Global 47.4 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
/* Copyright 1997 Acorn Computers Ltd
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
/* File   : Global.h                               */
/*                                                 */
/* Purpose: Holds all of the browser's globals.    */
/*                                                 */
/* Author : A.D.Hodgkinson                         */
/*                                                 */
/* History: 18-Oct-96: Created.                    */
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

#include "stdio.h"

#include "struct.h"     /* From the HTML library */
#include "tablestruc.h" /* From the HTML library */
#include "imagetrans.h" /* Image library API */

#include "setjmp.h"
#include "window.h"

#include "Bitfields.h"
#include "Limits.h"

37 38 39 40
  #include "Multiuser.h"

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
/* For comments on what these actually are, see Global.c */

#ifdef TRACE
  extern unsigned int   tl;
  extern int            malloccount;
  extern int            flexcount;

extern jmp_buf          env;

extern int              quit;
extern int              modechanged;
extern int              printing;
54 55
extern int              drag_in_progress;
extern int              authorising;
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

extern void           * dialler_pollword_address;

extern int              wimp_version;
extern int              nested_wimp;
extern int              task_handle;
extern int              sprite_block;

extern int              taskmodule_ds_registered;
extern int              uri_module_present;

extern MessagesFD       meb;
extern MessagesFD     * chb;
extern MessagesFD     * cob;
70 71
extern char             tokens[Limits_Message];
extern char             lasttokn[Limits_Token];

73 74
extern char           * task_dir;

75 76 77 78 79
extern int              messages_list[];
extern IdBlock          idb;
extern int              event_code_list[];
extern WimpPollBlock    b;

extern char             program_name[Limits_TaskName];
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

extern int              null_counter;
extern int              bullets;
extern unsigned int     animation_frames;

/* Fetch status */

typedef enum bs_fetch
  BS_IDLE = 0,  /* Nothing happening                               */
  BS_START,     /* A fetch has just started                        */
  BS_STARTED,   /* Some data has been fetched                      */
  BS_IDENTIFY,  /* Identifying a stream                            */
  BS_FETCHING,  /* Stream identified, HTML being fetched           */
  BS_DATAFETCH, /* Stream being spooled to a file                  */
  BS_PROCESS    /* Fetched stream still being processed by fetcher */

} bs_fetch;

100 101
/* Defined elsewhere... (easy to work out from naming convention) */

102 103 104
struct reformat_line;
struct reformat_line_chunk;

105 106
struct object_info;

107 108
struct plugin_stream;

109 110 111 112 113 114 115
/* For tables, holds information required to format a specific table cell */

typedef struct reformat_cell
  struct reformat_line       * ldata;
  int                          nlines;
  struct reformat_line_chunk * cdata;

  int                          x;           /* Offsets for positioning the contents */
  int                          y;

120 121 122
  int                          minwid;      /* Remembered when reformatting to avoid having to format over and over */
  int                          maxwid;      /* Similarly, remembered when reformatting                              */

123 124 125
  int                          width;       /* Size of content of this 'subwindow' (should help more formatting or  */
  int                          height;      /* clipping); width is maxlen of lines, height from last line's y coord */
  int                          cellwidth;
  int                          cellheight;  /* Full size of subwindow                                               */

  table_stream               * table;       /* Main table definition structure                                      */
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181

/* These two structures represent lines for display in the browser */
/* window. A series of reformat_line structures exist as an array  */
/* pointed to in the browser_data structure (see below). These     */
/* each have a series of line chunks, as reformat_line_chunk       */
/* structures, which they point to. The chunks themselves are in   */
/* a separate block of memory.                                     */

typedef struct reformat_line
  int x;       /* x coord of left of this line, in window coords   */
  int y;       /* y coord of bottom of this line, in window coords */
  int h;       /* Height of this line in OS units                  */
  int b;       /* y offset of the font base line from the bottom   */
  int n;       /* Number of line chunks on this line               */
  int chunks;  /* Starting array offset into chunks for this line  */

} reformat_line;

typedef struct reformat_line_chunk
  HStream       * t; /* The token number the line represents             */
  int             o; /* Offset into the token this chunk starts at       */
  int             l; /* The number of bytes from the token in this chunk */
                     /* (0 = all the rest)                               */
  int             w; /* Width of this chunk in font coords               */

} reformat_line_chunk;

