• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Refinements to disc based targets especially · a30a2489
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Previous attempt to disable Sprites11 support for 3.10 and 3.50 hadn't spotted it was reenabled in the common options, also the Sprites11 switch was also tied up in Wimp$IconTheme support.
    Title bars would flicker when picked up when using a tool sprite set with no 'p' pushed equivalents on RISC OS 4.0x due to screen cache.
    Makefile now installs a default set of tools & sprites when target is ThemeDefs.
    CLI limit reduced to 256 pre Ursula to save RAM.
      Promote Sprites11 switch into !Default
      Remove fixrmatools
      Sprites11 true by default
      LongCommandLines true by default, false on targets pre Ursula
      Remove ServiceCallTable (harmless to have it in all cases)
      Enable Wimp_Extend 13 all the time
      Reduce RMA use by vital 1.5k for non long command line case
      Change sense of Sprites11 switch to adopt all its previous functionality, but not look for '11' suffix when the switch is false
      Adopt ServiceCallTable switch permanently
      Comments ammended
      Range of ADR
      Change sense of Sprites11 switch to adopt all its previous functionality, but not look for '11' suffix when the switch is false
      Adopt :LNOT: fixrmatools switch permanently
      Supress title bar sprite plotting when none of the sprites exist
    Version 5.25. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_25'
Wimp02 316 KB