DMAManager fixes & improvements
Detail: DMA.s, in DMAForceActivate: Support for the NoInitIRQ flag for interrupt-driven buffer-type channels (API 1+) DMA.s, 'testloop': Fix handling of interrupt-driven buffer-type channels so DMAManager doesn't immediately crash or malfunction DMA.s, 'overrun', 'earlyoverrun', 'nooverrun': Fix handling of interrupt-driven buffer-type channels so IRQ state is cleared before the next stage of the transfer is programmed (to avoid missing IRQs) DMA.s, 'finished': Fix handling of interrupt-driven buffer-type channels so R8 is loaded with the logical channel block ptr, as expected by subsequent function calls. Front.s: Make dmaq_Trampoline larger to allow it to contain the HAL device ptr GetAll.s: Add Hdr:HALEntries to GET list, as required by 'ClaimVectors' fix in ModHead.s ModHead.s: Update controller handling code to cope with API versions 0.1 (TestIRQ2) & 1 ('Deallocate' passed channel device ptr) ModHead.s: Fix 'ClaimVectors' to call HAL_IRQEnable to enable IRQs for the detected channels/controllers. ModHead.s: Fix IRQ handler trampolines so that they call HALDevice_TestIRQ on the channel instead of branching to a random address in memory SWI.s: Support for controller API 1 (pass channel device ptr to 'Deallocate' in R2) hdr/DMADevice: Extra flags & entries for new DMA controller & buffer API versions Admin: Tested on rev C2 beagleboard with the incoming HAL DMA driver. API revisions are documented in more detail on the ROOL wiki. Version 0.18. Tagged as 'DMA-0_18'
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