Commit 5f9b5a63 authored by ROOL's avatar ROOL 🤖
Browse files

This commit was manufactured by cvs2git to create branch 'StrongARM'.

Sprout from Black 1996-11-05 09:41:48 UTC Neil Turton <> 'Import from cleaned 360 CD'
Cherrypick from master 1996-11-05 09:40:48 UTC Neil Turton <> 'Clean reimport of hdr.RISCOS (real commit date 2008-03-28 by bavison), without any of the 3rd party allocations.':
parent 3da129d2
> !ReadMe
Instructions on how to make/modify Arthur.
Directory Asm contains the Exec files.
Asm.A500 assembles the A500 kernel and then does *Asm.BuildA500
Asm.BuildA500 glues modules to the kernel to make an image for 27512's.
Asm.BigA500 glues modules to the kernel to make an image for 1Mbit devices.
Asm.Test assembles the Archimedes kernel, for 300 and 400 series machines.
NB. This uses Hdr.Archie, not Hdr.Test !!!
Asm.Test2 glues modules to the kernel to make an image for 1Mbit devices.
Asm.MoveFS takes a new copy of FileSwitch (and headers) from the net.
Asm.TransTim takes a new copy of Tim's stuff from the net.
Directory Hdr has the header files for the various assemblies.
Directory Text has various files, only one of which is important:
Text.Changes should be updated whenever changes are made to Arthur.
Text.Still has my list of things still to do.
Quick guide to the source files:
Kernel is the first, and has the SWI dispatcher, plus the initialized variables
to copy into RAM, plus some Brazil swi handlers.
Middle contains the rest of the Brazil swi stuff, plus supervisor routines.
NewReset is the reset code - if you need to change this, you will need to use
the AddTubeBashers flag, which lives in Kernel. The TubeChar macro should then
Super1 is the supervisor loop, plus more Brazil oddsnsods.
ArthurSWIs is ReadUnsigned, vectors, services, ValidateAddress. Note that
the version of ChangeDynamic in here is NOT the one that's assembled.
Arthur2 is variables, GSTRANs
Arthur3 is command code, including Status/Configure.
Other files are hopefully obvious from their names.
Backing Up.
You need to copy the whole tree from $.Kernel to the backup medium.
You also need to take a copy of all the current header files from $.Hdr.
A copy of all the tools in $.Library and $.Utils would also be handy.
Have fun!
This diff is collapsed.
; > 5thColumn
RISC OS Support for extension ROMs
Author: Tim Dobson
Status: Draft
Issue: 0.03
Date Revision Changes
11-Oct-90 0.00 Started
16-Oct-90 0.01 Completed first draft
08-Feb-91 0.02 Updated to reflect reality
23-Apr-91 0.03 Added note about directly executable
extension ROMS
This document describes the enhancements to RISC OS to support extension (or
"5th column") ROMs.
Extension ROMs are ROMs fitted in addition to the main ROM set, which
provide software modules which are automatically loaded by RISC OS on
The availability, size and number of extension ROM sockets depends on which
type of RISC OS computer you are using.
In general, however, RISC OS recognises extension ROMs or ROM sets which are
8, 16 or 32 bits wide, provided the ROM adheres to the specification below.
32 bit wide extension ROM sets are directly executable in place, saving on
user RAM. 8 or 16 bit wide sets have to be copied into RAM to execute.
Creating an extension ROM
Extension ROMs appear in the ROM area of the memory map, ie between
&03400000 and &03FFFFFF. An extension ROM set must end on a 64K boundary or
at the start of another extension ROM. This is normally not a problem as it
is unlikely you would want to use a ROM smaller than a 27128 (16K), and the
normal way of addressing this would mean that the ROM would be visible in 1
byte out of each word, ie within a 64K addressable area.
Extension ROMs have a header at the end of the ROM image which indicates the
presence of a valid extension ROM. The header is at the end because RISC OS
scans the ROM area downwards from the top.
At the end of each ROM set of size 'n' bytes must be a 16-byte header as
Byte address Contents
n-16 1-word size field containing n
n-12 1-word checksum (bottom 32 bits of the sum of all
words from addresses 0 to n-16 inclusive)
n-8 2-word id "ExtnROM0" indicating a valid extension
ROM, ie
n-8 &45 ; "E"
n-7 &78 ; "x"
n-6 &74 ; "t"
n-5 &6E ; "n"
n-4 &52 ; "R"
n-3 &4F ; "O"
n-2 &4D ; "M"
n-1 &30 ; "0"
Note that the ROM header will not necessarily appear in the memory map in
the last 16 bytes if the ROM set is 8 or 16 bits wide. In the 8-bit case,
the header will appear in one of the four byte positions of the last 16
words, and in the 16-bit case, in one of the two half-word positions of the
last 8 words. However, RISC OS copes with this.
Extension ROMs also have a header at the *start* of the ROM set, which is
identical to the format of an expansion card's identity space. This is
because the Podule manager module handles much of the extension ROM
The format of the header at the start is as follows:-
Byte address Contents Meaning
0 &00 Extended expansion card identity,
not requesting IRQ or FIQ
1 &03 bit 0 set => there is a chunk
bit 1 set => interrupt status
pointers defined (necessary because
bit 0 is set)
bits 2,3 = 0 => 8-bits wide (NB this
should be set to 0 irrespective of
the actual width of the ROM set)
2 &00 Reserved, must be zero
3 &87 Product type (lo-byte)
4 &00 Product type (hi-byte)
See below
5 Manuf(lo) Manufacturer code (lo-byte)
6 Manuf(hi) Manufacturer code (hi-byte)
See below
7 Country Country code - see below
8 to 15 &00 Interrupt status pointers (extension
ROMs do not generate interrupts!)
16 onwards Chunk directory - see below
Product type code: Note that &0087 has been allocated as a product type code
for all extension ROMs.
Manufacturer code: All manufacturers of expansion cards and/or extension
ROMs should have a code for manufacturer. If you have not already been
allocated one, you should consult Acorn.
Country code: Every extension ROM should have a code for the country of
origin. These match those used by the International module, except that the
UK has a country code of 0 for expansion cards and extension ROMs. If you do
not already know the correct country code for your country, you should
consult Acorn.
The chunk directory in an extension ROM is identical to that in an expansion
card - see the chapter "Expansion Cards: Technical Details" in the RISC OS
Programmer's Reference Manual.
In extension ROMs which are directly executable (ie which are 32 bits wide),
the word immediately preceding the start of each module must contain (size
of module +4), ie an offset from itself to the first word after the module.
It is recommended that all extension ROMs be created like this, irrespective
of whether they are directly executable.
Additional interfaces to support extension ROMs
Changes to Podule manager
The Podule manager module is responsible for recognising extension ROMs,
although it is the kernel which is responsible for loading modules contained
in them.
