diff --git a/Resources/UK/Messages b/Resources/UK/Messages index d02f3ef1026d22c6eab9976cd98dc4d598069dd7..039d060d144c3679d339912094bd25157f9d032e 100644 --- a/Resources/UK/Messages +++ b/Resources/UK/Messages @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ BadExtend:Not enough memory (to extend heap) ExcessiveShrink:Can't shrink heap any further BadModuleReason:Unknown OS_Module call CantKill:Module is currently active -MHNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for relocatable modules is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. +MHNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for relocatable modules is full NoMoreModules:No more modules NoMoreIncarnations:No more incarnations of that module PostfixNeeded:Postfix not specified @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ RMNotFoundInROM:Module is not in ROM NumbTooBig:Number too big BadBase:Base not recognised BadClaimNum:Bad vector number -SysHeapFull:The area of memory reserved for the system heap is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. -NotAllMoved:There is not enough memory to perform this operation. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. (Memory cannot be moved) +SysHeapFull:The area of memory reserved for the system heap is full +NotAllMoved:Memory can not be moved ChDynamCAO:Can't change memory area (application running) AplWSpaceInUse:Application memory area in use RAMFsUnchangeable:The size of the RAM filing system can only be changed when it is empty diff --git a/Resources/UK/Morris4/Messages b/Resources/UK/Morris4/Messages new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d02f3ef1026d22c6eab9976cd98dc4d598069dd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/UK/Morris4/Messages @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +BadNumb:Number not recognised +NoSuchSWI1:SWI &%0 not known +VarCantFind:System variable '%0' not found +BuffOverflow:Buffer overflow +Escape:Escape +Syntax:Syntax +OptErr:Syntax: *Opt [<x> [[,] <y>]] +NoHelp:No help found. +HelpFound:==> Help on keyword %0 +Address:Address : +ASCII:ASCII data +Unp:Unplugged modules are: +NoUnp:No modules are unplugged +Podule:(Podule %0) +Extn:(Extn ROM %0) +Modules:No. Position Workspace Name +Number:(Number) +Macro:(Macro) +Result:Result is %0, value : +Integer:an integer +String:a string +ROMMTitle:No. Position|IModule Name|I|IVersion|IStatus|M|J +SYSROM:System ROM +EXTROM:Extn ROM +PODROM:Podule +Active:Active +Dormant:Dormant +Unplugged:Unplugged +Running:Running +Untitled:<Untitled> +Supervisor:Supervisor +ErrSub:E +YesNo:yn +Config:Configuration +Options:options: +Status:status: +Err: (Error number &%0) +Error:Error: %0 (Error number &%1) +UndefinedInstruction:Internal error: undefined instruction at &%0 +InstructionAbort:Internal error: abort on instruction fetch at &%0 +DataAbort:Internal error: abort on data transfer at &%0 +AddressException:Internal error: address exception at &%0 +BranchThrough0:Internal error: branch through zero +SDoesntExist:Sprite doesn't exist +ModuleTooOld:Module %0 too old +NaffRelease:Bad vector release +RMNotFound:Module %0 not found +NaffDevNo:Bad device number +BadDevVecRel:Bad device release +RedirectFail:Redirection fails +StackFull:Not enough memory on system stack +OscliLongLine:Too long +NoOscliSpecials:Special field not allowed in filing system prefix to OS_CLI +OscliTooHard:Expansion too complex +BadCommand:Command not recognised +BadParmString:Parameter expansion contains unrecognised characters +TooManyParms:Too many parameters +BadKey:Key number must be in the range 0-15 +BadAddress:Address not recognised +OutsideFile:Outside file +NotABlock:Not a heap block +BadDesc:Bad heap descriptor +HeapBadReason:Bad reason code +HeapFailInit:Can't initialise heap +BadLink:Heap overwritten +HeapFailAlloc:Not enough memory (in heap) +BadExtend:Not enough memory (to extend heap) +ExcessiveShrink:Can't shrink heap any further +BadModuleReason:Unknown OS_Module call +CantKill:Module is currently active +MHNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for relocatable modules is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. +NoMoreModules:No more modules +NoMoreIncarnations:No more incarnations of that module +PostfixNeeded:Postfix not specified +IncarnationExists:Incarnation already exists +ChunkNotRM:Podule chunk is not a relocatable module +ModulePostfix:'%%' in module title +NotMod:This is not a relocatable module +BadRMHeaderField:Illegal header field in module +IncarnationNotFound:Incarnation not found +RMNotFoundInROM:Module is not in ROM +NumbTooBig:Number too big +BadBase:Base not recognised +BadClaimNum:Bad vector number +SysHeapFull:The area of memory reserved for the system heap is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. +NotAllMoved:There is not enough memory to perform this operation. