1. 03 Aug, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add new OS_ReadSysInfo 6 items. Change naming of PublicWS values. · d2c62e16
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        s/Middle - Added some new OS_ReadSysInfo 6 items which are needed by the zero page relocation kernel. Also duplicated some existing entries to avoid conflicts with ROL's allocations.
        hdr/OSRSI6, Makefile - New header listing OS_ReadSysInfo 6 items
        hdr/PublicWS - Duplicated the workspace definitions for &0-&4000, but with a 'Legacy_' prefix to their names. Also added some new entries as needed by the zero page relocation kernel. Once existing modules have been updated to use OS_ReadSysInfo 6 & the Legacy_ definitions, the old defs will be removed.
        hdr/KernelWS - Removed 'Export_' prefix from all the exported workspace values, since the kernel can now use the original names directly
        hdr/Options - Dummy HiProcVecs option so merging things will be a bit cleaner
        Tested on rev A2 BB-xM
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_44'
  2. 01 Aug, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Bring Cortex kernel branch in line with HAL branch · c79c1310
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Makefile - Now uses ${PERL} for running perl
        s/Kernel - Now uses correct "Bad OS_PlatformFeatures reason code" error number
        s/MemInfo - Updated list of OS_Memory 9 controllers
        OMAP3 ROM compiles OK; untested at runtime
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_43'
  3. 31 Jul, 2011 2 commits
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add new GPIO device type & OMAP3 GPIO device ID · e14282c7
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        hdr/HALDevice - Added GPIO device type in the Comms group, and an ID for a generic OMAP3 GPIO device
        hdr/GPIODevice - Definition of GPIO device structure. Currently only used to store the type and revision of the main board, so the GPIO manager module can tailor its features appropriately.
        Makefile - Export hdr/GPIODevice
        Tested on rev A2 BB-xM
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_42'
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Update the method the Cortex kernel uses to determine the UtilityModule & ROM dates · daa8607f
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Three main changes:
        * On odd-numbered (i.e. development) versions of the module, the UtilityModule will now take its date from the VersionNum file instead of using a hard-coded date.
        * All build versions now look for the new "extended ROM footer" (as created by romlinker 0.04+) at the end of the ROM image and use it to determine the ROM build date for return by OS_ReadSysInfo 9,2. Failing to find the build date in the footer will cause OS_ReadSysInfo 9,2 to return 0.
        * On odd-numbered versions, OS_Byte 0 will now use the ROM build date (as found in the extended footer) to generate the error block that's returned to the user. This seems OK as the PRM describes OS_Byte 0 as returning the "creation date of the operation system". Plus it's a convenient way of getting the ROM build date into the Switcher, since the switcher uses OS_Byte 0. If the extended footer can't be found (or if the string hasn't been initialised yet, e.g. before Service_PostInit) the code falls back to a hard-coded string containing the date from the VersionNum file.
        File changes:
        Makefile - Updated to not create the obsolete Time+Date file (previously used for the ROM build date)
        Version - Use date from VersionNum file for development builds
        hdr/Options - New UseNewFX0Error variable/option to make it easy to check which OS_Byte 0 variant should be enabled
        hdr/KernelWS - Added new string buffers & extended ROM footer pointer to workspace
        s/Middle - Updated OS_ReadSysInfo 9 code, and added utility functions for searching the extended ROM footer for certain tags
        s/NewReset - Added a couple of calls to initialise the new string buffers just prior to Service_PostInit. This is required since OS_Byte/OS_ReadSysInfo shouldn't enable interrupts, but date conversion relies on the Territory module, which may enable interrupts.
        s/PMF/osbyte - Updated OS_Byte 0 code
        Tested in OMAP ROM, with and without the extended footer present.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_41'
  4. 04 Jun, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add hdr.Variables to the C header export, fix ARMv6 issues · b8267d5d
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Makefile - Added hdr.Variables to the C header export list
        hdr/ARMops, s/ARMops - Added ARM1176JZF-S to the list of known CPUs
        s/ARMops - Fix unaligned memory access in ARM_PrintProcessorType
        hdr/Copro15ops, s/ARMops, s/HAL, s/VMSAv6, s/AMBControl/memmap - Fixed all myDSB/myISB/etc. macro instances to specify a temp register, so that they work properly when building an ARMv6 version of the kernel
        Fixes build errors with the latest Draw module.
        Should also allow the kernel to work properly with the new S3C6410 port.
        ARMv6 version builds OK, but no other builds or runtime tests have been made.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_38'
  5. 22 May, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Update Cortex branch of kernel to support HALSize env variable. Export C version of hdr.OSEntries. · 1bd9c9e0
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Makefile - Now exports a C version of hdr.OSEntries, for use by the new HAL USB drivers
        s/GetAll, s/Kernel - The HALSize env variable is now used in place of hard-coded values for the HAL size
        s/HAL - Reset_IRQ_Handler now switches to SVC mode before calling HAL_KbdScanInterrupt, to allow the HAL USB drivers to re-enable interrupts if they wish.
        s/VMSAv6 - Deleted some obsolete definitions
        Tested on rev C2 BB, A2 BB-xM, C1 TouchBook
        Needs latest BuildSys, Env, HdrSrc
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_37'
  6. 29 Nov, 2009 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Fix cortex kernel makefile · 232135e5
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Makefile rule was missing for VideoDevice header export, preventing it from being exported
        Tested on rev C2 beagleboard. (No, really, I mean it this time!)
