- 25 Mar, 2024 1 commit
Robert Sprowson authored
The message was being correctly formulated in memory, but the declared length omitted the terminator word. Version 5.87. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_87'
- 14 Jan, 2023 1 commit
Robert Sprowson authored
When the last task closes down have the clipboard manager task go dormant rather than pending. Otherwise, we get stuck in a race condition wanting to start back up again when the Task Manager's shutdown dialogue quits (Ctrl-Shift-F12 then Ctrl-Shift-F12). Wimp01.s: Define symbolic names for the special values if clipboard_taskhandle for states pending/run now/dormant. Wimp02.s: When the final task closes down, *now* it is safe to go to the pending state. Wimp07.s: Tidy up runthetask, and use Wimp version of 200 for the temporary task initialised rather than pass an undefined R3 to Wimp_Initialise. Share a common OS_CLI tail. CBTask.s: When asked to quit via user message 0, set the state to dormant. Version 5.85. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_85'
- 17 Oct, 2020 1 commit
Andy Vawer authored
* If dragging text from a writable icon and the source text or selection disappears during the drag, an ofla error occurs. Change to abort quietly (ie no text copied as nothing to copy) and remove the ghost caret from view. * Remove ghost caret on invalid dropped drags * Either use correct insert point from ghost caret when receiving a drag, or use current mouse coords for the destination if no ghost caret present. * Change datasave handling to check ghost caret presence for the destination rather than trying to check the enhanced datasave state. * Use window X coord for drop rather than screen Xcoord to ensure correct insert point. Fixes dragging multiline text areas from Draw leaving a ghost caret when it failed, and dragging a basic text object from Draw now inserts at the correct place. Version 5.80. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_80'
- 26 Aug, 2020 1 commit
Robert Sprowson authored
When the preferred list of types is exhausted, Clipboard Manager should at least respond with the native type (per DnD spec 5.3.1). Since only text is supported, this translates to always replying. Version 5.78. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_78'
- 23 May, 2020 1 commit
Andy Vawer authored
Detail: Send correct DataSaveAck message in response. Version 5.75. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_75'
- 11 Apr, 2020 1 commit
Andy Vawer authored
Check destination window handle and add destination icon handle if sending message to window handle -2. Improve window handle validation (not assuming all -ve handles are invalid, should the RMA move to have top bit set). Version 5.72. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_72'
- 30 Jan, 2020 1 commit
Andy Vawer authored
When releasing claim, use of stale register meant that the foreground task wasn't correctly bouncing Message_Dragging when the pointer moved out of range. Also added a sanity check in get_selected_text so that if for some reason the selection window disappears mid action it will be caught and not cause a crash. Version 5.71. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_71'
- 04 Jan, 2020 1 commit
ROOL authored
Detail: Menu windows don't store the task handle in their datablock, so an incorrect one was used as part of the data transfer sequence. Also, minor fix for Message_ClaimEntity when bit 2 was clear (bits 0,1 set). The response meant that, for example, Alt-click to rename, select text in writeable and press ^C - copied to clipboard, but writeable is removed. Admin: Submission for Clipboard Support bounty.
- 18 Dec, 2019 1 commit
ROOL authored
Detail: In CnPCaret.s * Clear any invalid window handles currently stored in caret blocks on Wimp_SetCaretPosition entry * Clear R2 on exit if R0=-1,R2=TASK on entry to Wimp_SetCaretPosition * If window is not open or able to receive a focus, then return WimpFocus error rather than causing an alignment exception In CBTask.s A drag to writeable with invalid (eg.rejection due to validation string mismatch or overlong insert) caused ghost caret to be left behind and still deletes the source text. * Changed LDR R2,=cbtask_TASK to LDR r2,cbtask3_TASK * Ensure cbtask_insert_text_into_icon returns V set on error Drag and drop text from icon to non-d&d application, the last message was erroneously sent as DataSaveAck, not Dataload Admin: Submission for Clipboard Support bounty. Version 5.66. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_66'
- 14 Dec, 2019 1 commit
ROOL authored
Detail: The text in writable icons can now be manipulated using the familiar keyboard shortcuts, or using Drag and Drop in conjunction with any compliant applications. Further details are in Doc/DragAndDrop along with information on API extensions which are implemented. Admin: Submission for Clipboard Support bounty. Version 5.65. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_65'