Commit 5e2a584e authored by Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar Andrew Hodgkinson
Browse files

Added various TaskObey files to make different browser variants (the Makefile...

Added various TaskObey files to make different browser variants (the Makefile has been updated to support this). At present, TARGET must be set for the

Make file to work (some oddity in AMU causing problems here). Added
Multiuser.h to cope with a non-SINGLE_USER build for Customer.
parent 236fb807
......@@ -14,5 +14,7 @@
| Remove executables, objects and intermediate files
Echo Cleaning...
Dir <Obey$Dir>
amu_machine clean
amu_machine TARGET=WorkAroundAMUBug clean
| Copyright 1997 Acorn Computers Ltd
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
| You may obtain a copy of the License at
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| limitations under the License.
| Remove executables, objects and intermediate files
Echo Cleaning all...
Dir <Obey$Dir>
amu_machine TARGET=WorkAroundAMUBug clean_all
Set Browse$Dir <Obey$Dir>
Set Browse$Path <Browse$Dir>.
| Get round the 'problematic' last stage of the printer protocol
Set Alias$@PrintType_FF4 "Copy %%0 Printer: ~A ~C ~D F ~L ~N ~P ~Q ~R ~S ~T ~V"
| Routine actions...
IconSprites <Browse$Dir>.!Sprites
Set File$Type_F91 URI
Set File$Type_FAF HTML
Set Alias$@RunType_FAF /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -html %%*0
Set Alias$@RunType_F91 /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -uri %%*0
Set Browse$Dir <Obey$Dir>
Set Browse$Path <Browse$Dir>.
| Ensure specific versions of Toolbox modules (or later ones)
| are present
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.36 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Toolbox
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.36 Error The browser requires version 1.36 or later of the Toolbox module
RMEnsure IconBar 1.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.IconBar
RMEnsure IconBar 1.14 Error The browser requires version 1.14 or later of the IconBar module
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.09 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.ProgInfo
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.09 Error The browser requires version 0.09 or later of the ProgInfo module
RMEnsure Window 1.39 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Window
RMEnsure Window 1.39 Error The browser requires version 1.39 or later of the Window module
RMEnsure Menu 0.26 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Menu
RMEnsure Menu 0.26 Error The browser requires version 0.26 or later of the Menu module
RMEnsure ToolAction 0.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.ToolAction
RMEnsure ToolAction 0.14 Error The browser requires version 0.14 or later of the ToolAction module
| General requirements where version number doesn't really matter
RMEnsure SaveAs 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.SaveAs
RMEnsure SaveAs 0.00 Error The browser requires the SaveAs module to start
RMEnsure Scale 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Scale
RMEnsure Scale 0.00 Error The browser requires the Scale module to start
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.PrintDBox
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.00 Error The browser requires the PrintDBox module to start
| Important networking modules
RMEnsure URL_Fetcher 0.15 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.URL
RMEnsure URL_Fetcher 0.15 Error The browser requires version 0.15 or later of the URL module
RMEnsure AcornHTTP 0.23 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.HTTP
RMEnsure AcornHTTP 0.23 Error The browser requires version 0.23 or later of the HTTP module
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.19 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.File
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.19 Error The browser requires version 0.19 (and only 0.19!) of the File module
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.09 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.FTP
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.09 Error The browser requires version 0.09 or later of the FTP module
| TaskModule for catching service calls (not required for
| some UIs, so let it fail silently); also the URI handler,
| which may be present but can do without it.
RMEnsure AcornURI 0.05 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URI
RMEnsure TaskModule 0.07 RMLoad System:Modules.TaskModule
| Both of the above start Wimp task sides, so want to do a
| '*Desktop' when inside the application after Wimp_Initialise
| to start those tasks. Set a system variable if this is NOT
| needed.
Set Browse$IssueDesktopCommand "yes"
RMEnsure AcornURI 0.05 Set Browse$IssueDesktopCommand "no"
RMEnsure TaskModule 0.07 If "<Browse$IssueDesktopCommand>" = "yes" Then Set Browse$IssueDesktopCommand "no"
| JPEG support for OS versions without this in SpriteExtend;
| again, not technically essential so let this fail too.
RMEnsure SpriteExtend 0.99 RMEnsure JPEGMsgs 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.JPEGMsgs
RMEnsure SpriteExtend 0.99 RMEnsure JPEGRender 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.JPEGRender
| Get round the 'problematic' last stage of the printer protocol
Set Alias$@PrintType_FF4 "Copy %%0 Printer: ~A ~C ~D F ~L ~N ~P ~Q ~R ~S ~T ~V"
| Routine actions...
IconSprites <Browse$Dir>.!Sprites
Set File$Type_F91 URI
Set File$Type_FAF HTML
Set Alias$@RunType_FAF /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -html %%*0
Set Alias$@RunType_F91 /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -uri %%*0
| And finally, run the application.
WimpSlot -Min 420K -Max 420K
Run <Browse$Dir>.!RunImage %*0
\ No newline at end of file
Set Browse$Dir <Obey$Dir>
Set Browse$Path <Browse$Dir>.
| Ensure specific versions of Toolbox modules (or later ones)
| are present
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.36 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Toolbox
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.36 Error The browser requires version 1.36 or later of the Toolbox module
RMEnsure IconBar 1.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.IconBar
RMEnsure IconBar 1.14 Error The browser requires version 1.14 or later of the IconBar module
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.09 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.ProgInfo
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.09 Error The browser requires version 0.09 or later of the ProgInfo module
RMEnsure Window 1.39 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Window
RMEnsure Window 1.39 Error The browser requires version 1.39 or later of the Window module
RMEnsure Menu 0.26 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Menu
RMEnsure Menu 0.26 Error The browser requires version 0.26 or later of the Menu module
RMEnsure ToolAction 0.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.ToolAction
RMEnsure ToolAction 0.14 Error The browser requires version 0.14 or later of the ToolAction module
| General requirements where version number doesn't really matter
RMEnsure SaveAs 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.SaveAs
RMEnsure SaveAs 0.00 Error The browser requires the SaveAs module to start
RMEnsure Scale 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Scale
RMEnsure Scale 0.00 Error The browser requires the Scale module to start
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.PrintDBox
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.00 Error The browser requires the PrintDBox module to start
| Important networking modules
RMEnsure URL_Fetcher 0.15 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.URL
RMEnsure URL_Fetcher 0.15 Error The browser requires version 0.15 or later of the URL module
RMEnsure AcornHTTP 0.23 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.HTTP
RMEnsure AcornHTTP 0.23 Error The browser requires version 0.23 or later of the HTTP module
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.19 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.File
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.19 Error The browser requires version 0.19 (and only 0.19!) of the File module
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.09 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.FTP
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.09 Error The browser requires version 0.09 or later of the FTP module
| TaskModule for catching service calls (not required for
| some UIs, so let it fail silently); also the URI handler,
| which may be present but can do without it.
