Andrew Hodgkinson authored
Lazy clearing of backgrounds - pages with the same background image or colour won't be cleared to grey when going from one to the next anymore. BODY element onLoad script attribute implemented properly (beyond the Customer hackery). Images use independent flex blocks for URL and transient fetch data; greatly improved data throughput in image system as a result. Image renumbering implemented - speeds up closing of pages / frames with many images. Image xref is still rather slow though and images with a 0 width or height specified in the HTML still cause an incorrectly formatted page to appear. Have, I think, fixed the "stops anti-aliasing" bug. Noticed that some background images are not being processed as Fast (e.g. at the Fibblesnork Lego Guide) - that old problem has reappeared, then. Background images would cross reference when two pages had the same background colour set in <body> elements but one was configured to use document colours and one wasn't (so xref should not occur). Code was looking at b->background_colour; corrected to call redraw_backcol(b). Titles were added to the history according to the fetch URL not the display URL, though the former is more likely to be in the history due to the code execution order in the fetcher; changed to see whether this improves upon the rather hit and miss addition of titles. The 'about:' page now gets entered into the history (makes for much more sensible behaviour if it is configured as a Home page, for example).