/* Bistate / tristate button types */

typedef enum bistate_type
  BiState_None,             /* No bistate button present */
  BiState_Cancel_Back       /* A Cancel / Back bistate   */

} bistate_type;

typedef enum tristate_type
  TriState_None,            /* No tristate button present   */
  TriState_Go_GoTo_Stop     /* A go / go to / stop tristate */

} tristate_type;

/* Displayed information */

typedef enum display_type
  Display_Fetched_Page,     /* A blank page or HTML / text file (externally fetched) is shown in the window */
  Display_External_Image,   /* An internally generated HTML file to show an external image is being shown   */
  Display_Scrap_File,       /* A scrap file is to be loaded in one go, no need to use fetcher modules       */
183 184
  Display_Previous_Page,    /* Return to the previous page in the history list                              */
  Display_Recovered_Page,   /* Go to the page in Browse$CurrentPage                                         */
185 186
  Display_Home_Page,        /* Go to the home page                                                          */
  Display_About_Page        /* Display 'About' page listing Plug-Ins and so-on                              */
187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205

} display_type;

/* Reformat request queueing */

typedef struct reformat_queue
  int                     line;  /* Start reformatting on the next line after this one        */
  int                     image; /* The image number, if it resized and prompted the reformat */
  struct reformat_queue * next;

} reformat_queue;

/* One of these is allocated for each browser window, */
/* and holds lots of essential information connected  */
/* with that window and the page it contains.         */

typedef struct browser_data
206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
  struct browser_data    * previous;               /* Points to previous browser_data structure, or NULL for none.            */
  struct browser_data    * next;                   /* Points to next browser_data structure, or NULL for no more.             */
  ObjectId                 self_id;                /* The object ID of the browser window the structure is associated with.   */
  int                      window_handle;          /* The Wimp window handle of the browser window.                           */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  WindowShowObjectBlock    small_size;             /* Window details when not toggled to full screen size.                    */
  int                      min_height;             /* The minimum vertical extent of the browser window.                      */
  int                      display_width;          /* Visible area width, used for reformatting etc.                          */
  int                      display_extent;         /* Visible area extent normally=width but may be forced up by reformatter. */
  int                      display_height;         /* Visible area height, used for % specified height items etc.             */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  bs_fetch                 fetch_status;           /* To keep track of the current fetch status (see bs_fetch definition).    */
  int                      fetch_handle;           /* The html-lib handle of the document being fetched.                      */
  int                      display_handle;         /* The html-lib handle of the displayed document.                          */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  unsigned int             current_frame;          /* The currently displayed animation frame.                                */
  unsigned int             current_time;           /* The time at which the currently displayed animation frame was shown.    */
  int                      current_fetches;        /* For frames, counts total still active fetches (so animation continues). */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  FILE                   * save_file;              /* File handle for data saves.                                             */
  int                      save_type;              /* Filetype for data saves.                                                */
  int                      save_transferred;       /* Number of bytes done so far for in-memory transfers.                    */
  ObjectId                 save_dbox;              /* Object ID of the save dialogue being used.                              */
  int                      save_oldstore;          /* Size of the old fetched store before saving trashed it (if applicable). */
  int                      data_size;              /* Size of main page data being fetched, or 0 if unknown.                  */
  int                      progress_updated;       /* Monotonic time at which the fetch progress counter was last updated.    */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  int                      dialler_last;           /* Time that the dialler online time was last updated.                     */
  int                      meta_refresh_at;        /* For META tags leading to a refresh, the time to start the fetch.        */
  char                   * meta_refresh_url;       /* For META tags leading to a refresh, the URL to fetch.                   */
236 237 238 239 240

  /* Frames fields (though some other  */
  /* frame-related bits and pieces are */
  /* scattered around elsewhere).      */