RMEnsure AcornURI 0.05 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URI
RMEnsure TaskModule 0.07 RMLoad System:Modules.TaskModule
| Both of the above start Wimp task sides, so want to do a
| '*Desktop' when inside the application after Wimp_Initialise
| to start those tasks. Set a system variable if this is NOT
| needed.
Set Browse$IssueDesktopCommand "yes"
RMEnsure AcornURI 0.05 Set Browse$IssueDesktopCommand "no"
RMEnsure TaskModule 0.07 If "<Browse$IssueDesktopCommand>" = "yes" Then Set Browse$IssueDesktopCommand "no"
| JPEG support for OS versions without this in SpriteExtend;
| again, not technically essential so let this fail too.
RMEnsure SpriteExtend 0.99 RMEnsure JPEGMsgs 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.JPEGMsgs
RMEnsure SpriteExtend 0.99 RMEnsure JPEGRender 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.JPEGRender
| Get round the 'problematic' last stage of the printer protocol
Set Alias$@PrintType_FF4 "Copy %%0 Printer: ~A ~C ~D F ~L ~N ~P ~Q ~R ~S ~T ~V"
| Routine actions...
IconSprites <Browse$Dir>.!Sprites
Set File$Type_F91 URI
Set File$Type_FAF HTML
Set Alias$@RunType_FAF /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -html %%*0
Set Alias$@RunType_F91 /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -uri %%*0
| And finally, run the application.
