• Ben Avison's avatar
    Text is now correctly justified when in an icon with validation string commands R8, R9, R10, ... · 6a6eb34c
    Ben Avison authored
    R5/R6 type icons now behave more usefully with button types other than click,
    release and auto-repeat.
    Prevented coordinate overflow in dragboxes.
    Stopped clipped dragboxes from flickering more than non-clipped ones.
    Fixed a bug whereby data aborts occurred when generating the translation table
    for inverted and/or shaded 256-colour sprites, if the first 256-colour sprite
    plotted since the Wimp's cached translation table was invalidated (either by
    Service_InvalidateCache or by plotting a 256-colour sprite after a non-256-
    colour sprite one) was at an address that had since been invalidated or paged
    out. This fixes a long-standing problem with 256-colour sprites in the desktop,
    but which only happened sporadically.
    Prevented palette corruption in paletted ( <256-colour) modes when the pointer
    reverts from an autoscroll pointer to its original setting.
    Fixed bug introduced in last build, where clicking on the bottom pixel row of a
    horixontal scrollbar, or the left pixel column of a back icon, caused a crash.
    All Wimp-drawn solid rectangles are now be plotted much faster - typically
    around twice as fast - translating to a typical 30% increase in speed of
    plotting filled icons. Improvements will be better still in cases where icons
    are drawn in a non-contiguous order: this commonly affects Toolbox applications.
    When a dialogue box is opened from a menu, the Wimp will no longer attempt to
    place the caret in a shaded or deleted icon, but it will do so for a type-14
    (writable/click/drag) icon, as well as the standard type-15 (writable) icons.
    This brings it in line with KA-validation up/down arrow actions.
Wimp05 147 KB