241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259
  char                   * window_name;            /* Name of this frame / browser window.                                    */
  struct browser_data    * ancestor;               /* The base browser containing the frames (NULL for the base itself).      */
  struct browser_data    * real_parent;            /* For any frame pane, this points to the pane below.                      */
  struct browser_data    * parent;                 /* If this is a nested frame in one document, this points to parent.       */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  int                      nchildren;              /* Number of children if this window / frame has other children frames.    */
  struct browser_data   ** children;               /* Pointer to array of pointers to the children's browser_data structs.    */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  HStream                * frameset;               /* For a parent with children, pointer to token that defines the frameset. */
  HStream                * frame;                  /* For a child, pointer to a token that defines its characteristics.       */
  int                      nesting_level;          /* For an ancestor, this tracks nesting levels as frames are defined.      */
  int                      filling_frame;          /* For a parent, as it fills in children info it updates this counter.     */
  int                    * frame_widths;           /* The width of the frames, in OS units.                                   */
  int                    * frame_heights;          /* The height of the frames, in OS units.                                  */
  struct browser_data    * selected_frame;         /* For ancestors and keyboard control, the currently selected frame.       */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  int                      nstatus;                /* Number of entries in status_contents array.                             */
  void                   * status_contents;        /* Information maintained by toolbars_update_status about frame statuses.  */
  char                   * status_help;            /* If non-NULL, points to a string of help text for the status line.       */
260 261 262

  /* Memory allocation and management */

263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271
  void                   * source;                 /* Pointer to the page source.                                             */
  HStream                * stream;                 /* Pointer to linked HStream list, malloced and owned by the HTML library. */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  HStream                * final_token;            /* Address of the token last dealt with by the reformatter.                */
  HStream                * display_request;        /* Token to display at top of the window as soon as possible.              */
  int                      display_offset;         /* Offset into token data to display.                                      */
  int                      display_vscroll;        /* Last vertical scroll position when a requested token was displayed.     */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  void                   * fdata;                  /* Pointer to pointer to forms data.                                       */
  void                   * post_data;              /* Pointer to pointer to extra data for forms.                             */
273 274 275 276 277 278 279
  int                      nforms;                 /* Counter for forms.                                                      */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  struct object_info     * odata;                  /* Object data (for OBJECT, EMBED and APPLET).                             */
  int                      nobjects;               /* Saves time on working out size of odata divided by structure size.      */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  reformat_cell          * cell;                   /* Pointer to malloced reformat_cell holding redraw information.           */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  void                   * history_current;        /* A priavte word used by the History to record the history position.      */
281 282 283
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  char                   * urlfdata;               /* URL being fetched.                                                      */
  char                   * urlddata;               /* URL being displayed.                                                    */
284 285 286

  /* Special states */

287 288 289 290 291
  tristate_type            tristate;               /* Type of a tristate button, if one is present.                           */
  int                      tristate_state;         /* Current state of the tristate button.                                   */
  bistate_type             bistate;                /* Type of a bistate button, if one is present.                            */
  int                      bistate_state;          /* Current state of the bistate button.                                    */
  WimpMessage            * pending_data_load;      /* For saving link contents (Shift+Click), if going app-to-app.            */

293 294
  /* JavaScript support */

295 296 297 298 299 300
  const char             * onload;                 /* The onLoad attribute specified in the BODY start tag.                   */
  const char             * onunload;               /* The onUnload attribute specified in the BODY start tag.                 */

  /* Plug-In support, for fetching items */

  struct plugin_stream   * pstream;                /* For fetching data on behalf of a Plug-In in another browser window.     */
  char                   * plugin_status;          /* May hold a status message the Plug-In asked the browser to show.        */

303 304
  /* General page display information */

305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324
  int                      background_colour;      /* Background colour.                                                      */
  int                      background_image;       /* The image number of the background image (0..nimages - 1, -1 = none).   */
  int                      text_colour;            /* Body text default colour.                                               */
  int                      link_colour;            /* Unfollowed link colour.                                                 */
  int                      used_colour;            /* Followed link colour.                                                   */
  int                      followed_colour;        /* Following link colour.                                                  */
  int                      selected_colour;        /* Selected (highlighted) object colour.                                   */
  int                      antialias_colour;       /* Colour to anti-alias text to, -1=don't anti-alias.                      */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  int                      refo_time;              /* Records time that a pending reformat has been waiting.                  */
  int                      refo_line;              /* The lowest line number pending for a reformat.                          */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  int                      left_margin;            /* Left hand basic page margin, millipoints.                               */
  int                      right_margin;           /* Right hand basic page margin, millipoints.                              */
  int                      quote_margin;           /* Extra page margin for blockquote chunks, millipoints.                   */
  int                      leading;                /* Line spacing, OS units.                                                 */
  int                      left_indent;            /* Multiplier on list etc. indents, millipoints.                           */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  HStream                * highlight;              /* Token address of highlighted token (e.g. a pressed button), NULL=none.  */
  HStream                * pointer_over;           /* Token address that the pointer is over, for tokens representing links.  */
325 326
  int                      map_x;                  /* If pointer_over is an image map, the x coordinate offset (pixels).      */
  int                      map_y;                  /* Similarly, the y coordinate.                                            */
327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334
  HStream                * last_token;             /* Last token for which reformatting was definitely completed.             */
  HStream                * selected;               /* Token currently selected (for keyboard navigation).                     */
  struct browser_data    * selected_owner;         /* Owner of the currently selected token (for frames control).             */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  display_type             displayed;              /* Type of information displayed in the window (see above).                */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  int                      encoding;               /* Text encoding.                                                          */
  encoding_priority        encoding_priority;      /* The priority of the encoding (eg user selected / meta specified).       */