WimpSlot -Min 1600K -Max 1600K
%UnSet ChangeFSI$Dir
|Run <Browse$Dir>.!RunImage -debug CMal,CFle %*0 2> Pipe:$.StdErr
Run <Browse$Dir>.!RunImage %*0
\ No newline at end of file
File added
File added
# Options. THESE MAY NOT BE INTERNATIONALISED - the values of the tokens,
# where strings, are compared directly inside the browser. Since the user
# should edit this through a dialogue, it is that dialogue's contents which
# can be internationalised. Changing the values here to foreign ones
# requires the code to be appropriately altered and recompiled.
# User-configurable options
# HomePage - The URL that the browser defaults to on loading.
# DefWidth - Default browser window width, in OS units.
# DefHeight - Default browser window height, in OS units.
# OverrideX - The X position to open the window at, or 0 for centred.
# OverrideY - The Y position to open the window at, or 0 for centred.
# PostIn - Post-in path for mail, or '<none>'.
# PostOut - Post-out path for mail, or '<none>'.
# BackColour - Background colour; 0xBBGGRR00 where RR GG BB are red, green,
# and blue values as two digit hex numbers from 0 to 255. It
# doesn't matter if the hex digits are upper or lower case. If
# the syntax is wrong, very unpredictable effects could occur.
# TextColour - Text colour, defined as BackColour.
# LinkColour - Link colour, defined as BackColour.
# UsedColour - Used (followed) link colour, defined as BackColour.
# FollColour - Colours links flash to when clicked on, before being
# followed.
# SeleColour - Colours objects adopt or are bordered in if selected /
# highlighted.
# FontSize - Default font size, in points. Between 6 and 24, fractions
# will be ignored (so 12.9 would be treated as 12, say).
# SystemFont - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' browser will only use system font on
# the page (fast and clear, but pretty ugly...).
# DelayImage - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' images will not be loaded until
# they are told to load. Otherwise they load as part of the
# main page fetch.
# DisplayBgs - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' background images will be displayed.
# UnderlineLks - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' link text will be underlined.
# OverrideCols - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' document-specified colours will be
# ignored and defaults will be used instead.
# FixedPtr - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the pointer will change shape as it
# moves over certain objects on the page (e.g. a link).
# Otherwise it stays the standard pointer shape, over the page.
# HighlightLks - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' links (and some other objects) will
# be highlighted as the pointer moves over them.
# ShowLinksFor - A time in centiseconds. The length of time for which the
# contents in of a link selected by the keyboard or pointed to
# by the mouse is shown in the status bar before it reverts
# to other information (fetch status, page being viewed,
# etc.); 0 to show for as long as the link is selected or
# pointed to.
# ShowFHighFor - A time in centiseconds to show the frame highlight (for
# keyboard control, when jumping into a new frame).
# KeyboardCtl - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' links (and some other objects) will
# be selectable from the keyboard.
# ClearFirst - 'yes' or 'no', only relevant for UI designs where the
# URL writable and status bars are merged. In such UIs,
# pressing an alphanumeric key when in status mode will
# change to writable mode and, if this is 'yes', put the
# key value into the writable, clearing whatever was there
# beforehand first. If 'no', then the value of the key is
# appended to whatever is in the writable.
# KeepHighlight- 'yes' or 'no'. If 'yes', frames will be (re)highlighted
# whenever keyboard navigated. If 'no', they are only
# highlighted when initially selected.
# LeftMargin - Basic left hand page margin (before list indents etc.), in
# millipoints.
# RightMargin - Similarly, the basic right hand page margin in millipoints.
# QuoteMargin - Extra page margin for a <blockquote> section of text.
# Leading - Line spacing in OS units (pronounced 'ledding'). Note that
# negative numbers are allowed but may produce redraw
# artifacts under some circumstances, so use with caution.
# LeftIndent - Multiplier used to work out left hand indent of text for
# list items etc., in millipoints.
# MinFrmHeight - Minimum height a frame may take when initially sized or
# subsequently resized, in OS units.
# MinFrmWidth - Similarly, the minimum frame width.
# DefURLbar - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' new browser windows will have URL
# bars present.
# DefButtonBar - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' new browser windows will have button
# bars present.
# DefStatusBar - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' new browser windows will have status
# bars present.
# MoveGadgets - '0', '1', or '2'. If '0', gadgets are never moved on the
# toolbars to fit inside the window. If '1', gadgets are moved
# at the end of any resize actions. If '2', gadgets are moved
# during resize actions.
# AnimDrift - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the status bar animation will drift
# over to the first starting sprite before stopping. Otherwise
# it will stop as soon as the browser is idle.
# FullScreen - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the window will open full screen,
# else it will open at the default page size.
# HScroll - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' a horizontal scroll bar will be
# visible when Full Screen. Can also have 'auto', to
# add or remove scroll bars automatically, if the Wimp
# variant the browser runs on supports this. If the
# Wimp doesn't, this will work the same as 'yes'.
# VScroll - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' a vertical scroll bar will be
# visible when Full Screen. As for HScroll, can also
# have 'auto' with the right Wimp.
# MaxImages - Maximum number of images that may be simultaneously fetched.
# Must be between 1 and 255, though values over about 25 are
# more likely to degrade performance than improve it.
# GHistSize - Maximum global history size, in K.
# VHistSize - Maximum view history size, in entries.
# HistoryPath - Global history default load/save path.
# HotlistPath - Hotlist default load/save path.
# ShowURLs - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the History menu will always only
# contain URLs. Otherwise it will hold page titles (where
# available).
# SaveHistory - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the global history will always be
# saved to disc on browser exit, else it will never be saved.
# SaveHotlist - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the hotlist will always be saved to
# disc on browser exit, else it will never be saved (in which
# case changes during a browser session will be lost, so this
# should be used with caution).
# RefoWait - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the browser will wait for a time
# determined by 'RefoTime' (see below) before doing a page
# reformat - can be useful if frequent reformats when unsized
# images come in (for example) are proving annoying.
# RefoHang - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the page will not reformat past an
# unsized image - the browser will wait until that image's
# size is known. For slow sites this may take a long time.
# [Unimplemented]
# RefoTime - If RefoWait is 'yes', the time in centiseconds between
# queued reformats (urgent reformats may force this earlier
# though - e.g. document fetch completed).
# BrickWall - If 'yes', then clicking on 'Stop' or following new links
# will immediately stop *all* fetch/reformat activity,
# or for targetted links, will stop such activity in the
# target. This is a fairly specialised option as normally
# continued cacheing (if a local proxy is present) or
# continued background fetching is desirable (may as well
# take advantage of otherwise idle time this way).
# PrintCopies - Default number of copies to print. Must be at least 1!
# PrintStart - 'start' to print from the start of the web page, 'visible'
# to print from the top of the region visible in the browser
# window.
# PrintEnd - 'end' to print to the end of the web page, 'visible' to
# print to the bottom of the region visible in the browser
# window, else a number greater than 0 for the number of pages
# to fill up after starting printing at the given start point.
# PrintReform - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the page will be reformatted to fit
# the paper size (else it is printed at a width determined by
# the browser window, which may mean it overflows the right
# hand edge of the paper or does not use the full page width).
# Reformatting can take quite a long time, hence this is
# optional. When using 'visible' for PrintStart or PrintEnd,
# this option is ignored and reformatting does not take place,
# as reformatting would change the visible region, if it was
# done in the window rather than internally for the printer.
# PrintOrient - 'upright' or 'sideways', which pretty much says it all.
# Typeface1 - Typeface definitions. The syntax of these is fairly
# Typeface2 strict and slightly complex, so they should only
# Typeface3 be altered through a front-end dialogue in the
# Typeface4 browser.
# UseProxy - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' proxying will be used so the value
# of the next two items is important.
# ProxyAddress - The base URL of the proxy server to use, such as
# ''.
Version:1.17 (23-Jul-97)
# Errors, ranked roughly in order of increasing severity
CannotFetch:The browser does not have a method of fetching the requested site.
NotInline:Sorry, can‘t handle this data format (press Enter or click on Continue‘ to continue).
Refused:Cannot fetch this address as the fetch request was refused by the internal handler.
PrintBusy:The printer is currently busy.
EmptyHistE:The history list is empty.
NoLabel:The label ”%0• cannot be found on this page.
NoLabelF:The label ”%0• cannot be found, but the page is still fetching - try again when the page fetch has finished.
BadAuthor:Authorisation failed; you must use a valid user name and password.
NoMemWin:There is not enough free memory to open another browser window.
NoMemGHi:There is not enough free memory to add the page to the global history.
NoMemLHi:There is not enough free memory to open the history menu.
NoMemFet:There is not enough free memory to perform this fetch (%0).
NoMemGen:There is not enough free memory to continue this operation (%0).
NoMemRea:There is not enough free memory to continue the page fetch (%0).
FontMem:There is not enough free memory for font handling (%0).
NoMemImg:There is not enough free memory for any new images (%0).
StrNotFd:Internal error - Can‘t find structure in %0.
NoParent:When closing frames, can't find child's record in the parent window in windows_close_window().
WhatTog1:Internal error - Toolbar toggle handle not understood in toolbars_toggle_bars().
WhatTog2:Internal error - Toolbar toggle handle not understood in menus_choices_bars().
WhatSave:Internal error - Save dialogue origin not understood in save_fill_in().
BadType:Internal error - Bad typeface definition in %0().
BadTRef:Internal error - Reference to undefined typeface in %0().
HSHOvrrn:Serious internal error - HtmlStripHeaders has failed; must exit immediately.
STCUnkwn:Serious internal error - Unknown chunk ID in memory_set_chunk_size(); must exit immediately.
# Strict parse mode errors
FramNest:Frames definition is badly nested; could not complete the frames layout.
FramRcrs:Frames definition references itself recursively; could not proceed with the frames layout.
# Default offered leafnames
# Status bar messages. Putting a '-' in front of one will
# stop a byte counter being appended if the choices lower
# down in this file specify that such text should be
# added (so you can override for specific messages that
# never want a byte counter).
Status1:-Beginning fetchŒ
Status2:-Trying to find server's addressŒ
Status3:-Found server's address
Status4:-Sending request to the serverŒ
Status5:Fetching dataŒ
GetPic:Fetching 1 imageŒ
GetPics:Fetching %d imagesŒ
Page:-Viewing ”%%s•
LinkTo:-Link to ”%%s•
BlankPage:Blank page
# (For these, the first is for when the URL is known
# and only one such action is in progress, e.g. in a
# non-frames page; the second is for if the URL can't
# be determined for whatever reason; and the third is
# for the case where there are several such actions
# occurring simultaneously in a frames document).
Fetch:Fetching ”%%s•Œ
FetchUK:Fetching web pageŒ
FetchMany:Fetching frames contentsŒ
Process:-Processing ”%%s•Œ
ProcessUK:-Processing web pageŒ
ProcessMany:-Processing frames contentsŒ
Format:-Formatting ”%%s•Œ
FormatUK:-Formatting web pageŒ
FormatMany:-Formatting frames contentsŒ
# URL bar messages
AtHistory:Global History
# Label messages
# On-page messages
NoData:The server returned a blank page.
