; Copyright 2013 Castle Technology Ltd ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; SUBT VIDC List type 3 format => &.Hdr.VIDCList OldOpt SETA {OPT} OPT OptNoList+OptNoP1List ; ; format of a VIDC list type 3 ; ^ 0 VIDCList3_Type # 4 ; must be '3' VIDCList3_PixelDepth # 4 ; Log2BPP VIDCList3_HorizSyncWidth # 4 VIDCList3_HorizBackPorch # 4 VIDCList3_HorizLeftBorder # 4 VIDCList3_HorizDisplaySize # 4 VIDCList3_HorizRightBorder # 4 VIDCList3_HorizFrontPorch # 4 VIDCList3_VertiSyncWidth # 4 VIDCList3_VertiBackPorch # 4 VIDCList3_VertiTopBorder # 4 VIDCList3_VertiDisplaySize # 4 VIDCList3_VertiBottomBorder # 4 VIDCList3_VertiFrontPorch # 4 VIDCList3_PixelRate # 4 VIDCList3_SyncPol # 4 ; sync polarity/flag bits VIDCList3_ControlList # 0 ; possibly empty list of pairs of index,value words ; ; and VIDCList3 is terminated by a -1 word ; ; Indices in VIDCList3_ControlList ; ^ 1 ControlList_LCDMode # 1 ControlList_LCDDualPanelMode # 1 ControlList_LCDOffset0 # 1 ControlList_LCDOffset1 # 1 ControlList_HiResMode # 1 ControlList_DACControl # 1 ControlList_RGBPedestals # 1 ControlList_ExternalRegister # 1 ControlList_HClockSelect # 1 ControlList_RClockFrequency # 1 ControlList_DPMSState # 1 ControlList_Interlaced # 1 ControlList_OutputFormat # 1 ControlList_ExtraBytes # 1 ControlList_NColour # 1 ControlList_ModeFlags # 1 ControlList_InvalidReason # 0 ControlList_Terminator * -1 ; bits/flags in VIDCList3_SyncPol word: ; SyncPol_InvertHSync * 1 ; 0 = positive, 1 = negative SyncPol_InvertVSync * 2 ; 0 = positive, 2 = negative SyncPol_InterlaceSpecified * 4 ; if set, interlace bit has been specified, else filled in by kernel. Deprecated, use control list item instead. SyncPol_Interlace * 8 ; set=interlaced, either specified by service call claimant or filled in from *TV by kernel. Deprecated, use control list item instead. OPT OldOpt END