336 337
  /* Font manager related information */

  bitfield_set             handles;                /* Used font handles (bit set if handle is used).                          */

340 341 342
  /* Other small data items which may */
  /* pack in above the bitfield       */

343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356
  unsigned char            last_char;              /* Used for smart quotes and other text alteration handling.               */
  unsigned char            progress_colour;        /* Wimp foreground colour of the status bar progress indicator.            */

  /* Flags; generally, local config info */

  unsigned                 button_bar      :1;     /* Button bar flag (0 = not present, 1 = present).                         */
  unsigned                 url_bar         :1;     /* URL writable bar flag (0 = not present, 1 = present).                   */
  unsigned                 status_bar      :1;     /* Status bar flag (0 = not present, 1 = present).                         */
  unsigned                 all_in_top      :1;     /* There is only the top toolbar available.                                */
  unsigned                 all_in_bottom   :1;     /* There is only the bottom toolbar available.                             */
  unsigned                 merged_url      :1;     /* If 1, the URL writable and status display are to be merged.             */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  unsigned                 anim_handler    :1;     /* Set to 1 if the animation null event handler is registered.             */
  unsigned                 anim_drift      :1;     /* Set to 1 if the animation drift nulll event handler is registered.      */
  unsigned                 plugin_active   :1;     /* Set to 1 if a Plug-In is active for this browser.                       */
358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369
  unsigned                 fetch_handler   :1;     /* Set to 1 if the fetch_a_page null event handler is registered.          */
  unsigned                 dialler_status  :1;     /* Set to 1 if the dialler status change message handler is registered.    */
  unsigned                 status_handler  :1;     /* Set to 1 if a handler for timeout on the status messages is registered. */
  unsigned                 watching_resize :1;     /* Zero if there is null events are not being claimed to watch the size of */
                                                   /* the window, or 1 if they are.                                           */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  unsigned                 dragging        :1;     /* 1 if a drag on the page is in progress, else 0.                         */
  unsigned                 save_link       :1;     /* 1: Save next fetch as data even if parsable, else parse it if possible. */
  unsigned                 page_is_text    :1;     /* 1: Page source is plain text, else it is HTML.                          */
  unsigned                 small_fetch     :1;     /* 1: Browser is a 'small' fetch window, else 0.                           */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  unsigned                 reloading       :1;     /* 1: This fetch is a reload (so don't use a proxy), else 0: it isn't.     */
  unsigned                 from_history    :1;     /* 1: This fetch is from a forwards/back action; else 0 (normal fetch).    */
371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387
  unsigned                 suspend_format  :1;     /* 1: Reformatting suspended due to error, else 0: Reformatting OK.        */
  unsigned                 clear_images    :1;     /* 1: Images have not been garbage collected from the last fetch yet.      */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  unsigned                 underline_links :1;     /* Underline text links (0 = no, 1 = yes).                                 */
  unsigned                 show_foreground :1;     /* Display images (0  = no, 1 = yes).                                      */
  unsigned                 show_background :1;     /* 1: Don't draw background images 0: Draw them if present in document.    */
  unsigned                 use_source_cols :1;     /* 1: Use source document's colours 0: Ignore them (use default colours).  */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  unsigned                 full_screen     :1;     /* 1: Browser window fills the screen, 0: window has border tools.         */
  unsigned                 full_size       :1;     /* 1: Browser window toggled Full Size, 0: window is smaller.              */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  unsigned                 frame_selected  :1;     /* 1: Browser window is selected (for frames), else is not selected.       */
  unsigned                 frame_hscroll   :2;     /* 0: No horiz scroll bar; 1: auto horiz bar; 2: bar always present.       */
  unsigned                 frame_vscroll   :2;     /* As frame_hscroll but for vertical scroll bar.                           */
                                                   /*                                                                         */
  unsigned                 in_image_map    :1;     /* 1: Image map selected for keyboard control, else 0: can move freely.    */
  unsigned                 allow_cancel    :1;     /* 1 if the fetch functions may cancel a previous fetch before proceeding. */
388 389 390 391