The numbering scheme for expansion card slots has been extended to include
extension ROMs. The numbers for extension ROMs are -2, -3, -4... (-1 is
reserved for the main ROM, although the Podule manager itself does not
accept -1 for any of its SWI calls).
All Podule manager SWIs which take an expansion card slot number as a
parameter allow an extension ROM specifier instead.
The SWIs Podule_ReadID, Podule_ReadHeader, Podule_EnumerateChunks,
Podule_ReadChunk operate as one would expect when presented with an
extension ROM specifier.
The SWIs Podule_ReadBytes, Podule_WriteBytes, Podule_CallLoader will
normally fail because extension ROMs have no code space or loader.
SWI Podule_RawRead will read successive bytes out of the extension ROM,
taking the ROM width into account.
SWI Podule_RawWrite must not be used with an extension ROM specifier, as
writing to the ROM area can reprogram the memory and video controllers.
SWI Podule_HardwareAddress returns the base address of the specified
extension ROM, although this is not in general useful as the ROM width can
New SWIs
SWI Podule_EnumerateChunksWithInfo
in: R0 = chunk number (zero to start)
R3 = expansion card slot number or extension ROM number
out: R0 = next chunk number (zero if final chunk enumerated)
R1 = size (in bytes) if R0<>0 on exit
R2 = operating system identity byte if R0<>0 on exit
R4 = pointer to a copy of the module name if the chunk is a relocatable module, else preserved
R5 = pointer to a copy of the module's help string if the chunk is a relocatable module, else preserved
R6 = address of module if the chunk is a directly executable relocatable module
or 0 if the chunk is a non-directly-executable relocatable module
else preserved
SWI Podule_HardwareAddresses
in: R3 = expansion card slot number or extension ROM number
out: R0 = raw hardware address
R1 = combined hardware address
For an expansion card, the "raw hardware address" is the base address of the
expansion card, and the "combined hardware address" is the raw hardware
address (in bits 12-25) combined with the base address of the expansion
card's private CMOS RAM (in bits 0-11) (as returned by SWI
For an extension ROM, the two addresses are the same, and are the start
address of the extension ROM (ie the address of the first byte of the ROM).
Star commands
*Podules now displays the extension ROMs in the system as well as expansion cards.
Changes to kernel
SWI OS_Module
OS_Module 17 (Add expansion card module) - This call now allows R3 to be
either an expansion card slot number or an extension ROM number.
OS_Module 19 (Enumerate ROM modules) - This call now enumerates
over all ROM sections, ie extension ROM modules as well as main ROM and
expansion card modules. R2 on entry now specifies the ROM section number to
start scanning from, with the order of enumeration as follows:-
-1 (main ROM), 0, 1, 2, 3 (expansion cards), -2, -3, -4,... (extension ROMs)
Edition 1 of the PRM is incorrect when it states that on exit R1 (the
module number to scan from) is incremented and R2 (the expansion card number
to scan from) is preserved.
In fact R1 returns the module number of the found module plus one, where
modules are numbered from zero within each ROM section, and R2 returns the
ROM section number of the found module, which may be in a different ROM
section from the value passed in R2 on entry, if there are insufficient
modules in the specified section.
The values returned in R1 and R2 are therefore set up for the next call to
OS_Module 19.
The call returns the error "No more modules" (error number &107) if there
are no more modules from the point specified in the ordering.
New call
OS_Module 20 (Enumerate ROM modules with version)
This call is identical to OS_Module 19, except that on exit R6 holds a BCD
(binary coded decimal) form of the module's version number, as derived from
the module's help string. The top 16 bits of this value hold the integer
part of the version number, and the bottom 16 bits hold the fractional part,
eg if the version number of the module is "3.14" then the value returned
would be &00031400.
Module initialisation
The way in which the kernel initialises modules has been changed. If there
is more than one version of the same module present in the ROM (which
includes all ROM sections) then only the newest version of the module is
initialised, where newest means the version with the highest version number.
(If there are two copies of the same version, then directly executable
versions (ie in main ROM or in a 32-bit wide extension ROM) are considered
"newer". If they are equal in this respect, then the later one in scanning
order is considered to be newer.)
The kernel first scans down the list of modules in the main ROM. For each
module in this list, the kernel initialises the newest version of that
For each module in the main ROM, the newest version of that module
If an extension ROM contains a newer version of a module in the
main ROM, then the newer version will be initialised at the point in the
initialisation sequence where the main ROM version would have been
initialised. This allows main ROM modules to be replaced without the
problems associated with initialisation order.
The kernel then applies the same rule to all of the expansion cards in turn.
In each case the newest version of the module is initialised, but with the
hardware address (in R11) corresponding to that of the expansion card.
The kernel finally initialises any extension ROM modules that are the newest
versions, but which have not already been initialised in lieu of a module in the
main ROM or on an expansion card.
Star commands
*ROMModules now displays the version number of each module, as well as the
other information. Extension ROM modules are now included in the list. Note
that extension ROMs are numbered 1, 2, 3... in this command - these
correspond to ROM section numbers -2, -3, -4... respectively.
*Unplug can now unplug extension ROM modules, as well as modules in the main
ROM or in expansion cards. The syntax is now
*Unplug [<moduletitle> [<ROM section number>]]
*Unplug with no parameters does the same as it used to, ie display any
unplugged modules.
*Unplug with a module name but no ROM section number specified unplugs all
versions of that module in the system, and kills off any active module of
that name.
If a ROM section number is specified then only versions of that module
in that ROM section are unplugged.
The action of *RMReInit has changed slightly. If the specified module is
active, then the effect is as before, ie the module is killed and then
If the specified module is not active, but is in the ROM, then the unplug
bit in CMOS RAM is cleared for all versions of the specified module, and
then the newest version of the module is initialised.
New star command
*RMInsert <moduletitle> [<ROM section number>]
If no ROM section number is specified, then this command clears the unplug
bit for all versions of the specified module, without reinitialising any of
If a ROM section number is specified, then this command clears the unplug
bit for all versions of the specified module present in the given section,
without reinitialising any of them.
; A540Extend
Title: A540Extend
Author: Tim Dobson
Version: 1.01
Started: 01-Nov-90
Last updated: 25-Nov-91
Status: Release
01-Nov-90 TMD Created
25-Nov-91 TMD Updated for RISC OS 3.03
Additions to the mode extension system for A540 and similar machines
This document describes extensions to the RISC OS mode extension system for
machines which have programmable VIDC clock speeds and sync polarities, such
as the A540. Familiarity with the RISC OS 2.00 mode extension system is
assumed (this is described in the existing Programmer's Reference Manual).
The A540 has extra hardware to allow the selection of different VIDC clocks
and to determine the polarity of the sync lines. VIDC uses its clock
together with a set of internal dividers to provide a range of pixel rates.