# Buttons in forms - submit buttons, reset buttons, and unknown
# button types; menu title for Select lists when no other is
# present.
# Dialler text. Dialler status is displayed in component
# 0xf, if present in the upper toolbar. If this component
# doesn't exist the application will not attempt to register
# with the dialler and relevant event handlers won't be
# installed.
Hangup:Hanging up
SError:Script error
Timeout:Timed out
Carrier:No carrier
MError:Modem error
Dialtone:No dialtone
MBusy:Line busy
Answer:No answer
Offline:Off line
# Text to go in display panel of authorisation dialogue; the
# second is used if the first is too large to fit in the buffer
# space available due to the substituted strings.
Authorise:Please enter a user name and a password for %%s at %%s.
AuthorShr:Please enter a user name and a password.
# Other general text:
# Print dialogue / printing generally
PJobName:Web page
PagesSingle:sheet is filled
PagesMany:sheets are filled
# Should the number range items in the
# print dialogue have the icon flags on their
# writable components altered?
# History menu title
# Fetcher protocols. For some operations (e.g. the
# Shift+Tab URL writing) a list of currently available
# protocols is useful. Include below the number of
# fetcher protocol modules that may be supported, and
# then a series of entries - the module name followed
# by the protocol prefix (see below for examples).
# The modules may not actually be loaded - this just
# states that there is the potential for them to be
# present. Any fetchers not in this list will be
# ignored by some routines.
# Note that http:// may be special cased to allow for
# 'http://' and 'http://www.' for some systems; similarly
# 'file://' may be special cased to 'file://ADFS::4/$/'.
# Non user-configurable options
# AnimSpeed: Time between null polls when claiming them; relates to the
# fastest the animation can go and the Desktop load the
# browser will represent.
# ShowDStatFor: If showing dialler status, this is the time in centiseconds
# for which an unusual status message will be shown (see
# messages above).
# Quantise: If showing dialler status, this is the quantisation applied
# to online time. This is because a 1 second update may well
# be jerky if the browser is doing a lot of work, and a more
# steady 5 (say) second update may be preferable.
# MinConvergence: Minimum OS unit toolbar width after which toolbar items are
# are not moved or resized to stay in view.
# DontGrey: If 0, toolbar buttons are greyed as usual. If 1, only the
# History menu popup is greyed. If 2, nothing is greyed.
# SwapBars: If 'yes' the upper and lower toolbars are swapped, so the
# status bar can appear at the top of the window and the
# URL/button bars at the bottom.
# [Not yet implemented]
# DBoxAnims: If 'yes', dialogues can contain an animation. This is the
# same as the component in the status bar that holds the
# animation (i.e. same component ID). The animation will be
# advanced 1 frame for every complete cycle of the main
# animation (even if the main animation isn't running).
# If 'no', dialogues can still contain the same component
# but it won't be animated.
# AppendStatus: If 'yes', in the absence of the byte counter display field
# on the status bar the information will be appended to the
# text in the main status display field. Else, 'no'.
# An individual status message may override this though -
# see the relevant section above.
# UseBrackets: If 'yes', then if appending status according to the above,
# the appended text is put in brackets. Else, 'no'.
# AppendURLs: If going to special URL locations such as a hotlist,
# then if this is 'yes', append AppendWith (below) followed
# by the currently displayed URL before moving to that page.
# If this is 'no', the URL is not appended.
# AppendWith: If appending URLs, this is the separator to use between
# the fetch URL and the current URL. It will usually be
# something that a CGI script referenced by the fetch URL
# can latch on to.
# KeepCaret: If 'yes', the caret will be grabbed back into the browser
# window whenever it is lost, provided that the pointer
# is over a browser-owned window. This must only be used for
# systems on an HTML-only interface or other very special
# circumstances, as it prevents any other object from
# getting the caret (well, unless that object pops itself
# up under the pointer). The caret will always be grabbed
# back into the last window opened (which should be the
# only window opened!) as otherwise two windows could
# start arguing over who has the caret.
# ClaimHelp: If 'yes', interactive help requests will be claimed and
# the help text displayed in the status bar.
# ShowHelpFor: The length of time that Help text will be displayed in the
# status bar before other messages are allowed to override
# it.
# StopWebServ: If 'yes', send an AppControl message with a 'Stop'
# reason code to !WebServ, if running, when the 'Stop'
# button is used in the browser. This will force it to
# abort all current connections, breaking any image
# fetches and ditching partial fetches. This is quite a
# vicious thing to do, so only use the option if you're sure
# you want such a complete halt from the software.
# IgnoreAdjust: If 'yes', adjust-clicks will be treated as select
# clicks for any action which would open a second window.
# This can be useful for full screen browsers.
# LockToLine: If 'yes', left/right arrows will only select items on
# the same line (for keyboard control). This introduces
# more consistency as up/down scroll the page etc.,
# but can feel clumsy sometimes. If 'no', left/right will
# allow vertical movement but won't jump over longer
# distances (which can feel inconsistent at times) as
# to do this the page needs to scroll vertically - but it
# is left/right that's being pressed.
# PtrLnkActvX: Link pointer active point x offset (pixels from left).
# PtrLnkActvY: Link pointer active point y offset (pixels from top).
# PtrMapActvX: Map pointer active point x offset (pixels from left).
# PtrMapActvY: Map pointer active point y offset (pixels from top).
# BackOffAt: During an image fetch, memory is claimed temporarily for
# processing. The more simultaneous image fetches are going
# on, the greater the high water mark of memory consumption.
# Images are also kept from the previous page and garbage
# collected after the fetch, so that images common between
# the pages aren't fetched twice. However, in low memory
# situations it is desirable to discard such images and
# then start backing away from the maximum number of
# fetches that are allowed. Set this entry to the amount
# of free memory in K below which this starts to happen.
# [Not yet implemented]
# Dynamically created pages. Note that MessageTrans will deal with '%'s,
# so you need two if you want one.
PEmptyDoc:<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Empty document</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H2>The server returned an empty document.</H2></BODY></HTML>
# Warning! This one gets compiled with sprintf, so if using a '%' anywhere,
# make sure it's done as '%%'. Then do it again to cope with MessageTrans;
# so for a single %, put four in. Hmph.
PExtImage:<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%%s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><FONT SIZE="5"><IMG SRC="%%s" ALIGN="CENTER" ALT="Fetching picture..."></FONT><P>&nbsp;<P><CENTER><B>%s</B><HR WIDTH = 80%%%%><A HREF="!INTRNL!GoBack:Previous Page">Go back to the previous page</A></CENTER></BODY></HTML>
File added
File added
