• Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
    Not all resources are up to date in this check-in, and documentation both... · 169c398a
    Andrew Hodgkinson authored
    Not all resources are up to date in this check-in, and documentation both within source and stuff in 'Docs' is out of date or missing - I was very pushed for time on this one... Hopefully will do another 'tidy up' check-in before close on Friday; until then, beware of anything other than the Ursula (Desktop browser) build. Anyway...
    Export As Draw done. As part of this, FONT SIZE and SUP / SUB adjustment
    of font size is done in fm_token_font_info rather than fm_find_token_font.
    Bullets and switches are plotted as indirected sprite items, rather than
    indirected text + sprite items - this relied on being in a redraw loop to
    pick the sprites up from the local pool (failed during printing).
    URI files now have a LF line ending rather than CR... '*' recognised
    as an empty field when loading via. RAM transfer now (only worked for
    loading from disc before).
    Gave placeholder bounding boxes 4 OS units more minimum extra gap
    vertically and reduced horizontal addition to this value * 1.5, rather
    than * 2 (see reformat_get_placeholder_size).
    Background image tiling starts at ymax - h + 4, rather than ymax, so
    there isn't the bottom line of pixels from the top tile always present
    at the top of the window. The '+4' is for caution's sake.
    Can now save a frame's HTML source, that of its parent or its ancestor,
    and the same for the URI pointing to those documents - see Menus.h for
    the relevant component IDs that should lead to the SaveFile dialogue.
    Have hopefully fixed timeout = 0 values (i.e. 'forever') on things
    like LinkTo; before, image fetches could override the state (so you'd
    only ever see brief flickers of a given URL as the pointer went over
    a link).
    Save File dialogue will remember the state of option or radio buttons
    for a given parent component origin and restore that state when the
    dialogue is next opened from the same place (stops turning on saving
    as a URL file also turning on 'save background images' for Draw file
    export, etc.).
    Use of a META tag to reload the *same* page now sets the 'reloading'
    flag in the browser so that it doesn't go through a proxy - otherwise
    pages which are meant to update periodically through client pull
    don't work, as they keep coming out of the cache.
    Can now handle images specifying just a width or height in the HTML
    (other dimension is scaled accordingly, but note that the placeholder
    size must still be 'dumb' until the image data comes in). An image
    will now override an image history size entry for the same entry
    with a different size.
Protocols 110 KB