Commit 8fa4a40f authored by Carl Elkins's avatar Carl Elkins
Browse files

Added Econet's messges file to AUNMsgs resources, as a part of the dropping of...

Added Econet's messges file to AUNMsgs resources, as a part of the dropping of support for Econet : it is no longer necessary to have the Econet module present in order to be able to use the AUN software (Net, NetI), since these use some of the messages within the Econet messages file.

Initially, this is to support Ursula, but by keeping to a single version of
the networking software, support issues are simplified.
parent 35dfa128
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ WFLAGS = ~cr~v
# Program specific options:
VERSION = 0.07
VERSION = 0.09
MODULE_HELP = "AUN Messages"
FILELIST = Resources.${LOCALE}.<Machine>
Resources.UK.Resources.BootNet.Messages Resources.BootNet.Messages
Resources.UK.Resources.Freeway.Messages Resources.Freeway.Messages
Resources.UK.Resources.Internet.Messages Resources.Internet.Messages
Resources.UK.Resources.Econet.Messages Resources.Econet.Messages
Resources.UK.Resources.Net.Messages Resources.Net.Messages
Resources.UK.Resources.ShareFS.!Boot Resources.ShareFS.!Boot
Resources.UK.Resources.ShareFS.!Sprites Resources.ShareFS.!Sprites
TxOK:Transmitted OK
LineJam:There is a problem with the network. Inform your network manager (line jammed).
NetErr:There is a problem with the network. Inform your network manager (transmission failed).
StnNErr:There is a problem with the network. Inform your network manager (transmission to %0 failed).
BrdcstE:There is a problem with the network. Inform your network manager (broadcast failed).
NotLstn:The network station you have requested does not appear to be listening. Try the operation again but if the error persists inform your network manager.
StnNLsn:The network station %0 does not appear to be listening. Try the operation again but if the error persists inform your network manager.
NoClk:The network is not plugged in. Check that the network cable is plugged into the network socket at the back of your computer, if the problem persists inform your network manager.
TxReady:Tx ready
RxReady:Receive block open
NoReply:There is no reply from the network station requested. Try the operation again but if the error persists inform your network manager.
StnNRpy:There is no reply from the network station %0. Try the operation again but if the error persists inform your network manager.
NotPres:The network station you have requested cannot be found. Try the operation again but if the error persists inform your network manager.
StnNPrs:The network station %0 cannot be found. Try the operation again but if the error persists inform your network manager.
BadPort:Bad port number
BadFlag:Bad flag byte value
BadBufr:Bad buffer address
TooBig:Bad buffer size
BadMask:Bad mask
BadStat:Bad status
NoHware:No network hardware
PtNtAlc:Port not already allocated
PortAlc:Port already allocated
NoPorts:All ports allocated
BadNumb:Bad number
BadConf:|j|mConfigured network station number is invalid, using 1 instead.|j|m
HelpStn:Network station %0
StnFreq:Network station %0, network clock %1 KHz
StnNClk:Network station %0, no clock
AcrnEco:Acorn Econet|j|m
EcoNClk:Acorn Econet, no clock|j|m
NoInt:Hardware fault in Econet interface
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,3 +13,5 @@ FWNAut:Authentification invalid
FWNoInet:No valid Internet interfaces found
FwStatusMsg:Unknown Status reason code
FWInvalSWI:Unknown Freeway SWI
FWSNoInt:No serial driver specified
FWSBadParam:Bad parameter to Freeway Serial SWI
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