Name Last commit Last update
Authorise There are a few known significant problems with this code but it's being checked in so the Choices can be worked on. Note that Res files etc. are not up to date across all builds. Progress is as follows...
Browser There are a few known significant problems with this code but it's being checked in so the Choices can be worked on. Note that Res files etc. are not up to date across all builds. Progress is as follows...
CSIM This is an intermediate check-in to allow work on Choices for the new table options and History choices as detailed below. Res files are not up to date except where indicated and there are several known bugs that will be fixed before the 'final' v1.27 is created. Any work on resources should only be done for the testbed !Browse.
Choices Implemented Launch Proxy option.
Cookies First a minor warning - the various Res files are out of sync in this build.
DragBox There are a few known significant problems with this code but it's being checked in so the Choices can be worked on. Note that Res files etc. are not up to date across all builds. Progress is as follows...
Encoding Modified to use external Unicode resource directory and UnicodeLib.
Fetch Bug report prompted me to do this - now ignore <p> tags straight after <li> tags, so '<ul><li><p>Some text' works as the author (or automatic generator, more commonly) intended.
FetchHTML There are a few known significant problems with this code but it's being checked in so the Choices can be worked on. Note that Res files etc. are not up to date across all builds. Progress is as follows...
FetchPage Not all resources are up to date in this check-in, and documentation both within source and stuff in 'Docs' is out of date or missing - I was very pushed for time on this one... Hopefully will do another 'tidy up' check-in before close on Friday; until then, beware of anything other than the Ursula (Desktop browser) build. Anyway...
Find As warned in the last log, pretty much all event codes and component IDs have now changed along with many of the names, to provide a consistent name and numberspace for events and components. This also minimises number clashes (e.g. as was, the Save File origin when opened from a
FontManage Not all resources are up to date in this check-in, and documentation both within source and stuff in 'Docs' is out of date or missing - I was very pushed for time on this one... Hopefully will do another 'tidy up' check-in before close on Friday; until then, beware of anything other than the Ursula (Desktop browser) build. Anyway...
Forms Not all resources are up to date in this check-in, and documentation both within source and stuff in 'Docs' is out of date or missing - I was very pushed for time on this one... Hopefully will do another 'tidy up' check-in before close on Friday; until then, beware of anything other than the Ursula (Desktop browser) build. Anyway...
Frames Fixed some glitches in the modified status bar code (e.g. status inference wasn't working properly).
FromROSLib fetch_get_raw_data will notice if up->fetching is zero and return a 'finished' status rather than trying to continue reading data for the fetch. Fetches should never fall through that far but at least it will cope if they do.
Global More reformatter code bugs fixed; this one regarding width of items. Any kerned string was overestimated (causing redraw bugs and caret position problems in forms, apart from other minor bits elsewhere) and the default size of a writable icon wasn't especially clever.
Handlers Not all resources are up to date in this check-in, and documentation both within source and stuff in 'Docs' is out of date or missing - I was very pushed for time on this one... Hopefully will do another 'tidy up' check-in before close on Friday; until then, beware of anything other than the Ursula (Desktop browser) build. Anyway...
History Note that the 'Docs' documentation (possibly contrary to previous log messages) still hasn't been updated with the new SaveFile stuff, and function header comments have yet to be written for
Hotlist Note that the 'Docs' documentation (possibly contrary to previous log messages) still hasn't been updated with the new SaveFile stuff, and function header comments have yet to be written for
Images Not all resources are up to date in this check-in, and documentation both within source and stuff in 'Docs' is out of date or missing - I was very pushed for time on this one... Hopefully will do another 'tidy up' check-in before close on Friday; until then, beware of anything other than the Ursula (Desktop browser) build. Anyway...
ImgHistory Note that the 'Docs' documentation (possibly contrary to previous log messages) still hasn't been updated with the new SaveFile stuff, and function header comments have yet to be written for
JavaScript Created Protocols source file and moved a lot of message handling from handle_messages - the latter now serves as a high level distributor to lower level functions in Protocols. Incidentally, URL files (as used by the ANT suite) can be loaded by dragging to the browser in the same way as URI files - Not A Lot Of People Know That, etc.
Main Fixed some glitches in the modified status bar code (e.g. status inference wasn't working properly).
Memory This is an intermediate check-in to allow work on Choices for the new table options and History choices as detailed below. Res files are not up to date except where indicated and there are several known bugs that will be fixed before the 'final' v1.27 is created. Any work on resources should only be done for the testbed !Browse.
Menus Not all resources are up to date in this check-in, and documentation both within source and stuff in 'Docs' is out of date or missing - I was very pushed for time on this one... Hopefully will do another 'tidy up' check-in before close on Friday; until then, beware of anything other than the Ursula (Desktop browser) build. Anyway...