} browser_data;

extern browser_data   * last_browser;
extern browser_data   * highlight_frame;

/* Global choices/preferences structure - user-configurable choices */
395 396 397

typedef struct global_choices
  char              * home_page;                       /* Default home page.                                                 */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407
  unsigned int        background_colour;               /* Default background colour.                                         */
  unsigned int        text_colour;                     /* Default text colour.                                               */
  unsigned int        link_colour;                     /* Default link colour.                                               */
  unsigned int        used_colour;                     /* Default used link colour.                                          */
  unsigned int        followed_colour;                 /* Default following link colour.                                     */
  unsigned int        selected_colour;                 /* Default selected (highlighted) link colour.                        */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  int                 font_size;                       /* Default font size, 16ths of a point.                               */
  int                 tt_aspect;                       /* Aspect ratio for teletype-style (fixed width) text.                */
409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416
  int                 encoding;                        /* Default text encoding (in absence of any specification in page)    */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  int                 left_margin;                     /* Left hand basic page margin, millipoints.                          */
  int                 right_margin;                    /* Right hand basic page margin, millipoints.                         */
  int                 quote_margin;                    /* Extra page margin for blockquote chunks, millipoints.              */
  int                 leading;                         /* Line spacing, OS units.                                            */
  int                 left_indent;                     /* Multiplier on list etc. indents, millipoints.                      */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  char              * hotlist_path;                    /* Pathname for saving/loading the hotlist.                           */
418 419 420 421
  int                 auto_open_delay;                 /* Auto open delay time (centiseconds) for hotlist dirs, or 0 not to. */
  int                 auto_scroll_delay;               /* Auto scroll delay time (centiseconds) for hotlist window.          */
  int                 auto_scroll_margin;              /* Auto scroll margin size (OS units) for hotlist (0 = no scrolling). */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  char              * history_path;                    /* Pathname for saving/loading the global history.                    */
423 424 425 426 427 428
  int                 max_size;                        /* Maximum total size of history, in bytes (0 = unlimited).           */
  int                 expiry_age;                      /* Maximum age of history entries, in seconds (0 = unlimited).        */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  char              * image_history_path;              /* Pathname for saving/loading the image history.                     */
  int                 image_max_size;                  /* Maximum total size of image history, in bytes (0 = unlimited).     */
  int                 image_expiry_age;                /* Maximum age of image history entries, in seconds (0 = unlimited).  */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
430 431
  int                 width;                           /* Default browser window width.                                      */
  int                 height;                          /* Default browser window height.                                     */
432 433 434 435
  int                 override_x;                      /* Possible X opening coordinate.                                     */
  int                 override_y;                      /* Possible Y opening coordinate.                                     */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  int                 refo_time;                       /* Time to queue up reformats in centiseconds, if 'refo_wait' is set. */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  char              * proxy_address;                   /* The base URL of the proxy server to use, including the protocol.   */
438 439 440

  #ifndef SINGLE_USER

    char              * post_in;                       /* Path of !Post-in for multiuser operation.                          */
    char              * post_out;                      /* Path of !Post-out for multiuser operation.                         */
443 444 445
                                                       /*                                                                    */
    char              * username;                      /* User name for multiuser operation.                                 */
    char              * password;                      /* Password name for multiuser operation.                             */
446 447 448


