Commit 583685c0 authored by Robert Sprowson's avatar Robert Sprowson Committed by ROOL
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[378] Extra switches to set button true colours

WimpVisualFlags gains -ButtonColour -ButtonWellColour -ButtonHighlightColour to allow a theme designer to set the button/well/pressed colours for R1-R7 slabbing to some other colour, and -ButtonBorderFaceColour -ButtonBorderOppColour -ButtonBorderShallowColour for the outlines.
The given colours are only used when there is no 'C' validation.
parent 30c0dbf5
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No preview for this file type
......@@ -775,6 +775,12 @@ truemenuborderoppcolour # 4 ; colours to use for menu borders
truewindowborderfacecolour # 4
truewindowborderoppcolour # 4 ; colours to use for window borders
truewindowoutlinecolour # 4 ; colour to use for window outline
truebuttonborderfacecolour # 4 ; global theme selection to override truefacecolour
truebuttonbordershallowcolour # 4 ; global theme selection to override trueoppcolour for R3/R4 icons
truebuttonborderoppcolour # 4 ; global theme selection to override trueoppcolour
truebuttonwellcolour # 4 ; global theme selection to override truewellcolour
truebuttonbgcolour # 4 ; global theme selection to override truebgcolour
truebuttonbgcolour2 # 4 ; global theme selection to override truebgcolour2
[ TrueIcon1
truefgcolour # 4 ; for 24-bit colour icons
......@@ -1893,7 +1899,7 @@ sc_orange * &E
sc_lightblue * &F
rgb_white * &FFFFFF00
rgb_verylightgrey * &DDDDDD00 ; Unused
rgb_verylightgrey * &DDDDDD00
rgb_lightgrey * &BBBBBB00
rgb_midlightgrey * &99999900
rgb_middarkgrey * &77777700
......@@ -1904,7 +1910,7 @@ rgb_darkblue * &99440000 ; Unused
rgb_yellow * &00EEEE00 ; Unused
rgb_lightgreen * &00CC0000 ; Unused
rgb_red * &0000DD00 ; Unused
rgb_cream * &BBEEEE00 ; Unused
rgb_cream * &BBEEEE00
rgb_darkgreen * &00885500 ; Unused
rgb_orange * &00BBFF00 ; Unused
rgb_lightblue * &FFBB0000 ; Unused
......@@ -2343,6 +2349,18 @@ WimpVisualFlags_Help DCB "*WimpVisualFlags changes some aspects of the visual a
DCB " Set the colour of the top left portion of the menu border.",cr
DCB "-MenuBorderOppColour <&RRGGBB>",cr
DCB " Set the colour of the bottom right portion of the menu border.",cr
DCB "-ButtonBorderFaceColour <&RRGGBB>",cr
DCB " Set the colour of the top left portion of button icons.",cr
DCB "-ButtonBorderShallowColour <&RRGGBB>",cr
DCB " Set the colour of ridge and channel icon shadows.",cr
DCB "-ButtonBorderOppColour <&RRGGBB>",cr
DCB " Set the colour of the bottom right portion of button icons.",cr
DCB "-ButtonColour <&RRGGBB>",cr
DCB " Set the colour of the top of button icons.",cr
DCB "-ButtonWellColour <&RRGGBB>",cr
DCB " Set the colour of the well around default action buttons.",cr
DCB "-ButtonHighlightColour <&RRGGBB>",cr
DCB " Set the colour of action buttons when selected.",cr
DCB "-WindowOutlineColour <&RRGGBB>",cr
DCB " Set the colour of the window outline.",cr
WimpVisualFlags_Syntax DCB "Syntax: *WimpVisualFlags <options>",0
......@@ -3775,12 +3793,21 @@ gotwork
LDR R0,=rgb_white
STR R0,truemenuborderfacecolour
STR R0,truewindowborderfacecolour
STR R0,truebuttonborderfacecolour
LDR R0,=rgb_midlightgrey
STR r0,truemenuborderoppcolour
STR r0,truebuttonbgcolour2
LDR R0,=rgb_middarkgrey
STR r0,truewindowborderoppcolour
STR r0,truebuttonborderoppcolour
LDR R0,=rgb_black
STR r0,truewindowoutlinecolour
LDR R0,=rgb_cream
STR r0,truebuttonwellcolour
LDR R0,=rgb_verylightgrey
STR r0,truebuttonbgcolour
LDR R0,=rgb_lightgrey
STR r0,truebuttonbordershallowcolour
[ true
MOV R0,#arrowIconWidth_No3D
......@@ -7623,6 +7650,8 @@ WimpKillSprite_Code
DCB "NoIconBoxesInTransWindows=NIBITW/S,Fully3DIconBar=F3DIB/S,All=A/S,"
DCB "WindowBorderFaceColour=WBFC/E,WindowBorderOppColour=WBOC/E,"
DCB "MenuBorderFaceColour=MBFC/E,MenuBorderOppColour=MBOC/E,"
DCB "ButtonBorderFaceColour=BBFC/E,ButtonBorderShallowColour=BBSC/E,ButtonBorderOppColour=BBOC/E,"
DCB "ButtonColour=BC/E,ButtonWellColour=BWC/E,ButtonHighlightColour=BHC/E,"
DCB "NoFontBlending=NFB/S,FontBlending=FB/S,"
DCB "WindowOutlineColour=WOC/E,WindowOutlineOver=WOO/S",0
......@@ -7669,14 +7698,14 @@ WimpVisualFlags_Code
LDR r1,[sp,#20]
TEQ r1,#0
ORRNE r2,r2,#ThreeDFlags_Fully3DIconBar
; LDR r1,[sp,#44]
; LDR r1,[sp,#68]
; TEQ r1,#0
; ORRNE r2,r2,#ThreeDFlags_NoFontBlending ; bit is already set!