<title>Browser Hot List</title></head><body><h2>Browser Hot List</h2>
<hr align=center>
<li><b><a href="">Dilbert</a></b>
<hr align=center>
<li><a href="">Test Page</a>
<li><a href="">Acorn Home Page</a>
<li><a href="">Xemplar Home Page</a>
<hr align=center>
<li><a href="">Alta Vista search</a>
<li><b><a href="">Alta Vista software</a></b>
<li><a href="">Yahoo search</a>
<li><a href="">Infoseek search</a>
<li><a href="">Lycos search</a>
<li><a href="">Excite</a>
<hr align=center>
<li><a href="">DejaNews</a>
<li><a href="">World Wide Web consortium</a>
<hr align=center>
Set Browse$Dir <Obey$Dir>
Set Browse$Path <Browse$Dir>.
| Get round the 'problematic' last stage of the printer protocol
Set Alias$@PrintType_FF4 "Copy %%0 Printer: ~A ~C ~D F ~L ~N ~P ~Q ~R ~S ~T ~V"
| Routine actions...
IconSprites <Browse$Dir>.!Sprites
Set File$Type_F91 URI
Set File$Type_FAF HTML
Set Alias$@RunType_FAF /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -html %%*0
Set Alias$@RunType_F91 /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -uri %%*0
Set Browse$Dir <Obey$Dir>
Set Browse$Path <Browse$Dir>.
| Ensure specific versions of Toolbox modules (or later ones)
| are present
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.36 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Toolbox
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.36 Error The browser requires version 1.36 or later of the Toolbox module
RMEnsure IconBar 1.13 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.IconBar
RMEnsure IconBar 1.13 Error The browser requires version 1.13 or later of the IconBar module
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.09 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.ProgInfo
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.09 Error The browser requires version 0.09 or later of the ProgInfo module
RMEnsure Window 1.37 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Window
RMEnsure Window 1.37 Error The browser requires version 1.37 or later of the Window module
RMEnsure Menu 0.24 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Menu
RMEnsure Menu 0.24 Error The browser requires version 0.24 or later of the Menu module
RMEnsure ToolAction 0.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.ToolAction
RMEnsure ToolAction 0.14 Error The browser requires version 0.14 or later of the ToolAction module
| General requirements where version number doesn't really matter
RMEnsure SaveAs 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.SaveAs
RMEnsure SaveAs 0.00 Error The browser requires the SaveAs module to start
RMEnsure Scale 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Scale
RMEnsure Scale 0.00 Error The browser requires the Scale module to start
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.PrintDBox
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.00 Error The browser requires the PrintDBox module to start
| Important networking modules
RMEnsure URL_Fetcher 0.15 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.URL
RMEnsure URL_Fetcher 0.15 Error The browser requires version 0.15 or later of the URL module
RMEnsure AcornHTTP 0.23 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.HTTP
RMEnsure AcornHTTP 0.23 Error The browser requires version 0.23 or later of the HTTP module
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.19 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.File
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.19 Error The browser requires version 0.19 (and only 0.19!) of the File module
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.09 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.FTP
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.09 Error The browser requires version 0.09 or later of the FTP module
| JPEG support for OS versions without this in SpriteExtend
RMEnsure SpriteExtend 0.99 RMEnsure JPEGMsgs 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.JPEGMsgs
RMEnsure SpriteExtend 0.99 RMEnsure JPEGRender 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.JPEGRender
| Get round the 'problematic' last stage of the printer protocol
Set Alias$@PrintType_FF4 "Copy %%0 Printer: ~A ~C ~D F ~L ~N ~P ~Q ~R ~S ~T ~V"
| Routine actions...
IconSprites <Browse$Dir>.!Sprites
Set File$Type_F91 URI
Set File$Type_FAF HTML
Set Alias$@RunType_FAF /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -html %%*0
Set Alias$@RunType_F91 /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -uri %%*0
| And finally, run the application.
WimpSlot -Min 420K -Max 420K
Run <Browse$Dir>.!RunImage %*0
Set Browse$Dir <Obey$Dir>
Set Browse$Path <Browse$Dir>.
| Ensure specific versions of Toolbox modules (or later ones)
| are present
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.36 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Toolbox
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.36 Error The browser requires version 1.36 or later of the Toolbox module
RMEnsure IconBar 1.13 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.IconBar
RMEnsure IconBar 1.13 Error The browser requires version 1.13 or later of the IconBar module
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.09 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.ProgInfo
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.09 Error The browser requires version 0.09 or later of the ProgInfo module
RMEnsure Window 1.37 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Window
RMEnsure Window 1.37 Error The browser requires version 1.37 or later of the Window module
RMEnsure Menu 0.24 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Menu
RMEnsure Menu 0.24 Error The browser requires version 0.24 or later of the Menu module
RMEnsure ToolAction 0.14 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.ToolAction
RMEnsure ToolAction 0.14 Error The browser requires version 0.14 or later of the ToolAction module
| General requirements where version number doesn't really matter
RMEnsure SaveAs 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.SaveAs
RMEnsure SaveAs 0.00 Error The browser requires the SaveAs module to start
RMEnsure Scale 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.Scale
RMEnsure Scale 0.00 Error The browser requires the Scale module to start
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.Toolbox.PrintDBox
RMEnsure PrintDBox 0.00 Error The browser requires the PrintDBox module to start
| Important networking modules
RMEnsure URL_Fetcher 0.15 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.URL
RMEnsure URL_Fetcher 0.15 Error The browser requires version 0.15 or later of the URL module
RMEnsure AcornHTTP 0.23 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.HTTP
RMEnsure AcornHTTP 0.23 Error The browser requires version 0.23 or later of the HTTP module
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.19 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.File
RMEnsure FileFetcher 0.19 Error The browser requires version 0.19 (and only 0.19!) of the File module
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.09 RMLoad System:Modules.Network.URL.FTP
RMEnsure FTPFetcher 0.09 Error The browser requires version 0.09 or later of the FTP module
| JPEG support for OS versions without this in SpriteExtend
RMEnsure SpriteExtend 0.99 RMEnsure JPEGMsgs 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.JPEGMsgs
RMEnsure SpriteExtend 0.99 RMEnsure JPEGRender 0.00 RMLoad System:Modules.JPEGRender
| Get round the 'problematic' last stage of the printer protocol
Set Alias$@PrintType_FF4 "Copy %%0 Printer: ~A ~C ~D F ~L ~N ~P ~Q ~R ~S ~T ~V"
| Routine actions...