The format of the "VIDC list" returned from Service_ModeExtension (&50) has
been extended to allow the pixel rate and sync polarities to be specified.
On original Archimedes machines, the VIDC clock is fixed at 24MHz, and the
pixel rate is only determined by VIDC's internal dividers, as specified in
bits 0 and 1 of the Control Register (VIDC address &E0). This would be
stored in the VIDC list as a word of the form &E00000xx.
RISC OS now supports two different format VIDC lists.
The original (type 0) VIDC list format is as follows:-
Offset Value
0 0
4 VIDC base mode
8 VIDC parameter
12 VIDC parameter
.. ..
n -1
The new (type 1) VIDC list format is as follows:-
Offset Value
0 1
4 VIDC base mode
8 VIDC parameter
12 VIDC parameter
.. ..
n -1
n+4 Extended parameter
n+8 Extended parameter
.. ..
m -1
where extended parameters are of the form
(0 << 24) + (pixel rate in kHz)
(1 << 24) + (sync polarity)
(2 << 24) + (true VIDC clock rate in kHz)
** This option available only from RISC OS 3.03 onwards **
The sync polarity is defined as follows:-
bit 0 = 0 => HSync +ve (as on a standard Archimedes)
= 1 => HSync -ve
bit 1 = 0 => VSync +ve (as on a standard Archimedes)
= 1 => Vsync -ve
bits 2..23 must be zero
A pixel rate specifier in a type 1 VIDC list will override the settings of
bits 0 and 1 of a Control Register specifier in the main body of the list.
If no pixel rate is specified, then the VIDC clock is set to 24MHz, and the
settings of the divider in the Control Register are used as normal.
The A540 hardware provides the following pixel rates:-
24000 kHz, 25175 kHz, 36000 kHz with a multiplier of 2/2
16000 kHz, 16783 kHz, 24000 kHz with a multiplier of 2/3
12000 kHz, 12587 kHz, 18000 kHz with a multiplier of 1/2
8000 kHz, 8392 kHz, 12000 kHz with a multiplier of 1/3
If the pixel rate specified is not achievable with the hardware on the
machine, the nearest available pixel rate is used.
Note: when specifying a pixel rate for a hi-res-mono display, the pixel rate
specified should be the actual pixel rate divided by 4, ie 24000 not 96000.
If no sync polarity is specified, a default of 0 is used (ie the same as a
normal Archimedes).
The true VIDC clock rate specifier (only on RISC OS 3.03 or later) is
intended to be used in systems where the clock rate fed to VIDC is under the
control of some external device, rather than being selected by the clock
select latch. (For example, on the portable machine, the LCD ASIC feeds
either 8MHz or 16MHz into VIDC when LCD modes are selected).
The values programmed into the clock select latch and the VIDC divider are
still determined either from the control register specifier or a pixel rate
specifier assuming the same range of clock speeds as on the A540, but the
VIDC clock rate specifier is used to determine the video memory rate,
which in turn determines the VIDC FIFO Request Pointer values (bits 4 and 5
of the VIDC control register). The VIDC clock rate specifier is also stored
in VDU variable VIDCClockSpeed (&AC), which is used by the SoundDMA module
to determine the VIDC Sound Frequency Register value.
> net#arf:$.a500.RiscOS+.doc.Kernel
Description: Documentation of changes to kernel for PRM
Author: Tim Dobson
Status: Preliminary
06-Oct-89 TMD Created
13-Oct-89 TMD Added documentation of OS_RemoveCallBack
27-Oct-89 TMD Added documentation of VDU variable VIDCClockSpeed
01-Dec-89 NRaine Added documentation of OS_FindMemMapEntries
04-Dec-89 TMD Documentation of OS_FindMemMapEntries updated slightly
The description of bug fixes below is in a very rough state at the moment -
it will need to be tidied up before publication. Not all of the information
below is relevant to the average user.
Documentation updates since RISC OS 2.00 release
Changes applying to RISC OS 2.01
A new SWI, OS_ChangeRedirection, has been added, to allow the reading and
writing of the handles associated with OS_CLI input/output redirection. This
call was provided for future versions of the task window module, so that
these handles can be made local to the task running in a task window.
SWI OS_ChangeRedirection
Read or write OS_CLI input/output redirection handles
in: R0 = new input handle (0 => not redirected, -1 => leave alone)
R1 = new output handle (0 => not redirected, -1 => leave alone)
out: R0 = old input handle (0 => not redirected)
R1 = old output handle (0 => not redirected)
In RISC OS 2.00, the SWI OS_AddCallBack allowed interrupt routines to
request a callback, which was granted later when RISC OS was about to
exit to a user mode routine with IRQs enabled. However there was no way to
cancel a callback request before it was granted. This could cause problems,
for example if a module is being killed, and it has outstanding callback
requests, it must refuse to die, otherwise the callback may be granted after
that memory has been reused for something else. For this reason a new SWI,
OS_RemoveCallBack, has been added.
SWI OS_RemoveCallBack
Remove a transient callback from the list
in: R0 = address that was to be called
R1 = value of R12 that the routine was to be called with
out: R0 = preserved
R1 = preserved
A new VDU variable, VIDCClockSpeed (variable number 172), has been added.
The value of this variable is the current VIDC clock rate, in kHz. This
value changes when a screen mode is selected which requires a different
clock rate. The value is read in the same way as other VDU variables, by
issuing the SWI OS_ReadVduVariables.
Typical values are 24000 (ie 24MHz) for TV standard modes, 25175 (ie
25.175MHz) for VGA modes, and 36000 (ie 36MHz) for super-VGA modes.
A number of routines were changed to improve IRQ latency:-
a) New version of ChangeDynamicArea which reenables interrupts.
b) Heap manager extend block has improved IRQ latency.
c) Made OS_Byte &87 restore caller's IRQ state during call.
d) Made OS_Word &0E,0 enable IRQs during call.
e) Made OS_Word &15,0 enable IRQs during call.
The heap manager has been optimised in a few places.
The routine that converts a date and time value (in hours, minutes, seconds
etc) into a 5-byte centisecond value has been made smaller and much faster.
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in extend heap call (stack imbalance when returning 'No RAM for
extending heap' error)
Fixed "*%" (LDREQB not LDREQ).
Fixed OS_ReadArgs with a /E argument that evaluates to a string (always used
to give 'Buffer full' - also fixed 2 other bugs lurking in the background,
viz. did STRB of buffer addr assuming it was non-zero to indicate a string,
and didn't allow for length and type bytes in amount free value.
Fixed OS_Word &15 reason code 4 (Read unbuffered mouse position) - it used
to generate undefined instruction trap due to stack mismatch.
Fixed OS_SWINumberToString with negative numbers.
Fixed ROMModules never saying 'Running'.
