Name Last commit Last update
AMBControl [498] Fix memory corruption when shrinking appspace too far
PMF Support runtime selection of pagetable format
vdu Build kernel using relocatable AOF
ARM600 Log -> phys conversion improvements
ARMops Support runtime selection of pagetable format
Arthur2 [549] Fix untranslated OS_SetVarVal error message
Arthur3 Fix OS_EvaluateExpression
ArthurSWIs Increase number of vectors supported by the kernel to 96.
ChangeDyn Add AP 1 emulation for long descriptor page tables
Convrsions Fix abort after translating error
ExtraSWIs Remove some obsolete definitions for clarity
GetAll Implement OS_TaskControl 0
HAL Align HAL workspace to doubleword boundary
HeapMan Add support for HeapReason_GetSkewAligned
HeapSort Avoid unnecesssary remainder calculations
Kernel Change OS_Exit to use TaskControl_ResetStacks
LibKern Improve LibKern
MOSDict Import from cleaned 360 CD
MemInfo Fix a couple of comment typos
Middle Change DumpyTheRegisters to use TaskControl_ResetStacks
ModHand Change OS_Module 0 to use TaskControl_ResetStacks
MoreComms Resolve 2x header clashes
MoreSWIs Add OS_AbortTrap implementation
MsgCode Add OS_AbortTrap implementation
NewIRQs Add scroll mouse support
NewReset Add OS_AbortTrap implementation
Oscli Remove SysCommsModule pseudo-module
SWINaming Resolve 2x header clashes
Super1 Escape some dollars
SysComms Change *Go to use TaskControl_ResetStacks
TickEvents Fix some re-entrancy issues. Minor optimisations.
UnSqueeze * Converted to building with ObjAsm (but still a single object file using ORG).
Utility Allow RW/ZI sections to be used
VMSAv6 Support runtime selection of pagetable format