449 450
  unsigned char       maximages;                       /* Maximum number of images to fetch simultaneously.                  */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  unsigned            system_font        :1;           /* 1: Use system font for everything, 0: use outline fonts.           */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
453 454 455 456
  unsigned            underline_links    :1;           /* 1: Underline link text, 0: don't.                                  */
  unsigned            use_source_cols    :1;           /* 1: Use document specified colours, 0: use defaults.                */
  unsigned            show_foreground    :1;           /* 1: Delay image loading, 0: Load them immediately.                  */
  unsigned            show_background    :1;           /* 1: Display background images, 0: don't.                            */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
458 459
  unsigned            table_outer        :2;           /* 0: 2D outer table borders, 1: Auto, 2: always 3D, 3: never plot.   */
  unsigned            table_inner        :2;           /* 0: 2D inner table borders, 1: Auto, 2: always 3D, 3: never plot.   */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
461 462 463 464 465 466
  unsigned            client_pull        :1;           /* If 1, client pull is enabled, else disabled.                       */
  unsigned            support_frames     :1;           /* 0 - don't support frames in documents; 1 - do.                     */
  unsigned            support_object     :1;           /* 0 - don't support OBJECT, EMBED and APPLET; 1 - do.                */
  unsigned            support_tables     :1;           /* 0 - don't support TABLE and related tags; 1 - do.                  */
  unsigned            plugin_control     :2;           /* 0 - never start them, 1 - start on redraw, 2 - start ASAP.         */
  unsigned            see_fetches        :1;           /* 0 - don't see fetches for Plug-Ins, 1 - see small fetch window.    */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
468 469 470
  unsigned            save_hotlist       :2;           /* 0 - never save hotlist, 1 - save on quit, 2 - save for new URLs.   */
  unsigned            add_hotlist        :1;           /* 0 - new items added to top, 1 - items added to bottom of the list. */
  unsigned            hotlist_show       :1;           /* 0 - show descriptions, 1 - show URLs in the hotlist.               */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
472 473 474
  unsigned            show_urls          :1;           /* 0 - show titles in History menu, else always show URLs.            */
  unsigned            save_history       :2;           /* 0 - don't save, 1 - save on exit, 2 - save on global history add.  */
  unsigned            save_image_history :2;           /* 0 - don't save, 1 - save on exit, 2 - save on image history add.   */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
476 477 478 479
  unsigned            url_bar            :1;           /* Attach a URL bar to a window upon creation (1 = yes, 0 = no).      */
  unsigned            button_bar         :1;           /* Attach a button bar to a window upon creation (1 = yes, 0 = no).   */
  unsigned            status_bar         :1;           /* Attach a status bar to a window upon creation (1 = yes, 0 = no).   */
  unsigned            move_gadgets       :2;           /* 0 - don't move, 1 - move after resize, 2 = move during resize.     */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
481 482 483 484
  unsigned            solid_resize       :2;           /* Frame resizes; 0 - dashed, 2 - solid, 1 - check CMOS resize bit.   */
  unsigned            full_screen        :1;           /* 0 - don't start up Full Screen, else 1.                            */
  unsigned            h_scroll           :2;           /* 0 - no hscroll in Full Screen, 1 - auto add/remove, 2 - always.    */
  unsigned            v_scroll           :2;           /* 0 - no vscroll in Full Screen, 1 - auto add/remove, 2 - always.    */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
486 487
  unsigned            refo_wait          :1;           /* 1: Reformat requests are queued for 'refo_time' centiseconds.      */
  unsigned            refo_hang          :1;           /* 1: Reformatter will wait to know image sizes before continuing.    */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
489 490 491
  unsigned            fixed_pointer      :1;           /* 1: Pointer must not change shape over page, 1: it can change.      */
  unsigned            highlight_links    :1;           /* 1: Objects are highlighted as the pointer moves over them.         */
  unsigned            keyboard_ctrl      :1;           /* 1: Keyboard control of link selection enabled, else disabled.      */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
493 494
  unsigned            clone              :1;           /* 0 - use default user agent string, 1 = say Netscape compatible.    */
  unsigned            use_proxy          :1;           /* 0 - don't use a proxy, 1 = use one at URL in Messages file entry.  */
  unsigned            start_proxy        :1;           /* 0 - don't start proxy server, 1 = start it if not running already. */
496 497 498 499 500

} global_choices;

extern global_choices choices;