LDR r1,[sp,#48]
LDR r1,[sp,#72]
TEQ r1,#0
BICNE r2,r2,#ThreeDFlags_NoFontBlending
LDR r1,[sp,#56]
LDR r1,[sp,#80]
TEQ r1,#0
ORRNE r2,r2,#ThreeDFlags_WindowOutlineOver
......@@ -7700,7 +7729,37 @@ WimpVisualFlags_Code
LDRNE r0,=rgb_midlightgrey
STR r0,truemenuborderoppcolour
LDR r1,[sp,#52] ; window outline colour
LDR r1,[sp,#44] ; button border face colour
BL %FT02
LDRNE r0,=rgb_white
STR r0,truebuttonborderfacecolour
LDR r1,[sp,#48] ; button border shallow colour
BL %FT02
LDRNE r0,=rgb_lightgrey
STR r0,truebuttonbordershallowcolour
LDR r1,[sp,#52] ; button border opposite colour
BL %FT02
LDRNE r0,=rgb_middarkgrey
STR r0,truebuttonborderoppcolour
LDR r1,[sp,#56] ; button colour
BL %FT02
LDRNE r0,=rgb_verylightgrey
STR r0,truebuttonbgcolour
LDR r1,[sp,#60] ; button well colour
BL %FT02
LDRNE r0,=rgb_cream
STR r0,truebuttonwellcolour
LDR r1,[sp,#64] ; button highlight colour
BL %FT02
LDRNE r0,=rgb_midlightgrey
STR r0,truebuttonbgcolour2
LDR r1,[sp,#76] ; window outline colour
BL %FT02
LDRNE r0,=rgb_black
STR r0,truewindowoutlinecolour
......@@ -1049,6 +1049,7 @@ mungetruecolours ROUT
LDRNEB R0, fontforeground
MOVEQ R0, R1, LSR #ib_fcol
AND R0, R0, #&F
MOV R2, R0
LDR R0, [R14, R0, LSL #2] ; look up palette entry
STR R0, truefgcolour
......@@ -1059,28 +1060,61 @@ mungetruecolours ROUT
LDRNEB R0, fontbackground
MOVEQ R0, R1, LSR #ib_bcol
AND R0, R0, #&F
[ ThreeDPatch
TST R1, #if_border
LDRNE R3, border_type
TEQNE R3, #border_normal
LDREQ R0, [R14, R0, LSL #2] ; look up palette entry
BEQ %FT05 ; there is a border, and it's not R0 validation
TEQ R0, #sc_verylightgrey
TEQEQ R2, #sc_black
LDREQ R0, truebuttonbgcolour ; theme it since it was the default fg/bg colours
LDRNE R0, [R14, R0, LSL #2] ; look up palette entry
LDR R0, [R14, R0, LSL #2] ; look up palette entry
STR R0, truebgcolour
LDR R0, truebgcolour2
CMP R0, #-1
[ ThreeDPatch
LDR R0, border_highlight
AND R0, R0, #&F
TEQ R0, #sc_midlightgrey
TEQEQ R2, #sc_black
LDREQ R0, truebuttonbgcolour2 ; theme it since it was the default fg/bg2 colours
LDRNE R0, [R14, R0, LSL #2] ; look up palette entry
STR R0, truebgcolour2
LDREQ R0, border_highlight
ANDEQ R0, R0, #&F
LDREQ R0, [R14, R0, LSL #2] ; look up palette entry
STREQ R0, truebgcolour2
LDR R0, truewellcolour
CMP R0, #-1
LDR R0, border_type
TEQ R0, #border_defaultaction
[ ThreeDPatch
LDREQ R0, truebuttonwellcolour ; default = Wimp cream (default action)
LDRNE R0, truebuttonbgcolour ; default = Wimp grey 1 (editable)
LDREQ R0, [R14, #sc_cream :SHL: 2] ; default = Wimp cream (default action)
LDRNE R0, [R14, #sc_verylightgrey :SHL: 2] ; default = Wimp grey 1 (editable)
STR R0, truewellcolour
LDR R0, truefacecolour
CMP R0, #-1
[ ThreeDPatch
LDREQ R0, truebuttonborderfacecolour ; default = Wimp white
LDREQ R0, [R14, #sc_white :SHL: 2] ; default = Wimp white
STREQ R0, truefacecolour
LDR R0, trueoppcolour
......@@ -1089,8 +1123,13 @@ mungetruecolours ROUT
LDR R0, border_type
TEQ R0, #border_ridge
TEQNE R0, #border_channel
[ ThreeDPatch
LDREQ R0, truebuttonbordershallowcolour ; default = Wimp grey 2 (shallow)
LDRNE R0, truebuttonborderoppcolour ; default = Wimp grey 4 (normal)
LDREQ R0, [R14, #sc_lightgrey :SHL: 2] ; default = Wimp grey 2 (shallow)
LDRNE R0, [R14, #sc_middarkgrey :SHL: 2] ; default = Wimp grey 4 (normal)
STR R0, trueoppcolour
TST R1, #is_inverted
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