1. 17 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  2. 07 Jun, 2009 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Build fix · ad3d5646
      Ben Avison authored
        Some users reported problems building the sources if they had other
        installations of perl on their build machine. The build system was using a
        mixture of "perl" and "<Perl$Dir>.perl" to invoke the interpreter, and
        sometimes but not always using "do" to expand system variables on the
        command line. This has now been standardised to use "do <Perl$Dir>.perl in
        all cases, and where possible, to use the makefile macro ${PERL}.
        Checked that a Tungsten build still works on a build machine with no other
        perl installation. "perl" was aliased to an error to ensure it wasn't used.
      Version 0.17. Not tagged
  3. 12 Nov, 2004 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      BBE tidying. · c7e2ac5d
      Ben Avison authored
        Exports VersionNum to BBE.
        Tested in a Tungsten BBE build.
      Retagged, since this won't affect any existing builds.
  4. 05 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      BBE change (to not export anything!) · 733a4225
      Stewart Brodie authored
        As this module builds the resources into a PI-module, there is no
          resources phase, and hence no need to copy anything out to the BBE.
        Required by BBE builds.
      Version 0.14. Tagged as 'AUNMsgs-0_14'
  5. 17 Aug, 1999 1 commit
  6. 16 Aug, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Added new message for Freeway 0.29. · 8ae0b3ba
      Stewart Brodie authored
        Moved to srccommit.
        Makefile no longer has the version number hardwired - it pulls it in
          from VersionNum using the new perl script in Library-0_29.
      Version 0.10. Tagged as 'AUNMsgs-0_10'
  7. 05 Aug, 1999 1 commit
  8. 29 Apr, 1998 1 commit
    • Carl Elkins's avatar
      Added Econet's messges file to AUNMsgs resources, as a part of the dropping of... · 8fa4a40f
      Carl Elkins authored
      Added Econet's messges file to AUNMsgs resources, as a part of the dropping of support for Econet : it is no longer necessary to have the Econet module present in order to be able to use the AUN software (Net, NetI), since these use some of the messages within the Econet messages file.
      Initially, this is to support Ursula, but by keeping to a single version of
      the networking software, support issues are simplified.
  9. 20 Jan, 1997 1 commit
  10. 22 Nov, 1996 1 commit
  11. 05 Nov, 1996 1 commit