Made OS_SpriteOp reentrant by pushing register dump area on stack.
Fixed sideways scroll by one 'byte' in MODEs 3 and 6.
Fixed incarnation names being terminated by 1st character.
Fixed *Unplug using address as extra terminator for module name.
Fixed podule IRQ despatcher corrupting R0 (prevented it from correctly
disabling the podule IRQ (or podule FIQ-as-IRQ) interrupt if no handler)
RR-2047: Fixed bug in GSRead with quoted termination.
RR-2060: Fixed bug in AddCallBack which freed the wrong heap node.
RR-2066: Fixed bug which occasionally left soft cursors on the screen.
RR-2067: Fixed bug in keyboard driver (pressing Break (as escape) key when
keyboard buffer full did nothing)
RR-2079: Fixed bug in CallAfter/Every which returned duff error pointers.
Changed error message from null string to 'Invalid time interval'.
RR-2080: Fixed rename incarnation bug.
RR-2099: Fixed bug in monadic plus/minus in EvaluateExpression (eg *Eval
RR-2105: Added help on LEN in *Help Eval.
RR-2108: Fixed bug in prefer incarnation which returned duff error pointers.
Changes applying to RISC OS 2.04
A new SWI OS_FindMemMapEntries has been added to allow fast scanning of the
soft CAM map to find the correct page numbers for a given range of addresses.
For efficiency, the caller supplies the probable page numbers as well as the
addresses, so that the routine can take a quick look to check if the page
number is already correct before scanning the rest of the CAM map.
SWI OS_FindMemMapEntries
In: R0 -> table of 12-byte page entries
+0 4 probable page number (0..npages-1) (use 0 if no idea)
+4 4 logical address to match with
+8 4 undefined
terminated by a single word containing -1
Out: table of 12-byte entries updated:
+0 4 actual page number (-1 => not found)
+4 4 address (preserved)
+8 4 page protection level
terminator preserved
; > KernlSplit
Feasibility of splitting the RISC OS kernel
Author: Tim Dobson
Name: KernlSplit
Document version: 0.01
Last modified: 19-Apr-90
Cbange record:
Date Name Description of change
---- ---- ---------------------
19-Apr-90 TDobson Started
This document discusses the feasibility of splitting the RISC OS kernel into
separate modules/code segments for each device driver.
Suggested device drivers to be split off:-
Screen hardware drivers
Hardware scroll/multiple display banks
Allocation of screen memory
Bitmap manipulation
Real time clock
Memory control
; Available from RISC OS 3.30 onwards
SWI OS_MMUControl (&6B)
On entry:
R0 = reason code/flags (must be zero)
R1 = XOR mask
R2 = AND mask
On exit:
R1 = old value of control register
R2 = new value of control register
Interrupt status is undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor mode:
Processor is in SVC mode
Not defined
This call performs a read-modify-write operation on the ARM MMU
control register. The new value of the register is
((old value AND R2) XOR R1)
The old value of the register is returned in R1, and the new value
in R2. If the call results in the C (Cache enable) bit being
changed, the cache is flushed.
This call is intended for internal system use only. Users wishing to
enable or disable the cache should use the *Cache command instead.
000 App space
01C System heap/svc stack
01E Soft CAM copy/und stack
01F Sound/pointer/random
020 RMA
02C L2PT and L1PT
030 I/O
038 ROM
040 Screen
060 Free pool
0E2 Sprites
164 Font cache
1E6 RAM disc
268 Another area 1
2EA Another area 2
36C Another area 3
3EE Another area 4
470 Another area 5
4F2 Another area 6
574 Another area 7
5F6 Another area 8
678 Another area 9
6FA Another area 10
77C Another area 11
7FE Nothing
800 Phys space copy
A00 Another area 12
A82 Another area 13
B04 Another area 14
B86 Another area 15
C08 Another area 16
C8A Another area 17
D0C Another area 18
D8E Another area 19
E10 Another area 20
E92 Another area 21
F14 Another area 22
F96 Nothing
000 App space
01C System heap/svc stack
01E Soft CAM copy/und stack
01F Sound/pointer/random
020 RMA
02C L2PT and L1PT
030 I/O
038 ROM
040 Screen
060 Free pool
162 Sprites
264 Font cache
366 RAM disc
468 Another area 1
56A Another area 2
66C Another area 3
76E Nothing
800 Phys space copy
A00 Another area 4
B02 Another area 5
C03 Another area 6
D04 Another area 7
E05 Another area 8
F06 Nothing
Title: Mode22
Author: Tim Dobson
05-Dec-91 TMD Created
From RISC OS 3.03 onwards a new screen mode (22) is available, on monitor
types 0 and 1 only, which is suitable for use by visually impaired people.
In terms of pixels and colours the mode is equivalent to mode 35 (an
overscan mode), ie 16 colours, 768 pixels by 288 rows.
However, the ratio of OS coordinates to pixels is changed so that instead of
the screen being 1536 by 1152 coordinates like mode 35, it is only 768 by
576 coordinates. This results in most text and graphics in the desktop being
drawn twice as large in both X and Y directions, thus making them easier to
There are currently a number of problems associated with this mode:-
a) The desktop tool sprites (ie the sprites used in window borders and the
like) are inappropriate for this mode, causing some horizontal lines to
become double thickness, and some vertical lines to disappear entirely.
b) Some applications (including those in the ROM) create windows of a
certain size without scroll bars, and assume that the screen will be big
enough in one or both directions to accommodate the whole of the window.
Some parts of these windows may then be inaccessible.
Examples of this are:-
Filer windows with 'Full info' selected
!Alarm 'Setup','Set clock', 'Set alarm' (particularly repeating alarms)
!Chars window
!Draw toolbox (goes partly off bottom)
!Edit 'Find text' window (particularly with 'Magic characters' or
'Wildcarded expressions' turned on
c) Some applications may create windows and then assume that the
window has been created that size, and then create icons in that
window assuming that size. The icons will then appear in the wrong
place, eg overlapping other icons.
Examples of this are:-
!Paint tool window with various tools selected (eg use sprite as brush)
d) Some applications may create windows aligned with the bottom of the
screen, such that the title bar goes completely off the top of the screen.
The window therefore cannot be moved.
Examples of this are:-
Some !Impression windows.
e) Some applications which use sprites to update their windows, always use
a fixed number of pixels for their windows. The inside of the window
therefore does not appear double size.
Examples of this are:-
PC emulator (in a window).
