requires version 0.38 or later of the File module
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.32 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.FTP
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.32 Error Phoenix requires version 0.32 or later of the FTP module
RMEnsure GopherFetcher 0.12 RMLoad SysteM:Modules.Network.URL.Gopher
RMEnsure GopherFetcher 0.12 Error Phoenix requires version 0.12 or later of the Gopher module
RMEnsure MimeMap 0.05 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.MimeMap
RMEnsure MimeMap 0.05 Error Phoenix requires version 0.05 or later of the MimeMap module
| The URI handler
RMEnsure AcornURI 0.12 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URI
| The URI handler has a Wimp task side, so want to do a
| Toolbox modules
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name Toolbox -version 1.43 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.Toolbox
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name IconBar -version 1.18 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.IconBar
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name ProgInfo -version 0.14 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.ProgInfo
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name Window -version 1.54 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.Window
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name Menu -version 0.33 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.Menu
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name ToolAction -version 0.15 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.ToolAction
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name PrintDBox -version 0.14 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.PrintDBox
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name FontMenu -version 0.21 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.FontMenu
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name TextGadgets -version 0.29 -path System:Modules.Toolbox.TextGadgets
| Fetchers
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name URL_Fetcher -version 0.41 -path System:Modules.Network.URL.URL
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name AcornHTTP -version 0.84 -path System:Modules.Network.URL.HTTP
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name FileFetcher -version 0.38 -path System:Modules.Network.URL.File
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name FTPFetcher -version 0.32 -path System:Modules.Network.URL.FTP
| Other networking modules
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name MimeMap -version 0.05 -path System:Modules.Network.MimeMap
| General support modules
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -app Phoenix -name DragAnObject -version 0.09 -path System:Modules.DragAnObj
| Try to get a new enough version of the URI handler. The module
| is not required, but its services will be used if available.
<Phoenix$Dir>.RMTry -silent -app Phoenix -name AcornURI -version 0.12 -path System:Modules.Network.URI
| The URI handler has a Wimp task side, so we want to do a
| '*Desktop' when inside the application after Wimp_Initialise
| to start it. Set a system variable if this is NOT needed.
Set Browse$IssueDesktopCommand "yes"
RMEnsure AcornURI 0.12 Set Browse$IssueDesktopCommand "no"
| JPEG support for OS versions without this in SpriteExtend
| JPEG support for OS versions without this in SpriteExtend.
RMEnsure SpriteExtend 0.99 RMEnsure JPEGMsgs 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.JPEGMsgs
RMEnsure SpriteExtend 0.99 RMEnsure JPEGRender 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.JPEGRender
No preview for this file type
No preview for this file type
File added
<table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" align="center" bgcolor="#d3d3ff" width="100%">
<tr valign="middle" bgcolor="#70709c">
<th align="middle"><font size="-1" color="#ffffff">Search engine</font></th>
<th align="middle" colspan="2"><font size="-1" color="ffffff">Search text</font></th>
<tr valign="middle">
<td width="100%"><font size="-1">Google at <tt><a href=""></a></tt></font></td>
<form method="GET" action="">
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<tr><td><font size="-1"><input size="32" type="text" name="q"></font></td><td><font size="-1"><input type="submit" value="Go"></font></td></tr>
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<td><font size="-1">Google Groups at <tt><a href=""></a></tt></font></td>
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<tr><td><font size="-1"><input size="32" type="text" name="q"></font></td><td><font size="-1"><input type="submit" value="Go"></font></td></tr>
<tr valign="middle">
<td><font size="-1">AltaVista at <tt><a href=""></a></tt></font></td>
<form method="GET" action="">
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<tr><td><font size="-1"><input size="32" type="text" name="q"></font></td><td><font size="-1"><input type="submit" value="Go"></font></td></tr>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">zlib&nbsp;1.1.2</a></strong></font></td>
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">zlib&nbsp;1.1.3</a></strong></font></td>
<font size="2">Copyright &copy; 1995&ndash;1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.</font>
<tr valign="top">
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">libpng&nbsp;1.0.0</a></strong></font></td>
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">libpng&nbsp;1.0.0</a></strong></font></td>
<font size="2">
Copyright &copy; 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.;
......@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
File deleted
<table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" align="center" bgcolor="#d3d3ff" width="100%">
<tr valign="middle" bgcolor="#70709c">
<th align="middle"><font size="-1" color="#ffffff">Search engine</font></th>
<th align="middle" colspan="2"><font size="-1" color="ffffff">Search text</font></th>
<tr valign="middle">
<td width="100%"><font size="-1">Google at <tt><a href=""></a></tt></font></td>
<form method="GET" action="">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td><font size="-1"><input size="32" type="text" name="q"></font></td><td><font size="-1"><input type="submit" value="Go"></font></td></tr>
<tr valign="middle">
<td><font size="-1">Google Groups at <tt><a href=""></a></tt></font></td>
<form method="GET" action="">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td><font size="-1"><input size="32" type="text" name="q"></font></td><td><font size="-1"><input type="submit" value="Go"></font></td></tr>
<tr valign="middle">
<td><font size="-1">AltaVista at <tt><a href=""></a></tt></font></td>
<form method="GET" action="">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td><font size="-1"><input size="32" type="text" name="q"></font></td><td><font size="-1"><input type="submit" value="Go"></font></td></tr>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td valign="top">
<font size="2"><strong><a href="">JavaScript&nbsp;1.2</a></strong></font>
<font size="2"><strong><a href="">JavaScript&nbsp;1.2</a></strong></font>
<td width="100%">
<font size="2">Interpreter from the reference source at <a href=""></a>.</font>
<font size="2">Interpreter from the <a href="">reference source</a> at <a href=""></a>.</font>
<tr valign="top">
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">zlib&nbsp;1.1.2</a></strong></font></td>
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">zlib&nbsp;1.1.3</a></strong></font></td>
<font size="2">Copyright &copy; 1995&ndash;1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.</font>
<tr valign="top">
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">libpng&nbsp;1.0.0</a></strong></font></td>
<td><font size="2"><strong><a href="">libpng&nbsp;1.0.0</a></strong></font></td>
<font size="2">
Copyright &copy; 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.;
......@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
File deleted
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ HomePage:about:
# SeleColour - Colours objects adopt or are bordered in if selected /
# highlighted.
......@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ LeftIndent:38400
# assumed to be an unhandleable object - the browser will
# offer a Save dialogue box for it.
......@@ -709,16 +709,16 @@ KeyboardCtl:no
# stripped for downloaded objects.
URIUsage:unknowns and requests
......@@ -828,9 +828,9 @@ LONoScripts:
# each new page that is fetched (use 'page').
......@@ -218,12 +218,17 @@ AppendWith:(none)
# HTML parsed so far is formatted or 3 seconds have
# elapsed. Any other values follow normal load balancing
# behaviour.
# TableMulti - If 'yes', reformatter will attempt to poll the Wimp
# during table reformats. This runs the browser in effect
# in a multithreaded mode which may have some
# undesireable side effects.
# AboutAt - Pathname of the "about:" page fragment for the browser.
# Dialogue alteration
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Version:2.08 i2-4 (10 Nov 2000)
Version:2.11 (26 Apr 2005)
DAGen:- General
DAJSc:- JavaScript
......@@ -427,13 +427,12 @@ NoData:The server returned a blank page.
# so for a single % in the output, put *four* in here.
pemptydoc:<html><head><title>Empty document</title></head><body><h2>The server returned an empty document.</h2></body></html>
pabouthdr:<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>About this software</title></head><body bgcolor="#dddddd" text="#000000" background="file:/Phoenix:About/Background"><center><table border="0" cellspacing="2">
paboutbrw:<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><h2>Phoenix %%s</h2><tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><h5>Copyright &copy; Pace Micro Technology PLC 2000</h5><tr><td colspan="2"><hr noshade size="2">
paboutpl1:<tr><td align="center"><td valign="middle">
paboutpl2:<tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><img src="%%s"><td valign="middle">
paboutpl3:<tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><img src="%%s" width="%%d" height="%%d"><td valign="middle">
paboutift:<tr><td colspan="2"><hr>
pabouthdr:<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>About this software</title></head><body bgcolor="#d4d4d4" text="black" link="#4a4a68" alink="red" vlink="#4a4a68"><center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0">
paboutbrw:<tr valign="top"><td><table border="0" cellspacing="2"><tr><td colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#4a4a68"><font color="#ffffff"><h3>Phoenix 2.11 (26 Apr 2005)</h3></font></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
paboutpl1:<tr><td align="center" colspan="2">
paboutpl2:<tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><img src="%%s"></td><td valign="middle">
paboutpl3:<tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><img src="%%s" width="%%d" height="%%d"></td><td valign="middle">
paboutift:<tr><td colspan="2"><hr></td></tr>
paboutpft:<tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr valign="bottom"><td colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#4a4a68"><font color="#ffffff"><h3>Copyright &copy; <a href=""><font color="#ffffff">Tematic Ltd.</font></a> 2005</h3></font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></center></body></html>
pextimage:<html><head><title>%%s</title></head><body><font size="5"><img src="%%s" align="center" alt="Fetching picture..."></font><p><center><b>%s</b><hr noshade size="1" width="80%%%%"><a href="!intrnl!goback:Previous Page">Go back to the previous page</a></center></body></html>
pextimnoh:<html><head><title>%%s</title></head><body><font size="5"><img src="%%s" aLign="center" alt="Fetching picture..."></font><p><center><b>%s</b></center></body></html>
pextimnoh:<html><head><title>%%s</title></head><body><font size="5"><img src="%%s" align="center" alt="Fetching picture..."></font><p><center><b>%s</b></center></body></html>
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