1. 02 Mar, 2020 1 commit
  2. 27 Aug, 2017 1 commit
  3. 20 Apr, 2014 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add OS_Memory 24 implementation. Change OS_ValidateAddress to use it. Fix... · 03d3b37a
      Jeffrey Lee authored
      Add OS_Memory 24 implementation. Change OS_ValidateAddress to use it. Fix kernel leaving the physical access MB in a messy state. Try and protect against infinite abort loops caused by bad environment handlers.
        s/MemInfo - Added an implementation of ROL's OS_Memory 24 call. Unlike the old OS_ValidateAddress call, this call should successfully report the presence of all memory areas known to the kernel. It should also correctly indicate which parts of a sparse DA are mapped in, unlike the old OS_ValidateAddress implementation.
        s/ChangeDyn - Update dynamic area handling to construct a lookup table for mapping logical addresses to dynamic areas; this is used by OS_Memory 24 to quickly locate which DA(s) hit a given region
        s/AMBControl/main - Make sure lazy task swapping is marked as disabled when AMB_LazyMapIn is {FALSE} - required so that OS_Memory 24 will give application space the correct flags
        s/ArthurSWIs - Switch OS_ValidateAddress over to using OS_Memory 24, as per ROL. For compatibili...
  4. 28 Oct, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Review of Internation switch · d58ce177
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Variously the call to TranslateError was either followed (outside the switch) by an unnecessary SETV, or missing SETV for the non international case.
      Added DMA controller HAL device for IOMD.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_174'
  5. 25 Mar, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Tighten up time conversions. · 1cd6a8f2
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Don't trash R4 in OS_ConvertDateAndTime
      Reject buffer sizes > 2G (seems reasonable for a time string, and allows us to claw back a flag bit).
      Just call Territory_ConvertDateAndTime directly since that's all OS_ConvertDateAndTime does.
      Trim some now irrelevant comments and switched out code.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_144'
  6. 27 Nov, 2011 2 commits
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Added 'UnConv' error (see also HdrSrc). · 191ae197
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Implement OS_ConvertVariform, internally the other conversions now just call it.
      Add tester for Variform to 'Dev'.
      Made block copy weirdness for XScale dependent on XScale arch flag.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_126'
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Conversions rationalisation. · 0d73c680
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Delete pmf/convdate, moved to conversions.
      Moved OS_BinaryToDecimal to conversions.
      Remove OS_ConvertHex16 and friends.
      Add OS_ConvertVariform skeleton.
      Tidied conversions.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_125'
  7. 04 Apr, 2000 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      32-bit Kernel. · b4016e9c
      Kevin Bracey authored
        The Kernel will now compile to produce a pure 32-bit system if No26bitCode is
        set to TRUE.
        If No26bitCode is FALSE, then the Kernel will be a standard 26-bit Kernel,
        although some internal changes have taken place to minimise compile
        switches between the two cases. See Docs.32bit for more technical info.
        The hardest part was the flood-fill...
      Other changes:
        Pointer shape changes now take place on the next VSync, rather than actually
        WAITING for the VSync. Turning the Hourglass on shouldn't slow your machine
        down by 5% now :)
        Lots of really crusty pre-IOMD code removed.
        Tested in 32 and 26-bit forms in a limited desktop build. Basically, this
        will need to see a lot of use to iron out difficulties. I'd like anyone who
        has a non-frozen project to at least attempt using this Kernel.
      Version 5.23. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_23'
  8. 21 Jan, 1997 1 commit
  9. 06 Nov, 1996 1 commit
  10. 05 Nov, 1996 1 commit