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. (Memory cannot be moved) +ChDynamCAO:Can't change memory area (application running) +AplWSpaceInUse:Application memory area in use +RAMFsUnchangeable:The size of the RAM filing system can only be changed when it is empty +BadDynamicArea:Unknown dynamic area +AreaAlreadyExists:Dynamic area already exists +AreaNotOnPageBdy:Base address not on page boundary +OverlappingAreas:Overlapping areas +CantAllocateArea:Unable to allocate logical address space +CantAllocateLevel2:Unable to allocate page tables for area +UnknownAreaHandler:Unknown dynamic area handler call +RCExc:Return code limit exceeded +RCNegative:Negative return code +BadString:String not recognised +BadVarType:Bad variable type +VarNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for the system variables is full. Use the Task Manager to make more space in the system heap/stack area. +BadMacVal:Bad macro value +BadVarNam:Variable name not recognised +VarTooLong:Variable value too long +BadParameters:Parameters not recognised +ArgRepeated:Argument repeated +BadBra:Mismatched brackets +StkOFlo:Expression stack overflow +MissOpn:Missing operand +MissOpr:Missing operator +BadInt:String is not convertible to integer +StrOFlo:String too long +NaffItm:Unknown operand +DivZero:Division by zero +NotNumeric:Numeric parameter needed +NoThen:There is no THEN +IsString:Expression is a string +ConParmTooBig:Configure parameter too big +BadConOpt:Configure option not recognised +BadStat:Status option not recognised +Config2manyparms:Too many parameters +NoSuchSWI2:SWI name not known +BadTime:Invalid time interval +BadEnvNumber:Bad Environment number +BadReadSysInfo:Unknown OS_ReadSysInfo call +BadMODE:Not enough memory to change to this screen mode +SNoWorkSpace:No memory is reserved for the system sprite area. Use the Task Manager to make some space for the system sprites. +SNoRoom:Not enough memory to create sprite +NoSprites:No sprites +NotGraphics:Not a graphics mode +SCantOpenFile:Can't open file +SNotEnoughRoom:Not enough memory in sprite area +SBadSpriteFile:Bad sprite file +SNoRoomToMerge:Not enough memory to add sprite +SBad2ndPtr:Bad 2nd ptr +InvalidRowOrCol:Invalid row or column +InvalidHeight:Invalid height +InvalidWidth:Invalid width +NoRoomToInsert:Not enough memory to insert row or column +SpriteAlreadyExists:Sprite already exists +InvalidSpriteMode:Invalid sprite mode +SBadReasonCode:Bad sprite reason code +CantInTeletext:Can't switch output in teletext mode +SInvalidSaveArea:Invalid save area +SpriteIsCurrentDest:Sprite is current destination +BadDPI:Illegal XDPI or YDPI in sprite +ModeNotAvailable:Screen mode not available +BadPixelDepth:Bad pixel depth +BadMSFlags:Illegal flags in mode selector +CDATStackOverflow:System stack overflow +NoSuchSWI:SWI not known +BadSav:Incorrect number of parameters for *Save +MonType:Monitor type reconfigured. +NoKbd:No keyboard present - autobooting +BreakPt:Stopped at break point at &%0 +STail:|J|MUse *Configure to set the options.|J|M +CTail1:|J|MWhere:|J|MD is a decimal number, a hexadecimal number preceded by &,|J|Mor the base followed by underscore, followed|J|M +CTail2:by digits in the given base.|J|MItems within [ ] are optional.|J|MUse *Status to display the current settings.