• Ben Avison's avatar
    Main new features in Ursula build so far · 82a9df7d
    Ben Avison authored
    (some are also available in other builds):
    * New icon highlighting scheme - hue rotated 180°, photographic negative,
      darkened 25% - suits Ursula icons better.
    * Release-button window tools compile-time switch turned on.
    * Any "TASK" word cleared on exit from Wimp_OpenWindow, Wimp_GetWindowState,
      Wimp_ForceRedraw and Wimp_CloseDown.
    * Child windows are no longer allowed to be opened inside the icon bar.
    * Message_IconizeAt generation optimised, and no longer calls non-X SWIs.
    * Message_IconsChanged implemented, and switched out on speed grounds.
    * Wimp_ReadSysInfo 15 removed, replaced with (new) Wimp_Extend 11.
    * Backwindows are now segregated from normal windows. A new category,
      foreground windows, are added, and stay above all other windows. (The error
      box template is updated to make it a foreground window.)
    * ROM sprites override RAM sprites (and duplicate RAM sprites are deleted
      during the building of the sprite lookup list, preceding the first sprite
      plot after a sprite pool update).
    * Wimp_ReadSysInfo 16 added, to return sprite area pointers in order of
      priority (Wimp_BaseOfSprites retains the ROM/RAM distinction).
    * Error box code altered:
      + symbolic names used for offsets into tempworkspace
      + error button text buffer enlarged
      + stretched error buttons now shrink back for next use
      + int_flush_opens called at appropriate points to ensure buttons are seen to
        slab in, and to reduce flicker when redisplaying error box at a different
        width (also fixes some redraw bugs)
      + Cancel button given the R6 type border when it will be activated by Return
        (and is therefore moved to the extreme right in such cases)
      + Escape now always selects the second-right button (unless there's only one
        button!) - this also fixes a bug when there's a single user-defined button
      + keypresses in "xxx may have gone wrong" error boxes are now correctly
        interpreted - previously the buttons available in the underlying box were
        being used to determine the effect of keys
      + maximum number of buttons increased from 4 to 8, and the machine no longer
        crashes when the maximum is exceeded
      + window stretches horizontally to keep error message to 7 lines or less
    * Bugfix: opening or creating a window with a minimum x visible area coordinate
      of -1 was leading to any of smearing/flickering/recursive drawing. (This was
      actually due to a failure to recognise which windows' positions had been
    * Features merged in from spinner branch Wimp:
      + support for UpCall_MediaSearchEndMessage added
      + control-termination allowed in upcalls (used to require null-termination)
      + escape character switched to default during error box display, then
        switched back again afterwards
    * GetRectangle filters are now called with (internal) window handle in R10.
    * Autohourglass is deactivated whenever WrchV is invoked. (Also optimised.)
    * Action button bugfixes:
      + action buttons now deselect if the pointer is dragged off and a window tool
        is the pressed before all the buttons have been released
      + action buttons now slab in following a long (autorepeating) press on a
        scroll arrow window tool
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