main 7.4 KB
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; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.

; > s.main
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17 18 19 20 21 22

;;; Initialisation
        Push    "R0-R4,R12,LR"

;claim main workspace
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
24 25
        LDR     R3,=AMBmaxwork
        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
;;;     BVS     err_cantclaim - this should not happen
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
27 28 29 30 31 32

;don't store ws pointer till end of initialise - service routines must
;know when initialise is not yet complete
        MOV     R12,R2

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
;zero-init workspace
        MOV     R1,#0
        LDR     R3,=AMBmaxwork
        ADD     R3,R3,R2
        STR     R1,[R2],#4
        CMP     R2,R3
        BLO     %BT00

;claim block for handle array
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
43 44
        MOV     R3,#(AMBInitialMaxNodes:SHL:2)
        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
;;;     BVS     err_cantclaim
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
        STR     R2,AMBNodeHandles

;put all handles on free list (entry 0 is used as hdr of free list)
        MOV     R0,#1
        MOV     R1,#AMBInitialMaxNodes
        STR     R1,AMBNhandles
        STR     R0,[R2],#4
        ADD     R0,R0,#1
        CMP     R0,R1
        BNE     %BT01
        MOV     R0,#0       ; = end of list
        STR     R0,[R2]

;claim block for PhysBin array
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
        LDR     R3,=ZeroPage+MaxCamEntry
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Neil Turton committed
62 63 64 65 66 67
        LDR     R3,[R3]
        ADD     R3,R3,#1                   ;no. of RAM pages extant
        MOV     R3,R3,LSR #AMBPhysBinShift ;no. of bin entries reqd.
        STR     R3,AMBPhysBinEntries
        MOV     R3,R3,LSL #2               ;1 word per entry
        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
;;;     BVS     err_cantclaim
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
69 70 71
        STR     R2,AMBPhysBin

;init PhysBin
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
        LDR     R0,=ZeroPage+PhysRamTable
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Neil Turton committed
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
        LDR     R3,AMBPhysBin
        LDR     R4,AMBPhysBinEntries
        LDMIA   R0!,{R1,R2}             ;address,size of first physical fragment
        MOV     R2,R2,LSR #Log2PageSize ;no. pages in fragment
        B       %FT04
        ADD     R1,R1,#(1:SHL:(Log2PageSize+AMBPhysBinShift)) ;next bin address
        SUBS    R2,R2,#(1:SHL:AMBPhysBinShift)                ;no. pages binned
        LDMLEIA R0!,{R1,R2}             ;address,size of next physical fragment
        MOVLE   R2,R2,LSR #Log2PageSize ;no. pages in fragment
        STR     R1,[R3],#4
        SUBS    R4,R4,#1
        BNE     %BT03

;init any other workspace that shouldn't init as 0
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
        ADR     R1,AMBAnchorNode
90 91 92
        STR     R1,[R1,#AMBNode_prev]  ;anchor prev initially -> anchor (empty list)
        STR     R1,[R1,#AMBNode_next]  ;anchor next initially -> anchor (empty list)
  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
        LDR     R0,=ZeroPage
94 95 96 97
        LDR     R0,[R0,#ProcessorFlags]
        TST     R0,#CPUFlag_BaseRestored
        MOVEQ   R1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable  ;laziness not supported if we can't trivially restart after abort (because we're lazy!)
        MOVNE   R1,#0                          ;yipee, laziness enabled (and not suspended)
98 99
        TST     R0,#CPUFlag_AbortRestartBroken ;but wait! can't use for bugged chips (eg. pre rev T StrongARM)
        MOVNE   R1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable
100 101
        STR     R1,AMBFlags
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
        LDR     R0,=ZeroPage+AMBControl_ws
        STR     R12,[R0]               ;now initialisation is complete
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116

        Pull    "R0-R4,R12,PC"

; OS_AMBControl SWI handler
; entry:
;   R0 = reason code (bits 0..7) and flags (bits 8..31), flags depend on reason
;   other regs. depend on reason code
; exit:
;   R0 preserved
;   other regs. depend on reason code

Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
        LDR     R12,=ZeroPage+AMBControl_ws
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
        LDR     R12,[R12]

        AND     R11,R0,#&FF
        CMP     R11,#(reasons0-reasons1)/4
        ADDCC   PC,PC,R11,LSL #2        ;Despatch if within a suitable range
        B       reasons1
        B       allocate     ;0
        B       deallocate   ;1
        B       growshrink   ;2
        B       mapslot      ;3
        B       readinfo     ;4
130 131 132
  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
        B       laziness     ;5
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Neil Turton committed
        B       reserved     ;5
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
        B       reserved     ;6
        B       reserved     ;7
        B       mjs_info     ;8 - system reason code, dumps info to buffer
        ADR     R0,err_badreason
        B       SLVK_SetV

143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194
  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
;entry: R0=5 (reason),R1=1 for lazy on, 0 for lazy off, -1 to read lazy only
;exit: R1=new lazy value, after any restrictions of platform applied
;action: if reading only, if lazy disabled, or if new state = current, do nothing
;        if state is changing, map out any current node, change state, map in any current node
laziness ROUT
       Push    "R2-R3,LR"
       CMP     R1,#-1
       BEQ     %FT20
       LDR     R2,AMBFlags                      ;R2 := current flags
       TST     R2,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable    ;disable is permanent
       BNE     %FT20
       CMP     R1,#0
       MOV     R1,R2
       ORREQ   R1,R1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
       BICNE   R1,R1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend ;R1 := new flags
       EOR     R3,R1,R2
       TST     R3,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend    ;is suspend status changing?
       BEQ     %FT20
       LDR     R3,AMBMappedInNode
       CMP     R3,#0
       BEQ     %FT10
       Push    "R0-R3"
       MOV     R0,#3
       MOV     R1,#-1
       LDR     R2,[R3,#AMBNode_handle]
       SWI     XOS_AMBControl                   ;map out current node
       Pull    "R0-R3"
       STR     R1,AMBFlags
       CMP     R3,#0
       BEQ     %FT20
       Push    "R0-R3"
       MOV     R0,#3
       MOV     R1,#0
       LDR     R2,[R3,#AMBNode_handle]
       SWI     XOS_AMBControl                   ;map in current node
       Pull    "R0-R3"
       LDR     R1,AMBFlags
       TST     R1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
       MOVEQ   R1,#1
       MOVNE   R1,#0
       Pull    "R2-R3,LR"
       B       SLVK
  ] ;AMB_LazyMapIn

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Neil Turton committed
195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253
;entry: R0=8 (reason),R1 -> buffer (say 4k for up to 255 tasks)
;exit: buffer filled:
;       0   Ntasks
;       4   Handle of mapped in task (or 0)
;       8   Handle 1
;      12   Npages 1
;      16   Logical address 1
;      20   PPL 1
;      24   Handle 2
;      28   Npages 2
;      32   Logical address 2
;      36   PPL 2
;      ...
       Push    "R1-R7,LR"
       LDR     R2,AMBNtasks
       STR     R2,[R1],#4
       LDR     R2,AMBMappedInNode
       CMP     R2,#0
       LDRNE   R2,[R2,#AMBNode_handle]
       STR     R2,[R1],#4
       ADR     R2,AMBAnchorNode
       MOV     R7,R2
       LDR     R2,[R2,#AMBNode_next]
       CMP     R2,R7
       BEQ     %FT02
       LDR     R3,[R2,#AMBNode_handle]
       LDR     R4,[R2,#AMBNode_Npages]
       LDR     R5,[R2,#AMBNode_startaddr]
       LDR     R6,[R2,#AMBNode_PPL]
       STMIA   R1!,{R3-R6}
       B       %BT01
       Pull    "R1-R7,LR"
       B       SLVK

       ADR     R0,err_reserved
       B       SLVK_SetV

;;; errors (sod internationalisation)

        DCD     0
        DCB     "bad AMBControl reason code",0

        DCD     0
        DCB     "reserved AMBControl reason code",0

        DCD     0
        DCB     "AMBControl handles exhausted",0