Modes we can do:
DRAM-only system: Peak bandwidth used (x 1E6 bytes/sec)
Total bandwidth available
= 46.5E6 bytes/sec
640 x 480 (72Hz) at 8bpp 31.5
800 x 600 (56Hz) at 8bpp 36
800 x 600 (60Hz) at 8bpp 40
800 x 600 (72Hz) at 4bpp 25
1024 x 768 (60Hz) at 4bpp 32.5
1024 x 768 (70Hz) at 4bpp 37.5
1M VRAM system:
Total bandwidth available
= 80E6 bytes/sec
640 x 480 (72Hz) at 16bpp 63
800 x 600 (56Hz) at 16bpp 72
800 x 600 (60Hz) at 16bpp 80
800 x 600 (72Hz) at 8bpp 50
1024 x 768 (60Hz) at 8bpp 65
1024 x 768 (70Hz) at 8bpp 75
2M VRAM system:
Total bandwidth available
= 160E6 bytes/sec
640 x 480 (72Hz) at 32bpp 126
800 x 600 (56Hz) at 32bpp 144
800 x 600 (60Hz) at 32bpp 160
800 x 600 (72Hz) at 16bpp 100
1024 x 768 (60Hz) at 16bpp 130
1024 x 768 (70Hz) at 16bpp 150
; > Doc.MonLead
Title: MonLead
Author: Tim Dobson
Version: 0.04
Started: 19-Mar-91
Last updated: 24-Apr-92
Status: Incomplete
19-Mar-91 TMD Created
19-Mar-91 TMD Updated
10-Apr-91 TMD Added documentation of Service_MonitorLeadTranslation
24-Apr-92 TMD Corrected information to match bodge for LiteOn monitor
Automatic detection of monitor type from monitor lead ID pins
Some RISC OS computers have circuitry which allows the detection of the
state of ID pins on the monitor connector. This allows the computer to
distinguish between most types of monitor, and adjust its video output
To support this, a number of changes have been made to RISC OS:-
a) To simplify the interface, the commands *Configure Mode and
*Configure WimpMode have been merged. Both commands control the same CMOS
location. Therefore the same screen mode will be selected on startup
irrespective of whether the desktop is being used.
b) The commands *Configure Mode/WimpMode, *Configure MonitorType, and
*Configure Sync now take the keyword Auto as an alternative to a numeric
parameter. If this option is configured, then RISC OS will determine a
reasonable default for the particular parameter, based on the type of
monitor plugged in.
As the default is for all three to be set to Auto, the user should only have
to change the settings if he has a type of monitor which is not recognised
properly, or if he wishes to use a different screen mode from the chosen
c) The effect of holding certain keys down on power-on is slightly changed:-
Key held down on power-on Settings of CMOS RAM
R or Delete MonitorType Auto, Mode/WimpMode Auto, Sync Auto, and all the rest it used to
T or Copy MonitorType Auto, Mode/WimpMode Auto, Sync 0 (separate syncs), and all the rest
Keypad 0 to 9 MonitorType 0 to 9
Keypad dot MonitorType Auto, Mode/WimpMode Auto, Sync Auto
d) A new service has been added which allows unknown values of the monitor
ID to be recognised by modules and converted into the appropriate monitor
type number, sync type and default mode, as follows:-
Service_MonitorLeadTranslation (&76)
in: R1 = service code (&76)
R2 = monitor lead ID (see below)
out: If monitor lead ID is recognised, then the module should set
R1 = 0 (claim service)
R3 = default screen mode number to use on this type of monitor
R4 = monitor type number to use (as used in *Configure MonitorType)
R5 = sync type to use on this type of monitor
(0 => separate syncs, 1 => composite sync)
All other registers must be preserved.
If the monitor lead ID is not recognised, the module should preserve
all registers.
The monitor connector provides 4 ID pins, ID0-ID3. Each of these may be
connected to 0v, +5v or to the Hsync pin. The monitor lead ID therefore
represents the state of the 4 ID pins by 8 bits as follows:-
Bit 0 Bit 1 State of ID0
Bit 2 Bit 3 State of ID1
Bit 4 Bit 5 State of ID2
Bit 6 Bit 7 State of ID3
0 0 Tied to 0v
1 0 Tied to +5v
0 1 Tied to Hsync
1 1 Inderminate - either the state is fluctuating
or machine is not capable of reading the ID
The service is issued when SWI OS_ReadSysInfo is called with R0=1 (see
document 'ReadSysInf') if any of the configured Mode/MonitorType/Sync are
set to Auto.
If the service is not claimed, then RISC OS checks the monitor lead ID
against the following list of recognised IDs:-
Monitor ID pins Monitor type Sync type Default mode
X=don't care
Pin 0 1 2 3
1 1 H X 1 (Multisync) 1 (composite) 27
1 0 1 X 3 (Mono VGA) 0 (separate) 27
0 1 1 X 3 (Colour VGA) 0 (separate) 27
0 1 0 X 1 (Multisync) * 0 (separate) 27
H 1 1 X 0 (TV standard) 1 (composite) 12
For all other ID values RISC OS uses the TV standard monitor settings.
* This entry should really be monitor type 4 (Super VGA). However the LiteOn
monitor returns this monitor ID, even though it can do the TV standard
modes. RISC OS therefore selects monitor type 1 instead, so the TV standard
and VGA standard modes can be selected on this monitor.
Title: PaletteV
Author: Tim Dobson
11-Nov-91 TMD Adapted from ColourTrans.Doc.PaletteV
25-Nov-91 TMD Changed a bit about setting flashing colours
From RISC OS 3.03 onwards, the kernel has a default entry on PaletteV. Also,
a number of additional reason codes have been added, to facilitate the
implementation of the LCD drivers for Perth.
The new specification for PaletteV is as follows:-
R4 holds a reason code on entry to the vector. Any owner of the vector which
has carried out the operation requested should set R4 to zero and claim the
Reason codes
1 - Read palette
in: R0 = logical colour
R1 = type of colour (16,17,18,24,25)
R4 = 1 (reason code)
out: R2 = 1st flash colour (&BBGGRRSS) - device colour
R3 = 2nd flash colour (&BBGGRRSS) - device colour
R4 = 0 => operation complete
2 - Set palette
in: R0 = logical colour
R1 = type of colour (16,17,18,24,25)
R2 = &BBGGRRSS - device colour
R4 = 2 (reason code)
out: R4 = 0 => operation complete
3 - Set first flash state
in: R4 = 3 (reason code)
out: R4 = 0 => operation complete
4 - Set second flash state
in: R4 = 4 (reason code)
out: R4 = 0 => operation complete
5 - Set default palette
in: R4 = 5 (reason code)
out: R4 = 0 => operation complete
6 - Blank/unblank screen (only available from RISC OS 3.08 onwards)
in: R0 = -1 (read blank state)
or 0 (unblank screen)
or 1 (blank screen)
R4 = 6 (reason code)
out: R0 = old state (0=unblanked, 1=blanked)
R4 = 0 => operation complete
This call blanks or unblanks the screen, independently of the current
palette settings.
In the SS bits mentioned in calls 1 and 2 above, bit 7 is the current
supremacy bit, other bits are reserved.