|J|M +Zonk:Unknown OS_ScreenMode reason code +SNoMask:Mask or Palette operations not supported in this display depth +BadVIDCDiv:Bad VIDC divider value +BadPlatReas:Unknown OS_PlatformFeatures reason code + +600:ARM 600 Processor +610:ARM 610 Processor +700:ARM 700 Processor +710:ARM 710 Processor +7500:ARM 7500 Processor +7500FE:ARM 7500FE Processor +810:ARM 810 Processor +SA110:StrongARM Processor diff --git a/Resources/UK/Ursula/Messages b/Resources/UK/Ursula/Messages new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d02f3ef1026d22c6eab9976cd98dc4d598069dd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/UK/Ursula/Messages @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +BadNumb:Number not recognised +NoSuchSWI1:SWI &%0 not known +VarCantFind:System variable '%0' not found +BuffOverflow:Buffer overflow +Escape:Escape +Syntax:Syntax +OptErr:Syntax: *Opt [<x> [[,] <y>]] +NoHelp:No help found. +HelpFound:==> Help on keyword %0 +Address:Address : +ASCII:ASCII data +Unp:Unplugged modules are: +NoUnp:No modules are unplugged +Podule:(Podule %0) +Extn:(Extn ROM %0) +Modules:No. Position Workspace Name +Number:(Number) +Macro:(Macro) +Result:Result is %0, value : +Integer:an integer +String:a string +ROMMTitle:No. Position|IModule Name|I|IVersion|IStatus|M|J +SYSROM:System ROM +EXTROM:Extn ROM +PODROM:Podule +Active:Active +Dormant:Dormant +Unplugged:Unplugged +Running:Running +Untitled:<Untitled> +Supervisor:Supervisor +ErrSub:E +YesNo:yn +Config:Configuration +Options:options: +Status:status: +Err: (Error number &%0) +Error:Error: %0 (Error number &%1) +UndefinedInstruction:Internal error: undefined instruction at &%0 +InstructionAbort:Internal error: abort on instruction fetch at &%0 +DataAbort:Internal error: abort on data transfer at &%0 +AddressException:Internal error: address exception at &%0 +BranchThrough0:Internal error: branch through zero +SDoesntExist:Sprite doesn't exist +ModuleTooOld:Module %0 too old +NaffRelease:Bad vector release +RMNotFound:Module %0 not found +NaffDevNo:Bad device number +BadDevVecRel:Bad device release +RedirectFail:Redirection fails +StackFull:Not enough memory on system stack +OscliLongLine:Too long +NoOscliSpecials:Special field not allowed in filing system prefix to OS_CLI +OscliTooHard:Expansion too complex +BadCommand:Command not recognised +BadParmString:Parameter expansion contains unrecognised characters +TooManyParms:Too many parameters +BadKey:Key number must be in the range 0-15 +BadAddress:Address not recognised +OutsideFile:Outside file +NotABlock:Not a heap block +BadDesc:Bad heap descriptor +HeapBadReason:Bad reason code +HeapFailInit:Can't initialise heap +BadLink:Heap overwritten +HeapFailAlloc:Not enough memory (in heap) +BadExtend:Not enough memory (to extend heap) +ExcessiveShrink:Can't shrink heap any further +BadModuleReason:Unknown OS_Module call +CantKill:Module is currently active +MHNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for relocatable modules is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. +NoMoreModules:No more modules +NoMoreIncarnations:No more incarnations of that module +PostfixNeeded:Postfix not specified +IncarnationExists:Incarnation already exists +ChunkNotRM:Podule chunk is not a relocatable module +ModulePostfix:'%%' in module title +NotMod:This is not a relocatable module +BadRMHeaderField:Illegal header field in module +IncarnationNotFound:Incarnation not found +RMNotFoundInROM:Module is not in ROM +NumbTooBig:Number too big +BadBase:Base not recognised +BadClaimNum:Bad vector number +SysHeapFull:The area of memory reserved for the system heap is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. +NotAllMoved:There is not enough memory to perform this operation. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. (Memory cannot be moved) +ChDynamCAO:Can't change memory area (application running) +AplWSpaceInUse:Application memory area in use +RAMFsUnchangeable:The size of the RAM filing system can only be changed when it is empty +BadDynamicArea:Unknown dynamic area +AreaAlreadyExists:Dynamic area already exists +AreaNotOnPageBdy:Base address not on page boundary +OverlappingAreas:Overlapping areas +CantAllocateArea:Unable to allocate logical address space +CantAllocateLevel2:Unable to allocate page tables for area +UnknownAreaHandler:Unknown dynamic area handler call +RCExc:Return code limit exceeded +RCNegative:Negative return code +BadString:String not recognised +BadVarType:Bad variable type +VarNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for the system variables is full. Use the Task Manager to make more space in the system heap/stack area. +BadMacVal:Bad macro value +BadVarNam:Variable name not recognised +VarTooLong:Variable value too long +BadParameters:Parameters