Commit 13c0a11e authored by Jeffrey Lee's avatar Jeffrey Lee
Browse files

Fix support for list-based channel devices

  s/DMA - In DMActivate, the DMASetOptionsFlag_Circular flag was being set to the inverse of the required value.
  s/DMA - Fixed stack imbalance in DMAInterruptList; the 'finished' routines which are shared with DMAInterruptCommon expect r12 to be on the stack, but DMAInterruptList was failing to place it there.
  Tested in BCM2835 ROM

Version 0.19. Tagged as 'DMA-0_19'
parent 2851f2e3
......@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
GBLS Module_HelpVersion
GBLS Module_ComponentName
GBLS Module_ComponentPath
Module_MajorVersion SETS "0.18"
Module_Version SETA 18
Module_MajorVersion SETS "0.19"
Module_Version SETA 19
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "28 Nov 2009"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "28-Nov-09"
Module_Date SETS "07 Jul 2012"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "07-Jul-12"
Module_ComponentName SETS "DMA"
Module_ComponentPath SETS "castle/RiscOS/Sources/HWSupport/DMA"
Module_FullVersion SETS "0.18"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "0.18 (28 Nov 2009)"
Module_FullVersion SETS "0.19"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "0.19 (07 Jul 2012)"
/* (0.18)
/* (0.19)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.18
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.19
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 28 Nov 2009
#define Module_Date_CMHG 07 Jul 2012
#define Module_MajorVersion "0.18"
#define Module_Version 18
#define Module_MajorVersion "0.19"
#define Module_Version 19
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "28 Nov 2009"
#define Module_Date "07 Jul 2012"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "28-Nov-09"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "07-Jul-12"
#define Module_ComponentName "DMA"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/HWSupport/DMA"
#define Module_FullVersion "0.18"
#define Module_HelpVersion "0.18 (28 Nov 2009)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "0:18"
#define Module_FullVersion "0.19"
#define Module_HelpVersion "0.19 (07 Jul 2012)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "0:19"
......@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ DMAForceActivate
LDREQ r2, [r8, #lcb_PeripheralRead]
LDRNE r2, [r8, #lcb_PeripheralWrite]
TST lr, #dmarf_Circular
ORREQ r1, r1, #DMASetOptionsFlag_Circular
ORRNE r1, r1, #DMASetOptionsFlag_Circular
ORR r1, r1, r3, LSL #1 ; note lcbf_Registered is shifted off end, and lcbf_Blocked will be clear
MOV r0, r5
CallHAL DMASetOptions
......@@ -2527,6 +2527,7 @@ DMAInterruptList
TST r8, #dmarf_Infinite ; If a finite transfer
LDREQ lr, [r10, #dmar_Length]
TEQEQ lr, #0 ; which has finished
Push "r12", EQ
BEQ finished_altentry ; then move on to next queued transfer.
Pull "r4-r11,pc"
......@@ -2538,6 +2539,7 @@ DMAInterruptList
BL MsgTrans_ErrorLookup
MOV r4, r0
Push "r12"
B finished_witherror
MakeErrorBlock DMA_MemoryError
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