How old OS calls map onto PaletteV
Initial suggestions were that VDU 19 and OS_Word(12) should ignore the
bottom 4 bits of RGB values passed to them, and duplicate the top 4 bits in
the bottom 4 bits before calling PaletteV. This was so that old style
programs which set the low nybbles to zero would work correctly on machines
with 8-bit per gun palette hardware.
However, I believe that this damages the usefulness of the above calls
unnecessarily. As long as the default palettes read back true 8-bit values,
and the PaletteUtil module duplicates the nybbles when setting the colours,
it should not be necessary to alter the parameters to VDU 19 and
So the OS will pass the values through to PaletteV, and, assuming there is
no-one else on the vector, will get the values itself. At this point it will
just store the top 4 bits of each value in its soft copy, and in the
hardware if appropriate (when setting the 1st and 2nd flashing colours it
only updates the hardware if that flash state is current).
The calls to read the palette on earlier versions of the OS return a value
which corresponds to how the palette entry was programmed, ie 0..15 if a BBC
style colour was selected, 16 if steady RGB colours were used, 17 or 18 for
flashing colours, 24 for border colours and 25 for pointer colours.
Since PaletteV does not return this information, the OS will try to make up
this information itself. It can easily cope with the 24,25 cases. If the two
colours returned are different, it will substitute 17 or 18 as appropriate,
otherwise it will use 16. It will no longer return values in the range 0 to
Also, when setting the palette, PaletteV does not understand BBC colours
0..15. In order to provide the necessary functionality, the OS calls to set
the palette will trap these values and convert them to type 16 calls (for
0..7) or pairs of type 17 and type 18 calls.
This requires a slight change to the specification of what type 17 and 18
calls do. At the moment, these calls NEVER update the VIDC palette, instead
they only update the relevant soft copy, and when/if the flash state
changes, the colours are updated. But programming a BBC flashing colour
takes effect immediately even if the flash state is 'frozen'.
I therefore propose to make the 17 and 18 calls also update the VIDC palette
if the current state is 1st or 2nd respectively. It's still not quite ideal
because you really want to update both flash colours atomically, in case the
state changed in between the two calls.
; > 5thColumn.Concept
RISC OS Support for extension ROMs
Author: Tim Dobson
Status: Draft
Issue: 0.02
Date Revision Changes
11-Oct-90 0.00 Started
16-Oct-90 0.01 Completed first draft
04-Feb-91 0.02 Updated to reflect reality
This document describes the purpose of the extension ROM system and
discusses various design issues. For the full technical documentation, refer
to the document "5thColumn.Manual".
The extension ROM system allows the development of hardware platforms fitted
with a normal 32 bit wide RISC OS ROM set plus one or more 8, 16 or 32 bit
ROMs or EPROMs containing software modules which add to or replace modules
in the main ROM set. This allows the same main ROM set to be used in a wider
variety of hardware platforms, removing the extra cost and lead times of
re-romming, and possibly reducing costs by allowing bulk purchase of the
main ROM set.
The extension ROM(s) appear in the memory map in unused parts of the low
(&03400000 to &037FFFFF) or high (&03800000 to &03FFFFFF) ROM areas. A 32
bit wide extension ROM set is directly executable in place, saving on user
RAM. 8 or 16 bit wide sets have to be copied into RAM to execute. By using
the low ROM area (whose access time is programmable independently from the
high area containing the main ROM set) slow EPROMs can be used.
A particularly attractive configuration might be to have 8 ROM sockets on
the board, 4 for the main ROM set, and the other 4 capable of taking either
one 32 bit wide set (eg a large set of applications eg Internet) or up to 4
individual 8 bit wide ROMs containing smaller applications or utilities.
The scheme also allows a machine to have limited protection against
unauthorised access, if the extension ROM contains a module which requires a
password to be entered before continuing.
In order to allow different sizes of EPROMs to be used without having to
have links on the board, the software will look for extension ROMs at higher
addresses first, and work backwards. This means that the high order address
lines (which should be tied to +5v on smaller sizes of EPROM) will be pulled
high initially, although they will be pulled low later on when looking for
further extension ROMs.
The way in which the kernel initialises modules has been changed. If there
is more than one version of the same module present in the ROM (which
includes the main ROM, expansion card ROMs and extension ROMs) then only the
newest version of the module is initialised. If an extension ROM contains a
newer version of a module in the main ROM, then the newer version will be
initialised at the point in the initialisation sequence where the main ROM
version would have been initialised. This allows main ROM modules to be
replaced without the problems associated with initialisation order.
; > PrivDoc.MMPM
Still to do on memory management, as of 26-May-93:
; Must be TMD
+ Make SoftCAMMap variable size
+ Finish routine to allocate backing L2 for an area
+ Write routine to allocate logical addresses for areas
+ Write routine to check for overlapping areas
+ Complete Create dynamic area routine
(done apart from final OS_ChangeDynamicArea to get required size)
+ Write Remove dynamic area routine
(done apart from initial OS_ChangeDynamicArea to shrink to zero size)
+ Write Return info on dynamic area routine
+ Write Enumerate dynamic areas routine
+ Write Renumber dynamic areas routine
+ Change OS_ReadDynamicArea to use new list
+ Change OS_ValidateAddress to use new list
+ Put in new error messages properly
* If CreateArea fails to grow area to required size, it should kill area and return error
* Change ChangeDynamicArea code to use lists:
+ Check enough is working for Wimp_ClaimFreeMemory to use OS_DynamicArea(create)
* Check PreShrink and PostShrink work completely OK
* Check PreGrow and PostGrow work (apart from passing in page blocks)
* Migrate existing areas to new world:
* Update InitDynamicAreas initially to fake up a node for the RMA, and check it works
* Use DynamicArea_Create to create RMA from scratch (if feasible)
* Update InitDynamicAreas to fake up a node for the system heap + check it (no way of using create routine)
* Change OS_ReadRAMFsLimits to use OS_ReadDynamicArea
* Write RAMFS area handlers
* Create RAMFS dynamic area using DynamicArea_Create, + check it works
* Do similar for font cache, sprite area
* Put in code to split grow block into chunks, and create page blocks (without checking for updates from PreGrow)
* Put in checks for PreGrow requesting particular pages, and call alternative code:
* Do the double shuffle
* Issue Service_PagesUnsafe/Safe
* Stop it getting the static pages (esp. cursor/sound page, L1 and maybe L2)
* Put in extra code to cope with doubly-mapped areas
* Write area handlers for screen, and move it to new world
* Change size of application space to 24M (check all refs to 16M in whole image)
* Put in indirections for hardware vector poking
* Change FPE to use indirections (KWelton)
* Move RMA to &02100000, and change size of app space to 28M
* Conversion to do late aborts
; Could be done by ANOther
* OS_Memory:
a) conversion bits
b) read phys.memory arrangement
c) read amounts of various sorts of memory
d) read controller addresses
\ No newline at end of file
; > PrivDoc.ScreenMode
Still to do on screen mode selection, as of 21-Jul-93:
Key: + Done and tested
- Done but not tested
* Still to do
x Not done for a good reason
+ Make OS_ReadModeVariable work with mode selectors
+ OS_ScreenMode(ReturnMode)
+ OS_ScreenMode(EnumerateModes)
+ Create variable holding video bandwidth
+ Add this reason code to just load up video bandwidth, VideoSize and issue service
+ Service_ModeExtension additions
+ Load up r4 and r5 with video bandwidth, VideoSize respectively
+ Change vdugrafg:SetUpSprModeData:04 to check for mode selector, and goto 10 if so
+ Check other occurrences of BranchIfKnownMode to look for similar bits
+ Put code to handle new sprite mode word into PushModeInfo (any monitor only?)
