Redraw of unfilled, font-specified icons now fixed; this caused antialising...
Ben Avison authored
Redraw of unfilled, font-specified icons now fixed; this caused antialising errors, for example in CC applications' banner windows.

No longer maps anti-aliased system font character 128 to WimpSymbol tick;
this leaves character 128 free for use by Euro currency glyph.

Fixed Data Aborts in Wimp_SpriteOps 54, 57 and 58, and in *WimpKillSprite for
a sprite name found only in the ROM sprite pool.

Eureka window titles should now be redrawn correctly, without impacting the
redraw of Wimp-drawn titlebars, provided the ROM toolsprites are used. Note
that the toolsprite spritefile has regained sprite masks, but the colours
"behind" the mask are different to those in the last masked toolsprite file.