Commit e6889005 authored by Steve Revill's avatar Steve Revill
Browse files

Added new Resources dirs for Desktop builds and made the main messages more generic.

  RiscPC-like (UserIF = Morris4) and Ursula-like (UserIF=Ursula)
  builds of the Kernel have their messages in a subdirectory while
  more generic builds use the main Messages file.

  The main file has had the RISC OS User Guide references removed
  and the "There is not enough memory" message changed to the more
  correct "Memory can not be moved".
  Partially tested. Fixed STB-400 fault #1479

Version 5.29. Tagged as 'Kernel-5_29'
parent 88c888e9
...@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ BadExtend:Not enough memory (to extend heap) ...@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ BadExtend:Not enough memory (to extend heap)
ExcessiveShrink:Can't shrink heap any further ExcessiveShrink:Can't shrink heap any further
BadModuleReason:Unknown OS_Module call BadModuleReason:Unknown OS_Module call
CantKill:Module is currently active CantKill:Module is currently active
MHNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for relocatable modules is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. MHNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for relocatable modules is full
NoMoreModules:No more modules NoMoreModules:No more modules
NoMoreIncarnations:No more incarnations of that module NoMoreIncarnations:No more incarnations of that module
PostfixNeeded:Postfix not specified PostfixNeeded:Postfix not specified
...@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ RMNotFoundInROM:Module is not in ROM ...@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ RMNotFoundInROM:Module is not in ROM
NumbTooBig:Number too big NumbTooBig:Number too big
BadBase:Base not recognised BadBase:Base not recognised
BadClaimNum:Bad vector number BadClaimNum:Bad vector number
SysHeapFull:The area of memory reserved for the system heap is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. SysHeapFull:The area of memory reserved for the system heap is full
NotAllMoved:There is not enough memory to perform this operation. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. (Memory cannot be moved) NotAllMoved:Memory can not be moved
ChDynamCAO:Can't change memory area (application running) ChDynamCAO:Can't change memory area (application running)
AplWSpaceInUse:Application memory area in use AplWSpaceInUse:Application memory area in use
RAMFsUnchangeable:The size of the RAM filing system can only be changed when it is empty RAMFsUnchangeable:The size of the RAM filing system can only be changed when it is empty
BadNumb:Number not recognised
NoSuchSWI1:SWI &%0 not known
VarCantFind:System variable '%0' not found
BuffOverflow:Buffer overflow
OptErr:Syntax: *Opt [<x> [[,] <y>]]
NoHelp:No help found.
HelpFound:==> Help on keyword %0
Address:Address :
Unp:Unplugged modules are:
NoUnp:No modules are unplugged
Podule:(Podule %0)
Extn:(Extn ROM %0)
Modules:No. Position Workspace Name
Result:Result is %0, value :
Integer:an integer
String:a string
ROMMTitle:No. Position|IModule Name|I|IVersion|IStatus|M|J
Err: (Error number &%0)
Error:Error: %0 (Error number &%1)
UndefinedInstruction:Internal error: undefined instruction at &%0
InstructionAbort:Internal error: abort on instruction fetch at &%0
DataAbort:Internal error: abort on data transfer at &%0
AddressException:Internal error: address exception at &%0
BranchThrough0:Internal error: branch through zero
SDoesntExist:Sprite doesn't exist
ModuleTooOld:Module %0 too old
NaffRelease:Bad vector release
RMNotFound:Module %0 not found
NaffDevNo:Bad device number
BadDevVecRel:Bad device release
RedirectFail:Redirection fails
StackFull:Not enough memory on system stack
OscliLongLine:Too long
NoOscliSpecials:Special field not allowed in filing system prefix to OS_CLI
OscliTooHard:Expansion too complex
BadCommand:Command not recognised
BadParmString:Parameter expansion contains unrecognised characters
TooManyParms:Too many parameters
BadKey:Key number must be in the range 0-15
BadAddress:Address not recognised
OutsideFile:Outside file
NotABlock:Not a heap block
BadDesc:Bad heap descriptor
HeapBadReason:Bad reason code
HeapFailInit:Can't initialise heap
BadLink:Heap overwritten
HeapFailAlloc:Not enough memory (in heap)
BadExtend:Not enough memory (to extend heap)
ExcessiveShrink:Can't shrink heap any further
BadModuleReason:Unknown OS_Module call
CantKill:Module is currently active
MHNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for relocatable modules is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory.