+ Remove new sprite mode word fudging in vdugrafg:SetupSprModeData and
+ Make SwitchOutputToSprite(new format) set up ECFIndex (it doesn't at the moment!)
+ Make sure tests for equal mode numbers don't assume equal ptrs to mode selectors are equivalent
+ Modify NewModes module to respond to Service_EnumerateScreenModes, to test enumeration.
+ OS_ScreenMode(SetMonitorType)
+ Allocate soft copy for monitortype
+ Write routine to update soft copy from CMOS
+ Call this routine in initialisation
+ Make *Configure MonitorType update soft copy
+ Change ReadMonitorType to read from soft copy
+ Add this reason code to either store given value or update from CMOS
+ Make sprites which have mode selectors as their mode word illegal
+ Move conversion of mode selectors to new format sprite mode words
into PreCreateHeader, rather than PostCreateHeader, so that it
doesn't call SetupSprModeData with a (now illegal) mode selector
-> MT ScreenModes module
-> AG Make switch output to sprite for a new format sprite make mode selector for current mode?
-> AG *ScreenSave in mode 50 seems to produce a sprite with a palette.
-> NK Trying to set a WimpMode with XEigFactor=27 caused data abort.
Investigate and/or range-limit values.
-> AG Put in support for returning errors from PushModeInfo (for bad mode
selectors and new format sprite mode words):
+ Make mode change routine check for error from PushModeInfo and FindOKMode
+ Make FindSubstitute check errors from PushModeInfo
+ Make FindOKMode check errors from FindSubstitute
+ Make CheckModeValid check errors from FindOKMode
+ Make SetupSprModeData capable of returning errors:
+ Ditto SpriteV handler (already OK)
+ Ditto PreCreateHeader
+ Ditto CreateHeader
+ Ditto GetSprite
-> AG Make SwitchOutputToSprite/Mask check errors from PushModeInfo
- Design and code algorithm for working out FIFO reload position for VIDC20
(Still need explanation from ARM of why 7 quad-words doesn't always work)
* OS_ScreenMode(SelectMode)
+ Make normal mode selection routine into a subroutine
+ Write veneers to put round call to this in OS_ScreenMode(SelectMode)
* Change actual mode change code to cope with mode selectors
+ Prevent main routine looking at shadow bit in mode selector
+ Modify FindOKMode to cope with mode selector
+ Modify OS_CheckModeValid to cope with mode selector
+ Make all pushed mode variables into words (not bytes)
+ Modify PushModeInfo to cope with mode selector
+ Make YEigFactor default to 2 if yres < xres/2 (and change spec. to reflect that)
+ Make numbered modes work after loading mode file
+ Allocate space for OS copy of mode selector
x Make OS mode selector part of saved VDU context
(not needed since sprites can't have mode selectors as their mode)
x Sort out internal mode variables PalIndex, ECFIndex wrt
converting existing mode numbers into mode selectors (no need, still use old workspace-getting code)
x Make mode selector blocks for all existing numbered modes
(no need, constructed on fly since only needed during svc call)
* Check that copying mode selector has no adverse effects
* Sort out why issuing a mode change with invalid mode selector doesn't give error
* Modify FindOKMode to cope with 16 and 32 bpp modes somehow
* Prevent pointer position from going into the sync pulse (causes screen picture disruption)
* Adjust borders on all modes, to cope with VIDC20 problem
(Needs algorithm from ARM that works!)
* Mode change happily passes round any old rubbish to Service_ModeExtension - it should:-
* First check that value is word-aligned - if not it may be a new sprite mode word
* Do a Validate_Address on fixed bit of block?
* What should *ScreenLoad do with a new format sprite?
; > Doc.ReadSysInf
Title: ReadSysInf
Author: Tim Dobson
Version: 0.03
Started: 19-Mar-91
Last updated: 21-Oct-91
Status: Preliminary
19-Mar-91 TMD Created
04-Apr-91 TMD Updated OS_ReadSysInfo(2)
Extensions to SWI OS_ReadSysInfo in RISC OS 2.11 and later versions
SWI OS_ReadSysInfo has been extended since RISC OS 2.00 - the full
specification is as follows:-
SWI OS_ReadSysInfo - Read various system information
in: R0 = reason code
out: Depends on reason code
Reason codes:-
in: R0 = 0
out: R0 = amount of configured screen memory, in bytes
This sub-call is the same as on RISC OS 2.00, with the exception that two
bugs in the call have been fixed:-
a) It no longer goes wrong if less than 20K configured on 8K or 16K page
size machine;
b) It now properly ignores the top bit of the CMOS location holding the
configured value.
in: R0 = 1
out: R0 = Configured Mode/WimpMode
R1 = Configured MonitorType
R2 = Configured Sync
Note that from RISC OS 2.09 onwards, the configured Mode and WimpMode have
been merged. Both *Configure Mode and *Configure WimpMode control the same
CMOS RAM location.
Note also that if any of Mode/WimpMode, MonitorType or Sync have been
configured to Auto (see "Doc.MonLead"), then the appropriate value for the
attached monitor will be returned.
in: R0 = 2
out: R0 = IOEB ASIC presence flag
0 => absent
1 => present (type 1)
Other values are reserved for future versions of IOEB which are
not backwards compatible.
R1 = 82C710 (or similar) presence flag
0 => absent
1 => present
R2 = LCD ASIC presence flag
0 => absent
1 => present (type 1)
Other values are reserved for future versions of LCD ASIC which
are not backwards compatible.