501 502 503
/* Global choices/preferences structure - non user-configurable controls */

typedef struct global_controls
505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563
  int                 anim_delay;                      /* Minimum number of centiseconds between being called on nulls.      */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  int                 minimum_convergence;             /* See Messages file non user-configurable options section.           */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  int                 show_help_for;                   /* For the status line, show help messages for this long (cs).        */
  int                 show_dstat_for;                  /* For the dialler display, show unusual status for this long (cs).   */
  int                 show_links_for;                  /* For the status line, show link contents for this long (cs).        */
  int                 show_misc_for;                   /* For the status line, show misc messages for this long (cs).        */
  int                 quantise;                        /* Quantise online time display to this many seconds.                 */
  int                 progress_update_delay;           /* Centisecond time between updates of the fetch progress counter.    */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  int                 minimum_frame_height;            /* Minimum frame height, in OS units.                                 */
  int                 minimum_frame_width;             /* Minimum frame width, in OS units.                                  */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  int                 back_off_at;                     /* Back off image fetches when this much memory, or less, is free.    */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  char                ptrlnkactvx;                     /* Active point offsets in pixels from top left (exclusive):          */
  char                ptrlnkactvy;                     /* Link.                                                              */
  char                ptrmapactvx;                     /* Map.                                                               */
  char                ptrmapactvy;                     /*                                                                    */
  char                ptrudactvx;                      /* Up/down frame resize.                                              */
  char                ptrudactvy;                      /*                                                                    */
  char                ptrlractvx;                      /* Left/right frame resize.                                           */
  char                ptrlractvy;                      /*                                                                    */
  char                ptrudlractvx;                    /* Up/down/left/right frame resize.                                   */
  char                ptrudlractvy;                    /*                                                                    */
  char                ptrnoractvx;                     /* Can't resize this frame edge/corner.                               */
  char                ptrnoractvy;                     /*                                                                    */
  char                ptrtosactvx;                     /* Hotlist window about to scroll.                                    */
  char                ptrtosactvy;                     /*                                                                    */
  char                ptrscractvx;                     /* Hotlist window scrolling.                                          */
  char                ptrscractvy;                     /*                                                                    */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  unsigned char       colour_progress;                 /* Either Controls_ColourProgress_NotAColour (CtrlDefs.h) to not      */
                                                       /* colour the progress display when spooling data through the fetcher */
                                                       /* to a file, else a wimp colour.                                     */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  unsigned            anim_drift      :1;              /* 0 - stop animation as soon as idle, 1 = drift over to 1st frame.   */
  unsigned            dbox_anims      :1;              /* If set, appropriate components in dialogues will be animated.      */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  unsigned            dont_grey       :2;              /* Controls greying of buttons and the history menu pop.              */
  unsigned            swap_bars       :1;              /* Swap top and bottom toolbars around.                               */
  unsigned            back_window     :1;              /* If full screen, be a Back window to stop others going behind.      */
  unsigned            use_small       :1;              /* If 1, small fetch windows will be used for object saves.           */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  unsigned            claim_help      :1;              /* Claim Interactive Help messages and display text in status bar.    */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  unsigned            append_status   :1;              /* In the absence of a byte counter append this info to status field. */
  unsigned            use_brackets    :1;              /* If appending, enclose the value in brackets.                       */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  unsigned            keep_highlight  :1;              /* 1: Frames will keep (re)highlighting as keyboard navigated.        */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  unsigned            keep_caret      :1;              /* Grab the caret if it is lost (*use with caution!*).                */
  unsigned            clear_first     :1;              /* 1: If popping up URL writable with key, clear first; else append.  */
  unsigned            lock_to_line    :1;              /* Lock left/right arrows to only select items on the same line.      */
  unsigned            ignore_adjust   :1;              /* Ignore adjust (treat as select) if it would open a second window.  */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  unsigned            append_urls     :1;              /* Append the current page URL before visiting special locations.     */
                                                       /*                                                                    */
  unsigned            stop_proxy      :1;              /* Broadcast an AppControl Stop reason to web proxy when 'Stop' used. */
  unsigned            brick_wall      :1;              /* 1: Following links halts other fetches on page else they continue. */
  unsigned            refo_single     :1;              /* 1: Hold reformatter for up to 300cs or until page fully formatted. */
567 568 569 570

} global_controls;

extern global_controls controls;
571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582

/* Global error block to allow functions to hand back filled in */
/* custom error blocks, when necessary.                         */

extern _kernel_oserror erb;

/* For keeping track of where dynamically created menus came from */

typedef enum menu_source
  Menu_None,       /* No menu opened / none recorded as being opened. */
  Menu_Form,       /* The menu was from a form.                       */
583 584
  Menu_LocalHist,  /* Local history menu.                             */
  Menu_GlobalHist, /* Global history menu.                            */
585 586 587 588 589 590
  Menu_Authorise   /* The 'menu' was an authorisation dialogue.       */

} menu_source;

extern menu_source   menusrc;
extern void        * menuhdl;