IconSprites <Browse$Dir>.!Sprites
Set File$Type_F91 URI
Set File$Type_FAF HTML
Set Alias$@RunType_FAF /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -html %%*0
Set Alias$@RunType_F91 /<Browse$Dir>.!Run -uri %%*0
| And finally, run the application.
WimpSlot -Min 1600K -Max 1600K
%UnSet ChangeFSI$Dir
|Run <Browse$Dir>.!RunImage -debug CMal,CFle %*0 2> Pipe:$.StdErr
Run <Browse$Dir>.!RunImage %*0
\ No newline at end of file
File added
File added
# Options. THESE MAY NOT BE INTERNATIONALISED - the values of the tokens,
# where strings, are compared directly inside the browser. Since the user
# should edit this through a dialogue, it is that dialogue's contents which
# can be internationalised. Changing the values here to foreign ones
# requires the code to be appropriately altered and recompiled.
# User-configurable options
# HomePage - The URL that the browser defaults to on loading.
# DefWidth - Default browser window width, in OS units.
# DefHeight - Default browser window height, in OS units.
# OverrideX - The X position to open the window at, or 0 for centred.
# OverrideY - The Y position to open the window at, or 0 for centred.
# PostIn - Post-in path for mail, or '<none>'.
# PostOut - Post-out path for mail, or '<none>'.
# BackColour - Background colour; 0xBBGGRR00 where RR GG BB are red, green,
# and blue values as two digit hex numbers from 0 to 255. It
# doesn't matter if the hex digits are upper or lower case. If
# the syntax is wrong, very unpredictable effects could occur.
# TextColour - Text colour, defined as BackColour.
# LinkColour - Link colour, defined as BackColour.
# UsedColour - Used (followed) link colour, defined as BackColour.
# FollColour - Colours links flash to when clicked on, before being
# followed.
# SeleColour - Colours objects adopt or are bordered in if selected /
# highlighted.
# FontSize - Default font size, in points. Between 6 and 24, fractions
# will be ignored (so 12.9 would be treated as 12, say).
# SystemFont - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' browser will only use system font on
# the page (fast and clear, but pretty ugly...).
# DelayImage - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' images will not be loaded until
# they are told to load. Otherwise they load as part of the
# main page fetch.
# DisplayBgs - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' background images will be displayed.
# UnderlineLks - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' link text will be underlined.
# OverrideCols - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' document-specified colours will be
# ignored and defaults will be used instead.
# FixedPtr - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the pointer will change shape as it
# moves over certain objects on the page (e.g. a link).
# Otherwise it stays the standard pointer shape, over the page.
# HighlightLks - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' links (and some other objects) will
# be highlighted as the pointer moves over them.
# ShowLinksFor - A time in centiseconds. The length of time for which the
# contents in of a link selected by the keyboard or pointed to
# by the mouse is shown in the status bar before it reverts
# to other information (fetch status, page being viewed,
# etc.); 0 to show for as long as the link is selected or
# pointed to.
# ShowFHighFor - A time in centiseconds to show the frame highlight (for
# keyboard control, when jumping into a new frame).
# KeyboardCtl - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' links (and some other objects) will
# be selectable from the keyboard.
# ClearFirst - 'yes' or 'no', only relevant for UI designs where the
# URL writable and status bars are merged. In such UIs,
# pressing an alphanumeric key when in status mode will
# change to writable mode and, if this is 'yes', put the
# key value into the writable, clearing whatever was there
# beforehand first. If 'no', then the value of the key is
# appended to whatever is in the writable.
# KeepHighlight- 'yes' or 'no'. If 'yes', frames will be (re)highlighted
# whenever keyboard navigated. If 'no', they are only
# highlighted when initially selected.
# LeftMargin - Basic left hand page margin (before list indents etc.), in
# millipoints.
# RightMargin - Similarly, the basic right hand page margin in millipoints.
# QuoteMargin - Extra page margin for a <blockquote> section of text.
# Leading - Line spacing in OS units (pronounced 'ledding'). Note that
# negative numbers are allowed but may produce redraw
# artifacts under some circumstances, so use with caution.
# LeftIndent - Multiplier used to work out left hand indent of text for
# list items etc., in millipoints.
# MinFrmHeight - Minimum height a frame may take when initially sized or
# subsequently resized, in OS units.
# MinFrmWidth - Similarly, the minimum frame width.
# DefURLbar - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' new browser windows will have URL
# bars present.
# DefButtonBar - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' new browser windows will have button
# bars present.
# DefStatusBar - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' new browser windows will have status
# bars present.
# MoveGadgets - '0', '1', or '2'. If '0', gadgets are never moved on the
# toolbars to fit inside the window. If '1', gadgets are moved
# at the end of any resize actions. If '2', gadgets are moved
# during resize actions.
# AnimDrift - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the status bar animation will drift
# over to the first starting sprite before stopping. Otherwise
# it will stop as soon as the browser is idle.
# FullScreen - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the window will open full screen,
# else it will open at the default page size.
# HScroll - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' a horizontal scroll bar will be
# visible when Full Screen. Can also have 'auto', to
# add or remove scroll bars automatically, if the Wimp
# variant the browser runs on supports this. If the
# Wimp doesn't, this will work the same as 'yes'.
# VScroll - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' a vertical scroll bar will be
# visible when Full Screen. As for HScroll, can also
# have 'auto' with the right Wimp.
# MaxImages - Maximum number of images that may be simultaneously fetched.
# Must be between 1 and 255, though values over about 25 are
# more likely to degrade performance than improve it.
# GHistSize - Maximum global history size, in K.
# VHistSize - Maximum view history size, in entries.
# HistoryPath - Global history default load/save path.
# HotlistPath - Hotlist default load/save path.