NoMoreModules:No more modules
NoMoreIncarnations:No more incarnations of that module
PostfixNeeded:Postfix not specified
IncarnationExists:Incarnation already exists
ChunkNotRM:Podule chunk is not a relocatable module
ModulePostfix:'%%' in module title
NotMod:This is not a relocatable module
BadRMHeaderField:Illegal header field in module
IncarnationNotFound:Incarnation not found
RMNotFoundInROM:Module is not in ROM
NumbTooBig:Number too big
BadBase:Base not recognised
BadClaimNum:Bad vector number
SysHeapFull:The area of memory reserved for the system heap is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory.
NotAllMoved:There is not enough memory to perform this operation. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. (Memory cannot be moved)
ChDynamCAO:Can't change memory area (application running)
AplWSpaceInUse:Application memory area in use
RAMFsUnchangeable:The size of the RAM filing system can only be changed when it is empty
BadDynamicArea:Unknown dynamic area
AreaAlreadyExists:Dynamic area already exists
AreaNotOnPageBdy:Base address not on page boundary
OverlappingAreas:Overlapping areas
CantAllocateArea:Unable to allocate logical address space
CantAllocateLevel2:Unable to allocate page tables for area
UnknownAreaHandler:Unknown dynamic area handler call
RCExc:Return code limit exceeded
RCNegative:Negative return code
BadString:String not recognised
BadVarType:Bad variable type
VarNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for the system variables is full. Use the Task Manager to make more space in the system heap/stack area.
BadMacVal:Bad macro value
BadVarNam:Variable name not recognised
VarTooLong:Variable value too long
BadParameters:Parameters not recognised
ArgRepeated:Argument repeated
BadBra:Mismatched brackets
StkOFlo:Expression stack overflow
MissOpn:Missing operand
MissOpr:Missing operator
BadInt:String is not convertible to integer
StrOFlo:String too long
NaffItm:Unknown operand
DivZero:Division by zero
NotNumeric:Numeric parameter needed
NoThen:There is no THEN
IsString:Expression is a string
ConParmTooBig:Configure parameter too big
BadConOpt:Configure option not recognised
BadStat:Status option not recognised
Config2manyparms:Too many parameters
NoSuchSWI2:SWI name not known
BadTime:Invalid time interval
BadEnvNumber:Bad Environment number
BadReadSysInfo:Unknown OS_ReadSysInfo call
BadMODE:Not enough memory to change to this screen mode
SNoWorkSpace:No memory is reserved for the system sprite area. Use the Task Manager to make some space for the system sprites.
SNoRoom:Not enough memory to create sprite
NoSprites:No sprites
NotGraphics:Not a graphics mode
SCantOpenFile:Can't open file
SNotEnoughRoom:Not enough memory in sprite area
SBadSpriteFile:Bad sprite file
SNoRoomToMerge:Not enough memory to add sprite
SBad2ndPtr:Bad 2nd ptr
InvalidRowOrCol:Invalid row or column
InvalidHeight:Invalid height
InvalidWidth:Invalid width
NoRoomToInsert:Not enough memory to insert row or column
SpriteAlreadyExists:Sprite already exists
InvalidSpriteMode:Invalid sprite mode
SBadReasonCode:Bad sprite reason code
CantInTeletext:Can't switch output in teletext mode
SInvalidSaveArea:Invalid save area
SpriteIsCurrentDest:Sprite is current destination
BadDPI:Illegal XDPI or YDPI in sprite
ModeNotAvailable:Screen mode not available
BadPixelDepth:Bad pixel depth
BadMSFlags:Illegal flags in mode selector
CDATStackOverflow:System stack overflow
NoSuchSWI:SWI not known
BadSav:Incorrect number of parameters for *Save
MonType:Monitor type reconfigured.
