Jeffrey Lee
Detail: Docs/RPiNotes - Deleted, contents no longer relevant s/HAL, s/Kernel, s/vdu/vduswis, s/pmf/key - Cleaned up debug code s/NewIRQs - No need to piggy back on timer 0 IRQ to generate a fake VSync; PushModeInfo already claims/releases TickerV as appropriate if video driver doesn't provide a VSync IRQ. s/NewReset - Re-enable LookForHALRTC call, the stack imbalance bug was fixed before the Pi changes were merged in s/vdu/vducursoft - Streamline PostWrchCursor a bit by only preserving R14 around RestorePointer if the software pointer is in use s/vdu/vdudriver - Amend ModeChangeSub improvements to ensure old external framestore handling logic is used if driver doesn't support framestore growth/realloc Admin: Tested on Raspberry Pi with high processor vectors Kernel now looks to be in a good state for merging back into HAL branch Note - Software mouse pointer support in vducursoft only checks HALVideoFeatures, so doesn't take into account the capabilities of any GraphicsV driver that may be in use. Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_147_2_20'