# ShowURLs - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the History menu will always only
# contain URLs. Otherwise it will hold page titles (where
# available).
# SaveHistory - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the global history will always be
# saved to disc on browser exit, else it will never be saved.
# SaveHotlist - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the hotlist will always be saved to
# disc on browser exit, else it will never be saved (in which
# case changes during a browser session will be lost, so this
# should be used with caution).
# RefoWait - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the browser will wait for a time
# determined by 'RefoTime' (see below) before doing a page
# reformat - can be useful if frequent reformats when unsized
# images come in (for example) are proving annoying.
# RefoHang - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the page will not reformat past an
# unsized image - the browser will wait until that image's
# size is known. For slow sites this may take a long time.
# [Unimplemented]
# RefoTime - If RefoWait is 'yes', the time in centiseconds between
# queued reformats (urgent reformats may force this earlier
# though - e.g. document fetch completed).
# BrickWall - If 'yes', then clicking on 'Stop' or following new links
# will immediately stop *all* fetch/reformat activity,
# or for targetted links, will stop such activity in the
# target. This is a fairly specialised option as normally
# continued cacheing (if a local proxy is present) or
# continued background fetching is desirable (may as well
# take advantage of otherwise idle time this way).
# PrintCopies - Default number of copies to print. Must be at least 1!
# PrintStart - 'start' to print from the start of the web page, 'visible'
# to print from the top of the region visible in the browser
# window.
# PrintEnd - 'end' to print to the end of the web page, 'visible' to
# print to the bottom of the region visible in the browser
# window, else a number greater than 0 for the number of pages
# to fill up after starting printing at the given start point.
# PrintReform - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the page will be reformatted to fit
# the paper size (else it is printed at a width determined by
# the browser window, which may mean it overflows the right
# hand edge of the paper or does not use the full page width).
# Reformatting can take quite a long time, hence this is
# optional. When using 'visible' for PrintStart or PrintEnd,
# this option is ignored and reformatting does not take place,
# as reformatting would change the visible region, if it was
# done in the window rather than internally for the printer.
# PrintOrient - 'upright' or 'sideways', which pretty much says it all.
# Typeface1 - Typeface definitions. The syntax of these is fairly
# Typeface2 strict and slightly complex, so they should only
# Typeface3 be altered through a front-end dialogue in the
# Typeface4 browser.
# UseProxy - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' proxying will be used so the value
# of the next two items is important.
# ProxyAddress - The base URL of the proxy server to use, such as
# ''.
Version:1.17 (23-Jul-97)
# Errors, ranked roughly in order of increasing severity
CannotFetch:The browser does not have a method of fetching the requested site.
NotInline:Sorry, can‘t handle this data format (press Enter or click on Continue‘ to continue).
Refused:Cannot fetch this address as the fetch request was refused by the internal handler.
PrintBusy:The printer is currently busy.
EmptyHistE:The history list is empty.
NoLabel:The label ”%0• cannot be found on this page.
NoLabelF:The label ”%0• cannot be found, but the page is still fetching - try again when the page fetch has finished.
BadAuthor:Authorisation failed; you must use a valid user name and password.
NoMemWin:There is not enough free memory to open another browser window.
NoMemGHi:There is not enough free memory to add the page to the global history.
NoMemLHi:There is not enough free memory to open the history menu.
NoMemFet:There is not enough free memory to perform this fetch (%0).
NoMemGen:There is not enough free memory to continue this operation (%0).
NoMemRea:There is not enough free memory to continue the page fetch (%0).
FontMem:There is not enough free memory for font handling (%0).
NoMemImg:There is not enough free memory for any new images (%0).
StrNotFd:Internal error - Can‘t find structure in %0.
NoParent:When closing frames, can't find child's record in the parent window in windows_close_window().
WhatTog1:Internal error - Toolbar toggle handle not understood in toolbars_toggle_bars().
WhatTog2:Internal error - Toolbar toggle handle not understood in menus_choices_bars().
WhatSave:Internal error - Save dialogue origin not understood in save_fill_in().
BadType:Internal error - Bad typeface definition in %0().
BadTRef:Internal error - Reference to undefined typeface in %0().
HSHOvrrn:Serious internal error - HtmlStripHeaders has failed; must exit immediately.
STCUnkwn:Serious internal error - Unknown chunk ID in memory_set_chunk_size(); must exit immediately.
# Strict parse mode errors
FramNest:Frames definition is badly nested; could not complete the frames layout.
FramRcrs:Frames definition references itself recursively; could not proceed with the frames layout.
# Default offered leafnames
# Status bar messages. Putting a '-' in front of one will
# stop a byte counter being appended if the choices lower
# down in this file specify that such text should be
# added (so you can override for specific messages that
# never want a byte counter).
Status1:-Beginning fetchŒ
Status2:-Trying to find server's addressŒ
Status3:-Found server's address
Status4:-Sending request to the serverŒ
Status5:Fetching dataŒ
GetPic:Fetching 1 imageŒ
GetPics:Fetching %d imagesŒ
Page:-Viewing ”%%s•
LinkTo:-Link to ”%%s•
BlankPage:Blank page
# (For these, the first is for when the URL is known
# and only one such action is in progress, e.g. in a
# non-frames page; the second is for if the URL can't
# be determined for whatever reason; and the third is
# for the case where there are several such actions
# occurring simultaneously in a frames document).
Fetch:Fetching ”%%s•Œ
FetchUK:Fetching web pageŒ
FetchMany:Fetching frames contentsŒ
Process:-Processing ”%%s•Œ
ProcessUK:-Processing web pageŒ
ProcessMany:-Processing frames contentsŒ
Format:-Formatting ”%%s•Œ
FormatUK:-Formatting web pageŒ
FormatMany:-Formatting frames contentsŒ
# URL bar messages
AtHistory:Global History
# Label messages
# On-page messages
NoData:The server returned a blank page.