NoKbd:No keyboard present - autobooting
BreakPt:Stopped at break point at &%0
STail:|J|MUse *Configure to set the options.|J|M
CTail1:|J|MWhere:|J|MD is a decimal number, a hexadecimal number preceded by &,|J|Mor the base followed by underscore, followed|J|M
CTail2:by digits in the given base.|J|MItems within [ ] are optional.|J|MUse *Status to display the current settings.|J|M
Zonk:Unknown OS_ScreenMode reason code
SNoMask:Mask or Palette operations not supported in this display depth
BadVIDCDiv:Bad VIDC divider value
BadPlatReas:Unknown OS_PlatformFeatures reason code
600:ARM 600 Processor
610:ARM 610 Processor
700:ARM 700 Processor
710:ARM 710 Processor
7500:ARM 7500 Processor
7500FE:ARM 7500FE Processor
810:ARM 810 Processor
SA110:StrongARM Processor
BadNumb:Number not recognised
NoSuchSWI1:SWI &%0 not known
VarCantFind:System variable '%0' not found
BuffOverflow:Buffer overflow
OptErr:Syntax: *Opt [<x> [[,] <y>]]
NoHelp:No help found.
HelpFound:==> Help on keyword %0
Address:Address :
Unp:Unplugged modules are:
NoUnp:No modules are unplugged
Podule:(Podule %0)
Extn:(Extn ROM %0)
Modules:No. Position Workspace Name
Result:Result is %0, value :
Integer:an integer
String:a string
ROMMTitle:No. Position|IModule Name|I|IVersion|IStatus|M|J
Err: (Error number &%0)
Error:Error: %0 (Error number &%1)
UndefinedInstruction:Internal error: undefined instruction at &%0
InstructionAbort:Internal error: abort on instruction fetch at &%0
DataAbort:Internal error: abort on data transfer at &%0
AddressException:Internal error: address exception at &%0
BranchThrough0:Internal error: branch through zero
SDoesntExist:Sprite doesn't exist
ModuleTooOld:Module %0 too old
NaffRelease:Bad vector release
RMNotFound:Module %0 not found
NaffDevNo:Bad device number
BadDevVecRel:Bad device release
RedirectFail:Redirection fails
StackFull:Not enough memory on system stack
OscliLongLine:Too long
NoOscliSpecials:Special field not allowed in filing system prefix to OS_CLI
OscliTooHard:Expansion too complex
BadCommand:Command not recognised
BadParmString:Parameter expansion contains unrecognised characters
TooManyParms:Too many parameters
BadKey:Key number must be in the range 0-15
BadAddress:Address not recognised
OutsideFile:Outside file
NotABlock:Not a heap block
BadDesc:Bad heap descriptor
HeapBadReason:Bad reason code
HeapFailInit:Can't initialise heap
BadLink:Heap overwritten
HeapFailAlloc:Not enough memory (in heap)
BadExtend:Not enough memory (to extend heap)
ExcessiveShrink:Can't shrink heap any further
BadModuleReason:Unknown OS_Module call
CantKill:Module is currently active
MHNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for relocatable modules is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory.
NoMoreModules:No more modules
NoMoreIncarnations:No more incarnations of that module
PostfixNeeded:Postfix not specified
IncarnationExists:Incarnation already exists
ChunkNotRM:Podule chunk is not a relocatable module
ModulePostfix:'%%' in module title
NotMod:This is not a relocatable module
BadRMHeaderField:Illegal header field in module
IncarnationNotFound:Incarnation not found
RMNotFoundInROM:Module is not in ROM
NumbTooBig:Number too big
BadBase:Base not recognised
BadClaimNum:Bad vector number
SysHeapFull:The area of memory reserved for the system heap is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory.
NotAllMoved:There is not enough memory to perform this operation. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. (Memory cannot be moved)
ChDynamCAO:Can't change memory area (application running)
AplWSpaceInUse:Application memory area in use
RAMFsUnchangeable:The size of the RAM filing system can only be changed when it is empty
BadDynamicArea:Unknown dynamic area
AreaAlreadyExists:Dynamic area already exists
AreaNotOnPageBdy:Base address not on page boundary
OverlappingAreas:Overlapping areas
CantAllocateArea:Unable to allocate logical address space
CantAllocateLevel2:Unable to allocate page tables for area
UnknownAreaHandler:Unknown dynamic area handler call
RCExc:Return code limit exceeded
RCNegative:Negative return code
BadString:String not recognised
BadVarType:Bad variable type
VarNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for the system variables is full. Use the Task Manager to make more space in the system heap/stack area.
