Robert Sprowson
When the last task closes down have the clipboard manager task go dormant rather than pending. Otherwise, we get stuck in a race condition wanting to start back up again when the Task Manager's shutdown dialogue quits (Ctrl-Shift-F12 then Ctrl-Shift-F12). Wimp01.s: Define symbolic names for the special values if clipboard_taskhandle for states pending/run now/dormant. Wimp02.s: When the final task closes down, *now* it is safe to go to the pending state. Wimp07.s: Tidy up runthetask, and use Wimp version of 200 for the temporary task initialised rather than pass an undefined R3 to Wimp_Initialise. Share a common OS_CLI tail. CBTask.s: When asked to quit via user message 0, set the state to dormant. Version 5.85. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_85'