VIDCList 2.94 KB
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; Copyright 2013 Castle Technology Ltd
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        SUBT    VIDC List type 3 format => &.Hdr.VIDCList

OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List

; format of a VIDC list type 3
                                ^       0
VIDCList3_Type                  #       4  ; must be '3'
VIDCList3_PixelDepth            #       4  ; Log2BPP
VIDCList3_HorizSyncWidth        #       4
VIDCList3_HorizBackPorch        #       4
VIDCList3_HorizLeftBorder       #       4
VIDCList3_HorizDisplaySize      #       4
VIDCList3_HorizRightBorder      #       4
VIDCList3_HorizFrontPorch       #       4
VIDCList3_VertiSyncWidth        #       4
VIDCList3_VertiBackPorch        #       4
VIDCList3_VertiTopBorder        #       4
VIDCList3_VertiDisplaySize      #       4
VIDCList3_VertiBottomBorder     #       4
VIDCList3_VertiFrontPorch       #       4
VIDCList3_PixelRate             #       4
VIDCList3_SyncPol               #       4  ; sync polarity/flag bits
VIDCList3_ControlList           #       0  ; possibly empty list of pairs of index,value words
; and VIDCList3 is terminated by a -1 word
; Indices in VIDCList3_ControlList
                                ^       1
ControlList_LCDMode             #       1
ControlList_LCDDualPanelMode    #       1
ControlList_LCDOffset0          #       1
ControlList_LCDOffset1          #       1
ControlList_HiResMode           #       1
ControlList_DACControl          #       1
ControlList_RGBPedestals        #       1
ControlList_ExternalRegister    #       1
ControlList_HClockSelect        #       1
ControlList_RClockFrequency     #       1
ControlList_DPMSState           #       1
ControlList_Interlaced          #       1
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59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
ControlList_OutputFormat        #       1
ControlList_ExtraBytes          #       1
ControlList_NColour             #       1
ControlList_ModeFlags           #       1
ControlList_InvalidReason       #       0

ControlList_Terminator          *      -1

; bits/flags in VIDCList3_SyncPol word:
69 70 71 72
SyncPol_InvertHSync        *  1   ; 0 = positive, 1 = negative
SyncPol_InvertVSync        *  2   ; 0 = positive, 2 = negative
SyncPol_InterlaceSpecified *  4   ; if set, interlace bit has been specified, else filled in by kernel. Deprecated, use control list item instead.
SyncPol_Interlace          *  8   ; set=interlaced, either specified by service call claimant or filled in from *TV by kernel. Deprecated, use control list item instead.
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73 74 75 76

        OPT     OldOpt