BadMacVal:Bad macro value
BadVarNam:Variable name not recognised
VarTooLong:Variable value too long
BadParameters:Parameters not recognised
ArgRepeated:Argument repeated
BadBra:Mismatched brackets
StkOFlo:Expression stack overflow
MissOpn:Missing operand
MissOpr:Missing operator
BadInt:String is not convertible to integer
StrOFlo:String too long
NaffItm:Unknown operand
DivZero:Division by zero
NotNumeric:Numeric parameter needed
NoThen:There is no THEN
IsString:Expression is a string
ConParmTooBig:Configure parameter too big
BadConOpt:Configure option not recognised
BadStat:Status option not recognised
Config2manyparms:Too many parameters
NoSuchSWI2:SWI name not known
BadTime:Invalid time interval
BadEnvNumber:Bad Environment number
BadReadSysInfo:Unknown OS_ReadSysInfo call
BadMODE:Not enough memory to change to this screen mode
SNoWorkSpace:No memory is reserved for the system sprite area. Use the Task Manager to make some space for the system sprites.
SNoRoom:Not enough memory to create sprite
NoSprites:No sprites
NotGraphics:Not a graphics mode
SCantOpenFile:Can't open file
SNotEnoughRoom:Not enough memory in sprite area
SBadSpriteFile:Bad sprite file
SNoRoomToMerge:Not enough memory to add sprite
SBad2ndPtr:Bad 2nd ptr
InvalidRowOrCol:Invalid row or column
InvalidHeight:Invalid height
InvalidWidth:Invalid width
NoRoomToInsert:Not enough memory to insert row or column
SpriteAlreadyExists:Sprite already exists
InvalidSpriteMode:Invalid sprite mode
SBadReasonCode:Bad sprite reason code
CantInTeletext:Can't switch output in teletext mode
SInvalidSaveArea:Invalid save area
SpriteIsCurrentDest:Sprite is current destination
BadDPI:Illegal XDPI or YDPI in sprite
ModeNotAvailable:Screen mode not available
BadPixelDepth:Bad pixel depth
BadMSFlags:Illegal flags in mode selector
CDATStackOverflow:System stack overflow
NoSuchSWI:SWI not known
BadSav:Incorrect number of parameters for *Save
MonType:Monitor type reconfigured.
NoKbd:No keyboard present - autobooting
BreakPt:Stopped at break point at &%0
STail:|J|MUse *Configure to set the options.|J|M
CTail1:|J|MWhere:|J|MD is a decimal number, a hexadecimal number preceded by &,|J|Mor the base followed by underscore, followed|J|M
CTail2:by digits in the given base.|J|MItems within [ ] are optional.|J|MUse *Status to display the current settings.|J|M
Zonk:Unknown OS_ScreenMode reason code
SNoMask:Mask or Palette operations not supported in this display depth
BadVIDCDiv:Bad VIDC divider value
BadPlatReas:Unknown OS_PlatformFeatures reason code
600:ARM 600 Processor
610:ARM 610 Processor
700:ARM 700 Processor
710:ARM 710 Processor
7500:ARM 7500 Processor
7500FE:ARM 7500FE Processor
810:ARM 810 Processor
SA110:StrongARM Processor
...@@ -6,9 +6,13 @@ ...@@ -6,9 +6,13 @@
GBLS Module_MinorVersion GBLS Module_MinorVersion
GBLS Module_Date GBLS Module_Date
GBLS Module_FullVersion GBLS Module_FullVersion
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.28" GBLS Module_ApplicationDate2
Module_Version SETA 528 GBLS Module_ApplicationDate4
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.29"
Module_Version SETA 529
Module_MinorVersion SETS "" Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "12 May 2000" Module_Date SETS "27 Jun 2000"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.28" Module_ApplicationDate2 SETS "27-Jun-00"
Module_ApplicationDate4 SETS "27-Jun-2000"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.29"
/* (5.28) /* (5.29)
* *
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually. * This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* *
*/ */
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.28 #define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.29
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG #define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 12 May 2000 #define Module_Date_CMHG 27 Jun 2000
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.28" #define Module_MajorVersion "5.29"
#define Module_Version 528 #define Module_Version 529
#define Module_MinorVersion "" #define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "12 May 2000" #define Module_Date "27 Jun 2000"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.28" #define Module_ApplicationDate2 "27-Jun-00"
#define Module_ApplicationDate4 "27-Jun-2000"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.29"
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