R3 = word 0 of unique machine ID
R4 = word 1 of unique machine ID
Some RISC OS computers are fitted with a chip providing a machine ID number
which is unique to each computer. Machines not fitted with an ID will return
zero in both R3 and R4.
in: R0 = 3 (*** Only available from RISC OS 3.01 onwards ***)
out: R0 = 82C710/82C711 basic features mask 82C710 82C711
Bits 0..3 Basic IDE type 1 1
Bits 4..7 Basic FDC type 1 1
Bits 8..11 Basic parallel port type 1 1
Bits 12..15 Basic 1st serial port type 1 1
Bits 16..19 Basic 2nd serial port type 0 1
Bits 20..23 Basic Configuration type 1 2
Bits 24..31 Reserved
R1 = 82C710/82C711 extra features mask
Reserved for upwards compatible additional functionality
R2-R4 Undefined (reserved for future expansion)
The 82C710 family of chips are composed of several sub-units, each of which
might change under future revisions of the chip. Current sub-units are as
IDE hard disc interface
Floppy disc interface
Parallel port
Serial port 1
Serial port 2 (only present in 82C711)
Chip configuration (different on 82C710 and 82C711)
New versions of the chip may have some sub-units which are incompatible with
earlier versions, while leaving the functionality of other sub-units
This call allows drivers which are only interested in particular sub-units
to tell whether they can work on the particular hardware running in the
Different values of each sub-field correspond to incompatible versions of
the corresponding sub-unit. A sub-field of zero indicates that the sub-unit
is not present.
If a sub-unit gains additional backwards-compatible functionality in future
versions of the chip, this will be indicated by having bits set in the value
returned in R1.
Information on extra sub-units will be accomodated in the remaining bits of
R0, or in R2-R4.
%OP%VS4.13 (28-Apr-92), Tim Dobson, R4001 0202 1006 4799
%CO:A,2,0%%CO:B,17,72%Medusa screen modes
This spreadsheet gives the horizontal and vertical timings for the Medusa screen modes.
For the numbered screen modes, these timings are almost identical to the RISC OS 3 timings.
However, on VIDC1 the horizontal front and back porch timings are forced to be an odd
number of pixel times, whereas on VIDC20 they have to be even, therefore all horizontal back
porch timings have been reduced by one pixel, and front porch timings increased by one pixel.
The figures below show that our timings for the 800 x 600 modes differ from the VESA
manufacturing guidelines in that we have hsync=100, hbpch=100, whereas they have
hsync=72, hbpch=128; ie the total times are the same, and the time from the start of the hsync
pulse to the start of the display area is the same, but our sync is wider. It is likely that I will
change RISC OS to match the VESA standard - I don't believe this will have an effect on the
horizontal position of the display (this is something I will have to check out).
It is likely that as well as adding the VESA modes described below, RISC OS will also
provide several modes obtained by doubling the dot frequency of standard modes, eg 1280 x
480, 1600 x 600, 2048 x 768.
It may also be possible to provide 1280 x 1024 at some pixel depths, although this may
involve running VIDC20 and/or the VCO out of specification. I don't have any timing
diagrams for 1280 x 1024; if you can get hold of these (is there a VESA standard for this?) it
would help establish the feasibility of this (the Taxan 875 Plus LR monitor spec. gives the line
frequency for this at 60 and 70Hz frame rates, but not the detailed timings (eg the dot
Tim (22-Mar-93).
Horizontal parameters for Monitortype 1 modes
(DTP - ega)
(EGA - pcemu)
(CGA - pcemu)
800 x 600 (56 Hz)
VESA guideline
800 x 600 (60 Hz)
VESA guideline
800 x 600 (72 Hz)
VESA standard
1024 x 768 (60 Hz)
VESA guideline
1024 x 768 (70 Hz)
VESA standard
Vertical parameters
800 x 600 (56 Hz)
VESA guideline
800 x 600 (60 Hz)
VESA guideline
800 x 600 (72 Hz)
VESA standard
1024 x 768 (60 Hz)
VESA guideline
1024 x 768 (70 Hz)
VESA standard
H Freq
\ No newline at end of file
; A600tlb
; POST procedure for checking the TLB in A600 MMU.
; for each of level 1, level 2 small-page, level 2 large-page
; construct page table
; flush cache
; start timer
; for 32 addresses (with different mappings)
; check address mapping
; save timer
; for same 32 addresses
; check address mapping
; compare test times (did 2nd test require table walk ?)
Use a list of addresses that cover a good mixture of virtual addresses
Build a page table that maps these to physical RAM addresses in various ways
Access the addresses in such an order that the cache rotates, scrapping
one entry each time through the list, and loading another. So each cache
entry gets used 31 times, then is lost.
Choice of physical mapping should ensure that the cache entries contain
lots of different values of page and section base addresses.
Choice of virtual test address should ensure that cache tag varies as
widely as posible, too. PRBS ?
Very widely varying values of cache tag require that a large number
of mappings exist .. if these are 2-level mappings, that requires
a lot of RAM. Page tables should be multiply-mapped.
RISC OS puts lots of stuff below the 4M mark. Limits App space to 16M
for backwards compatibility. Probably worth testing outside these
limits to ensure Gold doesn't fall over, but failure rates would be
very low.
; POST procedure for checking access faults (was PPL test)
; for each of level 1, level 2 small-page, level 2 large-page
; construct page table
; for user, supervisor mode
; check address alignment fault
; check section translation fault
; check
; check page translation fault
; for 3 domain types
; for 16 domains
; check access permissions
; POST procedure for checking IDC
; > TestSrc.ARM3
TTL RISC OS 2+ POST ARM version determination
; Reads ARM3 version register, returns 0 if ARM 2 fitted.
; History
; Date Name Comment
; ---- ---- -------
; 20-Apr-89 ArtG Initial version
A3Cid CN 0
A3Cfls CN 1
A3Cmod CN 2
A3Ccac CN 3
A3Cupd CN 4
A3Cdis CN 5
MOV r13,lr
; First, set up an undefined instruction vector to catch an ARM 2
; (or a faulty ARM 3 ??) when the copro instruction is run.
; Only applies on systems where ROM isn't mapped at zero.
[ CPU_Type = "ARM2" :LOR: CPU_Type = "ARM3"
MOV r0,#0 ; set a page at logical 0
MOV r1,r0
BL ts_set_cam
ADR r0,ts_ARM_undefined
LDMIA r0,{r2,r3}
MOV r1,#4
STMIA r1,{r2,r3} ; set the undefined instruction trap
; Read ARM3C0 version I.D.
MOV r0, #(-1) ; should always be altered
MRC A3CON,0,r0,A3Cid,A3Cid ; Read control register 0
MOV r12, r0
[ CPU_Type = "ARM2" :LOR: CPU_Type = "ARM3"
MOV r1,#0
BL ts_set_cam_idle ; remove the vector page again
MOVS r0, r12 ; return the ID (0 for ARM 2)
MOV pc,r13
; Trap to be taken when ARM 2 is fitted
MOV r0,#0
MOVS pc,r14_svc
ASSERT ((%10 - ts_ARM_undefined) / 4 = 2)
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