1. 14 Jul, 1998 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Redraw of unfilled, font-specified icons now fixed; this caused antialising... · e6daf715
      Ben Avison authored
      Redraw of unfilled, font-specified icons now fixed; this caused antialising errors, for example in CC applications' banner windows.
      No longer maps anti-aliased system font character 128 to WimpSymbol tick;
      this leaves character 128 free for use by Euro currency glyph.
      Fixed Data Aborts in Wimp_SpriteOps 54, 57 and 58, and in *WimpKillSprite for
      a sprite name found only in the ROM sprite pool.
      Eureka window titles should now be redrawn correctly, without impacting the
      redraw of Wimp-drawn titlebars, provided the ROM toolsprites are used. Note
      that the toolsprite spritefile has regained sprite masks, but the colours
      "behind" the mask are different to those in the last masked toolsprite file.
  2. 17 Apr, 1998 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Redraw of dragboxes when being resized/translated optimised to reduce flicker. · cb05448e
      Ben Avison authored
      Autoscroll update period extended to 12cs to reduce flicker.
      Added Wimp_ReadSysInfo 17 to return configured drag-and-drop scroll startup
      delay (in cs) because the CMOS storage isn't easy to read.
      Identified and bracketed changes from 3.9x responsible for 24-bit icon colours.
      defaultfontcolours now works correctly again.
      Introduced new icon colour code. This holds icon colours in 24 bits internally
      throughout, rather than treating 24-bit colour specifiers as a special case.
      This results in the following bugfixes/improvements:
       * 3D faces and moat colours, and slabbed-in action button backgrounds, can
         all be specified in 24-bits
       * fading of icons is now consistent across icon types, and utilises the
         colour range of >16 colour modes
       * 3D borders now get faded along with the rest of the icon
       * action buttons can now contain sprites (background is correct, and sprite
         is not inverted)
       * various cases where anti-aliasing didn't blend in to the background
         correctly are now fixed
       * conventional and 24-bit specifiers now behave equivalently to each other -
         the same colour specified either way behaves the same when faded, used as
         an EOR colour etc. (greys are now always dithered in 1-bpp modes, even if
         specified in 24-bit)
       * behaviour is now the same whether the Wimp font is the system font or a
         fancy font (amazingly, this wasn't always the case)
       * except for 3D icons, if the icon background matches the work area
         background, it is unaffected by fading - so for example, group boxes can now
         be faded correctly
      Switched out AutoHourglass (Mike was concerned about the speed hit).
      Corrected *Help syntax strings for On/Off configuration options.
  3. 26 Mar, 1998 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      New features: · f61b123f
      Ben Avison authored
      Dragboxes can now be clipped by and/or fixed to a given window's work area
      SWI Wimp_AutoScroll implemented
      Ursula icon highlighting scheme redesigned
      Wimp_Extend 11 now performs the same check on R1 as the main SWI handling code
      Message blocks now updated if in a dynamic area
      Screenblanker now turned off when error box is displayed
      ptr_double now turned off when a drag starts
  4. 09 Jul, 1997 1 commit
  5. 21 May, 1997 1 commit
  6. 07 May, 1997 1 commit
  7. 05 Nov, 1996 1 commit