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_17'
  7. 28 Nov, 2009 1 commit
  8. 23 Jul, 2009 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add HAL RTC support to Cortex branch of kernel, clean up RTCSupport code · 7f21e480
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        HAL kernels (on the Cortex branch at least) now support HALDevice-based RTCs. If the kernels own RTC code is disabled or fails to detect an RTC, then after HAL_InitDevices is called the HALDevice list will be scanned for any HAL-resident RTC devices.
        Additionally, the RTCSupport flag (in Hdr:Machine.Machine), which was previously TRUE for all HAL kernels, can now be set to FALSE in HAL kernels to disable the kernels own IIC RTC code. This allows the unwanted legacy RTC code to be disabled for machines which are known to use HAL RTCs instead.
        hdr/RTCDevice - new header describing data structures used for HAL RTC device
        hdr/HALDevice - added RTCDevice device type, IIC serial bus type
        hdr/KernelWS - upgraded RTCFitted from a 1 byte field to 4 byte. It now stores either a null value (for no RTC), a value <2048 for an IIC RTC address, or a value >= 2048 for a RTCDevice ptr
        Makefile - added header export of hdr/RTCDevice
        s/GetAll - include hdr/RTCDevice
        s/NewReset - initialise HAL RTC after HAL_InitDevices if required
        s/PMF/i2cutils, s/PMF/osinit, s/PMF/osword - modifications to allow use of HAL RTC (and disallow use of builtin IIC RTC)
        Tested on rev C2 beagleboard
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_11'
  9. 15 Jun, 2009 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Fix bugs and inefficiencies revealed by unaligned data audit · 8a9e694c
      Ben Avison authored
        s.PMF.i2cutils line 454: this LDR of byte values was harmless (bits 8
          upwards are discarded later) but slower than an LDRB on ARMv6 or later.
        s.PMF.i2cutils line 556: should have loaded RTCFitted using LDRB. Looks
          like effect would have been to reduce utilisation of CMOS cache.
        s.vdu.vduswis line 1500: mistakenly accessing ExternalFramestore using LDR.
          I don't think the intention was to prevent the screen DA being resized
          while screen memory was claimed, but that was the effect.
        s.vdu.vduwrch line 3106: this LDR of a 1-byte variable was harmless (only
          used for testing bit 4) but slower than an LDRB on ARMv6 or later.
        CPU version is no longer specified in the makefile - it's better to inherit
        it from the build environment now that we actually set it appropriately.
        Built and briefly tested.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_9'
  10. 12 Nov, 2004 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      BBE tidying. · ec70a1a4
      Ben Avison authored
        Tightened up BBE resources export, to exclude in appropriate files (this
        component has a non-standard resources directory structure).
        Tested in a Tungsten BBE build.
      Retagged, since this won't affect any existing builds.
  11. 21 Feb, 2003 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Miscellaneous stuff. · d91e9420
      Ben Avison authored
        * Merged in the change to RISC OS 4.02 kernel that moved the GSTrans
          workspace out of scratch space.
        * Fixed a few bugs in callback postponement, and interrupt holes in
          callback dispatch. See Docs.CallbackChange for full info.
        * Fixed SystemSizeCMOS to SysHeapCMOS - wouldn't build as was.
        * Added an export of a C version of Hdr:HALDevice, based on the Hdr2H
          translation but with an additional struct definition. Required by
          SoundControl 1.00.
        * Added some additional location and ID allocations to Hdr:HALDevice.
          Required by today's HAL and SoundControl.
        Partially tested.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_56'
  12. 07 Oct, 2002 1 commit
  13. 16 Oct, 2000 1 commit
  14. 09 Oct, 2000 1 commit
  15. 02 Oct, 2000 1 commit
  16. 15 Sep, 2000 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      * Converted to building with ObjAsm (but still a single object file using ORG). · 49836a59
      Kevin Bracey authored
      * Added ARM_IMB and ARM_IMBRange SWIs as recommended by ARMv5.
      * Some early prototype HAL bits popped in - a lot of source restructuring still
        to come.
      * New debug target creates an AIF image with debug information, and translates
        this into an ASCII object file for the 16702B logic analyser.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_1'
  17. 10 Aug, 1999 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Exports a C version of Hdr:RISCOS · 2a2f8af6
      Stewart Brodie authored
        Hdr:RISCOS contains some of the most useful constant declarations,
          including the vector numbers and event numbers.  The new improved
          Hdr2H script is now capable of converting this header file into C
          too.  It exports it as <CExport$Dir>.Global.h.RISCOS.  It cannot
          interfere in existing code as it requires explicit inclusion as
          #include "Global/RISCOS.h".
        No actual kernel code changes.
        File examined manually and checked for correctness against Hdr:RISCOS.
        Requires library 0.28 or later (RiscOS/Library  Tag: Library-0_28)
      Version 4.82. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_82'
  18. 14 Apr, 1999 1 commit
  19. 30 Sep, 1998 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Spinner branch merged. · 5ba3f5db
      Kevin Bracey authored
      Bandwidth limit for 7500FE fixed.
      RO371Timings flag set to :LNOT:STB
      Version 4.64. Tagged as 'Kernel-4_64'
  20. 05 Nov, 1996 1 commit