not recognised +ArgRepeated:Argument repeated +BadBra:Mismatched brackets +StkOFlo:Expression stack overflow +MissOpn:Missing operand +MissOpr:Missing operator +BadInt:String is not convertible to integer +StrOFlo:String too long +NaffItm:Unknown operand +DivZero:Division by zero +NotNumeric:Numeric parameter needed +NoThen:There is no THEN +IsString:Expression is a string +ConParmTooBig:Configure parameter too big +BadConOpt:Configure option not recognised +BadStat:Status option not recognised +Config2manyparms:Too many parameters +NoSuchSWI2:SWI name not known +BadTime:Invalid time interval +BadEnvNumber:Bad Environment number +BadReadSysInfo:Unknown OS_ReadSysInfo call +BadMODE:Not enough memory to change to this screen mode +SNoWorkSpace:No memory is reserved for the system sprite area. Use the Task Manager to make some space for the system sprites. +SNoRoom:Not enough memory to create sprite +NoSprites:No sprites +NotGraphics:Not a graphics mode +SCantOpenFile:Can't open file +SNotEnoughRoom:Not enough memory in sprite area +SBadSpriteFile:Bad sprite file +SNoRoomToMerge:Not enough memory to add sprite +SBad2ndPtr:Bad 2nd ptr +InvalidRowOrCol:Invalid row or column +InvalidHeight:Invalid height +InvalidWidth:Invalid width +NoRoomToInsert:Not enough memory to insert row or column +SpriteAlreadyExists:Sprite already exists +InvalidSpriteMode:Invalid sprite mode +SBadReasonCode:Bad sprite reason code +CantInTeletext:Can't switch output in teletext mode +SInvalidSaveArea:Invalid save area +SpriteIsCurrentDest:Sprite is current destination +BadDPI:Illegal XDPI or YDPI in sprite +ModeNotAvailable:Screen mode not available +BadPixelDepth:Bad pixel depth +BadMSFlags:Illegal flags in mode selector +CDATStackOverflow:System stack overflow +NoSuchSWI:SWI not known +BadSav:Incorrect number of parameters for *Save +MonType:Monitor type reconfigured. +NoKbd:No keyboard present - autobooting +BreakPt:Stopped at break point at &%0 +STail:|J|MUse *Configure to set the options.|J|M +CTail1:|J|MWhere:|J|MD is a decimal number, a hexadecimal number preceded by &,|J|Mor the base followed by underscore, followed|J|M +CTail2:by digits in the given base.|J|MItems within [ ] are optional.|J|MUse *Status to display the current settings.|J|M +Zonk:Unknown OS_ScreenMode reason code +SNoMask:Mask or Palette operations not supported in this display depth +BadVIDCDiv:Bad VIDC divider value +BadPlatReas:Unknown OS_PlatformFeatures reason code + +600:ARM 600 Processor +610:ARM 610 Processor +700:ARM 700 Processor +710:ARM 710 Processor +7500:ARM 7500 Processor +7500FE:ARM 7500FE Processor +810:ARM 810 Processor +SA110:StrongARM Processor diff --git a/VersionASM b/VersionASM index ab1d6c2fbafeeb67f5e5e32447315ec0f5344408..6b62f8a8ad80ad987e27c8a0dbc429da2b9efd5a 100644 --- a/VersionASM +++ b/VersionASM @@ -6,9 +6,13 @@ GBLS Module_MinorVersion GBLS Module_Date GBLS Module_FullVersion -Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.28" -Module_Version SETA 528 + GBLS Module_ApplicationDate2 + GBLS Module_ApplicationDate4 +Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.29" +Module_Version SETA 529 Module_MinorVersion SETS "" -Module_Date SETS "12 May 2000" -Module_FullVersion SETS "5.28" +Module_Date SETS "27 Jun 2000" +Module_ApplicationDate2 SETS "27-Jun-00" +Module_ApplicationDate4 SETS "27-Jun-2000" +Module_FullVersion SETS "5.29" END diff --git a/VersionNum b/VersionNum index 386e46390537fe7aaa4b264b83912c8b9f0920e8..08f501dc1d7da1f4a322519b4127b6a5c88a15a3 100644 --- a/VersionNum +++ b/VersionNum @@ -1,15 +1,18 @@ -/* (5.28) +/* (5.29) * * This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually. * */ -#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.28 +#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.29 #define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG -#define Module_Date_CMHG 12 May 2000 +#define Module_Date_CMHG 27 Jun 2000 -#define Module_MajorVersion "5.28" -#define Module_Version 528 +#define Module_MajorVersion "5.29" +#define Module_Version 529 #define Module_MinorVersion "" -#define Module_Date "12 May 2000" +#define Module_Date "27 Jun 2000" -#define Module_FullVersion "5.28" +#define Module_ApplicationDate2 "27-Jun-00" +#define Module_ApplicationDate4 "27-Jun-2000" + +#define Module_FullVersion "5.29"