# Buttons in forms - submit buttons, reset buttons, and unknown
# button types; menu title for Select lists when no other is
# present.
# Dialler text. Dialler status is displayed in component
# 0xf, if present in the upper toolbar. If this component
# doesn't exist the application will not attempt to register
# with the dialler and relevant event handlers won't be
# installed.
Hangup:Hanging up
SError:Script error
Timeout:Timed out
Carrier:No carrier
MError:Modem error
Dialtone:No dialtone
MBusy:Line busy
Answer:No answer
Offline:Off line
# Text to go in display panel of authorisation dialogue; the
# second is used if the first is too large to fit in the buffer
# space available due to the substituted strings.
Authorise:Please enter a user name and a password for %%s at %%s.
AuthorShr:Please enter a user name and a password.
# Other general text:
# Print dialogue / printing generally
PJobName:Web page
PagesSingle:sheet is filled
PagesMany:sheets are filled
# Should the number range items in the
# print dialogue have the icon flags on their
# writable components altered?
# History menu title
# Fetcher protocols. For some operations (e.g. the
# Shift+Tab URL writing) a list of currently available
# protocols is useful. Include below the number of
# fetcher protocol modules that may be supported, and
# then a series of entries - the module name followed
# by the protocol prefix (see below for examples).
# The modules may not actually be loaded - this just
# states that there is the potential for them to be
# present. Any fetchers not in this list will be
# ignored by some routines.
# Note that http:// may be special cased to allow for
# 'http://' and 'http://www.' for some systems; similarly
# 'file://' may be special cased to 'file://ADFS::4/$/'.
# Non user-configurable options
# AnimSpeed: Time between null polls when claiming them; relates to the
# fastest the animation can go and the Desktop load the
# browser will represent.
# ShowDStatFor: If showing dialler status, this is the time in centiseconds
# for which an unusual status message will be shown (see
# messages above).
# Quantise: If showing dialler status, this is the quantisation applied
# to online time. This is because a 1 second update may well
# be jerky if the browser is doing a lot of work, and a more
# steady 5 (say) second update may be preferable.
# MinConvergence: Minimum OS unit toolbar width after which toolbar items are
# are not moved or resized to stay in view.
# DontGrey: If 0, toolbar buttons are greyed as usual. If 1, only the
# History menu popup is greyed. If 2, nothing is greyed.
# SwapBars: If 'yes' the upper and lower toolbars are swapped, so the
# status bar can appear at the top of the window and the
# URL/button bars at the bottom.
# [Not yet implemented]
# DBoxAnims: If 'yes', dialogues can contain an animation. This is the
# same as the component in the status bar that holds the
# animation (i.e. same component ID). The animation will be
# advanced 1 frame for every complete cycle of the main
# animation (even if the main animation isn't running).
# If 'no', dialogues can still contain the same component
# but it won't be animated.
# AppendStatus: If 'yes', in the absence of the byte counter display field
# on the status bar the information will be appended to the
# text in the main status display field. Else, 'no'.
# An individual status message may override this though -
# see the relevant section above.
# UseBrackets: If 'yes', then if appending status according to the above,
# the appended text is put in brackets. Else, 'no'.
# AppendURLs: If going to special URL locations such as a hotlist,
# then if this is 'yes', append AppendWith (below) followed
# by the currently displayed URL before moving to that page.
# If this is 'no', the URL is not appended.
# AppendWith: If appending URLs, this is the separator to use between
# the fetch URL and the current URL. It will usually be
# something that a CGI script referenced by the fetch URL
# can latch on to.
# KeepCaret: If 'yes', the caret will be grabbed back into the browser
# window whenever it is lost, provided that the pointer
# is over a browser-owned window. This must only be used for
# systems on an HTML-only interface or other very special
# circumstances, as it prevents any other object from
# getting the caret (well, unless that object pops itself
# up under the pointer). The caret will always be grabbed
# back into the last window opened (which should be the
# only window opened!) as otherwise two windows could
# start arguing over who has the caret.
# ClaimHelp: If 'yes', interactive help requests will be claimed and
# the help text displayed in the status bar.
# ShowHelpFor: The length of time that Help text will be displayed in the
# status bar before other messages are allowed to override
# it.
# StopWebServ: If 'yes', send an AppControl message with a 'Stop'
# reason code to !WebServ, if running, when the 'Stop'
# button is used in the browser. This will force it to
# abort all current connections, breaking any image
# fetches and ditching partial fetches. This is quite a
# vicious thing to do, so only use the option if you're sure
# you want such a complete halt from the software.
# IgnoreAdjust: If 'yes', adjust-clicks will be treated as select
# clicks for any action which would open a second window.
# This can be useful for full screen browsers.
# LockToLine: If 'yes', left/right arrows will only select items on
# the same line (for keyboard control). This introduces
# more consistency as up/down scroll the page etc.,
# but can feel clumsy sometimes. If 'no', left/right will
# allow vertical movement but won't jump over longer
# distances (which can feel inconsistent at times) as
# to do this the page needs to scroll vertically - but it
# is left/right that's being pressed.
# PtrLnkActvX: Link pointer active point x offset (pixels from left).
# PtrLnkActvY: Link pointer active point y offset (pixels from top).
# PtrMapActvX: Map pointer active point x offset (pixels from left).
# PtrMapActvY: Map pointer active point y offset (pixels from top).
# BackOffAt: During an image fetch, memory is claimed temporarily for
# processing. The more simultaneous image fetches are going
# on, the greater the high water mark of memory consumption.
# Images are also kept from the previous page and garbage
# collected after the fetch, so that images common between
# the pages aren't fetched twice. However, in low memory
# situations it is desirable to discard such images and
# then start backing away from the maximum number of
# fetches that are allowed. Set this entry to the amount
# of free memory in K below which this starts to happen.
# [Not yet implemented]
# Dynamically created pages. Note that MessageTrans will deal with '%'s,
# so you need two if you want one.
PEmptyDoc:<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Empty document</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H2>The server returned an empty document.</H2></BODY></HTML>
# Warning! This one gets compiled with sprintf, so if using a '%' anywhere,
# make sure it's done as '%%'. Then do it again to cope with MessageTrans;
# so for a single %, put four in. Hmph.
PExtImage:<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%%s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><FONT SIZE="5"><IMG SRC="%%s" ALIGN="CENTER" ALT="Fetching picture..."></FONT><P>&nbsp;<P><CENTER><B>%s</B><HR WIDTH = 80%%%%><A HREF="!INTRNL!GoBack:Previous Page">Go back to the previous page</A></CENTER></BODY></HTML>
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